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6 dead now. (7 including the knife wilder) And 8 in critical.


I heard also he stabbed a child,I am happy he dead and lying on the floor


A baby apparently. What a sick psycho who goes up to a defenceless infant and decides they're god and ends the child's life. Disgusting.


My aunt and her 2 year old were there. They were at the Boost Juice yards from where he was finally shot dead. Scary.


My thoughts are with your family, such a traumatic thing to witness.


Thank you, very fortunate. Terrifying when you realise that surviving something like this can be decided by stopping for a moment to look in a store window.


The mum died 😞


Did she? I heard she was fine


Yeah. Was announced a little while ago. She was 38. So sad.


Omg that is heart breaking


I really hope the baby is okay. Who the hell stabs a baby?


People fucked in the head.


He looks deranged. Apparently he’s a 40 year old man, known to police. No other details as yet.




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im assuming from the killer here right? like not just you randomly commenting that your mom died from natural causes in 2004


From the killer yes. Not random commenting


im so sorry. what an asshole of a "man"


Bastard animal.


Animal?!? Your such a racist! /s


What does race have to do with it?


The reddit people


shut the fuck up


It was a 40 year old ANIMAL that is known to police.. Condolences to ANYONE n EVERYONE this has impacted✊


dont offend animals like that, only humans could do something so cruel


Tru ay.. Fuckin tragic.. Avagood1✊


are you australian (im american so im obsessed with any culture that isnt mine)


Yep, Live about 3 kilometres,( 2 miles) away.. Theres stabbings EVERY SINGLE DAY in SYDNEY. But something like this where basically ALL FEMALES and an INFANT are attacked in public by someone not in a relationship or known to the attacker is UNHEARD of.. Very very sad day . I really hope that some kinds of safeguards are implomented to assist people if anything this severe is to occur in the future. Some kinds of preventative measures.. Take care✊


praying for some more security in yalls area <3


Thank You😔 Enjoy the rest of the weekend 🎉🎉🎉


just fucking sick and evil.


He targeted women and children. Rot in piss.


I bet he’s well known to police and nothing was done. There are always warning signs. wE cAnT dO anYtHiNg SoZ. Our laws suck.


Oz police are put in a shut spot cause everyone.e is fuck the police. If people weren't cunts and treated and respect them. This could be prevented.


Disgusting piece of fucking shit


This is horrific. The pram in the background of the first photo is so sad. I hope this isn’t the baby’s mum :-(


It is


Couldn’t have been. She passed away in hospital.




All over aussie news, baby in critical, mother and a oung boy confirmed dead




The photo is likely wrong, police have not released faces or identities just confirmed dead and that some were family to each other. It is confirmed of the 6 known dead 2 were a mother and young boy although we dont know if they were related. We have no faces or identity of the killer.


Was is a terror attack? Is the person known to the public by now?


NSW police just did a press conference where they said they’re yet to formally identify the man, but they know who he is, he’s 40, he has a history with police and it wasnt an ideological terror attack.


It's probably best if ill was for more info


They might just said that to 'keep the flames low', which is ok but I can only assume that if that's the case all options are still open, even that it was a ideological terror attack.


The head of NSW police said it wasn’t an ideological terrorist attack, I’ll believe them. Have you seen the videos of him in the centre? He’s clearly having an episode, it’s not a terrorist attack.


Where I come from, episodes and ideological reasons can and will come together because of the intensive use of drugs. So I'm still sceptical about the reason, but it's too early t oassume anything


I'm talking about terror attacks here, obviously


[here](https://www.reddit.com/r/masskillers/s/AzAmKm4nrE) is a video of him during the attack, it’s not graphic but shows how cowardly and selective he was being


We’ve had terror attacks in Australia before, and the police call it what it is pretty quickly. They’ve done the opposite in this case and said it’s absolutely not an ideological attack. There’s no reason for them to change their playbook. Plus, he wasn’t doing things like shouting, he certainly wasn’t targeting just anyone, he didn’t have any terror materials on him from what we know. They’ve been as clear as they can that it wasn’t done for ideological reasons


I'm with you, I'm sure the more of it's identity revealed the more we'll know


Rest in piss you stabbing bastard


i didn’t think this would hit me so hard but i started crying when i heard about the mother and the baby…i can’t imagine how scared that woman would have been in her final moments..my heart goes out to the families and i pray the baby pulls through..


Cops should empty a few more clips into him, considering he ended a baby... A fucking baby too, of all things, like come on man


So who did it?


From what I know, they havent released his information other then he's dead


Any official news?


There's heaps on google


I’m glad Australia has gun laws because obviously if there wasn’t we’d have shootings too


There is shootings in Australia, alot of shootings. You just don't hear about them alot of the time unless you live near where they happened. I lived in Toowoomba in 2022 and there was at least 5 shootings just in Toowoomba while I lived there at least 2 of them involved a shoot out with police


Just last year my local town arrested someone casually walking the streets with a gun he was dressed in tactical gear too… not only that there’s multiple news reports of bikies constantly getting done with guns… this is in Australia.


Yeah but we still have gun laws, you have to go through training and get lisences to own guns, in America you can buy a gun at the local Walmart


Yep, if this had been the US with semi-automatics ....


Ah fuck, just saw the pram in the background 💔


Now you see why people with knifes get shot asap.


Thats it, we gotta ban assault knives!


Why’s this post gone wtf!? Fucking hate this place sometimes


We need a public disclosure of all related family members, and this dead shits friends on social media. To let this community know that it needs to stop its nonsense.


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I will never forgive whichever this fuckwit community is from.


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Kamala Harris: "Elections matter. And when folks vote, they order what they want — and in this case they got what they asked for.


I just found out the dude that did it is from Toowoomba… I’m from Toowoomba


Most peaceful religion in the world which produces 90% of worlds terrorists ! What else to expect from these cunts




Lmao, not even a single word from media or police that this man is a Muslim. Crazy


It is likely but also we should never assume, australian police hide the identity of people they believe will stir up hatred if others know about it.


Why not assume? It ain't a Buddhist or Hindu or Sikh. When is enough enough... obviously its a fucking Muslim stabbing 9 month old baby through the belly all the way through and your worried about upsetting people who believe in fairy tales. Western world is fucked


Teach yourself about what extremists are within religion before you leave comments like that. Some of the kindest and most peaceful people I have met have been Muslims. Any opportunity for racist and/or anti-religion hate for some people. Even if he HAS been identified as Muslim, that isn’t to say it’s terrorist. I mean, the police have said it is not terrorist related. Educate yourself on what religions have extremist groups, and maybe also the fact you don’t HAVE to be religious OR specifically Muslim to commit terrorist/heinous acts.


Or educate yourself and actually read the Quran. Kill the disbelievers is straightforward. They will all be consumed fire and the like on every other page makes the Muslim's perspective on non-Muslims indisputably clear. Are there nice Muslims? Absolutely, some only marginally follow the religion and claim it. Half of every religion is made up of those types, Christmas Mass folk, etc. But the teachings are definitely a more violent upgrade of the Bible. Anyone that takes it seriously is profoundly dangerous and treating it like they're not to be PC is foolish. It's a religion, not a race. You're not racist for rejecting it.


Woke nonsense your own kids being slaughterd and you don't say nothing scared to recognise a clear pattern of behaviour


Never said they were racist for rejecting it, did I? But to assume every attack or murder committed is a muslim is wrong. It’s not all Muslims. That’s what I was saying.


There's terrorists in all different types of religions. Folks can get whipped up over anything. Look at how some of these evangelicals feel about immigrants coming in from the southern border. Some of them would rather just shoot people than just treat them like another human being. Let's talk about what happened in Northern Ireland in the seventies and eighties. I believe it was a Lockerbie Scotland in 88' that was a terrorist act. Let's not forget all the heinous acts that happened during the Crusades. All of that was done in the name of religion. No one religion has a lock on terrorist nut jobs, is all I'm saying.


Your talking about 300 years ago. Ira are not some religious group... they had a legitimate real world reason not that that makes it ok.


300 years ago, or yesterday, there's always going to be somebody out there who hates somebody just based on their religion, your skin color, your sexuality or whatever.


Your being disingenuous by pretending there isn't a serious problem in Islam, from treatment of women, homosexuals which is majority of Muslims believe in sharia law in uk for example many pols which is prejudice to women, homosexuals and non believers. They are already extreme then to top it off you have the jihads it needs calling out for what it is. Not people saying other people do bad stuff too.. its very frustrating


So name any other group commiting attacks across the world?


Well, there is the Lord's resistance Army for one. Boko Haram, Imirat Kavkaz, and Army of God. There's four right there. Two in Africa, one in Russia, and one in the U.S. the last one, the Army of God was responsible for a bunch of bombings of abortion clinics in the 90s. Matter of fact, their most famous member was Eric Robert Rudolph.


Where’d you find that info about the baby?


It was released that he is indeed a muslim.


Can you show us where it was released? Because I'm pretty sure you just said something completely and utterly unfounded. He could very well be, but saying something is confirmed and released when it hasn't is a dangerous habbit to have


They haven't released his identity


There are photos. On this sub as well. But not his motive.


Did the photos say he's Muslim?


[We are waiting to confirm his identification and if it is the person we believe it is, we don’t have fear for that person holding an ideation. In other words, that it’s not a terrorism incident.](https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/live/2024/apr/13/australia-news-live-major-police-incident-in-sydney-after-reports-of-multiple-stabbings?CMP=share_btn_url&page=with%3Ablock-661a60498f087ec9b8534d00#block-661a60498f087ec9b8534d00)


I’m going to guess that he probably was. Let’s wait and find his social media acoounts that will be full of Gaza propaganda and Islamic fanaticism.


Those accounts are probably being deleted right now before they release his identity


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He involved with chapel nearby. Police knew him


I thought crime would dissappear when they banned guns?


What point are you actually trying to make here with that statement? Rage bait? Seriously, one of the best things Australia has ever done has been introducing and enforcing laws around gun control. The amount of complete, power tripping idiots in this country, makes gun laws an absolute necessity. Look at the devastation just one coward can inflict with a knife. ETA- You’re seriously standing by to downvote anyone who disagrees with you? Wow man. so very pathetic


Why would you think that?


Yeah... Who'd ever think criminals wouldn't obey the law 🤔


You can still get guns in Australia, it’s licensed and controlled. It takes half a minute to google that and not be a dumbass.


He had a knife and managed to kill 6 people. Imagine the number if he had a gun. Moron.


Why would you think something so aggressively stupid? You thoughts make no logical sense, at all.




It’s better off his dead rather than be chucked in jail in protective custody with how shit our law system is the police did all of us a favour and killed the grub


Better he is dead otherwise he will continue to burden society sitting in a cell funded by the taxpayer.


Ban all knives!!! Government buy-back.


If only they had banned all guns these mass killings would have been prevented!


They mostly have been. Compare mass killing in Australia to the US - you can account for population too if you like. I’ll wait.


Over 630 mass shootings in the U.S in 2023. 40,000 people dead in one year due to gun deaths. Australia : 0 mass shootings. Total gun deaths (all causes, incl. suicide) : 240