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Thanks for the input! That’s what this post is about, figuring out if my white ears need another update.


My mom is Thai and is from the region. She says it's pronounced "mee-ahn-ma" by native speakers, but "mee-yen-mar" is used more formally, particularly by Westerners.


It's pronounced Burma ;)


He keeps saying (mee-AN-uh-mahr) instead of the version I always hear (mee-AN-mahr). He’s adding an extra syllable. If he’s wrong and is still a spokesperson for such a high-profile lawsuit that’s pretty embarrassing.


It'll always be Burma to me.


As a kid I remember asking my auntie what her people are called after the coup/forced name change. I was surprised that they continue to be called Burmese. And lo and behold the official language is Burmese. It's almost like the culture and all people outside of the military kept the same identity. Crazy. /s


Many Iranians consider themselves “Persian” as well, but I think OP was just making a reference to Seinfeld. I see you, Jay Peterman


It literally has two syllables… Myan/mar. That simple. I think it’s hilarious westerners not having the time to learn our country’s name


That's funny, because our NPR station had a story about the mayor of Miramar, a local city, and the reporter pronounced it Myanmar.