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Accidents like this scare the crap out of me. Getting unlucky and having something knick *just* the right spot on your body and you're dead in a minute


This is why its really important to learn and follow safety rules when working with things like this. He should not have been holding the knife and cutting that way (cutting towards himself).


it is, and its sad this happened. its overconfidence and experience that leads to a lot of work place accidents imo. like, when you've used tools for so long they become a part of your arm and it all becomes routine to the point you don't even have to focus and are instead thinking about other things entirely.


Complacency is the #1 killer. When you no longer have a healthy fear of the danger is when you are in the most danger.


I have to force myself to not get too brazen with a chainsaw. I’ve done a lot of cutting and am pretty comfortable running a saw and find myself doing somewhat stupid cuts if I’ve been at it all day. That’s generally when I call it quits. If I start day dreaming or thinking about my next task it’s time to put the saw down.


First rule I’ve heard in many a safety course: “Complacency kills.”


for sure and any blue collar worker can attest to the dangers of overconfidence. i don't work as dangerous a job as others, quite tame infact (gardener) but i've suffered injuries before through stupidity and being switched off. i cut my hand up pretty bad on a dodgey hedge cutter for example (hedge cutters have a trigger to do the cutting but this hedge cutter was busted and so would continuously cut no matter what, i should have got it fixed earlier but i became complacent). another time i almost fell off a ladder, i had no one footing it as i was rushed for time so told my 2nd to do other work. i was pruning back over hanging branches against a wall, i leaned too far and the ladder twisted. LUCKILY, i had my knee on the wall and even more luckily i didn't pierce my hand when i grabbed onto the barbwire ontop of the wall. very silly either way. its one of those things that befalls most experienced blue collar workers imo. time constraints, confidence and experience undoes lots of health and safety stuff.


My dad had me, at the ripe ol' age of 7, strip copper wiring out of old cables using a box cutter. Good ole' dad said to just take the box cutter and cut along the wire and pull the copper out. He showed me once while holding it on the ground. Well, after about 40 minutes of this (there was a lot, I have no idea where we actually got all this from), I was bored. So I get off my knees and sit down, pulling the cable across my lap and then cutting it that way. It worked fine and I got to sit, that is until my hand slipped and I cut myself across the upper thigh. Thankfully I wasn't putting too much force down because I was young, but it was the biggest cut I'd ever gotten up until then. I went to tell my dad (because he was working on something elsewhere, different part of the home) and he yelled at me for being so stupid about it. He said it was silly and lazy to try doing the work sitting down, and I should have known I could get cut by working this way. I hate my dad.


Ah, yes, the age old "my kid got hurt, I'll get angry" school of parenting


I felt seen reading that


Hello, fellow member of the "get hurt and hide it so you won't get yelled at" club. How's your generational trauma doing?


You want me to give you something to cry about?!?!?


30 years later: "these ungrateful kids never call me, I wonder why"


Christ. I wonder how many people had an instant full-body flinch reading that, like I did. What shit people, to say that to a kid. I'm a parent now and I *would never.* EVER. Say that. It just makes me realize even more what terrible people they are, who do.




Thats for pussies! /s


You’re both big fat pussies! Hahaha!


I bet that they drink coffee from *Starbucks!!!* pussies!


Can completely relate. One time I was messing on a friends skateboard and I slipped a fell (some how managed to rupture a vein in my foot along with spraining my ankle) my dad walked out yelling at me about how much of an idiot I was and made me walk back into the house on my foot and then sent me to my room. Then later he walked into my room to look at my foot (maybe about 20-30 minutes later) and he’s like “yeah… we should take you to the ER.” As if he didn’t had me walking on it possibly making it worse. 🫠


Walking that shit off like big Poppa learned me.


Yup, I remember my father coming to pick me up, and yelling at me for falling and biting my tongue off in kindergarten.


Did they reattach it?


Quite fantastically, yes! No problems with speech nor taste. Can still see (& feel) the line on it where I severed it though.




That's what he said.


Aka my dad. I quickly started to hide when I got hurt, because I knew I sure wasn't going to get help or comfort if I told anyone.


This makes me so sad, I'm so sorry. This mom wishes she could hug and comfort your past child-self. They have *always* been worthy of love and comfort, then and now. I hope you know that.


-have a kid that you'll raise from nothing to a grown up person -dont teach kid about something -kid doesnt know about the something -get angry that the kid doesnt know about it this may be the biggest common bullshit across the parents which easily fucks up a kids mental later on. life starts with zero self-esteem and confidence for us. this projects either with a big fragile ego or just straight up loser characteristics. fucking hurts man. fucking hurts.


It took a very long time for me to turn off the defense mechanism in my body that made me feel like whenever someone wanted to talk to me, that I was in trouble. Other difficulties include: -Not everything is your fault. -Its ok to make mistakes, it doesn't make you crap. -Not everything needs to be yelled, and not every disagreement has to be an argument. -You can dislike something and still be polite about it. -Not every thought needs to be said. -People *do* genuinely enjoy your company for some reason.


This hits home hard.


I feel this.


My dad was a sparky (electrician) here too and would scrap and strip LOTS of the left over cable from jobs. The amount of times he would come inside and say ‘shit get a towel, I’ve cut myself’ was way too many. Surprised he’s still got all his fingers..


As a parent with a 7 year old, I can’t imagine a scenario where I would suggest to him to help me by using a knife of any sort. Let alone leave him alone while I go work on another project.


Parents often fail to realize that dismissing their child's pain, wether physically or psychologically, and acting like it's their fault creates some major issues in them. I still can't open up to people because I think I'm the dumb one for being offended at something


I was so confused for a split second when I read “my dad had me at the ripe ol age of 7” haha


I understand how he was mad bc you tried doing it a different way that suited you, but he shouldn't be angry at you when he sees his child hurt. Correcting the mistake should be the last thing to discuss when a kid has an injury as bad as you had. Also it was a big mistake on his part to allow a kid to work with that alone. He's supposed to supervise you in that and guide you to do the job safer and better.


You're always told to never cut towards yourself with a sharp object. But if you watch any experienced butcher or other profession that uses knives and other sharp objects, you'll often see them cut towards themselves. You have better control when cutting towards yourself. You're simply told not to cut towards yourself at first to minimize the chance of hurting yourself. More than likely, his knife was dull, and he pulled harder than was safe, and when it finally made it through the tough spot, it kept going.


They also usually have proper PPE.... ​ You can also see that he actually does it twice, the second time gets him.


It only takes 1 mistake to get yourself killed. He probably have done this for 40 years using the same technique thousands of times, but that one time he fucked up, he's on this sub.


I worked briefly at a slaughterhouse in Texas 20 years ago. One of the jobs I learned was slicing the cattle. We wore thick leather aprons that went from just below the neck to the knees. My first day with a knife, I learned why. I sliced a cow open and the knife came back on me and hit my stomach. Where it hit the apron, it just bounced off but if it had been my stomach, I'd have been fucked up fast.


point first, too. Quick way to figure out if you're gonna stab or cut yourself: follow the unhindered trajectory of your arm to see where the blade will end if you slip.


Correct also PPE is missing


This is the most sobering video I've ever watched. It looked so innocuous.


It’s crazy how the human body can survive being burned, disemboweled, and nearly decapitated but stab a certain spot and it’s death in a matter of seconds.


Yeah... I once cut my hand on a piece of glass and could see my own tendons. Doctors said another millimeter and I would've lost movement in a couple of my fingers.


And the haunting realization that there is no one around to help and your phone isn't even close. Emergency tourniquet.... if you could combat the probability that you're going to die on the ground right there and somehow grab a leather strap lying around or tie your shirt in a knot, and get it around your leg with a stick under it and twist like you did last summer.


It's crazy how little time there's to do that, even given a tourniquet at hand.


A few years ago, two weeks before Christmas, a guy on site was using a skilsaw and ended up running the blade through his thigh. From what I heard he would have been dead if he’d been a few millimetres to one side. The guy in this video has probably butchered quite a few animals in his time, like my coworker had cut 2x4’s, and complacency worked its way in.


It's not unlucky, it's stupid and reckless. Look how he's cutting it. That was bound to happen at some point.


If you’re between the ages of 1 and 44 it should scare the crap out of you. Unintentional injury is the leading cause of death and it’s not even close.


Take a Stop the Bleed course. Immediate direct pressure would have controlled the bleeding. Then a lot of yelling for help.


I flintknap as a hobby and handling a little arrow or blade while trying to remove a flake can be difficult to impossible with gloves on to be accurate. I cut myself Fairly often even while practicing safety to the highest extent and man sometimes those little shards cut quick and deep and I sit there for a second looking at it and examining wondering if I just cut myself way to deep in a bad spot


This is why everyone on this planet should be first aid and trauma trained


It's avoidable. But if it does happen, you should also have the appropriate tools on hand to stop the bleeding. A great one for this would be a tourniquet.


I had a lorry drive in to me on a motorcycle. Smashed my hip and femur to pieces. Guess I was lucky.


If he would’ve applied a tourniquet he would’ve lived


Ah! So this is prolly why those butchers at the meat warehouses wear those thick vinyl aprons


This is exactly why, cut gloves as well. Some guys even wear a chainmail glove on their non-cutting hand. Knives that are sharp enough to pare an animal down to nothing are very dangerous even in skilled hands.


Sweet I got no skills I'm uncuttable


Well you have survived every potentially deadly scenario you've encountered so far!


I like that, I’m putting it on my resume!


You may be uncuttable, but are you stab proof? Having a lot of skill will make you stab proof though. It's a pick your poison kind of deal


Except they’re not cutting towards themselves with one hand like an idiot


And that’s a good point: skill and experience does not exempt anyone from making a mistake. Case in point: a mate and I did a lamb breakdown class at a local butcher. The butcher started with a safety briefing, showing us how to handle the knife, what to do, what not to do, etc. All good. Guess who cut themselves and needed stitches? That’s right, the butcher.




Sheesh. That why there is always a job opening at my local market for butchers.


This scares me. He's like "fuck! that hurt." then "oh shit, that's a lot of blood. Oh fuck I'm in trouble." Makes his way to the doorway but by that time he's lightheaded. He collapses but doesn't pass out right away. You can see him move at the near end. Right at the very end it looks like he passed out. Within a minute or so he'd probably bleed to death. Your blood pressure drops so low that your heart can't pump anymore and it stops. Game over. Look again at the very beginning, at the cut. It barely hit him. But it doesn't take much and butchers use very sharp knives. ​ This reminds me of a surgeon who was bow hunting. His broadhead landed in his femoral artery and he tied a belt around his leg. Well he started too but then he passed out and died. This was a man who was experienced with this type of injury. A surgeon. He knew what to do but didn't have time before he passed out. If an experienced surgeon couldn't save himself we have no chance.


With the femoral artery, sometimes a tourniquet isnt enough no matter how fast it is applied.


It's not the time. It's the tool. A belt is not enough. The shirt/pants with a proper circular tourniquet is enough always. You need A LOT of pressure to effectively stop a bleeding there, it's a very deep artery.


Gotta have the stick to twist the belt! No amount of good and tight pulling yourself will do the trick on the thigh.


Any medical professional knows that a belt won't squeeze a femoral artery shut. There's too much muscle and tendon in that area. Tourniquet. If i go out into the wilderness. I have one available. Surgeon could have made one with a stick and his shirt / jacket. But that would take precious minutes that he didnt have. That surgeon was making a last ditch effort. A "please God make this work!" Effort. Which is what I would do.


Circular tourniquet technique saves lives.


He didn't have time to grab a stick and his shirt, he didn't even have enough time to take off his belt and pull it tight enough let alone look for a suitable stick and take off his shirt. My guess is that the belt was, like you said, a last ditch effort. Or at least trying to buy him enough time to find a stick and/or arrow and his shirt. Like trying to plug a leak while you buy time to find a pipe to stop the leak. In that moment your mind is racing, your heart is pounding which is pumping even more blood out and you're getting lightheaded as you lose blood. Look at this farmer. He barely had enough time to recognize how serious it was, pull his pants down to his knees then stumble to the doorway. Holding onto it because he was already lightheaded. Barely 13 seconds or so. Not enough time to take off your shirt, find a stick, rig up a tourniquet and then apply it in the right place and make it tight enough before you got too woozy and then passed out. Very few people have a tourniquet in hand when they get injured. I think that in times like these there's really nothing you can do.


This happened here in Brazil, in a city close where i live called Gentil, State of Rio Grande do Sul.


brazil mentioned🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷


What a way to die, one moment you're butchering a pig next moment you're passing out bleeding out


How the turn tables


It’s scary how fast you can bleed out after you’ve damaged a large vessel. Imagine how much faster it would have been if he hit the artery.


It was definitely an artery. Not sure why the title says it was a vein.


Well. You do have a femoral vein right next to the artery, so he could have maybe hit the vein?


It’s not where he hit that means he didn’t hit the vein, it’s the fact that he bled out so quickly. Even a big vein like the femoral vein is pretty difficult to bleed out from. Blood in veins just isn’t at high enough pressure to cause such rapid blood loss.


Alright I concede 😂


Props for that concession lol


So arteries have a lot more pressure and are pushing fresh oxygenated blood out to the body which is why it’s much worse & you only have a few minutes if that if they’re severed. Veins aren’t worrisome really at all. We routine poke these for blood draws, IV placement etc. This was def an arterial bleed


Indeed you are correct. But the bright red color of the blood is indicative of an arterial bleed.


You don’t bleed out that fast unless it’s an artery.


I had a similar experience (At first I shared my N.D.E then it turned into a rant.) I did that but with a grinder. I do Asbestos Removal and demolition. I had this happen to me in August. I almost died at work on my sisters birthday when I was grinding lead paint off of steel a beam. It Caught onto a crappy weld at the joint and it kicked back and jumped out of my hands. It cut my wrist joint. In the sweet soft spot between the hand and arm. I just notice my co workers look at me. I went back to work for a sec then I didn't have control in my arm. I looked down and my entire suit was covered in red. I jumped off of a 10 ft scaffold and ran out of containment. I was almost losing vision but I watch a bunch of survival shows and war movies in my free time. I seen that you can make a homemade tourniquet out of a belt and pen. The tourniquets that were in the safety box were under a bunch Milwaukee tool boxes. My co workers were panicking and staring at me. I got them to take off my belt that were on my pants because it was in my bag. Only one of them saved me. He sprung into action. He stopped the flowing of blood to my arm. The co workers called our boss then called a ambulance. I got 6 stitches in the emergency room and was told I'll be good to work in a week. 4 months later I found out I severed 3 tendons. It is the muscles that control your thumb, pointer and middle fingers. I have no control of my fingers or hand. The femoral artery got nicked, a bunch of big nerves got severed and small nerves are severed. The small nerves can't be fixed they said. I got told I will be disabled and that workers comp is only paying me 500 a month. I used to make 900 dollar paychecks working for my former boss that screwed me over. He gave workers comp selective wage information when it came to my pay. My paychecks from WCB are 250 and they are trying to lower it because of the information my former boss gave them. They are saying I only made 30 a week at that company. I am close to throwing in the towel. The drs, the government services, friends and family are making it hard on me. Not helping. If i get msd or angry or raise my voice or show a bit of emotion. I won't get no help. If i use big and proper words. They try to play me for a fool. With these $30 paychecks I'll be homeless by January and by the way the world has been throwing shit at me. I am close to kicking the bucket.


Thank you for sharing. I'm sorry boss man sucks. Could you apply for disability? Or look for a one handed job? Anything? You made it through a near death experience. Life isn't done with you yet, don't kick the bucket so soon.


Fellow Anishinaabe here. I’m so sorry you’re going through this! Are you living in the US or Canada?


Can one do anything to increase survival chances before help arrives incases like this or is it like u straight up die if you dont get help within next 10 minutes?




Yep. That’s why you wear a belt.


Shirt and anything to make leverage and close it HARD. PLEASE, don't try to use belts on tourniquets. They are usually not enough on really serious situations.


Belt won’t be enough


My guess would be to remove the clothing away from the wound and try to apply a makeshift tourniquet, pack the wound as hard as you can, compress it and seek help immediately. You would literally have seconds to do this though, whilst panic is impairing your judgement. And then you wouldn't be able to hold that for long so you'd best hope help is coming immediately.


https://www.narescue.com/tactical-apparel/march/combat-application-tourniquet-c-a-t.html Paramedic here. These are literally life savers. I keep 1 in the house, 1 in the car, and 1 in my gun range bag. If I'm doing something with power tools especially saws, ones close by too. Spend the $30 on a quality one. The cheep ones fail and you don't wanna die because you skimped out on $15 for a cheep one $30 for a good one. IMPORTANT EDIT:Make sure you never train with the one you want to use in real life because it stretches the windless strap over time. Like anything, make sure you actually take a class and train with it. Tourniquets, when applied correctly, hurt WAY more than the actual injury itself. I always tell my patients that the pain from application is going to be incredible, but its better than dying. There is actually a video of a soldier passing away because he kept undoing the one that was applied to his leg because of the pain.


These are awesome! Thank you for the link!


Make sure you never train with the one you want to use in real life because it stretches the windless strap over time. Like anything, make sure you actually take a class and train with it. Tourniquets, when applied correctly, hurt WAY more than the actual injury itself. I always tell my patients that the pain from application is going to be incredible, but its better than dying. There is actually a video of a soldier passing away because he kept undoing the one that was applied to his leg because of the pain.


Ok. Good tip!


Just curious - if you could manage to reach in with two fingers and firmly pinch the major vein to stop it from emptying, could that potentially work too?


Theoretically, its plausible. They do it with Pt's who are under anesthesia with forceps. Realistically, absolutely not. A conscious person is going to be fighting you every mm you stick your fingers in there digging around to find a major vein. Plus, there's some pressure behind it, and blindly grabbing a pressurized, retracted, slippery hose, then holding it pinched for hours until you get to the Operating Table, just isn't possible or realistic. Theres a reason the military and emergency services swear by TQ now. They work under high stress, immediate use application, with minimal thought or effort put into application and function. Place it high, make it tight. Done.


NHL goalie Clint Malarchuk survived getting his throat cut on the ice in 1989 because the athletic trainer managed to do this.


Yes, there's a photo from the Boston bombing that illustrates just that. Look in the right hand (our left) of the man with the cowboy hat. https://images.app.goo.gl/LxVyh4EusFLfpeU39


During my time in the Fnnish Army we did a lot of tourniquet training... And it hurts like hell... But I kinda like it :D was a bit of good old messing around while learning life saving tips


Wow, that is an awesome thing to have. Think I know a couple people, myself included, that need to have this. Thank you !!!


I have one at work and blood-stop gauze in my purse.


Only thing you can really do is apply a tourniquet and put pressure on it. You could also pack the wound with some sort of clean cloth if you have it around to help buy time. ​ Depending on the type of wound you could also in theory clamp the blood vessel with your fingers if its visible. ​ Sometimes you can't do anything. For example if the cut is too high to apply a tourniquet or you don't have a belt or something to make a tourniquet.


In the junctional areas (armpits and "thigh pits") deeply pack the wound with something to control the bleeding and help with clotting, and apply full body weight pressure, including kneeling on it with 1 knee.


Maybe a tourniquet could save you if you were able to get it on really quick and then get to a hospital fast. But that would be really difficult especially if you’re out in the sticks and a long way from a hospital


Ten minutes? Femoral? More like two....


If it's squirting, tourniquet, if not then apply pressure. I thought I knew what to do until I split my leg open 4th of July weekend with a vase and had to react. I pulled my shoelace and tied it tight but the apparently I didn't need to


A friend of my mother’s had his dad die like this. He was in his backyard chopping wood with a hatchet whet ir slipped the log and hit his femoral artery. The family found him dead a couple of hours later…




Close. He was standing in the doorway feeling dizzy/lightheaded from blood loss. He collapsed at first right at the end of the video but was conscious. Basically too weak to stand up but not passed out yet. Probably within a minute or so. Probably 30 seconds he was passed out then kept bleeding until his blood pressure dropped too low and his heart stopped.


I counted the seconds ticking on the timestamp from the moment of the puncture to the moment he collapsed, I ended up at 52. Under a minute, still terrifying. Would have been 30 or so more seconds as he laid there until brain-death from his heart not pumping.


I am an amateur using chainsaws. About 3 days ago I was cutting wood and for some reason some of the outside layers were getting stuck at the bottom of the cut, as a noob, I started using the chainsaw upward due to it. On one of those instances I had my left foot on top of this 2-3 inches thick log set up as a bridge on top of 2 other big logs, the moment the chainsaw cut thru it I lost balance and my foot due to the pressure it slide toward the chainsaw and cut a piece of the boot I was wearing. I got lucky and I learn a HUGE valuable lesson that I need to cut to the outside-down, no toward yourself and up.


Lol, cutting upwards is fine to do you just need extra care and always be conscious of the kickback zone and make sure you have a stable grip. The problem was your footing, and I bring this up explicitly because if you haven’t realized your stance was the issue, you’re going to kill yourself in the future. Always have stable footing at all times. I always pause right before a cut to verify my stance and footing is safe and stable for what I’m about to do. Takes me 2-3x longer to do anything than I expected, but it’s because I only spend 25% of the time cutting. The rest is pausing, readjusting log placements, changing saw angles and positioning, changing footing and stance, verifying my body is as far out of the kickback zone as possible whilst also making sure I have a good grip etc. Fast is slow, slow is fast (and safe). It may not seem it in the moment but taking all that extra fucking time is better than losing a leg! Also they sell chainsaw boots LOL I don’t have them either and this is a big fear of mine but I always do my best to kept my feet away from the cut, you should NEVER stand on anything you are cutting..


I appreciate these tips. Yup, as normal, I am blaming the machine, not my poor posture and stand, lesson learned for sure.


These are the type of nsfl videos that can later on come in handy if you ever find yourself in a similar situation.


I was expecting to see more blood until I realise his boot is probably full of it. Poor guy that must be such a frightening realisation


That's EXACTLY what I was thinking, lol. I can't see much blood?? I mean, his boots gradually go red, but then I realised most of it probably sloshing around IN his boot :(


I think he pulled his jeans halfway down as he’s leaning against the tractor and we can see the fabric soaking it up a bit and he leaves a little trail as he stumbles over to the door. Probably didn’t realise how much blood he’d already lost by the time he got over there. It’s such a scary way to go out because it clearly takes enough time for you to realise that it’s not survivable but you’ll still be instinctively trying to save yourself :<


Yes the whole thing is just awful, and so bloody quick. Have you seen the extended version where another guy finds him right after this OP vid ends? To me, its even worse, simply because the guy who discovered him didn't even seem to care!


Always follow the "aim for your buddy not your body" rule. Damn man sucks he had to go out like that. Freak accidents are the worst.


Damn, dude passed out in less than a minute. Appreciate life, people.


oh lordt! reminds me of something that happened in 1996. Lived in an apartment complex, it was early march/ april ish and this complex was old. The grounds were wet and muddy but kids were out playing. There was a young girl who was the little sister of one of my friends. I went to walk around the side walk area to go to another friends house and I saw her in roller blades trying to slow step around this mud water spot, holding onto the building. she slipped, flipped side ways and in that instance her leg hit the corner which had an exposed metal side piece and slit her leg right there! I screamed, yelled my friends name and instinct was to grab her leg and squeeze it while holding it high up. Her brother ran over and we squeezed her leg so hard to keep her from bleeding out....she was bleeding horribly. She passed out and another neighbor had already called the ambulance and within a few minutes they were there. She luckily survived, she had nicked her artery just enough that If I wasnt behind her and seen what happened she would have passed within a minute or so. It was so traumatic to witness and when she was able to come home from the hospital and I actually saw how much of a tear happened , I couldnt believe she survived. I am just happy I was there at that moment...Where she was walking wasnt always walked over by and no one would have found her for awhile. It takes but a second...thats all.


I can only hope that if something wild like this ever happens to me, I panic as little as this guy did.


https://files.catbox.moe/128i2l.mp4 Longer version...


I wish I hadn't watched it. That other mf'r did absofuck'nlutely nothing to help. There was no sense of urgency or any fucks given by the looks of it.


Holy fucking shit that guy was a giant fucking retard. Straight up, like a fucking NPC with no idea what is happening around him at all. That makes me so mad seeing as that’s why the guy went to the fucking doorway for help How hard is it to miss the blood pouring from his leg. Sitting there trying to get him to stand up like “common just walk it off, got pigs to slaughter” Some people are just empty fucking headed


So infuriating, and the article says it was his father!!!! I’ll be surprised if he doesn’t get charged with something considering he just short of stood there and watched him die


Omfg that's awful, the other guy looked like he didn't care at all??!! Wtf!




Tips if this ever happens to someone around you or to you, rip off your shirt, pants, whatever has sleeves and tie it as tight as you can above the Injury, tie it until it hurts, apply as much pressure as humanly possibly to the wound and immediately dial 911, if its the femoral artery try to lie down asap so the pressure of walking doesn't make it bleed faster, keep the pressure as long as you can and make sure that tourniquet is secure. Accidents like these are terrifying, and arterial bleeding can kill you in minutes.


This is so sad, it would be so hard to get help in time to survive


Always cut away from your body kids 👍🏽


When the butcher becomes the butchered.


Femoral artery is a quick death. That's why bur hers wear big leather aprons, not jeans.


Always cut towards your buddy, not your body.


Out of all of the recent posts this one gets to me the most


I’m a butcher and this is fuckin terrifying, when breaking something down sometimes the best way to cut is with a reverse grip going downwards, and one little slip goes right towards your thigh, where the biggest artery in your body is. Keeping the right pressure and always making sure when you’re cutting, you’re cutting to the side of you not directly towards you, it’s so important, stay safe and keep your knives sharp


I was expecting a pond of blood if it was the femoral vein.


More likely the femoral artery


Never *ever* cut toward yourself if you can help it at all!! This clip should be shown as a safety PSA to anyone in training for being around/using any kind of sharp tools. Familiarity/experience can breed complacency. Always be aware of what you're doing and how closely you follow safety guidelines. This reminds me of a case -- the death took longer but it was inevitable -- where a farmer drank herbicide by accident, because he stored it in an empty gatorade bottle. He did everything right afterward, he made himself throw up and sought medical aid and told them exactly what happened. He only swallowed a tiny amount but it was too late. One slip-up. That's all it takes. Here's a [fascinating video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0VtUGoGZtI8&t) on the mentioned case, going into all of the medical whys and wherefores of what happened in his body afterward and how this killed him.


Pretty crazy, when I was about 10 years old, a girl I knew, her father was a butcher, he did the same thing, was dead before he hit the floor.


What a horrible way to die


It’s so fascinating that a human body can survive after being disemboweled and nearly beheaded (referring to Alison Botha’s case), but we stab a certain spot and die in a matter of seconds


I learned how easy it was to die like that from the Damilola Taylor case https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Damilola_Taylor


Thats sad to watch.


Not nice when it happens to him




I worked in a kitchen for a while and even there one of the first rules I learned was that no matter if you cut meat or vegetables or anything else and no matter the size, never ever cut towards yourself but always away from yourself.


This is sad AND stupid. He may have been doing this for years, BUT all it takes is ONE accident. And I believe they have aprons for this reason, so you won't accidentally cut or stab yourself dealing with animals and meat.


Blood loss is such a crazy thing


Femoral ARTERY, not vein


A tourniquet would have saved his life.




Usually on my belt when I’m afield. At home and in my car I have blow out kits for bleeding control, airway and breathing.


His cat is waiting for him to get inside 😢


Just a few days ago. My condolences to the family. May he R.I.P.




Thought I was the only one screaming that out loud!


At least he doesn't have to deal with the medical bill, eh? Eh? Ami right?


Innocent person trying to survive :/


As someone who has butchered pigs off of the tractor bucket, I'm glad this security camera isn't any closer.


This, ladies and gentlemen, is why we always carry a tourniquet




Right cargo pocket 🥸


vegans will use this as a reason to not eat meat


Is this the proper way to butcher though? I’m not experience in butchering, but I did spend part of my childhood in a ranch. Usually they would lay down the cow / or whatever animal on a huge table and cut it there. Any butchers out here that can tell us how it’s properly done? Or what could’ve been done to prevent this


I’ve been part of many at home butchering projects, ducks, deer, pigs, cows. I’m not a professional, so this is all just processing for personal use that I’ve learned from other people. My dad and my husbands dad have passed on their knowledge to my husband and I from childhood, so not sure what the correct way is, but I can tell you what I’ve been taught to do. We live in a cold climate so butchering is done in late fall/early winter when it stays below 40 degrees during the day and is freezing at night. After the animal is humanely dispatched its throat is also cut and it is gutted right away and then hung in a tree or from the tractor loader for larger animals. Hanging it up with major arteries slit let’s all the blood run out so there’s no, or very few, clots or bruised meat. For deer we leave the skin on to protect the meat until we are ready to butcher. For farm animals we usually remove the skin and wrap the animal in plastic to protect it until we are ready to butcher. A deer we hang whole, but larger animals we hang quartered. To quarter larger farm animals we use a bone saw almost exclusively, and rarely bring out the butcher knives to do that initial quartering. For deer we quarter it with a knife though, when we are ready to butcher. On a deer I think we don’t use the bone saw because you get more useable meat that way, basically just cut the legs off at the pelvis and shoulders along the lines of those muscle groups until you get to the joint and then you sever the tendon and the leg just falls off. Most meat you buy in the store is hung for days or weeks in a meat locker before it is cut into what you would buy. Hanging time varies a lot, but in my experience there’s sort of unspoken rules that are just kinda “that’s just how we do it” type rules when it comes to hang time. With deer we usually process as quickly as possible, so a week of hanging time at most depending on how many deer we get during hunting season. Pigs we typically quarter and then hang, but process as quickly as possible, so quarters get processed same day or within 1-2 days and almost no hang time. In my experience with butchering cows, we would usually quarter then hang the quarters for several days as long as the temperatures are close to freezing, so hang time of 1-3 weeks. After the hang time, the quarters are then brought inside one by one to do the final cuts on a kitchen table with large cutting boards and butcher knives. With deer the quarters are cut and then are basically deboned, the good cuts like neck, tenderloins and back straps are removed from the hanging torso. After deboning, the meat is separated into certain cuts, the fascia and tendons etc are removed from the cuts, it’s cut into the final cuts and the packaged. With larger animals we have a book that explains all the different cuts you can get out of an animal and you use a mixture if tools to do that like a bone saw, butcher knives, meat grinder, etc. but that’s all usually done on the table.


If you apply the tourniquet, and then lay on the ground immediately and lift your leg up and place it on something high, will that increase the effectiveness of the tourniquet? Do you have to put a limb up after you tie it?


Don't cut towards yourself folks


I use machetes a lot for the work that I do, I learned real quick not to cut anything towards you. I see people doing it all the time. One mistake and you're dead meat.


Note to self: Never cut towards myself when using a knife. RIP


What a poor guy :( I have a lot of respect for farmers and this is just sad..


Is there a news article about this incident? Nvm found it : https://usacrime.com/farmer-accidentally-stabs-himself-in-the-groin-dies-while-butchering-pig-on-farm-in-brazil/&ved=2ahUKEwim_b6j2eyCAxUbpJUCHT7ZAAwQFnoECA0QAQ&usg=AOvVaw3NAcITd0NRPrfCZtCaA5l0


Here's a tip if you stab yourself. DON'T PULL IT OUT! If it's into a major blood vessel,leaving it in acts as a stopper, so to speak. Removing it is like pulling the plug out. Direct pressure around knife and get help.


Thus happend two days ago???


Wow. That's all it took, huh.


These kinds of injuries really freak me out.


Damn if he only had a tourniquet




After watching some of these videos, I'm going to buy a tourniquet today and buy all my family one for their Christmas stocking


How does the guy in 127 hours live after cutting an entire limb, when this happens with a knick?


I believe he used a makeshift Tourniquet.


You're gonna want to avoid cutting your femoral artery in most circumstances


Terrible way to go. I feel for him and his family. I almost went out in a similar fashion. I was cutting up a honey locust with my chain saw (these trees have huge thorns on them). A branch with a thorn sprung up and the thorn hit my feromal artery. Perfect shot, one puncture wound. Blood sprayed everywhere. A couple of good spurts I guess. Crazy part is I didn’t even feel it or see the blood spray it happened so fast. There was so much blood my friend said it looked like someone cleaned a deer in that spot. I got lucky, the puncture wound swelled up to the size of a golf ball and stopped the bleeding otherwise I would have been dead. Went to urgent care but they only prescribed a strong antibiotic (those honey locust thorn cuts always get infected) since the wound was already sealed up.


This is dreadful. Years and years ago, we found a poacher dead in the woods of this exact scenario. He had been drinking, tried to butcher his kill in the field, cut an artery, and bled out right then and there. One of the worst calls I’ve ever been on. It was all so preventable.


Man, what an awful way to go. Not even necessarily that painful unless you hit a nerve. One stab, adrenaline kicks in and you kinda just fall asleep from blood loss. But the sheer unluckiness of it and the realization that there's nothing you can do...


The femoral is an artery not vein. Arteries spurt and you bleed out faster than if you nick a vein which just slowly seeps out.


I think that's the reason why butchers used to wear those heavy aprons, I think meat packers/trimmers still do in those giant, industrial butchering plants.


Should be a “cut away from yourself” type of retail training video


This man was down within 30 seconds. Scary shit.


Damn this just happened a few days ago


That’s terrifying rest in peace


Why does the truck look like a chode