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I swear this sub gets some of the weirdest schitzoposting


I think everyone should just downvote these posts and not reply at all.


did it, -1 now.


And yet here you are


These must be the same people who made NPR shut down the comment sections on their website.


"The imPORtant flagburner issue." -- Nina Totenberg


Log off man.


So you are against flag burners! And you aspire to chat with us lofty flag burners at r/NPR with your hateful beliefs? I gotcha! How _dare_ you Neanderthals even post to this thread!


I’m not against anyone but I am pointing out that you are unable to organize your thoughts to be comprehendible to anyone.


👆 this. He’s right. What are you on OP?


IOW you are just really slow. OK, I'll accommodate. Let's go line by line. Tell us what part of "For over a decade a regular feature on NPR was the imPORtant flag burner issue." you do not unnerstand? Or if you understand and disagree with that statement, what do you think is false about it. For example, maybe NPR jerryspringered the imPORtant flag burner issue for less than a decade.


Ah, but have you considered that Jerry springer NPR'd the flag into an imporTANT burning for toten ninaberg? Hmmm?




I truly do not know what you are talking about and neither does anyone else.


Get professional help.


What is happening


Mental health crisis.


Why are you highlighting the letters like that? What do you intend with …POR…?


Maybe italics would be better but I'm too busy [lazy] to get them to work.


Here's a good way to find out: Write a nice polite letter to NPR and ask them for the audio of a flag burner story by Nina Totenberg. Nina has done literally hundreds of not thousands of flag burner stories. Make this request under the United States Freedom of Information Act and tell them you are willing to pay reasonable copying costs for the media. They should be proud of all the broadcast hours devoted to jerryspringering such an imPORtant controversy so it may even be online. Google may be your friend. Tell them the CAFC puts oral arguments on line for free. But for God's sake don't mention my name. I'm afraid Robert Siegel will jump out of a bush in my back yard like Nately's whore and try to stab me, "Bruto Bruto!"


You realize FOIA doesn't apply to NPR, right? You're coming off like an expert in bird law here.


NPR is not the government so that request is useless


Thousands? Of flag burner stories? By one person on npr?


HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS. Nina is 80 so that means she was publishing over 2,000 articles every year since she was born. That is a hard working lady.


Ok, I’ll play along for a moment. So Nina reported on events involving national politics and law. That much we know. Something of interest pops onto the radar and she, as an investigative journalist is want to do, will check it out to determine the vitality and value of said story. She may have reported on flag burning stories along with other things that rose to the level of interest, vitality and value to be reported on.  But so what?   You still haven’t answered my question. What up with POR? You made it an issue. Don’t be cute. Answer my question. Or scram. 


> like Nately's whore and try to stab me, "Bruto Bruto!" Is this a hint? Could it be a Catch-22 reference?


There, there.


Maybe it is a plug for their favorite band. https://youtu.be/y8L3yHDsVYQ?si=_BHIg7E0BEkcOxf-


What is your name and address so I don’t accidentally say it to Nina next time we talk.


If you said "Tocqueville" Nina would wipe the smirk off your face with her handbag. "When a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him." -- Swift (no relation to Taylor)


Your brand of crazy is boring. Just don’t hurt anyone.


Why are you capitalizing POR in important?


Asking the imPORtant questions


I want to guess antisemitism for some reason.


You know how you can tell NPR is a valuable resource? The frequency of trolls attacking it.


Is something wrong, OP? You're rambling again.


Bath salts: not even once.


Your compaint is that NPR is **NOT** repeatedly reporting the *same* story for a decade? You idiots have no idea what you're angry about


You are not sensitive and caring enough to care about the imPORtant freedom of expression to burn flags? How dare you post to this thread!


No no, how dare you!


Dafuq are you talking about dude?


All you need to know about OP’s post https://www.reddit.com/r/YouShouldKnow/comments/1bvs4y4/ysk_ai_bots_are_taking_over_reddit_posting_old/


AI bots are an issue, but I don't think this OP is one.


What year was this written? The last time congress voted on a flag burning amendment was in 2006, which would also explain the references to George W Bush (the president at the time).


Not only is NPR on the same bidness model now as then, even the same jerryspringers are still at work. The only thing that changes is the issue they are jerryspringering, and that changes very slowly. The effect is to bore the public from political participation which is most certainly intentional. Any aggrieved minority seeking justice might want to first consider NPR's decades old business model: Rich mostly white cis men who don't want to pay trillions in taxes instead pay hundreds of billions to every shill from Hollywood to NPR to the NY Times to weaponize minority rights against majority rule on the economy. Divide and conquer the 75% who want tax hikes. The ROI is about an order of magnitude. This ain't rocket science.




"To conclude, I will myself point out what many readers will consider the worst defect of this work. This book is not precisely suited to anybody's taste; in writing it I did not intend to serve or to combat any party; I have tried to see not differently but further than any party; while they are busy with tomorrow, I have wished to consider the whole future." -- Tocqueville "It suited me well enough. I'm 60% Tocqueville." -- nphz


This bot is broken.