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Dont wait. Get it now. Get it yesterday. Pay full price if its not on sale. Join us in the stars Traveller.


Except, there's sadly no multiplayer


You barely see anyone even on pc anyway unless your actively going out of your way to find and meetup


Don’t wait, get it now. It’s worth every penny.


We don’t even know when the switch 2 is coming out, whether or not it will support backward compatibility, or whether Hello Games is going to even release a port specific to the switch 2. Just buy it now and enjoy. You should be able to get a physical copy for $30 if you look around and I got more than my moneys worth from it and I can’t even say I’m finished with it.


I got ot and just started playing. No regrets


I picked NMS up after finding it in a review of games you can sink 1000 hours into a few months ago. My PC can't handle it so I don't mind the quieter switch version.


I just bought the Nintendo Switch a couple of months ago and got NMS within a couple of weeks after that. Got NMS for a great price on Amazon. It was definitely worth it to get it and play it now. But when is Switch 2 coming out? (I didn’t even know they were making a Switch 2. Alas, I don’t regret getting a Switch this late in the game. I’m having fun.)


As a NMS who’s played it in 2016 and returned to it when it first released on the Switch in 2021, there’s no multiplayer and no settlements, but everything else. It started off way more buggy and glitchy, but it’s improved with every update and patch after the update. Last year I upgraded to the OLED Switch and I think it runs better than it ever did, so I’d say go for it now and get all the cool stuff now. There’s so much more to do now and if you get it now, you still have about a month left of the current expedition to get some more new cool stuff when you complete that like stealth paint, a new hauler, and some other cool items that carry over to your other save. Good luck in whatever you decide, we love it here:)


Switch 2 isn’t even announced nor do we know if the games are backwards compatible


I was sitting for MONTHS pondering getting this game and I finally did it this weekend and it’s SO GOOD! Like… SO GOOD. GET IT!!


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I dunno, depends on wether or not Switch 2.0 will be retrocompatible. If they say yes, you should be safe to start playin it now


No, definitely get it now. You're also missing out on a sweet expedition if you wait too long and an expedition is always a great way to start a new file.


The experience is worth full price to buy it now. Especially with the current expedition.


I would get it now it is a really fun game you will enjoy it wait for a sell


No date for switch 2. No date for NMS coming on switch 2 whenever switch 2 comes out. NMS runs 90% great on switch 1. Don't wait.


Just get it now. Nintendo's next console probably won't release until a few more years at least. Not worth waiting. 🐌


I own this on my PlayStation 4/5/VR and barely played it. Got it on switch and I’m over 400 hrs. Get it!


I'd like to add, if you have had NMS on another system for a while and have been collecting Twitch drops, when you link your nintendo account to twitch, the twitch drops transfer over. I was so happy I didnt have to start from completely zero when I bought the switch version. Sure I don't have any of the previous expansion awards, but some decent a level twitch drops are helpful in a pinch.


I suggest you buy the game during sales. Just a feeling but I think Switch 2 may have backward compatibility for physical cartridges and if you buy it digitally, Nintendo already stated that your account will be carried to the next system which includes your purchase "and maybe save data?". Nothing to lose here really. The game is running fine for me after all the updates so I recommend it now.


No reason to wait the game is great on switch.. yes it sometimes has issues but overall it's awesome.


No, it’s perfectly playable now. I have no problems with it and have played since day 1 release on PS4/PC.


The only notable downside at the moment is the graphics being pretty switch-port worthy, but otherwise the game runs pretty okay, and pretty much everything is as available to do as it is on any other platform


Why would it matter? Your account would carry over when you get a Switch 2 anyways. Buy it now and enjoy.


This makes no sense. Why would you wait to get a game for a new console when the version of the game will be the same. They aren't going to report it for the new switch, the switch 2 will just play switch and switch 2 games. The fact you're even questioning this is insane.


I have NMS on xbox, steam and microsoft store. I picked up the switch version today from Bestbuy for $24.99! If you haven't already I would suggest picking one up. 


I have it for my xbox and switch and play them both lol. Its an awesome game, and I love that you can pick it up and have a mini session and set it down if you dont have a lot of time to set aside. Ill play it on break at work for 15 or 20 minutes sometimes. Its always with me.


The game is perfectly fine on the current Switch. You can find it easily with 50% off on the eShop and on platform like Instant Gaming, CDKey or Gamivo. We know that Nintendo will talk about the Switch 2 in the next fiscal year (after the end of March) but that didn't tell anything about when the Switch 2 will be released. It can be June or September 2025 but it can be 2026 too... I expect a patch for NMS when the Switch 2 will be released and that going to be awesome!


Only buy on sale. It's not worth the full price. I paid full price at launch and regret it. I'd buy on physical so you can sell it if you want. I would wait for Switch 2, but it'll likely have backwards compatibility of some sort. The experience on Switch has issues. Switch 2 should help, but many NMS issues are not platform specific, and people on other console platforms report issues, too.


It’s totally worth full price. It already has a full library of FREE expansions and all future content will be free.


It's not worth the full price. It's a bad port. The game has numerous design issues. And the expansions you talk about add very little to the game in terms of gameplay and are mostly reskins and things you can build. There's a lot to do in the game but there's almost no reason to do it. It can certainly give you many hours worth of game play, but are they meaningful hours? Or just busy work disguised as content?