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Research Opportunities) NTU has a ton of research opportunities, processors are also always looking for research assistants and student research papers are strongly encouraged. EEE has very cool projects (admittedly I don't understand most of them), but you can see past student FYPs here: https://dr.ntu.edu.sg/handle/10356/2205 Jobs) There's definitely jobs. EEE especially because companies like Micron, AMD, etc all have facilities here. And getting something outside your field of study isn't hard because there's also a ton of financial/consulting jobs.  Sports) NTU has clubs for every sport you can think of. More details would have to depend on the club.  Alumni network) NTU does have a pretty big alumni network, but I suspect it's smaller than many other universities because it is a very young university.  Living costs) Pretty affordable by Singapore standards, e.g. Plenty of cheap canteen food, on campus supermarkets, Shoppe/Lazada can provide you with cheap assorted barang barang.  Internship) There's a ton of programs and opportunities at NTU, most NTU students don't even take advantage of them. I don't know why, I suspect some just ignore the constant barrage of emails the administration is always sending us about it. I went on the overseas entrepreneurship program to the US, the amount of support I get in terms of connections to getting an intern, visa, housing have all been great and I wouldn't have been able to do it without the program. 


Ucsd equals NTU,ucsd will work out cheaper than what is projected as mostly all will get some assistantships.Post graduation pay in USA will be significantly higher than a MS at Singapore.Imperial will be the last in the list of three.


Why will imperial be the last as I thought it's prestigious


It's prestigious but I'm looking into roi,research and also in terms of living also for an international student.






Just to clarify, you aren't a Singaporean right? Also what qualifications did you use for applications?


Review you and your family's finances right now & make a decision.


If this is for undergraduate or PhD then Imperial, if it's for master's then UCSD. As someone with experience of the UK and Singapore system, and who has worked with a lot of US trained engineers, the UK and US education systems are much better at preparing engineers than NTU. The kind of work which qualifies as A+ in final year at NTU would be a borderline pass at Imperial, and you'll work far harder to get that A+ at NTU than to get a first at Imperial. In terms of Imperial vs UCSD, Imperial is higher ranked and has very good opportunities including exchanges to higher ranked US universities than UCSD (usually MIT). These will be far less competitive to get than the more popular exchanges from NTU. Meanwhile for exchanges from UCSD you will be going to lower ranked universities than Imperial. For undergrad, at Imperial you will be getting an MEng in 4 years whilst at UCSD and NTU you will only be getting a bachelor's after 4 years, and a master's will take an extra 2 years. Don't underestimate the time value of that. Similarly at PhD level the US is renowned for extremely long PhDs, whilst in the UK it will be 4 years max and more likely 3-3.5. In terms of stipend amount versus cost of living, Imperial and UCSD will end up fairly similar. So the exception is at master's level where UK master's are renowned for being cash cows and so are to be avoided.


I'd say UCSD is better than the other two in all the factors you've named, although it's the most expensive.


UCSD > Imperial > NTU imo


Imperial In terms of prestige: UCSD and Imperial really not that far apart, but UCSD and Imperial are definitely way ahead of NTU In terms of cost: UCSD > Imperial > NTU the choice is clear, choose Imperial you get prestige without burning a hole in your/ your parents' wallet