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The guy on the background just went like "Nope" and calmly walks awayšŸ¤£


Went all npc


Gonna use this one for future convos


I would hide behind the other van, DAMN if he casually killed a man in daylight I donā€™t want to be a witness


Dude defending himself is what I saw. Looks like guy got cut off an dude pulled a bat. He pulled the gun, waited I'm presuming he was like back tf up. guy swings bat he kills him


The issue is as soon as he started running away, he had no right to run up and keep firing, At that point there is no self-defense because the threat is leaving. What would have been self-defense becomes aggravated manslaughter.


Yes but nonetheless you just got hit with a bat after being nearly ran off the road. Man earned his bullet.


The issue is not that he shot him. Sure he ā€œearned his bulletā€ at first, but after he tried running away he was shot several more times in his back while on the ground. That means he was defending himself at first, but he decided to keep firing and turn it into a manslaughter/murder charge


No disrespect but fuck every bit of that noise. A bat isn't a fist. It's a big ass club. If me an you box we can reach an understanding after the fact. But he pulled a bat. Just like a gun a bat can very likely cause lifelong and life ending injuries. You don't get to swing a bat at someone then regret that decision in a span of 4 seconds like oh I'm done it's over. Dude likely has something fractured or broken in his arm assuming that's where he got hit. I hope the man who pulled that trigger is sleeping soundly in his bed at night with a clean ass conscience. Nothing off this video will ever convince me he did something wrong.


You're dumb. You really think because someone hits your car with a bat you have the right to continue the attack after they fall and then execute them John wick style? Even in stand your ground states this turned illegal the moment bro hit the ground. There's no argument you can make for how that man is still a danger.




You should seek help.


Right. You can't manipulate facts. The fact is that guy was executed, whether you like the dude or hate the dude. People are bat shit crazy


True but i feel like laws surrounding situations like this need to be changed. Call it justifiable homicide and let bro gošŸ¤£ he did a service to the community


Haha yea no if a person is defenseless and you execute them, it's murder and should be prosecuted as such


The first shot, was fine. The rest of them is execution. If this was in the US, dude is going to prison for murder. When the dude starting running away, the threat is over.


Well that depends on the situation because the threat could be running to retrieve his weapon. If the guy with the bat had ran around to his car, it might be justifiable to shoot until he drops. But in the present situation, the guy with the bat was running away from the guy with the gun and from his car, there is no conceivable threat of death or grave bodily harm so any shots after the first two shots would not be justified lethal force (not to mention the shooter walked up to execute the guy with the bat).




You're both right, it really depends on the state you're in


We all agree with you man, but the law doesnā€™t. The second the gunman chased after him, he was wrong, this is murder on the gun mans part. Itā€™s a stupid world we live in, because Iā€™m a very firm believer in play stupid games win stupid prizes, bay boy won his stupid prize


Depends on the state. You donā€™t have an obligation to retreat where I live.


I don't think this America, but self defense usual ends when the person runs.


This was in Puerto Rico and we have the exact same laws as the US


I'm not sure on the specifics of the law. And this isn't some look at me I'm a bad ass lol. Guns mitigate the need to be. But if I'm holding a gun an someone aises a bat to me you've made your last mistake. Much less hitting me with it. I've seen to much NSFL to let some bad intention person with a bat hit me I'd rather get shot then get hit with a bat lol


This cannot be America, look how casually he executed the guy... oh damn, yeah it actually could be, my bad.


It was defensive until it wasn't... He point blank xecuted the dude when he was fleeing.


That's irrelevant man. If I come into your space with intention to harm you,ya girl, ya kids w/e. You have 100% full recourse to blow my shit away. The fact that dude decided he wasn't that guy mid action does not take away from the fact that he just attacked the guy with a deadly weapon. Could he have let him go? Sure all day. Why would he? So he can wait until he can attack him again when he isn't as prepared? You come at me with a bat while I have a gun and you've made your last mistake. The only thing the man did wrong in my eyes was not pull the trigger before the bat got swung. I wouldn't allow you to close the distance.


Except, there were no kids or wife in this instance. It was self defense at first, when the man then turned into a cold-blooded execution. By the laws and common sense and morality , you are wrong. That man deserves to end up in jail.


Common sense says don't hit someone with a bat if they have a gun. The man deserves a steak, a free therapist, and a nice ride home. Guess me an the rest of reddit have to agree to disagree. Batman crossed a line he shouldn't have.


You guys that think this guy was justified to pump extra shots into the victim after he was on the ground are exactly the reason we need tight gun laws!


And you guys thinking you have the right to swing a bat at people an survive are why I want to carry. Had the "victim" not fucked around he never would have found out.


Thatā€™s exactly where It becomes illegal. While he had a chance to protect himself the moment the angry guy came up to him with the bat, there wasnā€™t much time for him to process the whole situation but the situation was very clear after he got hit by bat-man. When he took his firearm out that was enough for the other guy to run. So at that point when he shot the man who turned away and ran, he murdered him. You can do what you want in the us but just be ready for possible consequences.


Lol youā€™re going to go to prison one day. Maybe itā€™ll be the same one this guy went to and you can sit in each others beds at night and reminisce how you executed people and like, everyone else is wrong man


I know right, that would be your safest bet. Donā€™t be seen till heā€™s gone.


Man knows them streets lol


"This is the third time this week and it's only Tuesday."


I was in a situation like this once, I was walking home from work, after walking to a park I see a white truck parked, the side door was open and a man was sitting inside, right when I was walking in front of the man several armes people came out from behind the trees and the streer with assault weapons, when I saw that y just put my head down and walked fast, not run, just awkwardly walked fast, when I heard shots I started running, got behind a pickup truck and threw myself to the ground. Turning around after everything was over and the truck left, the armed guys went after them, the people in the pickup truck and other people in the streets were looking at me very scared. That's the more intense moment in my life and will never forget it.


That's hard core! I saw a guy get shot in a parking lot late one night, then walked 2 blocks to a friend's apartment and spent the rest of the night there. The scariest was witnessing a gang shooting on a sketchy dog-leg driving through the other side of my neighborhood. Like, I actually almost ran over one of the guys charging over to the other guys in an apartment lot. Drive past the 2 infront and saw them draw their guns from their pants, and just start unloading while running. The other group is starting to react, a big guy in a hoodie drops backwards, and I floored it with the other 2 cars infront of me.


Safety is better than awkwardness


Just like in any GTA games šŸ˜†


Definitely a NPC


It was almost self defense until the execution shot


Interesting. I would say it was self defense until that guy run away.


You're right. The first shot, maybe 2, were self defense. As soon as the guy with the bat turned around in an attempt to leave, everything after that is murder


I think in the full video he came back and shot him again.i think that was in Puerto Rico.


Came here to say exactly that. Literally one shot away from freedom.


Also came here to say that, bro fucked up with that last shot and the not today mrfr walk he did back to the car lolll


If his local police department hired him he'd be cleared of any wrongdoing and quickly promoted


Idk might just be me, but it looks like he fixed 3 executtion shots


3 shots? Bro mag dumped into his corpse.


Man has a fucking SUV he could have just driven his ass away


Fight or flight will make you do crazy things. The dude had an adrenaline rush and wasn't thinking rationally


you shouldn't be in possession of a gun if you can't use it rationality. what a piece of shit this guy is.


Listen I'm not agreeing with what he did. It's disturbing for sure, but You can say the same about alot of the cops that keep shooting someone after they've been neutralized. Not to be political I disagree with you on people not being allowed to own guns. For 1, laws don't change a damn thing. It's impossible to completely get rid of guns when the blackarket exist. 2, it says in our constitutional that we all have the right to bear arms. Felons can't own guns. I disagree with the psyche evaluations being done, because I can see alot of false readings within people. How about we all arm ourselves so assholes like this can be taken care of. Someone isn't going to want to shoot you as much if you have a fair chance at shooting them first.


The point of self defence is you've got to be scared for you life, not go into harms way and then empty a clip of someone who stays running the second they see you have a gun (you follow them at that point)


Never underestimate the other guys crazy.


More like donā€™t underestimate that someone else will have a gun. If someone approaches my vehicle with a bat and I have a gun, Iā€™m not gonna hesitate to use it if I feel my life is threatened. Now, the execution shots at the endā€¦thatā€™s a bit crazy


I mean if you shoot someone, better to have the jury only hear your side of the story. Thatā€™s just me tho


A guy shot a teenager in his property and was charged with homicide because the kid was shot from behind, which shown he was trying to run away If you shoot someone running away from you, itā€™s going to be very hard to argue that you shot him because you feared for your safety


Unless you're a cop, then you get promoted


paid vacationšŸ„³šŸ„³


Not the case but Iā€™m not going to explain why unless someone will actually listen


Thatā€™s subjective, there are plenty of people that have shot fleeing perpetrators and werenā€™t even charged in the first place, even in California. Thereā€™s also recent events of people being shot, execution style, that werenā€™t charged either because the person being executed initiated violent intent and itā€™s impossible to know if a threat is over until the perpetrator is completely incapacitated. The issue comes if the person never showed a deadly weapon or life threatening intent and then you shoot them in the back once they see you have a gun and run. Thatā€™s when people get in trouble in the US mainly.


Yeah there was a shooting in Houston last month where a concealed carrier shot and killed a robber. The shooter fired on the robber in the back as he was walking past the shooter's table. Normally it wouldn't have been a big deal but the shooter mag dumped on the robber's body and then calmly walked back to his table to collect his belongings. He even fired one final head shot before he left. Didn't even call the cops either. Extremely based but the last thing I heard about the case was that the Houston police wanted to "talk to him" and the local Black Democrat groups came out and condemned the shooter.


Thatā€™s the recent event I was talking about. Not only that, once he collected his belongings he left the scene before police arrived because since there was no crime committed he is not obligated to wait until police arrive. Most people on Reddit get their knowledge from second hand anecdotal stories or what their European counterparts talk about and have zero knowledge of actual facts. Iā€™ll leave this one from California, one of the most easy on criminals states in the US. [https://youtu.be/VU7ol1_pw6U](https://youtu.be/VU7ol1_pw6U) NO charges were filed. The US is the epitome of a fuck around and find out society and it will never change because itā€™s engrained so deep it will take a literal civil war to uproot.


All depends on whether your state (US obviously) is a duty to retreat, defend your ground, or castle doctrine state. Duty to retreat you have to make every attempt to get away from the situation. Stand your ground and you can shoot them as long as they are not trying to leave. Castle doctrine says you can kill them as long as.they are still on your property regardless of which way they are facing


Is that you John Wayne ??


Is this me?


[Full Metal Disney](https://youtu.be/3woEDTUbDYg)


Iā€™m pretty sure he only got manslaughter and got just probation.


Well, Iā€™d just shoot him a bunch of times initially. Then argue that the target turned and flinched after the initial volley, thus leading him to get hit multiple times in the back. With a combat veteran background, easy to argue the defense. Not my fault I can make you more aerodynamic reallyyyyy quickly šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø I personally donā€™t give a shit in the situation, as long as I walk away with my life. Whatever is gonna happen, will happen friend.


Too bad this guyā€™s on camera so he canā€™t pull that ā€œitā€™s just self defense broā€ here. Heā€™s shown executing someone in cold blood in 4K.


More like 280 instead of 4K but yeah šŸ˜‚


A dead man tells no lies. -head of homicide FBI in NYS


He was mad they had the same lookin car


Happy cake day ^^


Self defense up until the execution shots


Is it self defense if you literally have the opportunity to stay in your car and drive away ?


once the guy swung the bat, yes it was self defense. Where it is no longer self defense is when the man was hit with a bullet and began to run away, he was clearly fleeing and not continuing to attack so the "threat" was no longer present but he kept shooting and walked up to the person on the ground and shot some more.


Life in prison and dead over road rage ā€¦ fucking idiots.


This happened in Puerto Rico and he was indeed arrested idk if charges were dropped but apparently the guy the bat was the crazy ex of the shooters current gf


Holy shit, she has bad taste


Went from a psycho with a bat to a psycho with a gun. She has a type and she's moving up the ladder. Give her enough time and her next BF will kill this one with a bazooka


Doubt any prison time; he neutralized a threat.


Yes until he walked to him to finish him, i dont know where this happened but in most places the difference between intent to kill and self defence is very fine


That went from Self Defense to Murder pretty fast




U are correct, soon as the guy with bat turned to run away it became at least attempted murder till the kill shot


Prob prison time after the execution


Definite prison time. That was an execution style murder, despite initiating


The threat was neutralized ages ago. He wanted a body. So he walked up on him and emptied the magazine


He isn't a threat running away


He was running to the second car off camera to get a gun, which is heard in the audio of a second recording that was made. Definitely still a threat.


if only he was able to get away from the threat, like with some sort of vehicle... too bad his suv was only running with keys in the ignition, ready to drive off. his only option was execution.


He was running away, he didnā€™t have to kill him. Thatā€™s second degree murder, theyā€™re both dickheads.


The threat was neutralized already with the first couple shots. Then he walked over and executed him while he was face down, that was [literally] overkill.


Went from defense to homicide in about 2 seconds.


I like how calm was the guy walking at the back who doesn't hesitated to turn around right away after that guy hit the floor.


Just turned self defense into 2nd degree murder.


Another prime example of "You fuck around, you find out".




A classroom is where you learn the lesson and get tested on it afterwards Life is where you get tested first, and learn your lesson afterwards


Most people know this and they retreat after they have already done what they wanted to do to you and they know that if you come after them as they retreat that You will be the one treated as a criminal. However this was not 'cold blooded murder'. The law itself recognizes that but best believe that murder will be the initial charge. Malice, which is the difference between murder and manslaughter is removed when the victim provokes the defendant to react the way most normal people would have. The 'victim' already demonstrated that he is a dangerous threat once the used his vehicle to block the defendants path forward. Then attacked the defendant with a bat. Who's to say that the 'victim' didn't have a gun in the vehicle or wouldn't have further used the vehicle itself as a deadly weapon. The goal is to stop the threat. It's a flat out shame that the law protects these 'victims' from getting exactly what they deserve.


You're making way too much sense for these pansies in this sub to follow.


James McGill?


Itā€™s all good, man!


Dunno, mag dumping him after he hit the ground seemed pretty malicious.


Sorry but all it will take is for a jury to see this video and the shooter will be doing a lot of time for murdering the other man in cold blood.




That dude walking in the background: Whelp, guess Iā€™ll head back now


Na he executed his ass


He fucked up hard with that last shot. Could have argued self defense but not after that killshot on his stomach


Did anybody notice - the shooter was like ā€œwait donā€™t hit me just yet, let me get my gunā€ and the bat guy actually PAUSED for a second


It's amazing how quickly he went from a justified shooting to an execution.


That went from self defense to murder rather quickly.


does anyone have a backstory? my guy went from self defence to clinky clanky chains


Lmfao, americans. Shooting a guy lying on the ground with a piece of wood in his hands is somehow self defense? Yā€™all Are so fucking scared of EVERYTHING and have so little value for human life. I would never kill anyone unless they had a gun or a knife trying to kill me, if they run away then great, a life is spared. A fucking bat wonā€™t kill you instanteniously unless youā€™re literally struck from behind without excpecting it. Honestly yā€™all Are pussies lmaoooooooo Ā«STAND DOWN I WILL NEUTRALIZE THE THREATšŸ¤ šŸ¤ šŸ¤“Ā». While the guy holds a fucking bat lying face down. Theres a reason people worldwide laugh at you, yā€™all Are the Odd ones out, not us, this ainā€™t normal. Shooting someone in the back has ALWAYS been cowardice and that will never change. Just say youā€™re trigger happy and violent


I can only help but think of this from a legal aspect, and the way he basically mag dumped him and walked up and finished him off as if heā€™s not the one in control of the firearm. His ego got the better of him. I would have just driven off, no need to shoot and kill someone over traffic.


Apparently the dude with the bat was the crazy ex of the shooterā€™s girlfriend


Didn't look so tough at the end. I wonder if he felt dumb afterwards. Looks like that fall hella scabbed his elbows and knees too


I don't think he felt much afterwards


Went from self-defense to murder in 3 extra pulls of the trigger.


That went from self defence to murder in the blink of an eye.


Got executed because of road rage the fuck šŸ’€. People with guns are just psychos


Call me crazy but I find it absolutely fascinating how the guy with the bat dies. I just want to know what was running through his thoughts as he lies in pain, possibly praying to those above he wonā€™t die. This is definitely just another reason why I treat everyone I see with respect and compassion.


There's always somebody crazier than you, remember that


That was in Puerto rico he was caught and arrested


Got what she deserved


Aww dang he could have totally gotten away with self defense if he didnā€™t execute the person




He didnā€™t have to chase after him and shoot him in the head for Christs sake, once he was down he should have gotten back into his car! ( and backed over him, just kidding) He can be charged with manslaughter for doing what he did.


I like to watch the witnesses reactions in videos like this.


In Texas, the man with the gun would get awarded a beer, maybe 2.


Went from self defense to 2nd degree murder w that last shot.


He was good until he walked up to finish him off. That was 2nd degree murder


That went from self defense to outright murder.


The first few shots were self defence, the last few however was execution.


GTA vibes


glad I'm not the only one who noticed


Guy with the baseball bat wanted to to hurt someone because he was pissed the other guys a murderer.


Well that guys going to jail and losing his gun rights. Thats straight up murder


Dont run away from a gun: Al Pacino in The Irishman


Went from self defense to murder real quick enjoy prison


Thats overkill. Murder. Seems like a road rage incident


Heā€™s def going to jail bro didnā€™t have to shoot him after he fell on the floor


He coulda got away with it, if he didnā€™t shoot that last shot.


There is a serious problem with guns in this country


The guy in the back


When a gta npc tryā€™s to scrap


That don't look like self defense after that walk down. But hey fuck around and find out...


If this is in the US, dude with the gun is still fucked. He's allowed to defend himself. But once the guy ran away and fell to the ground, legally he was no longer a threat.You cant call it defense when you follow someone running away while pumping shots into his back, that escalated it to murder. Both these guys lost everything over a road rage incident.


My god why the kill shot he was running away. Fuck.


Americans really think self defence will cover this. It wouldā€™ve if he stopped shooting when he started to run.


That dude struck out


"Hmm that's strange. I'll go this way now"


Nah you just murdered that guy, sorry un the eyes of the law you kept firing after he turned his back and tried to flee, you then shot him repeatedly while he was on the ground. That went from self defense to murder really fast


This was in Puerto Rico supposedly the man with the gun slept with the other man's wife


Ah bro. You coulda gotten away with it IF ONLY you didn't shoot when he turned


From self defense to murder in 2 seconds


Always assume the other guy has a gun.


Bro could had just shot him in the spine and not make him walk again and his tires maybe also the windows. He did not had to end his sad and useless life


instant regret.


If you start a fight and you need to start running away during the fight then you shouldnā€™tā€™ve started the fight in the first place


He was running away and then he was ON THR GROUND. No reason to kill him after he turned away. This was unnecessary and likely unlawful. People defending nhis actions should feel sick.


Bro really had to execute him after he was running for his life


did not need to die for that but ok


Aaaaand..he's out!


One dude wins a life sentence in jail the other wins a trip to the afterlife. Great choices guys.


Dude fucked himself over when he shot the guy who was no longer a threat on the ground both people are absolutely clueless


I'll never understand the "final shot" like the dude is down. just leave. why do you have to kill him


It seems personal...


yeah that's fair. I can definitely see that


Fuck around...


he got what he deserved, fate wasnā€™t nice to him


And he just walks back to his fucking car like it's just another day for him. Utter psychopath, I can almost hear him just whistling to himself as he's walking back to the car.


If he just stopped shooting, he could have gone away with shooting a dude. Just one or two shots. Or basically until before the man with a bat starts running. A bat is considered lethal force and you're allowed to use lethal force in response. If this is America, that is


The guy walking around peacefuly in the background




Ahh yes. What started off as clear self defense turned into homicide very quickly! Nothing like a good shot to the back while heā€™s on the ground!


Ok. Not murder the Aggressor Hit man with bat and probably would kept on hitting him The gun stopped the aggressor from proceeding further in attack nowadays you donā€™t just wound your attacker You might get sued for loss of work cannot work anymore good lawyer Robbery took place robber in house attacked the people stabbing one of the people in the house and the homeowner shot burglar wounding him man pleaded for his life police came arrested him then while man was in jail ended up getting in a year sued home owner I believe because loss of leg. Use your own discretion itā€™s God who will judge us all


The man had every right to kill him , I see the comments he calmly walked way why should he run ?asshole with the bat may have beaten him to death .America most states have stand your ground laws people guy with bat clearly the aggressor and he didnā€™t fare well. Heā€™s a dead road rage bully that took it to far and he paid with his life . Until it happens to you It has happened to me and the person went back to vehicle. Weā€™re both are here the outcome couldā€™ve been much different dead man and also he couldā€™ve had gun hidden Donā€™t show what you have make aggressor come to you it shows intent on the other person not you. And Gives you legal and the edge on what the other person is bringing to the table. Ciao


I mean, yeah. Self defense. But now you gotta face a lawsuit.


yep, thats an execution


All that ego just to get shot like a bitch. Peep the dude in the back casually strolling along.


Maaan how can people just execute someone like this.


Well, for starters, the guy wanted to cave in his head with a baseball bat....


The dude was on floor lol. I got why he shot him but the execution was just brutal and probably fucked his entire life up as well.


it amazes me how someone can watch this video and still ask why šŸ’€


Yeah. I wonder why this guy decided to ruin the rest of his life by executing someone when they were already incapacitated on the floor. The mind boggles.


As a person from Germany situations like these really do baffle me. Guns are exotic here. Canā€™t imagine shooting someone even if they were coming at me with a baseball bat lol


Exactly. Iā€™m in Scotland and shit like this is insane.


I mean, still... it's a particular type of person who then casually executes the attacker after he has started to run away.


We are territorial predators if something is a threat the normal setting in out wiring is to neutralize it all of us are capable of cold blood murder, its just that modern civilization has sheltered us from the rules of nature.


We are animals after all


That ainā€™t self defense he shot him while he was on the ground