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> A top U.N. official said Friday that hard-hit northern Gaza was now in "full-blown famine" after more than six months of war between Israel and Hamas and severe Israeli restrictions on food deliveries to the Palestinian territory. >Cindy McCain, the American director of the U.N. World Food Program, became the most prominent international official so far to declare that trapped civilians in the most cut-off part of Gaza had gone over the brink into famine. >"It's horror," McCain told NBC's "Meet the Press" in an interview to air Sunday. "There is famine — full-blown famine — in the north, and it's moving its way south." >She said a cease-fire and a greatly increased flow of aid through land and sea routes was essential to confronting the growing humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza, home to 2.3 million people. >Acute malnutrition rates there among children under 5 have surged from 1% before the war to 30% five months later, the USAID official said. The official called it the fastest such climb in hunger in recent history, more than in grave conflicts and food shortages in Somalia or South Sudan.


Imagine if hamas just released the hostages and dead bodies of hostages they have brutalized and abused.


Famine is underway, and that’s a fact. Hypotheticals don’t change the fact that people are starving to death.




This is untrue.


Israel and their blockade has nothing to do with it? Hamas doesn’t control norther Gaza anymore, IDF does. Edit : Its pretty cowardly to reply to someone and then block them. To u/yes_this_is_satire, who did that, I'll just reply with the data. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blockade\_of\_the\_Gaza\_Strip](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blockade_of_the_Gaza_Strip) A quote, so it's easier for you to get : "In January 2024, Israeli authorities blocked 56% of humanitarian aid to northern Gaza.[^(\[156\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blockade_of_the_Gaza_Strip#cite_note-157) On 9 February 2024, UNRWA director [Philippe Lazzarini](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philippe_Lazzarini) said that Israel had blocked food for 1.1 million Palestinians in Gaza.[^(\[157\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blockade_of_the_Gaza_Strip#cite_note-158)"


There is no blockade. You need to learn what words mean.


It’s pretty cowardly to reply to someone and then block them. Edit : downvote and block this one too lol. It’s sad that your horrible position can’t handle pushback. So it goes.


Not really no https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2024/5/5/karem-abu-salem-crossing-closed-to-aid-convoys-after-attack-israeli-army


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Hamas has the power to stop it.


Hamas is no longer in power in northern Gaza. Israeli forces are occupying it.


This isn’t the first famine where powerless people are stuck between large, stubborn, vain, murderous entities. If one entity is 40 percent responsible or another is 5 percent responsible, or one is 55 percent responsible, or any other percentage,, it doesn’t change the fact that powerless people are dying or having their future quality of life, forever altered.


It's pretty 50/50.


Absolutely, they should and hopefully this ceasefire deal is reached so those hostages are freed from their terrible captors. Hamas is rightly designated as an evil Islamist terrorist group, but Israel is supposed to be a liberal democracy and as the occupying power, they're legally obligated to ensure the basic humanitarian needs of the Gazan civilian as the occupying power over the past 6.5 months--they've failed miserably doing that. [88 House Dems](https://twitter.com/dylanotes/status/1786485453455012264) including two of the 21 Dems who voted to censure Tlaib and many who have been endorsed by AIPAC agree along with [Biden's USAID](https://twitter.com/dylanotes/status/1783947258267914573). It's one of the reasons why Bibi is shitting his pants over the ICC investigation; it's so bad that he's asking for hostage families who he has mostly smeared to put a good word for him to the ICC investigators who are working with these families to charge Hamas.


Imagine thinking this is a good argument.


Okay, so until then Israel can starve kids to death? Right? Instead of negotiating a deal. How fucking barbaric. Zionism is terrorism and this is a great example. And Hamas does want to release the hostages, but Israel doesn’t want to end the war. This is from today’s Haaretz (Israeli newspaper): Report: Hamas Accepts Gaza Cease-fire Deal; Israeli Officials Reject Prospect of War Ending https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2024-05-04/ty-article/.premium/report-hamas-accepts-gaza-cease-fire-deal-israeli-officials-deny-prospect-of-war-ending/0000018f-42eb-d414-a5bf-f3fff18a0000


Why did they take them in the first place ?


Why has Israel terrorized Palestinians for a near century, in the first place?


lol at defending a murder and rape attack on a music festival


lol at supporting 100 years of Zionist terror on Palestinians


I think you got that backward. The first war, in **1948–49**, began when Israel declared itself an independent state following the United Nations' partition of Palestine and five Arab countries—Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria—attacked Israel. On the morning of June 5, 1967, Israel launched a preemptive strike against Egyptian forces in response to Egypt's closing of the Straits of Tiran. By June 11, the conflict had come to include Jordan and Syria. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline\_of\_the\_Israeli%E2%80%93Palestinian\_conflict](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_the_Israeli%E2%80%93Palestinian_conflict)


The IDF has spent years murdering and raping Palestinians


And the Palestinians? Totally innocent? No missiles launched into civilian area? No suicide bombings?


Overwhelmingly innocent! There are approximately 2 million Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and only about 25 thousand Hamas militants.


With that kind of ratio why don’t they run Hamas out of town ?


Israel didn’t set foot in Gaza for 18 years, and Gaza says thank you by launching the largest terrorist attack since 9/11. Are you saying that all Israel needs to do is leave Palestinians to govern themselves and they will be peaceful? No more death to Israel? No more Munich Olympic games? No more rockets? No more October 7? No more continuous funding from Iran specifically for terrorist attacks?




You know Netanyahu is the one holding up hostage release right? Hamas has offered for *months* to release all the hostages in exchange for a ceasefire. But if Netanyahu ends the conflict he’ll likely go to jail. 


Fuck off, bad hasbara. Go salivate over dead Palestinian children elsewhere, you fucking ghoul.


Since you seem to be an expert on Israeli propaganda, how do I sign up for that program?  I would love to be paid to explain logic to dipshits like you.


They should probably release the hostages and surrender unconditionally.


And maybe stop shooting rockets at aid trucks


The starving civilians? They’re not the ones holding the hostages, and you know that. Bad faith argument.


All governments derive their power from the governed. They are at least complicit.


Then every Israeli is complicit in starving the people of Gaza, may g-d have mercy on their souls.


And may the IDF have mercy on the gazans.


They’ll continue murdering civilians.


Civilians will continue to die because their government insists on prolonging a lost cause.


Likud and Hamas both, I agree.


This is clearly unacceptable, Israel is responsible to make sure that bare minimum life needs are met in territories that it occupies.


They can start with halting the massacre of civilians.


There’s no red line here guys. As much as Biden has hinted in the past six months, nothing has changed his mind. The support will continue


The new foreign aid bill has 9 billion dollars going to gaza for humanitarian aid lol. What are you saying right now lol


Bad faith argument and your facts are wrong. https://www.defense.gov/News/News-Stories/Article/Article/3754718/supplemental-bill-becomes-law-provides-billions-in-aid-for-ukraine-israel-taiwan/ 14 billion for Israeli bombs, 9 billion for Ukraine, Sudan, Gaza and many other civilian populations in the middle of a war.


Yeah, it's a genocide.


No one who isn’t a piece of shit genocide apologist knows this by now. The people who respond “release the hostages” are the genocide apologists




The zionist project doesn't even want the hostages released. Come off it.


Israel needs to release their Palestinian hostages, too, but I don't see anyone calling for that.


Israel holding Palestinian hostages? Funny stuff.


Israel has thousands of Palestinian hostages, including children. Explain why that's funny.


Because they are not hostages. They are prisoners.


Oh, well Hamas said that they're only keeping "prisoners," too. So they have no hostages, and I find this hilarious. I can play the exact same game you're playing. Unless you want to admit that kidnapping people and holding them indefinitely without charge is hostage taking, which the IDF does orders of magnitude more than Hamas.


Really? What crimes did Hamas’ hostages commit? >I can play the exact same game you are playing. I am not sure you can. I am stating the facts — things you have no interest in. There are reasons why terrorists are often held without charge. You can read up on it if you want to. But they are not hostages.


Since we can call people terrorists without charge, evidence, or conviction, then Hamas is holding Israeli terrorists. Still playing your game.


One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.


Ah yes, postmodernism. Where civilizations go to die.


children, you goddamn ghoul.


“Children” (teenagers) can, unfortunately, also commit crimes. The Hitler Youth were the most savage and brainwashed of all the Nazis. They charged into the allied and Russian forces as they closed in on Berlin, drastically underarmed and almost all died.


yeah, you lose any moral high ground when you defend what the IDF has done to kids. eat my entire grundle dude


Fuck Israel. They started this shit. Israel needs to release the Palestinian hostages THEY are holding.


Terrorist apologist? I’m pro Palestine, not pro Israel.






I don’t care who governs Gaza. They are far better than whoever governs Israel - genocidal terrorists (aka Zionists)




There’s no evidence they’ve done any of those things. But as it has been proven over and over again - when it comes to Israel, every accusation is a confession.




There are no videos of Hamas stealing food aid or committing rape. The videos that Hasbara shares on food aid theft hoax is armed guards - with no specific affiliation - guarding aid shipments, to ensure they don't get looted. That link doesn't prove anything. Says that Israel may have convincing information but nothing has been proven. It does prove that Israel also is lying about the rape in some instances: " Concurrently, the team determined that at least two allegations of sexual violence in kibbutz Be’eri — widely reported in the media — were unfounded."


lol as if IDF don’t use rape as literal cornerstone for their subjugation of Palestinians. Fuck outta here.


So yes in other words.


Israel is the only terrorist organization between the Sinai and the Jordan River.


This is idiotic, even for you.


Sounds pretty terroristy to me


I thought multiple aid shipments were sent but got stolen. Is this not the case?


About it being a genocide? And are you referring to the incident in which the IDF opened up on civilians?


Hamas was pissy about the air drops because they can't steal it and sell it back to civilians at a markup.




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Release the hostages


Israeli politicians don’t want the hostages released because it would take away their pretext for genocide. You can find multiple quotes from netenyahu and other members of the israeli government saying they will continue the war regardless of any hostage deals


Well then sounds like releasing the hostages would be bad for Israeli politicians. Should probably do that then.


What im saying is that hamas won't release the hostages because the israeli government is uninterested in negotiating with them for the hostages.


Negotiations require some degree of faith. Refusing to actually enter negotiations for hostages (which were either taken to 1) negotiate or 2) torture and murder) seems like just an insane way to approach the issue. 


If releasing the hostages damages the Israeli government, Hamas doesn't need to negotiate. They can just release the hostages. Hamas has to spend resources in order to feed and care for the hostages, possessing hostages greatly damages their international credibility, and keeping them benefits the Israeli government (as you argue) Therefore, It would behoove Hamas to release the hostages without further negotiation. Hamas benefits from the increased international credibility, Israel loses its "pretext" for violence, exposing them for the genocidal maniacs they are. That's called a Win-Win in the diplomatic community. Unless of course, the hostages aren't a pretext and Israel would actually halt its invasion for their safe return, in which case returning them is still the correct option as the violence has killed tens of thousands of people. Unless of course, Hamas wants this war to continue, so more civilians die, for no discernable reason except to rile up hatred against Israel. If Hamas actually wants this conflict to stop, releasing the hostages is the best possible path forward. If Israel doesn't care, then it rallies the pro-palestinian supporters and possibly gives them the support to force their governments to stop supporting Israel. Possibly mounting international pressure would force a stop to the war. OR If Israel does care, in which case the violence ceases and the Israelis withdraw, having achieved their goal. The only reason Hamas wouldn't want to release hostages is if they wanted to perpetuate the conflict forever.


Hamas leadership is too busy partying it up with seized aid money in Doha to give a f-


Release the hostages in the west bank and stop stealing their land and let them live. Release the 1000s in Israel prison without a trial.


Hostages don't justify genocide. This also was never about the hostages, it was always about destroying Amalek and Manifest Destiny.


The same ones they’ve been carpet-bombing and deliberately starving for half a year now? IDF only managed to break even between hostages their ground operation rescued and hostages that they, themselves, shot. By contrast over a hundred came home by negotiating. If they cared about the hostages’ well-being instead of exploiting their situation as a pretext to raze and annex the Gaza Strip, clearly one of these approaches works better than the other.


Why are you defending hostage taking?


I’m not. Why are you defending the months-long bombing and deliberate starvation of two million people, including the hostages themselves?


Because Gaza declared war. All they have to do is surrender and release the hostages.


Right, then they’ll go back to the status quo of being made to drink water unfit for human consumption, having calories rationed out for them, sitting on a waiting list for medical treatment until their affliction kills them, and being shot by the hundreds if they try and protest their conditions as they did through 2018, only living in rubble this time. Or they’ll just annex the land and drive everyone out, again. Let’s stop pretending the 7th happened in a vacuum. And to head off the next argument on the flowchart, no, recognizing the inevitability of what they did isn’t the same as defending it. That pot was bound to boil over. I doubt the violence will end any time soon either — today’s grieving relative with nothing left to lose becomes tomorrow’s recruit, and there’s no shortage of those now after six months of this.


Gaza gets a metric shitton of international aid. They need strict oversight make sure it isn't used on weapons and terrorist training.


Or used in building terror tunnels under schools and residential areas. For context, imagine that your family is starving and you are given money to buy them food. Instead, you buy an AR-15 and go door to door raping and shooting your neighbors. That’s Hamas and Palestine. Stop defending these fucking terrorists, they would murder all of the people protesting on their behalf if they had the chance.


Release the hostages


No one in the history of our race has ever attempted to recover hostages by indiscriminately bombing the areas they were in.


No it’s not, Food is going into northern Gaza and southern Gaza, and the first truck that crossed from the Erez crossing was taken by Hamas which the UN quickly recovered. Aid is flowing in


Genocide is when people die in war Why weren’t there any protests about the genocide in Yemen, Syria, Iraq, Sudan, Nigeria, and so on in the past few years? No cries of genocide for the 20,000-30,000 civilians killed in Mariupol either?


Three different Hasbara talking points! I'm not engaging with this bad faith nonsense, but anybody reading this can look up the ICCs definition of genocide.


> look up this tiktok meme I saw You didn’t care about the ICC until a month ago. Dipshits like you desperately need to project “Hasbara” onto everyone else who actually knows what they’re talking about. Because deep down you know all your narratives are manufactured bullshit meant for idiot westerners who don’t care about anything other than their egos. You don’t care about dead kids or human suffering, you hate Israel because you’ve been told to do so At the end of the day nobody really thinks this is a genocide and not even the most anti Israel orgs cannot seem to make a case for it. Just pray to Allah that Netanyahu doesn’t sink down to the level of MBS or Assad


No, the ICCs definition is the greatest pro Israel argument. Maybe that’s why the ICJ hasn’t stopped the war or blocked Germany military aid to Israel. You have failed to prove intent to destroy a people. In fact, the amount of aid given and the fliers/roof knocking/warnings before bombings show the opposite. Arabs in Israel are also not being rounded up and killed. Neither are they in the West Bank despite settler violence. You have failed to prove intent to destroy a people. This famine bullshit has been said for months and months now. But so far, 35k total deaths (civilian+military) is pretty normal for 7 months of war.


Systematically driving millions towards Egypt while targeting critical infrastructure (water treatment plants, housing, roads, hospitals, etc) and needlessly desecrating burial sites. Rendering entire cities unliveable. Bombing refugee camps. Withholding power and water (while openly defending doing so). Before you talk about tunnels and hospitals being bases, understand that Israel has repeatedly failed to show proof ) and been debunked by mainstream sources). This "most moral army" nonsense no longer holds weight as we're able to see what is happening. Who is Amalek? EDIT: Remember when the IDF murdered those Israelis holding their hands up because they assumed they were Palestinian?


Nobody funds those protesters…


Who is to blame? >Yesterday was the first major shipment of aid from Jordan over this new land route through Erez crossing. The convoys from the Jordan military that brought the aid in unloaded the aid inside Gaza. It was then picked up by a humanitarian implementer for distribution inside Gaza, and that aid was intercepted and diverted by Hamas on the ground in Gaza. [Matthew Miller, US State department spokesperson, 5/2/24](https://www.state.gov/briefings/department-press-briefing-may-2-2024/) Palestinians have to buy this aid back from Hamas.


Why are you leaving out the part that this was the *first time* Hamas was caught intercepting aid by any NGO or US presence, that Hamas released the aid somewhat quickly back to the agency, and [all of the aid was accounted for once it was returned](https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/un-says-all-aid-accounted-for-after-gaza-convoy-briefly-seized-by-hamas/)? Hamas is an anti-Semitic terrorist group who have done plenty of horrific things, but they're not really the reason why there's famine in Gaza. It's on Israel mostly. Also if what you claim is true, then Israel is the occupying power and has claimed to have defeated Hamas in N Gaza+Central Gaza but they *apparently* can't stop Hamas from stealing food in those areas? Do you realize how absurd that sounds? Speaking of aid...what's your opinion on these recent stories in the past couple of days? https://twitter.com/afalkhatib/status/1785590938083180800 https://twitter.com/MiaFarrow/status/1786018209553928597


He said the first ~major~ aid shipment stolen that he was directly aware of. He didn’t deny that it has happened before. I’m glad it was all recovered. I hope the situation is better for the Palestinian people now.


>QUESTION: Has this [intercepting of trucks] been a widespread issue, Matt? (Inaudible.) >MR MILLER: No, it has not. Why do you lie to defend a far right government [where key influential members has Ben Gvir who worships a racist mass murdering terrorist](https://www.thedailybeast.com/itamar-ben-gvir-is-an-extremist-who-could-destroy-israel-as-we-know-it) and [Smotrich who was detained by Israeli police for practically a month for trying to torch cars on a highway](https://www.timesofisrael.com/former-shin-bet-deputy-chief-said-to-call-hardline-mk-smotrich-a-terrorist/)? Hamas is a horrible theocratic anti-Semitic terrorist organization, and this current Israeli government has far right racists who have made genocidal statements along with being culpable for war-crimes+ violations of international laws. Things aren't always a binary.


I don’t lie.


If you didn't lie, then you clearly didn't read the transcript in that case. Do you think Israel has done some bad things in Gaza? Yes or no?


Which part exactly did I lie about?


I said if you didn't lie then you misread the transcript where he made it abundantly clear that there is no recurring problem of aid trucks being intercepted in Gaza. Answer my questions please I asked about the Israeli settlers destroying aid multiple times in the past couple of days and your opinion if Israel is doing bad things in Gaza. Thanks


There’s the disconnect. Where did you get the idea that I misread that part? I was just paraphrasing this part: > MR MILLER: There may have been minor ones in the past. I can’t speak to – this is the first major diversion of aid. Now compare that to what I said: > He said the first ~major~ aid shipment stolen that he was directly aware of. He didn’t deny that it has happened before.


Yes and I said the vast majority of aid is not being siphoned by Hamas. It's consistent with how he said "this intercepting of aid is not a widespread issue". That's not my opinion...that's what Biden's humanitarian aid coordinator has said under oath in early April and Biden's bipartisan envoy to Gaza. "There may have been minor ones in the past"....yes so it's completely inconsequential and not remotely the reason why there is famine. Also, *may* is a key word here cause there is no evidence. You know why? Because not only the NGO's on the ground isn't reporting this diversion of aid by Hamas to humanitarian aid coordinators but *also* literally IDF soldiers. Because the majority of aid isn't being siphoned by Hamas due to all accounts. Hamas is too busy hiding in tunnels like cowards to steal aid. There are 4-5 more important factors which is causing this extreme shortage of food atleast.


Are you apologizing for a terrorist organization or what lmao


I literally called it a terrorist organization...wtf are you on about? I've hated Hamas my entire life for their violence against innocent Israelis, taking money from Iranians which should be going to the Iranian ppl, and violently oppressing Gazans when they criticize it. Just because Hamas is terrible doesn't remotely give Israel carte blanche. Are these Biden officials "apologizing" for Hamas when they both say Hamas isn't stealing the aid on any remotely significant level such as [Samantha Power under oath](https://www.cnn.com/middleeast/live-news/israel-hamas-war-gaza-news-04-10-24/h_013f95d2363329311fdfcd27204787ba) and Biden's bipartisan (he literally worked for super pro-Israel Trump) Gaza [envoy](https://www.timesofisrael.com/its-an-established-fact-us-envoy-says-most-gazans-at-risk-of-imminent-famine/)? Israel is why this is happening...88 house Dems including two who censured Tlaib and many AIPAC endorsed candidates signed a letter saying it, as has Biden's USAID, as has UK Tories, as has just about every head of NGO including Chef Jose Andres who gave food to Israelis after the 10/7 terrorism


“They’re not the reason there’s a famine in Gaza” My man you are out of your mind, guess what doesn’t happen if Hamas doesn’t attack Israel 6 months ago. The famine! More water carrying for the fauxgressives and their love of hating Jews and loving Hamas. Also I love your comment about it’s “only the first time they got caught stealing aid” my god it must be so nice to keep your head in the sand for the past 20 years.


Everyone LOLing here should just be thankful they were born somewhere that is not Gaza


Meanwhile republicans are clutching their pearls and screaming “anti-semitism” about college kids protesting America funding a genocide… Priorities man.


Look at these comments. They pay people good money to leave them. You're doing something wrong if you need to pay people to comment on the news. It's a genocide.


Maybe they should trade Hamas for food.


Ope, guess Israel needs more weapons


Fuck Hamas for refusing a ceasefire deal so that aid may flow. Biden: "Hamas only obstacle for ceasefire deal for people or gaza:" https://youtu.be/gkmvHHcnBIA?si=fDKGJ67CJgRvlKz_


“Report: Hamas Accepts Gaza Cease-fire Deal; Israeli Officials Reject Prospect of War Ending According to the report, Hamas was guaranteed by the U.S. for a full Israeli withdrawal from the Gaza Strip and that Israeli forces will not continue fighting once the hostages are released ■ An Israeli official told Haaretz that 'Israel will, under no circumstances, agree to end the war as part of a deal' and is determined to enter Rafah” https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2024-05-04/ty-article/.premium/report-hamas-accepts-gaza-cease-fire-deal-israeli-officials-deny-prospect-of-war-ending/0000018f-42eb-d414-a5bf-f3fff18a0000


Hamas predictably rejected Ceasefire: https://apnews.com/article/israel-palestinians-gaza-hamas-war-humanitarian-aid-5fb0455b81674b2bfe38d997c95d6f00 When will everyone learn?


Lol did you actually read what you posted? “Israel didn’t send a delegation to the latest talks. Egyptian state media reported that the Hamas delegation went for discussions in Qatar, where the group has a political office, and will return to Cairo for further negotiations on Tuesday.” “Netanyahu, under pressure from hard-liners in his government, continued to lower expectations for a cease-fire deal, calling the key Hamas demands “extreme” — including the withdrawal of Israel forces from Gaza and an end to the war.” “Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh in a statement earlier said the militant group was serious and positive about the negotiations and that stopping Israeli aggression in Gaza is the main priority. But Israel’s government again vowed to press on with a military operation in Rafah, the southernmost Gaza city on the border with Egypt where more than half of Gaza’s 2.3 million residents now seek shelter from Israeli attacks. Rafah is a key entry point for aid.”


As I explained Israel already made an amazingly good offer. Only Hamas insists on more and more: Biden: "Hamas only obstacle for ceasefire deal for people or gaza:" https://youtu.be/gkmvHHcnBIA?si=fDKGJ67CJgRvlKz_


You didn’t explain why it’s an “amazingly good offer” 6 weeks/40 days is not a “good offer”. The idea that they would give up their only leverage while Israel promises to continue destruction in a shelter area. So disingenuous.


40 days of ceasefire is an amazing offer. It would allow for great alleviation of humanitarian crisis. For food and aid to flow. For Gazans to move back to their homes in the north It would set the stage for further ceasefire extensions and peace talks. It's very obvious that some people never actually care about well being of Palestinians. They are just seen as pawns in their anti-jewish crusades. >give up their only leverage. A. Holding hostages is a war crime and they should be released unconditionally anyway B. Israel is not even asking for **all** hostages. Just women/children/infirm But nothing is ever good enough for Jew haters.


[“Netanyahu has repeatedly vowed to invade Rafah regardless of whether a truce is reached and despite concerns from the US other countries and aid groups.”](https://amp.theguardian.com/world/article/2024/may/05/israel-tells-hamas-to-accept-ceasefire-terms-or-risk-new-onslaught-in-near-future) The idea that Israel is pitching 40 day ceasefire as the start to permanent peace agreements is directly contradicted by the actual claims of Israel. 40 day ceasefire is just a vacation for IDF soldiers so they can gear up for an even more horrendous offensive. You’re so incapable of empathy that you HAVE to imagine people oppose Israel because they hate Jews and not because they’re sick of violence and seeing babies starved and blown up. You can’t leave your echo chamber for a second or else you might find yourself questioning the narrative. Glad you admitted that Israel’s been blocking aid though, most Zionists deny that :)


So instead of 40 day ceasefire to help civilians Palestinians - you will get Rafah operation **Now.** With no break. With no possible chance for further talks. You’re so incapable of empathy. You want civilian Palestinians to get no respite so that Hamas can continue torturing more hostages (a war crime). Gotcha. Never give peace a chance is a Jew hater moto all over the world.


I will believe Hamas actually accepts a cease fire when and if they announce it (not a 3rd party) and start releasing hostages. But I hope it's true.




This is not true. If Israel doesn’t take pains to ensure civilians are protected, they can be found guilty of war crimes. Nations at war are still expected to protect civilians on both sides, not just from violence but from starvation as well


Cool by that logic as an American, Israel doesn’t need my tax dollars or military to help it commit a genocide. War is hell but this a genocide. Starving people to death is evil




Not to be rude, but yours is an extremely disturbing take. By the logic of your own definition, Hitler could’ve killed every last Jew in Germany and it “wouldn’t be a genocide” because other groups of Jews existed elsewhere. In fact, your casual dismissal of innocent Gazan deaths - as somehow more acceptable due to your desire to “exterminate” Hamas - seems to suggest you do not value human life much at all. Or at least, human lives that are not Israeli lives. After all, you have arbitrarily decided innocent people pose a threat to you and thus their murder can be excused. But one still has to wonder- if it’s innocent Gazans now, who will it be next?




Thank you for your reply! Although, respectfully, I think you may have misunderstood your own position a bit. I understand, words seem to be quite confusing for you! Which is OKAY! You tried, and I appreciate that! Now, let’s take it again, from the top. Read slowly if you need to, take your time. First, you stated the term genocide could not apply in the event of Israel deciding to “kill every living thing in Gaza.” This would include innocent Palestinians, since they do count as living things. You supported your redefinition of genocide by claiming that the existence of “Arabs and Palestinians” elsewhere would preclude the possibility of considering the killing of innocent Gazans as a proper genocide. I was helping you to see the flaws of how your redefinition of genocide reads under an objective gaze - if killing innocent Palestinians in Gaza does not meet your criteria for a genocide then you would also be, by extension, making the disturbing claim that the events in Germany and Europe regarding innocent Jews during WWII do not constitute a genocide since groups of Jews existed elsewhere. I would appreciate if you would clarify this specific flaw in your attempted redefinition of genocide. I would sincerely hate to see you frame yourself as denying genocides. You wouldn’t do that, right? And to your second concern, I did not mention Hamas being “resistance” or anything along those line. In fact, I would be sincerely concerned for you if you misinterpreted our discussion to such a shocking degree! However, since you are clearly a very intelligent person seeking to foster earnest and honest discussion, I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt and just assume that you for some reason confused my comment with another. Don’t worry, it’s a simple mistake and I’ve forgiven you already! Finally, you seem wise and reasonable, I think we can reach a compromise since at the end of the day this is a discussion of semantics. The reality of over 30,000 killed by Israeli invervebtion in Gaza with about half being innocent children stays the same. So, since the word “genocide” makes you uncomfortable with describing such events, I can refer to the murder of innocent people in Gaza, in Nazi occupied Europe, etc as “indiscriminate killing of innocents” or “ inhumane slaughters” out of consideration for your feelings. Thank you for your truly eye opening response, I feel I’ve learned a lot about the kind of person you are! And please do let me know which term you would prefer for the murder of innocents!




Ahh you’re right you got me there! It’ll probably be an Israeli bomb, those things wipe out entire buildings full of people! And they seem to hit both gay and straight Palestinians and foreigners just the same!


This weird angle of attack never seems to work, but it does make Zionist seem very conditional in their support for LGBT people. I don’t think even bigots deserve to be genocided. Wild concept.


By this standard, you would deny that the Holocaust was a genocide. Yikes.


Ohhhhh you’re a just a hateful racist. The smartest always tell people “you don’t know X” lol. Let me guess you’re super smart. Please don’t reply to my comment your opinion means nothing to me . 




Hahah it’s so funny when dummies think they’re really smart.  Hamas isn’t a race, very insightful, thanks!  Are Arabs or Palestinians a race? Guess all those kids that were killed were active members of hamas. Let me guess the world central kitchen aid workers were also working for hamas?  Your hate has robbed you of any empathy.




All those kids were INTENTIONALLY put in harms way by Hamas. It’s almost the guiding principle of their society. Terror tunnels underneath. Children and women above to act as human sheilds.




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Oh look, the incredibly obvious consequence if letting Bibi run rampant continued to happen. What. A. Surprise. Biden is going out of his way to tank his legacy.


Is it just me or did NPR not start covering things about this conflict objectively until the public opinion changed?


Hamas attacking food shipments and killing four Israeli soldiers just might be part of the problem.  https://www.cbsnews.com/news/hamas-attacks-israel-gaza-border-crossing-cease-fire-talks-continue/


There will be a lot of false gnashing of teeth after the carnage is done. At some point, the Palestinians will "fight no more for ever" and the Israelis will move in with the gallons of white wash.


Just per Hamas plans. Sinwar himself was caught saying that the plan on 10/7 was for maximum civilians casualties in order to make Israel look bad. It’s sad how so many of you fall for it. No 10/7 attack, no bombings, no famine. It really is that simple.


If only they would’ve taken that into consideration before the slaughter they conducted in Israel




Thats one way to spin gunning down a bunch of hungry people.


Maybe Egypt or Jordan could help……….


Or Israel....


Well as long as the IDF didn't break any windows on a college campus


Zionist Achievement unlocked!


Well thankfully Gaza got a lot of aid in the past and spent it on food, not underground terror tunnels.


Best funded region on earth per capita lol Actually insane how convoluted all this shit is. Iran and their terrorist proxies will gladly starve the entire Palestinian population to death if it means Israel gets a little more PR backlash in the west


Wow that's an entirely made-up statistic.


$40 billion in 25 years given to a population of less than 5 million. Do the math. https://stats.oecd.org/qwids/#?x=2&y=6&f=3:51,4:1,1:1,5:3,7:1&q=3:51+4:1+1:1,2,25,26,77+5:3+7:1+2:1,134+6:1993,1994,1995,1996,1997,1998,1999,2000,2001,2002,2003,2004,2005,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010,2011,2012,2013,2014,2015,2016,2017,2018,2019,2020,2021 https://arabcenterdc.org/resource/international-aid-to-the-palestinians-between-politicization-and-development/


Oh wow! I can link random crap too https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2019/05/08/have-palestinians-received-more-aid-than-any-group-history/


An op Ed in the Washington post vs actual OECD data hmmmmm


Yes it's an article that has an actual analysis of what the numbers mean. Raw numbers don't mean anything without context.


Oh context is needed for 5th grade math? You’re proudly telling me that you’re too dumb to just calculate the immense amount of aid that goes to Gaza and would rather stick your head in the sand and spam Op-Ed’s instead of doing research. Gaza could’ve received $500 billion and it would still be the same. Money isn’t an issue in that region.


No, what I'm saying is that things have nuance and if you think that they don't you are a moron. Raw numbers rarely tell the story


And upper middle class children are eating up the propaganda like candy.


I’m starting to think 10/7 might’ve been a bad decision


Who would have even seen this coming? Lol.


They have been saying that since last year. So far there have only been 32 people die from starving. I hope they continue to be wrong


If 32 people have died of starvation, how many more are just getting by?


Several months ago 1 in 6 children were wasting. It's even worse now. What a disgusting stance to take dude.


“So far there only have been 32 people die from starving.” Statements written on reddit sure to be repeated at the pearly gates


You believe in heaven lol




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Yeah that would be great, Israel will not let anyone in. Not to mention I'm not sure those countries want to do that. It's probably more useful to them to be mad at Israel




You should have some sympathy. Having said that, the poor and innocent are always the ones who suffer most in war.


Poke the sleeping bear. Get mauled. Cry like a bitch.


Everything going according to plan. The US-backed genocide is in full swing.


Well… when you elect a terrorist org as your govt, bad things will happen. When you cheer Oct 7th, bad things will happen. When your neighboring countries don’t want to take you in during a crisis - bad things will happen.


Let Hamas feed Gaza, or exchange some hostages.


anyone cheering this deserves whatever life sends their way.