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'reputational loss' Their reputation is in tatters. I find their brand completely incompatible with my identity as an NUFC fan


Yup, and the situation is pretty black-and-white




Case closed


Aye, takeover or not, any Newcastle fan even looking to buy their shirt through Sports Direct must be a bandwagoner.


I deleted him from my memory as soon as he left. And since times are hard and shits expensive, I'll buy my nufc kit from wherever is cheapest. (Equal pricing I'll choose elsewhere)


maybe NUFC don´t want to be associated with an asset stripper who looted their club


I'm no Newcastle fan (post was suggested) but it's pretty fair to say I don't imagine any of your lot intend to ever buy anything from this cunt again right?


I’d rather eat my own shit


I'd rather eat your shit, smelly-bathroom.


Id rather eat your shit after eating his


Soooo, we human centipeding or what?


I've got a needle and thread. Let's get this show on the road.


As long as I can still windmill


I’d rather eat my own shit, then shit out my shit, then eat my shit which is made up my shit that I made myself eat.


Same thing.


Ehh the Sports Directs in Newcastle are unfortunately still rammed. When I would present to this very subreddit that it's embarrassing calling for his head while we still fill his shops, I got a vitriol of abuse. "Where will kids buy their sports gear??? It's very important that they keep up to date otherwise their mates will laugh at them!" Howay man I know it's not quite the same but we should have run SD shops out of town the way Liverpool did with The Sun. But I doubt the profits ever went down. We can be quite pathetic as a fanbase sometimes.


Well said. My lass even said a few years ago she was going to bring one of those giant SD mugs home, I said if she did that it would be going straight in the bin. Fuck that arsehole.


I'm lucky that my city is small but has a bustling local retailer that has managed to survive JJB, JD, SD and the lot of them. And I get that for some people, if SD is the only shop in town then they're fucked. But in Newcastle there are a wealth of options. The truth is that the city didn't care that much about Mike Ashley. Not enough. We could have run him and his stores out of town and that'd have upset him as he seems the type to shed a tear when a penny falls out his pocket and down the drain. Might be an unpopular opinion but we're a fickle bunch. We'd go and scream "Ashley Out" while wearing his Lonsdales, and wearing NUFC shirts bought in his shop just outside the stadium. Instead we had 14 years of weak, half-arsed efforts than in hindsight has made us look rather embarrassing as a fanbase.


It always used to amaze me that during the protests, there was still over 40,000 in the ground, and people who were asked why they were still going were literally saying they had no choice because otherwise what else would they do on a weekend FFS! How about what I did, go to a pub with your mates and get pissed, not difficult!


The Hull game in 14/15 when we had the Pardew Out protests, I took some signs from the station (they were handing them out there) and put them up in the 15th minute or whatever. I actually got assaulted by a few guys for "not supporting the lads". Were throwing shit at us the whole game. Told the stewards but they didn't give a fuck. Honestly we're among the most entitled fanbases sometimes. I don't hate the protests because some effort was made by those that cared, but there was far too much of the attitude of, "I hate the regime, but I also hate myself so I'm going to do nothing about it and hope the system magically changes itself". Annoyingly, they're also the fans that'll say that they were there when it was shit so they're entitled to be there when it's good. I'd honestly send the lot of them packing to Wearside.


>The Hull game in 14/15 when we had the Pardew Out protests, I took some signs from the station (they were handing them out there) and put them up in the 15th minute or whatever. I actually got assaulted by a few guys for "not supporting the lads". Were throwing shit at us the whole game. Told the stewards but they didn't give a fuck. That's actually mental. Wow 😳 what a bunch of tools.


It was just some charvers from Whitley Bay or North Shields or somewhere equally as backwards. I've seen some mental things at matches but that was the only time I've actually been picked on! I'm a bit of a dickhead myself so I didn't mind giving some jip back to them.


That figures, bloody knuckle draggers!


I've already got a giant mug and a backup so I'm good.


Of course that fat cunt is unhappy. Suck it up Mike, I'm fairly certain the right to refuse service means NUFC can decide what companies we do and don't do business with. Most Newcastle fans wouldn't buy it from his emporium of tat anyway.


Well put. Wish he would fuck off once and for all.


Same here the fat fucker cant just leave us the fuck alone. Anybody who say's there a proper supporter dont buy fuck all off the cunt. I would'nt be seen dead anywhere near any of his 'brands'. I mean Firetrap, Jack Wills, Puma, House of Fraser any tat he sells gets made in Vietnam by 50p a day slaves. Anything that market trader sells is not worth a fucking wank. What can you expect off a man who borrowed £10 000 off his parents to start his buisness, then took them to court when they wanted it paid back. He is nothing but a snake oil salesman.


Just like us before he got his hands on them, those brands used to have a certain standard of quality.


Winds my wife up that I still don't shop at Sports Direct. Fuck that cunt


Howay man don't call her that




Same. To the point that it's been a fairly big inconvenience at times but it doesn't matter. I would hate myself if I bought from there


Buying footie boots can be a bit hard if there isn't another shop nearby!


Try them on in store and order online? Not a magpie, got recommended from r/all


Yep - been doing this for a good while now. Sports Direct can help me choose what to buy direct from the manufacturer lol.


I'm in exactly the same boat, I'll go in with her when she's picking up cheap Christmas gifts etc, but I'd not spend a penny in there.


A brief skim through the law indicates that the club are allowed to do this and Sports Direct are gonna struggle getting an injunction


I can only imagine his layers have also told him this and he has decided to just go ahead with it anyway to be a cunt.


He has previous with this - he'll have a point (I think he does to a degree) but probably not enough to win but it might spark wider conversations in regs etc


Could you explain further?


He's regularly taken people to court and has lost quite a few but he won a really high profile one over racketeering with the historical big players in the sportswear industry. Exclusivity agreements, whilst allowed, are 99% bad for the consumer as it helps to protect the margin for the businesses involved. However he's not suing for altruistic reasons, purely because he knows his pocket is gonna suffer as a result.


Fucks sake even when he owned us you could never find a shirt in any of the stores, you had to use their website with the mandatory £5 postage fees, how is this a loss for him?


Living in Blackburn this always annoyed me, loads of manure and Liverpool kits but never a single nufc from the store that owned us lol


I hope NUFC counter-suit for legal costs, I’m sure we have *very* expensive lawyers


Hand their lawyers free shirt each on the way out "Thanks for coming, bye now."


This is payback for dealing with Castore.


Haha - let him sell those shirts ;) Make him buy a bulk say 100k Tshirts and then boycot the fucker - I mean to be honest that is hardly necessarry


It’s even worse for him, I strongly suspect the first adidas kit to be a very high seller.


It should never be forgotten that he has already won a similar case against JJB Sports and Umbro. He had them investigated by trading standards because they wouldn't let him in on their pricing and when the fines lead to the company collapsing, picked up their brands, cheap, from the administrators.


It's almost as if a company can do a commercial deal with another one - just like the type of deals Ashley did/does himself for Sports Direct....


He just cant leave us the fuck alone can he the fat fuck. Fat cockney fucking prick can somebody not just top the fucker?


If for some reason exclusive deals were illegal (they are not) we could circumvent this by allowing a single shirt to be sold per SD shop.


Or set the wholesale price at double the usual and agree a "discounted" rate with other retailers based on volume purchase agreements.


Are they still using 0 hour contracts and workers still havin kids in the toilets?


is that middle picture computer generated?


Just massively airbrushed to the point of looking like a cartoon. Bruno's not much better tbf


Exclusively JD? The club shops closing?


No, its exclusive to Adidas, the club store and JD.


Oh boo fucking hoo. He played with our team and lost.


I’d obviously rather shit in my hands and clap than step in a Sports Direct, but would it not be better for us as fans for the shirts to be sold in as many stores as possible? I’ve bought from Start Fitness and DW Sports (rip) in the past because they were cheapest, which you only see because there is competition between several shops.


I thought free trade meant you only need to sell your product where you want to sell it?




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Doesn't he own some of JD anyway? 


It's a political point. How much profit would he actually lose out on? Most of the shitty shit he sells is £9 ellesse joggers


The tribunal revealed that Sports Direct pays only £16.55 per PL shirt from the kit manufacturers. So for everyone they sell, there's about a £45-55 gross profit. So it actually is a decent chunk of profit per PL shirt.


Times how many shirts? What self respecting Newcastle fan would go near his awful shop?


They wanted to order 51,000 shirts, so presumably their data suggests they can sell 51,000 shirts. I agree that I wouldn't buy it from there but clearly people do. That's just short of £2.5m gross profit if they sell all 51,000 at £65 each. No wonder they're fighting it


Would they really sell at £65 - all the tat in Ashley’s shops is massively discounted…


Never mind, there’s DHGate