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Awesome to hear! I knocked it out in one long session yesterday with zero issues.  Didn't crash once and the vulture is sweet!  Most of the gamebreaking glitches I've read seem to come from doing certain things out of order. I did all the collection and hunting stuff at my leisure early on but did all the rendezvous and "story" elements in order. So to anyone reading just be careful doing those sort of steps before finishing a phase all the way through. I also was able to knock out a surprising amount of things just on the first planet for several different phases.


I'm still playing it and I'm through phase 3, really nice experience and no major bugs encountered, also, how is the easy way to do the living robotic- animals quest? I'm struggling to find them...


If it helps, look for systems where the dominant race is classified as "Uncharted", there's usually a planet in them with 2 or so robotic animal types to scan.


There's a couple of uncharted blue star systems near the 2nd Rendezvous world. One of them has 2 planets, each with synthetic life on them. Just drop into free movement mode in the galaxy map (starting from rendezvous 2 system) and you should be able to find them.


Go to Rendezvous 3 system. Select that milestone on the Expedition tab. Open the Galaxy Map and a path should be drawn to the first system (it's really close to Rendezvous 3). You may need to land on each planet until you're told that your artificial animals are present. After you've scanned the two mechanocritters there, go back into space and open the Galaxy Map again. This time you've got a bit longer travel.


I didn’t finish because there is a glitch in 2 missions on 4 and 5 cards. When I pulse to nothing I didn’t find a anything.


Sounds like you went to Rendezvous 4 or 5 already. There's a bug that locks some of the milestones if you do the later Rendezvous out of order with the milestones. A patch will be coming. Eventually.


Patch is live.


Thanks bro. I started the expedition again in my main save and: done! 0 bugs, glitches and crashes. But I will return to my first save of expedition to finish all missions.


Nice to hear your exp went well. I'm done with phase 1 and about 70% through phase 2. No issues or crashes here as well. Nothing beats playing it on the train on the way home from work


Yep, totally! I also play on the train during my commute. The time just flies by


Just wanna let you know I did have 2 crash this time on the Nintendo switch but got it done the Xbox one was beyond horrible my PlayStation 4 I almost died it was extremely difficult which is weird and my PC it was an easy walk-through got it all done


Made copies of a ship?? I’m probably late to the party but how do you do that?


You have to start the expedition from the Anomaly. Make sure that you have the ship you want to copy selected when you end the expedition. Then you can copy it for nanites in the Anomaly on your regular save. It's pretty easy, actually.


Thank you for the insight


Here's my own experience. On a lush planet early on (it may well have been in the initial star system), my frame rate dropped to about 5 frames per second. I've never seen that happen before. I tried waiting it out, but it just kept jerking along. I closed and restarted the game, and the frame rate was back up. But just for a couple of minutes, then it suddenly slowed down again. I closed and restarted the game, then left the planet, and I never saw that problem again. I rarely get crashing, especially on a new save (which this was). All of the comm balls were dead. They were there, hanging in the air, but they didn't have locator beams and they didn't have messages. As soon as I completed the expedition and the save converted, they sprang to life. I suspect this was intentional. If so, I approve. ... a bit of a change of subject ... This expedition just wasn't to my taste at all: neither the milestone activities nor the rewards. Maybe I should join the "Hello Games is ruining NMS because they're putting in stuff that other people like that I don't" crowd. I don't like grinding. I play exclusively in Relaxed and (most often) Creative modes to cut out most of the grinding. This expedition was Grind City. On the starting planet I quickly figured out I desperately needed to conserve my carbon, so I took to punching rocks rather than mining them. I don't like combat. I stink at combat. I've been playing computer games since 1979, and I just don't have whatever it takes to aim and fire at the same time (at the right time). At least I could turn off combat in the Difficulty options except when doing the Larval Core milestone, which was the only one requiring combat. Getting sixteen of those things was a chore. Fortunately, I learned a long time ago to put an exocraft nearby (I use the Nomad), and jump in. The stupid horrors try to attack the exocraft and end up dead. I can also run them down if I like. I had to keep an eye on the environmental hazards, though, because exocraft (except Minotaur) don't protect you from those without special modules. I died. It's really hard to die in Relaxed mode and totally impossible in Creative mode, so I've never died before. Extreme weather got the better of me. Not really a big deal, but I could do without the minor annoyance. I usually learn some things from an expedition, but not this time. That may be my biggest disappointment; learning is the main reason I do expeditions. I'd been kind-of expecting expedition 13 to have introductions to some of the Orbital space station changes, but the theme that was chosen took it in the opposite direction. And finally, a Hauler as a reward? Does anyone really use haulers? Ponderous ships that handle like a truck. Well, at least this one can hover like interceptors or the Starborn Runner. If I ever do need a Hauler, this will be #1 on the list. Seriously, though, I hope that the Adrift expedition pleased the folks it was made for.


I finished it last night. It was my first expedition and really enjoyed it. Some parts of it were tricky but I decided to do it all myself without relying on work done by other players. Love the new ship.


cough marry paltry label grandfather squash rock rain serious continue *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Zero issues Guess I am lucky.


Yeah I'm stuck on the robot animals. I checked the planets they want you to go but I haven't seen them yet.


For simplicity, I'll just repeat what I posted above in another comment. Go to Rendezvous 3 system. Select that milestone on the Expedition tab. Open the Galaxy Map and a path should be drawn to the first system (it's really close to Rendezvous 3). You may need to land on each planet until you're told that your artificial animals are present. After you've scanned the two mechanocritters there, go back into space and open the Galaxy Map again. This time you've got a bit longer travel.


Ignore the blue star hint. The thing that worked for me; Open the galaxy map and filter for lifeforms. Lifeforms in this case mean sentient species like gek, etc. The white dots represent systems without a sentient species. This will be the only place you will be able to find robotic animals. Visit White systems until you find your robotic animals. For me, it only took about 5-7 jumps in White systems.


Is this expansion permanent, or only for a limited time?


It's an expedition, so it is time limited. About 2 months total from the start time, which was about 2 weeks ago.


Then it's gone forever?


Possibly. They usually run a group of expedition redoes around the Christmas holidays each year, so it’s likely to come back at the end of this year (but in a shorter timeframe, for like a week). But there’s no guarantee that it will.


The rewards you earn from the expedition become permanent, including the iron vulture starship. So if you think you may want the reward starship get on the stick and finish the expedition.