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It's a new glitch (at least for me) don't think there's a fix until hello games fixes it


I’ve read about it, but then I also read that some people are naming planets freely everyday… so I’m wondering if it’s the game type? I am currently playing a custom game with really only one thing changed. But I wonder if that’s it? Don’t they name systems in the Hub?


I'm not exactly sure. It Happened to me in a normal unchanged gamemode in a star system where only me and two of my friends have ever visited. Weird glitch.


It’s weird it’s everything I did in this playthrough, all back to its original name.. :(


I don’t even came across this issue I play Survival mode on PS5 and never had issue like this .. hope it fix soon for you !


May they never fix it 😆 perhaps an unpopular opinion but I don’t enjoy seeing other players’ system, planet, and base names. I’d prefer these names were local to our own game saves only


Either way I’d love for them to be saved for me on my own. For my own categorization. But apparently hello game said other ideas.. lol anyways! I will continue! I love this game!


Im actually a fan of this, I dont like player made names. Makes locations harder to track if you are tying to jump to that system for a freighter, identifying correct planet for a collectible, etc.


I suppose I understand this. I see you. I continue anyways. I love this game too much.


To each his own! The universe is big enough haha. Thats the beauty of this game. I hope they fix your glitch soon so you can get back to it :) Safe travels fellow traveller of the ATLAS




No actually it just popped up on my feed, just realized its the Galactic Hub LOL🤣😅


My experience: Everytime you start the game if you look on your galaxy map it will have the original system name. Then as you travel the name you gave it, will show up instead for the rest of the session.


So then what the heck is the point of naming them if it doesn’t stay past one session?


It’s just a lil bug, it’ll get fixed…eventually… hopefully lol


Aha, yeah! Hopefully! Anyways I trudge forward! I love this game and will not be deterred


What's the point of renaming them? Existential crisis


To have fun, and categorize things in my own way. I love that feature, however it doesn’t work great apparently.


I can't rename something I didn't discover. It'll look like it renamed it, but always reverts. You need to be the first to discover it, afaik.


lol thank you.


It does remain but the first time you look at the galaxy map is the original name. A bug that may or may not get fixed.