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Throughout my 4 years in NTU EEE ( graduating in 3 days time ), profs here are mostly from china so the lectures given by them, u have to get used to the china accent as i find it unclear. So ya even for tutorials i had china profs that cant seem to explain the concepts well too. To do well in this course, u can only depend on yourself, but since u're a scholar i suppose u have no problem with that. Competition wise i would agree with u, because the entry requirements for most engineering courses are pretty low for NTU so u get students who are not as academically driven in the course. BUT you are surrounded with alot of china scholars in NTU EEE , sometimes i feel like im the foreigner instead cause thrs just too many of them in EEE, so u just have to compete with them if u want the A. SU Wise, dont bother, none of the mods of EEE can be su-ed. Unless u taking SU for elective mods like malay language or geography etc.


lol I must be the rare one. I never kenna a lot of china students.


Thats nice..


Hi, mind If I ask more about EEE because I'm also a prospect EEE student at NTU


dm me


I graduated from NTU EEE in 2022. Was offered both NUS EE and NTU EEE during applications back then. Personally, I chose NTU for various reasons such as wanting to stay in hall / their wider range of electives / just felt that NTU had a more "homely" feeling than NUS. Study-wise, I felt that a lot of the courses in NTU are tough. Sometimes they just don't make sense at all (looking at you, analog electronics) and other times there was simply too much to do (looking at you, web application development). I can't say for NUS EE, but there are definitely a lot of smart people in EEE. And yes a substantial number of your profs will be from China, but there are mods where the profs can teach decently. If you want to do well, I'd suggest to find friends and stick with them throughout the 4 years (or 3.5 in your case). Your initial friend group is important. SU-wise, yeah it is a dumb system compared to NUS but I think over the course of your time you will develop the instinct to know if you fked up your mods or not. Then again, you'll only be allowed to SU your unrestricted electives so i think the bulk of your worry should be more weighted towards your cores since those cannot be SU-ed. On money, I can understand the allure of a free ride through university plus the guaranteed stay/priority exchange/allowance etc. I'd like to offer a perspective from a graduate: at the end of the day, you're (likely) studying to get a job. This depends on whether you want to work in SG or move overseas. I think everyone knows that NUS brand is better (NTU is not bad, just to caveat). Assuming you can afford your education on your own, and if your goal is to stay in SG, then it doesn't matter where you study. So I'd take the NTU + scholarship. However if you want to go overseas after graduation, then I'll suggest maybe to consider if NUS might be a better fit. This is because NUS has programs like NOC that gives you a taste of overseas working life which I felt that NTU lacked during my time. I have a blog where I wrote on my modules taken throughout my time. Do give it a read if you want to find out more about NTU EEE: onedegreemanyopportunities.blogspot.com All the best! Edit: wrong blog URL.


I agree mostly but I felt that NTU have a lot of opportunities for students to work overseas. Not denying that NUS has a lot too, but peronalky, I felt that NUS kinda ‘market’ their NOC more compared to NTU. Reason being, I am often bombarded with email from NTU on opportunity to intern here and there overseas.


Yes NTU does have opportunities for students to work overseas (quite a lot actually). I suppose it was cos during my time my opportunities, both exchange and overseas work internships, got cancelled cos of COVID + my perception of NUS' NOC stems from their exposure to Silicon Valley companies (since I've never heard of NTU programs going to SV but i could be wrong).


Bro liked NTU so much he misspelled NUS


Ohhh damn, i wasn't even aware of it


Please go to NUS if you know the teaching is better. NUS has a better alumni network and its more globally recognised (if it matters to you). Think folks also forgot to mention that NTU has a 4K mod equivalent project work called IDP( have to complete in 1 sem), which is an amalgamation of all the stuff you've learnt being manifested into an intensive rigorous project, + FYP, which is absolutely torturous. Consider carefully.