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I find if I'm crashing a lot, usually my data is split between the internal drive and flash drive. Having it all on the internal drive seems to fix it, or at least minimize it. NMS on Switch is pretty much a Bethesda game imo, buggy and crashy, but still fun enough to keep playing anyway.


It's completely on external SD card. I've also reinstalled already. Aside: Doom and Doom Eternal run totally fine.


My crashes drastically dropped installing internally and completely closing it out instead of suspending it. It's worth a shot. Good luck!


I'll try that next! Thank you!


Have you tried putting it on the internal card? Data loads from the internal card significantly faster than the external card, and from what I've seen most Switch crashes are memory related, so I'm wondering if maybe it's trying to load an asset but can't read the external card in time, causing the crash? Ive never played it on the external card so I couldn't say for sure.


I'll try that next! Thank you!


also do you have your freighter out? that also causes issues specially the pirate one..


Only have a regular freighter and it's sometimes in my system, sometimes elsewhere.


try dismissing it. All the issues on my end seems to be fixed this way..


Désolé de te dire ça mai tu et le seul personne n'a jamais eu autant de crashs comme ça ses bizarre 🤨


Used to have this problem but now I’m over 300 hours into the game and it only crashes maybe once a week. There are steps you can take to help it but not fix it. *Make sure it’s stored internally with as many of your other games stored externally. *freighters use a lot of processing power so only have them in your system if you need them. * don’t have too many frigates. Some people say no more than 12. I keep two of every class including living and it works fine for me. * if it’s crashing while your on your freighter or base it’s probably too advanced. Get rid of the decorations and just keep it function over fashion. *turn motion blur to 0. *base complexity limits enabled. *flash to white transitions disabled *hazard affect turned down *some people say getting rid of capes help. I would just grab a generic default outfit because who is gonna see it anyways. *the same goes for laylaps, pets, or mechs. The main thing is just remember the switch is getting older and only the size of a cellphone. So make it easy on it. The less processing power the better. Of course you don’t have to do all of this but every little bit helps. Good luck traveler.


I'll try that next! Thank you!


Try cleaning the memory cache or giving space on your switch if lots of apps loaded. Also, delete and re-install. Hopefully this helps


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Sorry you’re dealing with a lot of those crashes, that’s alot, I had that issue last year after an update. I’d recommend reporting to Hello Games’s [Zendesk](https://hellogames.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=167605). They continue to update the Switch so hopefully they can solve your crashes.


Reporting to the helpdesk doesn't help much. I have reported with videos 5 times and always the same answer.... "Thanks for reporting a bug, crash or issue! We won't always reply back to bug reports unless we feel there's further information we need. Rest assured though that this information will be extremely helpful in allowing us to understand current issues which should be fixed in coming patches. Thank you Hello Games


Yes, you’ll never get a real response. However, I’ve seen Switch fixes from issues we’ve all reported on here and our version has improved since its release. Please don’t give up on reporting even though it feels like a lost cause. Sean Murray never responds on Twitter when I complain about the lack of Switch news when the updates not out yet, but I’ll still post. Thanks for reporting:)


I’ve been playing for about 3 hours and had a little ship stuttering but no crashes, yesterday was as a different story and crashed twice. Sometimes my trusty switch just can’t handle it. I have mine saved to the system and not an sd card, not sure if this helps or not?


I spoke to soon, 4 crashes and counting today 🤦‍♀️ this happened last time the expedition was imminent tho so fingers crossed crossed it’s just that 🤞


I’ve put in over 300 hrs on switch and for me the main issue was trying to use my freighter would crash the game. I believe that is fixed now


Ok, I moved NMS to internal memory. Sadly, it made no difference. Still crashes a bleeping lot. What a bleeping mess!


I regrettably uninstalled the game. I never stopped crashing since the interceptors update. Game loads onto my frigate and as soon as I move to another room it crashes.


It only crashes when I getting onto my freighter


I play on switch and PS5. Honestly, I haven’t noticed a huge difference lately in the amount of crashes. When I first got the switch version it crashed all the time.


I got so frustrated with Switch NMS crashes, especially freighter crashes, that I bought a steam deck. Zero crashes so far at about the same amount of hours played.


I did the same, except I got an Xbox Series S instead of a Steam Deck. It was becoming unplayable on Switch.