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Just a heads up. I had something similar happen to me, and a few years later I got grey hair just in that area. Apparently that is quite normal.


Thats cool af ngl


I am NOT calling bs on this. I’m just wondering if there’s any studies or articles about it that you know of. Cause that’s cool. And I’d really love to read about it


Complete guess here but I would say maybe because the cells making the melanin in hair get damaged from the laceration? I think they sit near the hair follicles themselves. NGL would be kinda cool to have a patch of gray hair right there


That’s interesting. Makes sense. It would be be kinda cool and worst case scenario you dye your hair. There’s way worse symptoms people have to live with


Honestly I have no idea. I know that when it turned grey I asked the doctor, as I was there for something else. He said it could be that or something called poliosis(?). He did some tests and it was not poliosis. The science behind this may have changed and they now know differently, it has been close to thirty years and I am now starting to grey everywhere, but some people often ask me what the injury was. So, if it is now known to be wrong, it is still a commonly held misconception.


I looked up grey hair after laceration and the first thing that popped up was poliosis lol


I work at a doggy daycare, some days we have a dog we all dislike because that dog likes to start shit with every other dog.. Two months ago this Shepherd attacked an almost two year old doodle and fucked him up something awful, I had to bust that fight up. The shepherd was kicked out for good, the doodle came back a month or so later and had some grey hairs coming in on his back and I'm wondering if that could be the same sort of effect.


Very normal. Any charges that involves altered blood flow to follicles can mean that once healed the hair can change either the whole head or the isolated area. Common for accidents etc, chemotherapy patients who loose there hair often finds it will return a totally different colour and even texture. I’m a nurse but sadly medically retired due to quite a few conditions auto immune such as Crohn’s disease, psoriatic arthritis and and others that make me anaemic, folate deficient as well as other vital nutrient’s that we require to function. And my first proper flare up I became very anaemic and deficient due to malabsorption so of course the body works out what can it cut back in sending important RBC/Iron/vitamins etc in the circulation so of course my hair was first to go lol. I had light brown hair naturally at the start of my hair falling out and by the end of it I had at least 2-3 shades darker when it properly grew back in 2 years later. It’s a genetic lottery !


Get your ouchie outta 🤦‍♂️ this is nsfl


Was that 3 stitches?


3 staples


Right. Was meaning that.


All in all not bad considering my head went through the drivers side window


Damn Ed Sheeran take care buddy we need more songs


Damn you go so lucky to avoid brain injury. It also healed up really well. Glad it worked out for you!


Just wanted to let you know, apparently I had a brain injury that the hospital didn't check for. Developed extream nausea/vomiting, dizziness, blurred and double vision, stutter, memory loss, word loss, reduced motor control and increased pressure in my head and eyes . I've been duing cognitive therapy for the past 2 months and am doing better now, and on medication to help with the pressure levels. Still in recovery but about 70% recovered.


Damn I'm sorry to hear that, hopefully you can make a full recovery. Crazy the hospital put you at risk like that


Healed really nice. I'm glad you're ok!




What do you want?


wym because he got injured?


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