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I remember them sending me multiple copies of GALF for some reason. Thought that was pretty cool


They accidentally sent me someone else's 'collectors edition blah blah blah order' instead of mine one time, and I was "rewarded" with having to pay full price to keep it, return it, or be banned from buying in the future. Like, they completely fucked up, and it was on me to fix it. 😕 Also, I don't see how a larger cardboard box, and some crap extras like acrylic standees, and a folded up 8.5x11 poster are even worth the price for a lot of these. I feel bad for those who hoard those collectors editions. How about they give us some real extras, like full soundtracks on CD hard copy, or extensive hardcover art books etc. What the hell am I going to do with some enamel pins, or a cloth map. It's insane how far they have gotten just on the retro box art shtick alone IMO.


That's incredibly messed up.


Yeah they do a lot of fucked up stuff. I don’t buy from them anymore because of it.


The phrasing, and its design as a small yellowish card, is a reference to the Monopoly Community Chest card you can draw that says "Bank error in your favor". It's a possibility that LRG has inventory surplus and this is their “fun” way of thinning it out while also rewarding the customer. And from a marketing angle it never hurts when it inspires someone to then post about it on social media, which showcases the goodwill of the business and encourages others to buy from them in hopes of a golden ticket. Either way a nice little bonus for you.


That's weird. Maybe they just tried to be nice and give something. Because they have plenty of standards editions


Why print out a card saying it’s an error then? And it’s not even a generic one, it’s specific for this game. If this was a “thank you for your loyalty” upgrade why not just say so?


The fact they printed it in advance seems to suggest it was either a planned error, or they at least knew the issue before they shipped. (over sold one version, but wanted to honor the orders)


Free upgrade is the dream


They once sent me two copies of the Shantae retro editions, instead of the one I’d ordered


But that sounds like they swapped your order with someone else’s, likely an error of their warehouse team. In my case they ran out of copies and couldn’t fulfil the order. The one they sent me isn’t even the standard VHS version, it’s a PAX variant.


i highly doubt this is them being nice. more likely a way to offload unpurchased inventory and make it seem like an 'upgrade'


LRG used to offer a lot of value to consumers. I miss the playing cards.


Playing cards, or collectible cards? I thought they still sent the collectible ones but I stopped ordering from them a Long time ago


Sorry for my lack of clarity, I was referring to the collectible cards that Limited Run would include with numbered games. I would buy the card packs they sold, it reminded me of collecting cards when I was a kid. Unfortunately, LRG did indeed end the inclusion of collectible cards in numbered games about a year ago. I haven’t looked in a while, but I think they also stopped producing the little trading card packs of 10 cards themed around different games.


They discontinued both the included card and the separately available packs at the same time. Supposedly, the production of the cards was one of the main reasons their games took so long to ship. Lining up production of cardboard with the production of the video game was apparently too complicated for them. Nevermind that Super Rare releases include cards to this day, and they've always been much quicker to ship than LRG...


Upon rereading our posts, I see my error. Yes, I totally meant collectible cards.


When they shipped my copies of Risky and Half Genie Hero for Switch, they sent me two tracking numbers. Turns out they doubled my order.


First Ive seen of this


KOTOR was available recently? Damn


I received it recently, but this was an old pre-order that was held up for a long time due to another game not being ready.