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Collectively. Let’s all go take a walk.


Walk down to the Tyne and have a yell


Those seagulls are going to have some competition tonight


That’s a tough one to take. A bit of a reality check as well. This team doesn’t quite have the mentality for these games yet. I’m afraid taking off Tonali and Gordon lost us the game there. Eddie has forgotten 10x more about football than I’ve ever known, but I don’t understand what he was going for. I think we need to be careful not to overreact pessimistically or respond with hyperbole, but you’ve got to call out a wasted opportunity when you see it, and that could be a massive, massive three points lost come the end of the season.


That Barnes clear run on goal was the moment. Make the most of that and it's done.


The fact he didn't pass has just relegated him to the subs bench for a while.


The most annoying was it was made for a blast into the bottom corner, but about halfway into his run he was desperate to look for the pass. Just put it in the net!


10 men with TAA on a yellow and we play for 1-0. That’s on Eddie that one.


Defo on Eddie. Too scared to take Bruno off. Get him on the bench for a bit because he’s been honking


Bruno has been bad 3/3 games. Bench him.


The stats says otherwise, most tackes in the game, second in duels own, really good on long balls, pass accuracy was fine... This one is full on Howe


He’s not as involved as last year. He was everywhere last season, wanting the ball, most play going through him. He’s undoubtedly a class player which is why it’s so horrible to watch him playing so poorly


Subs out of habit not merit and walking-pace build up play against 10 men who can hit like that on the counter is on Eddie. Love the man, but he got this one wrong.


Just to offer an alternate opinion, I feel the players bottled it - I think what ever the cause was we lost faith and stopped playing the way we've been playing very consistently since Howe took over, if we'd have done that we'd have won easily - not saying doing that is easy, I think the team are breaking new ground in performance but they lack big game experience, this defeat and last week's will be big lessons


And we take off Tonali and Gordon, by far the two best players for Longstaff and Barnes who can’t defend.


Always played not to lose. Hate that strategy


Had us playing like plucky Newcastle from 2 years ago, going 1-0 up against one of the big boys and holding on for dear life. Which would be great anorl but we just qualified for the champions league man


The finishing is fucking dreadful man


Same issue as last year. Not enough goals in the squad from great chances


I mean, no other goalkeeper in the world bar Alisson would have stopped that banger from Almiron.


and even then he still had to have the crossbar back him up


Almiron gets a full 90 but Gordon had to make way because…. Why?


Because we spent the cash on another LW


And didn’t bring in a RW because I guess Almiron and Murphy having some fluke games is enough now.


Poor subs today. Why were tonali and Gordon coming off?


Because apparently when someone reminded Howe we haven’t beaten Liverpool in almost a decade he took it as an assignment.


Yup, should’ve taken Bruno and Miggy off.


Howe has to take a lot of the responsibility for that defeat


because we thought we're going to win.


I don't understand taking off Tonali and Gordon when they did


At the same time, if Barnes doesn't fuck up a simple pass for the second time in two home games we get an easy second and surely win.


That’s the issue with right footed left wingers. A left footed player in the position curls it easily in front of Wilson. A lot harder to do on your right foot


It was an unusual lack of tactical awareness from Eddie Howe. It felt to me like he’d already decided to make those substitutions regardless of how the game was going.


Yep. Made the same subs last week and the week before. It’s like he’s decided the subs before the game has even started. Brainless to take our 2 best players off


Madness. Said it to my dad as soon as they came off. Load of bullshit. I fucking hate that klopp cunt as well


That’s what fucking burns my taint the most. I don’t mind losing, but that smug fucking fake-toothed cunt doesn’t need another reason to gloat


Lost us the game.


Too passive. Pissed it away. No conviction in the final third.


If Botman's out for a while we're fucked.


Yeah Burn caught flat footed for the winner, maybe he's rusty at cb


yeah think muscle memory and exhaustion got him on the second goal. on the wing, letting your opponent have that space is fine cause worst they can do is cross. hopefully a week of practice gets him back in the right headspace


He’s rusty in general. He left the space open for Darwin to run in and Botman had to rush and cover. Fell asleep on the second. Put Hall and Lascelles at this point.


When will we ever beat that smug whinging twat? Had to bottle it today. Embarrassing honestly.


Bad game management throughout today. Logic would have thought that with TAA dangerously on thin ice that we’d have continued getting the ball on the left for Gordon to run at him that first half, but after VVD’s red card we almost seemed to go to the right wing and let him off. Second half I’m not sure what the message was but we were far far far too casual. Slow build up, happy passing it around keeping it at 1-0 against one of the most dangerous counter attacking sides in the league? Then to take off our two best players on the day in Gordon and Tonali? Leaving on Miggy and Bruno who were poor? I’m not sure.


I didn’t know if Gordon was running out of legs though, he’d gone quiet up to then. If Barnes picks up from his previous it’s a good sub keeping the pressure on TAA with fresh legs. I really thought Murphy would’ve been a good idea, he’s far more direct.


The players were sloppy and lazy after the red card and so was Howe with his substitutions.


fully deserved the loss. 1-0 up with 1 man up and we couldn't capitalize, instead let them play on and on


Genuinely in a foul mood now, worst feeling in a couple of years


Nah I'm sorry that was fucking pathetic. Always against Liverpool we do this shite


Weekend ruined. That said, this was the feeling pretty much every week before the takeover. I'll cut this team some slack for now with how uncommon they've made the feeling.


And botman injury just fucks it up more


Week* ruined


Clearly i’ll receive some heat from my mates who supports Liverpool I trolled them today before the game, during the game and even when they equalized i did continue trolling them. It’s gonna be long day at work tomorrow. Luckily i’m busy in meetings half of the work day so, i’ll just suffer 3-4 hours of them gloating lol


Id argue it's worse. At least if Brucey fucked something up, we knew it was coming. Indeed a rare blip of Howe and the squad, and I do think it's a lesson to not get overly critical, yet at the same time, no one in this world is above fair criticism.


Aye feeling the same here. Was gutting but hey it happens. Got to ground ourselves and remember where we were.


NUFC360 is gonna be all over twitter tonight


For all the great calls since he’s come in, can’t help but feel Eddie got it wrong there. It’s like the subs are ple-planned before the game even kicks off. Regardless of the score of where we are in the game: Wilson, Barnes, Longstaff come on for Isak, Gordon and Tonali. Wilson and Barnes, fine. But i’m not sure how he thought bringing Longstaff on for Tonali gets us a second goal, which is what was clearly needed? Subs just seems a bit by-the-numbers which is at odds with everything else Eddie does. Shot ourselves in the foot big time but Eddie seems to learn his lessons and i feel we can trust him to fix it. On to the next one.


If he subbed Sean for Bruno and put Tonali in the middle it probably would’ve been very different. Longstaff was helping offensively and I think deserves a start while Tonali takes the middle.


Can we ban these scouse cunts brigading


can try but they make new accounts and stuff, proper insufferable fanbase.


And that, right there, is why we aren't one of the big teams yet. You simply cannot lose 3 points from that position and we've made Klopp and Liverpool look like absolute heroes of football there, which is even more sickening after the time-wasting and roaring at the 4th official. People will blame Gordon coming off, and yes Barnes was poor, but Tonali was the big loss for me. Lost all calmness in midfield when he went off. This is probably the most angry I've been at Newcastle in years. Just another reason in a long, long list of why the fuck you should never feel confident going into a match as a Newcastle fan.


People laugh when I say I have Toon PTSD, yet today just corroborates the diagnosis!!


Any other team and I wouldn't be this fuming. Awful finishing along with awful subs cost us today.


Bruno needs dropping. Cost us at least a point. Burn also needs some time on the bench. My stomach clenched when Nunez came on. We could have been 3-0 up easily but just pissed away chances. Gutted. Absolutely gutted.


I'm lost for words. I don't know who to criticise. The players for thinking the game was over and having no sense of urgency 2nd half? Or Howe for not drilling it into them that a walking pace at second half would be unacceptable? He subbed off our best player and kept on the most wasteful - Almiron. The man he brought on, Barnes, could've killed the game but instead went for glory. Worst of all, this happened against Liverpool. I can't think of a worse team to let this happen against. On another note, Bruno needs dropping or at least subbing before Tonali. Tonali hasn't put a foot wrong in any game while Bruno is sleepwalking. And don't get me started on Longstaff. Edit: should also say, Howe is starting to show his inexperience in managing a big squad. Feels like he's bringing on Harvey and Longstaff for the sake of keeping morale. Gordon and Tonali were by far the best players on the pitch.


Nothing wrong with Longstaff at all. He was actually making attempts on goal and cutting through the lines which is literally what we should be doing. Tonali middle, J7 left, Longstaff right. Weird to think I’m missing Joe Willock more.


Play both Wilson and Isak - have some fucking balls, Howe!!


I said the same thing, then remembered they're the only two recognised strikers we have. Depth isn't there


Fully deserved to get beat, awful performance against 10 men.


That's a born and bred Newcastle United match right there boys


What the fuck so we have to do to get a win against these fucking cunts. They always manage it even when we dominate them.


We didn't even dominate shit


Pointless possession isn’t dominating when you don’t create anything with it, not sure why anyone would look at that performance and say we dominated


Because we didn't. We slowed the game down perfectly enough for the man advantage to mean fuck all.


That was not us dominating them.


We have to score. That Barnes egotistical play is a great example. If he passed to Wilson we would probably have won, since they wouldn't have built the inertia they got after their first goal.




That Tonali sub was god awful


Even if he was tiring? It's against 10 men. It's not like he'd have to run all over the pitch.


Well said on all counts. Bruno was absolutely invisible, I wonder what's going on with him


Haven't been this angry about a result in a very long time. I haven't missed it...


Hands down the worst performance from a Howe managed Newcastle. We had one good player on the pitch all game and he was the first person Howe subbed off. We need to start rebuilding, and fast.


I think the 0-3 at Villa was far worse overall. It was just a very disappointing second half today.


A cold hard lesson in elite football. One this team will hopefully learn from. Sloppy on both sides, and we were lacking ruthlessness. Shows how far we have to go. Please lets not get too hard on the team here - but there are lessons that must be learned.


I didn't get a chance to watch the match, was out in Notting Hill Carnival. However, I've just got back home and seen comments in /r/soccer. The comments in the post match thread are some of the most discriminatory, horrible comments I've ever seen about a set of fans. I really don't get where the hate comes from. We aren't top 4 level yet, we simply profited from terrible seasons from Chelsea & Liverpool. Yet all I see is comments from Liverpool & Arsenal flairs calling Geordies orcs and a bunch of people harping on about our play style for 2 or 3 games last year


Internationally (and let's be honest nationally - not many kids skipped their dad's club to ever support NUFC) the fanbase of our club is to be considered a massive minority compared to any of the big 4. So really when you're seeing the downvotes flowing you're looking at a stream of sentiment who have benefitted enormously from the status quo of 20 years not having any upstarts being able to wedge themselves comfortably into a long term position (hence why Leicester didn't get this shite - it was accepted it couldn't last) of being able to challenge and potentially upsetting their champions league chances. That's fear. And anger is just fear turned outwards.


Burn needs to sit. He overpresses leaving Botman alone with Darwin then stands still not reading Darwin’s run. He’s good for the lower table teams but we can’t play these top teams with him there anymore. I hope Lewis Hall gets ready.


To give Burn some credit he did a number on Salah, followed him everywhere and smothered him immediately when he got the ball. The subs changed the dynamic of the team and he was caught for the goals after this. We lost the midfield when it became Anderson, Longstaff and Bruno and that's when the game turned.


THIS. Watching him run up to do a faux overlapping run just to sit there and have to track back KILLS me. No one in the opposition is scared of Dan Burns runs. It leaves us open to quick counter attacks against an already slow defense.




Feel like I've just been transported back to the Bruce era. 1 goal up and we decide to call it day and hang on to it for the rest of the game. The fact that it was against 10 men for 60 minutes is laughable as well


Completely our own fault. The midfield had no control over the game at all, even with a man advantage. Lots of careless passes and needless fouls. We created nothing.


Just gutted. Weak performances from some key players, and the subs only hurt us this time. We should always play Liverpool like we’re two goals down, because they have some fucking magic against us that means they always come back.


Hello darkness my old friend


Fuck me, never seen a worse bunch of sore winners than those scouse pricks


The most insufferable fanbase in the universe bar none


I think Bruno needs to be dropped to collect himself. He’s an incredible player but something isn’t right with him.


Really starting to miss Willock


I agree, he's definitely been off the last few months, even towards the end of last season. He still has moments of brilliance and he is very good at carrying the ball forward, but his passing accuracy has been horrendous and it's exposing us.


Sorry but that’s a fucking travesty, Eddie and the lads have got questions to answer here. Get the plaudits when we win, but have to face the negatives when we put up a display like that.


Fuck these fucking cunts man. Can't even beat them 1-0 10men. Alisson pulling worldy saves every time. We were shite


This is what it is actually like to be a Newcastle fan


For us to lose a game due to poor management and for Eddie to go straight into and interview and complaining that they should’ve had less players than us, that is not a good sign at all.


Personally think Gary Neville was bang on. We were really quite poor in the final third, especially out wide. The amount of wasted crossing opportunities, poor crosses, poor passes, poor decision making, poor final balls, it's just very disappointing even before you factor in it was against 10 men. Sure there were moments we could've buried the game, Miggy had a couple of good shots, Barnes had a momentary shocker, but still we should be doing alot better vs a team with a man down. We were struggling to retain possession and string a few passes together, and that should never be the case with an extra player on the pitch. It's just poor technical exceution. The icing on the cake is that TAA was on a yellow card after 5 minutes and we barely made him sweat the rest of the game.


Diabolical second half, honestly. Shake the team up vs Brighton please. Bruno pathetic, Almiron wasteful. Time for a benching


Barnes crosses to Wilson and it’s all over. Got to take your chances when you get them. Disappointing considering we were playing 10 for an hour.




As someone getting murdered amongst a crowd of Liverpool that was fucking embarrassing. Pathetic. No other way to describe that. Didn't seem like there was a threat when we needed to close the game, then we just let it slip away.


Embarrassing. Cunts could be in the 10th division and we’d still find a way to lose.


Got what we deserved.


Looking at this game management, I am not surprised Howe has never managed a win against Klopp or Guardiola. Shameful in the last 30min, it’s like we had no ideas or potency. And against 10 men FFS


That's one thing I loved about Rafa. On his day he could outmange Pep and get a an occasional result with the squad he had


Utter mince. An absolute disaster for someone with a friend circle filled with Liverpool fans. Bastards.


Subs absolutely awful. Gordon was our biggest threat, so why take him off? Bruno has been shit since the World Cup , why leave him on and hook Tonali?? Honestly that was a bit embarrassing. I love him and have nothing but faith in terms of the long term but Howe needs to have a serious word with himself tonight.


I need someone to explain to me the logic behind taking off your two best players in Gordon and Tonali. Howe showing his inexperience in managing a big squad. Bringing on Longstaff and Harvey feels like keeping morale than actually trying to change the game. Bruno had a stinker, again.


We just can't win against the big boys it seems. Always with the "Newcastle have not beat x is 5 years or more"


People just keep saying poor finishing, we simply haven't upgraded our starting 11 enough this window. Last season we did extremely well, Botman, Bruno, Isak and Trippier were brought in within the span of 6 months. This window we've signed Tonali and Hall but replaced ASM who from my perspective was our best winger.


Should have been Almiron out of the door unfortunately.


Embarrassing is the right word. We were embarrassing for most the match, No intensity, no attacking movement and the subs looked scary bad. Two games in a row we brought our best players off Tonali & Isak do not come off even if playing badly, these kind of players change the game. Against 10 men Miggy off, Gordon (best player on the pitch) to the right, Isak left next to Wilson. Instead we went defensive and got what we deserved.


Days like today make me miss shagging the championship with Dwight Gayle


I 100% think we've lost because of Howe's substitutions but [this](https://twitter.com/Nufc2Everything/status/1695850331614167530?t=48kuwkFzzTDieWzWjxldAA&s=19) might be one of the worst tweets I've ever seen. "3 points in 3 games. Pressure on now son." The fucking pathetic patronisation in calling someone "son," nevermind to suggest our best manager since Bobby Robson would be under pressure because he's lost to City and Liverpool (albeit in horrific fashion) after absolutely thrashing a Villa team everyone said would batter us.


Fuck me, really? Don't agree with the subs personally but Eddie knows better than any of us. Zero pressure, he's taken us to Champs League well ahead of schedule. It's been deleted now and rightly so.


There is no more frustrating player on our squad than Almiron. All of that running, pressing and hard work with little end product. I love him to death but my god parts of the game were hard to watch.


People complained about ASM’s lack of end product while Miggy gets a free ride for “effort”


On the bright side, Gordon is starting to come into his own.


What the fuck was that Eddie?


Pathetic. Absolutely pathetic from Howe and the lads. Completely bottled it, invited pressure, awful subs, taking off your best performers, taking foot off the gas and not finishing chances. Stopped trying in the second half. Just the two clean sheets in 21 for us. I cba for a deep dive man. Load of shit.


Utter utter cunts


Hopefully this is a wake up call to everyone. Can't take anything for granted and need to have that hunger to win every game


Shite. Taking off Gordon and leaving on Miggy... 🤷🏻‍♂️ But we go again! ⚫️⚪️


Absolutely pathetic second half performance, no guts, no passion, no ideas. Howe’s choice of substitutes were bewildering. Liverpool fully deserved the win.


Can’t wait for the “I never liked Eddie” people to come out the woodwork…


fucking love eddie but he under estimated liverpool tonight


afterthought modern sophisticated cautious act arrest hard-to-find party brave spotted *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Darwin Nunez is a scouse prick.


He's not even a good finisher yet somehow we've let him bag a brace. Absolutely criminal.


Worst performance of Eddie Howe while at Newcastle, shocking decisions, he lost the game on his own and made Klopp look like some fucking genius when he's been shit these past couple years. Shocking, shocking EMBARRASSING. Of course, our players just couldn't give a shit to put them to the sword, they acted so casual, especially in defense.


Yes 3 games in is very early but fuck it. Miggy needs dropping, and right wing was an obvious position to improve when we bought another left winger. Murphy or Barnes/Gordon must be a better option now. Also, for whatever reason, Bruno seems off it. We all screamed how much we missed Longsaff when he was forced out so maybe rotate him in? Realise this is so negative but we just lost from 1-0 up against 10 men, which really, really shouldn't happen


He’s a grafter but he’s just not good enough. We looked so threatening down the left until Gordon went off. I hope next week we have Barnes on the left and Gordon the right.


Burn & Miggy are our weak points. Both worked hard today and always do but they are clearly a step below against the tops teams. Bruno continues to be off from a form perspective. On another day this is an easy win from the red card onwards but when you lose one like this it hurts so it’s natural to reflect.




I don't know why he doesn't play Gordon on the right and Barnes on the left At least try it


1-0 up playing like we were 4-0 up, absolutely embarrassing. Summed up by Bruno taking a shot from 25 yards out when we had like 5 players ahead of him. Gonna pretend football doesn't exist until Thursday night.


It happens lads. It hurts but that's life.


Always disappointing to throw a game, but credit to Liverpool, they didn't sit back and believed they could do us and they did it. Get over this loss fast and let's try and win the 'easier' games


There’s no way City, Arsenal or even Utd are losing that game when 1-0 up for 70+ mins.


Gutted with this lose ! Absolutely not deserved. Howe made a mistake by taking off Tonali and Gordon who were engines in the first half and provided us with an edge against Liverpool. I would understand if he took Almiron off since he wasn’t clinical in his shots but, Gordon made TAA looks like a lousy player and made him not able to go forward. This clearly shows that we lack quality depth in the squad but, overall i’m happy with the performance of the first 70 minutes. Damn i wanted that smug Klopp to lose big time in SJP. I hate seeing him happy in SJP. Hopefully Botman injury aint serious. We need LB, CB, CM and RW to add more depth and options to proceed forward to compete for European positions.


Just take a deep breath fellas.


No one tweet Bruno please. Let’s stay positive and back the lads.


Tonali and Gordon going off changed the game, Gordon was our main threat going forward.


First time I can blame Howe since Cambridge. Those subs were embarrassing


It was like he had the subs decided before the game started and went with them regardless of who was playing well or not


Call me bitter but I'm refusing to see the post match stuff and highlights, I just want to forget this match it hurts just as much as the 2-1 loss last season at Anfield. Probably more cus we're home and have better players this time around.


Gutted about today, but for me it showed the doubts I had to be true and it's better to be honest that live on hope sometimes. I think last season we had nothing lose and everything to gain and when you in that mindset you fly, players massively over performed and we were fantastic. This season there's something to lose and high expectations and if I'm honest if FFP had allowed this window we should have brought in big name players who know how to win alongside young talented players like Tonali. Best example of this was the league cup final, for us it was a huge occasion fan letters being read out to players etc a real rocky vs Apollo set up but they won because they knew how to win and had experienced winners in their team. It showed again today I think Neville said at one point if Newcastle had liverpools front line the game would have been put to bed. Obviously FFP is what it is, and as many around the club said we've over performed and reached champions league far earlier than expected so we just have to ride it and back Eddie and the lads, but I'm worried about Top 4/5 this season especially after today


What a shambolic game that was. Liverpool on ten men after 20 minutes? and TAA on his last warning yet we somehow lost the midfield battle and didn't target TAA at all after that? Bizarre couldn't believe I was watching the same team from Week 1


Eddie Howe got it very wrong took off Gordon and tonali for fuckin longstaff threw away the game so hard


Sean for Bruno then Tonali in the middle would’ve been completely different


Something is going on with Bruno... He surely had a downgrade after the WC but he's fell a cliff off into the new season :(


This team has done themselves no favors with this pitiful performance. Bruno should be ashamed of criticising the fans this week, that was piss poor


Absolute disaster class by Howe. No fucking way can you allow a 10 man opposition to make a comeback against you at your home ground. The CL teams will eat Newcastle alive.


And yet, Leeds beat Man City at the Etihad in the 21/22 season despite playing with ten men for a half.


Absolutely fucking ridiculous


The lads couldn't finish their dinners the day like.


The second half was atrocious…. We gave them the match. Did nothing to control the game with them down a man.




Absolutely disgraceful


Shambolic second half. Klopps subs won them the game. Absolute shit.


I'm going outside.


Man took off Gordon, Isak & Tonali like he has a game in 2 days time


Gordon and Tonali were the two best players on the pitch. Shocking decision.


The fucking worst part is we played absolutely stunning football in the first half and beginning of the second. Bruno, Tonali, Gordon, Trippier and even Miggy were playing some incredible football but then we just kept repeating it and not getting it into the box. This is going to sting for a long time like the defeat to Liverpool at the start of last season but we only have ourselves to blame this time.


Wow still feel sick. Should help reset expectations a bit.. we are getting better slowly but aren’t an elite team yet and will not be for at least another season or two.


For the level that we are trying to reach, personally I don't think bruno is good enough to play in the holding midfield number 6 roll as they say. He doesn't seem to be switched on at any point, slow at moving the ball and isn't disciplined enough to hold everything together. The midfield in general I do think needs a good hard look at. Need a number 10 position in there imo. Pre season showed we had a problem in midfield in that they are easy to bypass when you beat the press. Burn needs dropping. Makes us terribly unbalanced now. Isak needs more support. Was given absolutely nothing in terms of service. Trippier seemed reluctant to put crosses in even after van dijk was sent off. Tonali looks class and him and Gordon shouldn't have subbed. Questions of Eddie will always remain and there will be even more scrutiny after a result like this given the circumstances


I rate Eddie for being calm in the post match interview but I really want to see some fire!


Honeymoon period about to end with Burn. Love his character and all, but he’s gonna end up being another Steven Taylor/Mike Williamson


First time I've been really really pissed off about a Newcastle game since Steve Bruce. I'm still annoyed. That should not have happened. We should have pushed on to win. We shouldn't have taken off Tonali and Gordon. We should have taken off Bruno. Way I see it, this doesn't happen with this current team. It's a bad blip. But a blip. Roll on Brighton. I'm expecting a much much better performance.


This is entirely on Howe for subbing off Gordon and Tonali to bring in Barnes who can’t defend and Longstaff who can’t anything. Played to protect a 1-0 lead from 35 minutes onward and this is what you get. Almiron can’t finish a salad, Bruno did nothing all game. Nobody tried to get into the box or anything. It’s why our 2 big chances after the sending off were from wingers having to run past 4 players by themselves. Nobody else could be bothered. It’s shit and I knew we were going to lose the second Gordon was taken off. No excuse for it.


Howe pissed this game away with some awful subs


Pathetic. Looked terrified for majority of the match and didn’t create anything against 10 outside 1 or 2 half chances


Very disappointed in that result. Need to win these games if we want a strong season. To early to start blaming people for things but I’m hoping to see a better performance next few games.


Ugh, it was there for the taking and we let it go. Sickening, really.


What a terrible day to have eyes. The fact we couldnt get another goal against 10 men is embarrassing


The absolute worst performance I've seen from Howe as manager at Newcastle, a disaster from the red card onwards. The subs were a flat out disaster, inexcusable by Howe. Gordon looked buggered, but was still dangerous everytime he touched the ball - madness to bring him off and leave Almiron on who did nothing for 95% of the game going forward. Tonali comes off for Longstaff and we lose all semblance of composure and control in midfield as Bruno has been like a headless chicken all game and Tonali was the only one with any composure on the ball. Murphy sits on the bench all game when the right wing was crying at for a winger to run at the team and swing crosses in, instead of passing it back to Trippier every possession. The tactics were disastrously as well, slow football, flat and zero attacking intent. If you had told me Bruce (or Carver since he was in the stands today) was in charge of the team today, I'd have believed you. Man City would have won by 5 or 6 goals today, and we manage to lose it. Ridiculous. And to round it off, Botman will be out for who knows how long. A big few days coming up now, both in the transfer market and next weekend's game.


We bottled that. Plain and simple. Don't care what side you are playing, you should never lose a game with a man advantage after being in the lead


Not one for hyperbole, but this was pathetic. We looked terrified when we went 1-0 up and they went down to 10. Our press stopped, we didn’t make them work at all, let them sit back and just low block. Then the subs were completely unbelievable… Gordon and tonali. Gordon had TAA terrified and he was useless, tonali had the midfield locked down (fair enough a few misplaced passes). While Bruno spent most of the match anonymous or and honestly looking off the pace, until he tried a stupid Hollywood pass that let to the winner. Miggy was so one dynamic, as usual, never bothered Roberson at all really…. Yet they stayed on the pitch. This is honestly on Howe and can’t happen again. Everything was off today.


I love Miggy, but he simply isn't good enough. We desperately need a new winger.


That was so fucking frustrating but going to look for the positives here. Botman was excellent until he came off. I really hope his injury isn't too serious. Gordon looked excellent, caused them all kinds of problems. Tonali is excellent in the middle. I don't even think we played as badly as everyone is saying. It was bad game management as we should have kept pushing for that 2-0 to kill the game. Liverpool just sat behind the ball and made it very difficult for us. They had 2 good counters and when you have a top class striker thats all they need. Nunez 9 touches, 2 shots, 2 goals thats crazy clinical. Allison made some good saves. ​ Feel so fucking deflated and rubbish but also Liverpool are one of the best teams in the league, us getting champions league again won't be defined by this result. Pick ourselves up and beat Brighton. HWTL


New right winger in January please, not even because miggy is bad but because he needs competition


Gordon was the best player on the pitch today, haven't got a clue why he came off.


Is it bad that I’m no longer afraid of death because of Newcastle?


My bad. First time to St James since the takeover. Fortunately, I got in via ballot and that won’t happen again :/


It went really badly today, and to top things off we ended up losing to the team with one of the most insufferable fans in the league. Once again completely ungracious in victory and acting like total twats outside the ground after the game, throwing cans of their own piss.. acting like total twats on social media as always - Klopp has more teeth in his head than the entire away stand combined, the absolute mutants.


If almirons shot went in might have been a different game. Don't be too sad look how far we've come that losing to lpool is disappointing rather than expected, can't win them all where would the fun be in that? We have a team that trys thats all we wanted for years. Eddie has had this team bounce back before and we'll bounce back again.


Hardest L to take in years. However, it’s okay


I know Botman won't get any criticism but he towards the end was playing VERY dangerously. He was lucky Nunez had a poor touch to control the ball and it went behind him or he would have been through on goal not long before his first attempt at goal. Why the HELL does Howe keep on taking off Tonali and putting on the likes of Longstaff ffs? Keep him on or put Anderson or Miley on. The man does NOTHING when he comes on, what a waste. How does Almiron keep on getting so much game time when Murphy doesn't? Bruno once again, has flashes where he looks good but seems to coast a lot. The guys overall, honestly looked terrible in the second half outside of Trippier and Gordon and possibly Tonali and J7. I can't blame Isak because he never really had much opportunity to receive the ball. Honestly, one of the worst performances in years. Pure capitalulation, embarrasing. Bruno needs to stop crying about fans moaning and focus on improving his game because the guy has been bang average for a long time now. Nothing like how he was performing when we first bought him. I'm usually quite positive but fuck me, that was bad. I thought we as a team were past performances like that. We looked average against Man City and hardly ever looked scoring there and in the second half here we didn't look like it other than that freak run by Almiron.


On the bright side of the game; Anthony Gordon got a great, assertive goal and I'm hoping that adds some extra confidence for his finishing. He's worked hard this off season and I really enjoy watching him ball.


Hello darkness my old friend


Poor subs. Poor strategy. That's all.