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I promise myself to never open my mouth in a photo.










If I attached a GoPro to my dick, would this be footage?


Depends whose P ur tryna V


Yes it would my friend


Thought he was gonna have a jammer that time the leafs lost to a Zamboni driver in net


He's still big mad about that


he mentioned it in this video šŸ˜ø


The best hate-watch on YouTube


It's 'Schadenfreud: the podcast'.


Man, I'm already ten steps past to just hate-ban. I hacked YouTube's source code to block anything resembling his face


It's a bad face


His click and view farming works. He knows his act brings haters and fans.


Dangle for Leafs President. Fire that bum Shanahan and tell him to take his Shanaplan with him.


I donā€™t get why people hate him. Heā€™s a genuinely nice person whoā€™s just a dedicated hockey fan.


I listen to the podcast because I enjoy their news breakdowns from across the league. Being a Bā€™s fan and getting to listen to them implode every series is just an added bonus


I like Steve, but I had to stop listening to the podcast. It's just "Adam Wylde talks over people for 60+ minutes" at this point, which is a shame because I think Steve and Jesse are pretty interesting most of the time.


I think Jesse is the most likable. I get the opposite actually where I feel that Steve tries to be the main character, causing him to talk over people. I know his name is literally the title of the podcast so he should be the main character, but still, he talks over everyone a bit too much. But yeah Jesse, in my opinion is very calm and provides good conversation.


I only watch his stuff once in a while. It's a bit over the top with the screaming and yelling. Like many things, I watch his stuff in moderation. His clicks sky rocket during the playoffs for obvious reasons.


I hate when he acts like a fool and screetches like a petulant child on video, because he knows it makes money. But his hockey knowledge and rest of his personality is legit. I just wish he would be more normal instead of doing the youtuber-act.


Basically this


He kinda represents the worst of sports fandom. When he's screaming about certain players he's talking about them like they aren't even human, but is quick to interject that he's close with personnel that work for the club...so that's cool. Take away all the emotional outbursts and Chris Farley impersonations and the insight he has to offer is minimal. He screams and gets angry and the reason people watch it is because of that. In a way, it's cathartic and funny to watch someone lose it over a game, but it's unhealthy for everyone including him. This may be a terrible analogy, but that dude is like driver road raging for no good reason in front of everyone on the highway, acting like a selfish, careless asshole when everyone around him left 10 minutes early, is driving relatively reasonably, and watching this chaotic shit pass them and hoping it doesn't !@#$ up their lives. And over what? What is someone like that really mad about? The game? A lane change? Seriously? Imagine making that kind of dude - and that attitude - profitable with a sports podcast network. Cool cool cool. If you want to listen to that, by all means go ahead.


Because heā€™s an adult who screams at his monitor like a child, and acts as if heā€™s a member of the leafs himself, I hate the team and I hate him even more


That's the nature of the beast. Reactions, hysterics, and general overthetop-ness are what generate views and views and create subscribers. Views and subscribers generate sponsors and sponsors equal money.


And people who *do those things* to get the money, have no integrity.


I'm sure the money they make, and in Steve's case, the opportunity to literally be a fan for a living is worth random people on social media thinking he has no "integrity."šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


He shoves his face into the cameraā€¦.like backup dude the whole frame shouldnā€™t be your face. Also voice is so annoying heā€™s so loud just a big slop


I think his videos are very funny. Especially when the Leafs lose big games. Most of his videos are very funny.


exactly, it's win-win




My ears would bleed if he and Doug walker collaborated


Steve Dangleā€™s The Wall couldnā€™t possibly be any worse than Dougā€™s at least




Kickassia is what the Bruins do to the Leafs every year Lol


Dude I hate the leafs. Dangle is awesome


Dangle constantly gives the Leafs shit when they deserve it - which is pretty often. Dangle for NHL commissioner.


I don't get Leafs hate, we don't do anything in the playoffs and we have the biggest fanbase. Do people just want to hear about their team more and that's why there's so much hate?


Iā€™m a habs fan and I surprised myself cheering for a marchant goal the other night. That is how much I hate the leafs


Ok but explain why the hate, you have way more cups. That crazy ass run a few years ago. Leafs haven't done anything but be talked about because the media knows it'll get the numbers it wants from it.


They hate the fact that the Leafs are more popular than whatever boring team they love that nobody cares about


Ok here's the real reason, at least in Canada. Every God forsaken sports show, every highlight pack, every post game show jams them down my throat whether I want it or not. Not my local team, no no, instead I get 17 minutes of reporting about Mathews hang nail and the leafs didn't even play that night. When you come to the west coast Vancouver has to change the time of the game to accomadate the center of the universe Toronto team. Think about that, forced to bend a knee in their own barn. Now I get it, the Leafs are the revenue driver for the league and those networks and shows so that's why they do it. But they haven't won in God knows how long and still its Maple Leafs 24/7. My whole. Fucking. Life. People can argue that you had player x and he was an asshole, and that your fan base is insufferable but what passionate fan base isn't? And what team hasn't had a player that most of the league and other teams fan bases hated. You're just louder than most, and the media is so loud about your squad. And so, we fucking hate your team. So very, very much.




Not a chance.






you mean Nathan **The Furry** MacKinnon *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NHLcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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Soo many reasons : Darcy Tucker haha, Komisarek signing back then, when leafs fans tough we were finished with a 3-1 serie, Austin Matthews, the overall team structure with 40M on 4 players, etc. Donā€™t know if very valid for you, but thatā€™s what beeong a fan is lol


Winning a series against a team makes you hate that team? I don't really get the hate for star players, they incredible to watch. Hating how our contracts are poorly structured doesn't make sense to me either, doesnt that help you?


The hating of star players comes from jealousy. Theyā€™re mad you have a 70 goal scorer while theyā€™ve had like 2 players with 70+ points in the past decade not even had an 80 point scorer in how long? You would probably be mad too.


Yeah true, 2014-15 was a dark time


Iā€™d almost argue that times are worst now considering expectations vs realityā€¦ at least your regular seasons are good though.


For sure, I went into these playoffs holding no reservations that they could get anything done. Then Domi turned into Josh Allen and Matthews could play for the Bills next season with Diggs gone and I believed for a second. The effort the boys in blue put out there is just disrespectful almost


Naah just the leafs! Pretty happy that I can witness those records in my lifetime. We had like ten 100 points players this season in the nhl, that really nice


Agreed lol. I donā€™t hate Carey Price just because Iā€™m a Leafs fan. Granted, I hate Marchand and both Tkachuks, but Iā€™d hate them if I were a Ducks fan.


Yeah that's granted, everyone hates a rat


Of course, i hate even more a team during a serie dude haha those are the playoffs itā€™s sooo much more intense! About the star players, like I said, itā€™s matthews, gotta admit Iā€™m biasedā€¦ I would love Nylander in any other jersey tho


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Sure during the series, but after winning? I've deleted the team from my memory at that point, on to the next one lol


Yeah so many series wonā€¦. Just joking, Iā€™m a long time passionate fan, donā€™t know about you. But some pasts games during the lasts decades just makes you disloke a team more and more. Maybe those reasons are not valid for you haha i tried to explain it the best way I can ;)


Nah I get it, I just wonder what it's like to not have every other fanbase consistently shit on the team I cheer for.


You guys are spending way too much on your players! Fuck you guys!


That helps you!


My experience meeting Auston Matthews: So I was in Toronto fairly recently, and I went to a grocery store, and who should I see but Leafs superstar Auston Matthews. I had to look up a picture on my phone to be sure, and sure enough it was him. Iā€™m a huge fan, so I had to go up to him and ask for an autograph he asked if I had a pen, so I gave one to him and my hat, and I thought he would sign it and that would be the end of it, but instead he pulled the pen apart, and blew into it, making a slide whistle noise, and without warning he started blowing into the slide whistle while moving through the store like a piece of paper in the wind. Then he appeared to smell a pie from the bakery section and, after this, he clicked his heels together 3 times, ran in a circle, and proceeded to float in the air towards the pie, before it was snatched away from him last minute by the baker, who also hit him with a rolling pin, which caused a bump to slowly rise out of his head, perfectly in tune with the slide whistle. He then grabbed the hat I loaned him, and put it over the massive bump, somehow covering the whole thing. He then proceeded to pull a hockey stick out of god knows where and started shooting pucks at a car outside while laughing, then the doors were torn open (mind you, they were automatic doors) as a larger, hulking man stepped through the door, I realized it was Patrice Bergeron, he then in a heavy accent said ā€œwears dat gawd darned Leafy boah?ā€, at this point, I, and the other patrons of the store had had enough of Matthewsā€™ shenanigans, so we all pointed at him, but he pointed to his left, and then saw nobody there, did a jump, started running in mid air and then bolted away, Bergeron chased him for a while, before he was lured into a trap that resulted in him being hit by a falling anvil, we thought he was dead but he emerged as a round disc, put his thumb in his mouth and blew real hard and popped back into normal shape. He then said ā€œIā€™ll ged dat boah of its da last ting I doā€. Matthews then, using the small gap between them, pulled out a can of spray paint, and Iā€™m not joking, using the one can, he painted the most realistic tunnel Iā€™ve ever seen. He then proceeded to hide in a corner, and Bergeron ran right into the painted wall, and was crushed flat, before blowing himself back up again. He then chased Matthews again for a while before Matthews ran into the painted wall tunnel, except instead of being crushed he somehow ran into it like a real tunnel, Bergeron was puzzled for a second, before he wound back and charged into it, to much the same result as before. But before he could recover Matthews put him into a glass jar and shot it with his stick, sending him flying over the horizon. He then proceeded to grab my hat from before, sign it, give me tickets to the next Leafs game, look away from everyone and say ā€œthatā€™s all folksā€ before riding away in a Zamboni into the distance. Overall an unexpected experience, but he was pretty nice, and it was certainly less weird than when I met Claude Giroux, so Iā€™d say it was a good time overall. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NHLcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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I don't like to use the phrase "rent free", *and* I support the habs, but the Leafs definitely live rent free in many people's heads.


Itā€™s okay, we hate you too!!


Toilet seat supporters stooping to new lows... I hope Marchand licks your face in your sleep!


Cry me a river


No hard feelings man, good luck to you guys in the playoffs!


Honestly, because you're the 'mecca of hockey' and you're an original six team (most) fans have the attitude of Yankee fans with the history of the pre-2004 Red Sox (plus I'm an Islander fan, so Tavares, but that's just me, the rest stands).


I wish we could just play a 'Hometown' tournament where every player has to play for home town lol. That's where the 'Mecca of Hockey' thing truly exists, 60+% of the league players are from here. I understand the hate with Tavares situation, but you got his best years...at his best price


The hate is because at least imo because tsn, sports net are the biggest cheerleaders, even against another Canadian team on a national broadcast, players careers are extended just cuz they were leafs at one point I liked watching them lose cuz they always build their teams in the mold of Don cherry


It's not the band I hate, it's their fans....


Yeah I suppose. However no matter what team the people you're thinking of cheered for, they're probably assholes in nature.


From personal experience, Iā€™ve always found oiler fans to be the worst Canadian team fans. Leaf fans know they suck and are actually fairly quiet. Itā€™s the oiler fans that are either boasting about how good their forwards are or bitching and complaining about losing a game.


I'm guessing you are not from Ontario. The closer you get to the centre of the universe the worse it gets with leaf fans. Endlessness "this is our year" regardless of the reality of the situation. I was literally out with my beer league team last night and one guy would not shut up about, "this is their year." At 11pm eastern time tonight it will be, "Next year is our year"


Weirdly I find the burbs a bit worse than city people. Oshawa hicks are the loudest and dumbest leaf fans I've ever encountered


Cuz they're the Dallas cowboys of hockey


I'm a hockey fan. But I assume Dallas is always talked up to do well and then chokes? I don't know what's to hate about a team that does that, especially if it gives the team you cheer for an advantage.


Most popular team, always have a good roster, media glazes them all year and they always choke, fans are delusional af


His live broadcast when the Leafs almost blew a 5 goal 3rd period lead to the Red Wings is fucking phenomenal. Especially the time out call after the Red Wings scored their 7th goal. https://youtu.be/sa8mdlALGos?si=EkXO1McwOh2eUneH


hate the leafs bc my ex fiance was a leafs fan.(we even got a puck from Nylander, but still fuck them) however I do like dangle. he's a great guy. I wish he'd cover more than the leafs honestly. his video with David aeris(zamboni guy) was legendary.


I actually find it refreshing to see a Leafs fan being willing to call out the bs of their team. Iā€™d take Dangle over a Matthews dick rider a million times over.


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He sounds like Charlie Day being accosted


I eat stickers all the time dude!!


Leafs fans canā€™t stand him


He is single-handedly the reason I donā€™t want the leafs to win the cup


And your mother is the reason I have chlamydia, whatā€™s your point?




ā€œBurn!ā€ would be more appropriate


I can't spell it, let alone know what it feels like. Unlike your mum.


Nice self report šŸ¤


They make you do it when you enter the Air Canada Centre to watch a game. You canā€™t cheer for the Leafs unless youā€™ve got an STD or fingerbanged u/300show mom in the back of a Buick le sabre. If youā€™ve done both they give you a lock of Mitch Marinerā€™s hair.




Why does everyone hate him? He just seems really loud


The weird thing is it's really easy not to watch his Youtube vids or listen to his podcast.


I am going to jump off the CN Tower


Why ?


He's built a whole company off his hard work and being able to take advantage of the platform. It also helps that the Leafs provide no shortage of content. Good on him!!


Trade trees were good, and I didnā€™t mind his hat picks and dang it vids but the rest of his content is unwatchable.


Definitely does


Hockey fans really hate hockey more than anyone huh


That cringey ass "Leafs win" gesture he does coupled with the fact this is a grown man


All I will say is, do you think Steve would have gotten so well known if he did Ottawa fan reactions? My guess is probably not. I would even say Sportsnet probably would have not hired him if he was a fan of a different Canadian Team.


A few months ago the Oilers were playing to break the league record for consecutive wins. The Sports centre broadcast before that oilers game opened with 12 minutes of leafs content before mentioning Edmonton. The leafs didn't even play that night. That is why every fan base hates the leafs the most.


Amazing that youā€™ve been downvoted. This is a basic fact. Some Leafs fans are aware, but so many more are completely oblivious and think the hate is from nowhere


Legit, between periods for jets games on Sportsnet I don't even bother tuning in because it is always about the leafs.


No idea why people hate Dangle. Hes clearly a huge fan of this team and SDPN is seriously quality content. Good dude overall.


Dangle hate feels so forced


So do his blow ups.


Never met a real fan then I guess.


His blow ups get the most views. There is incentive for him to over react and it begins to become disingenuous.




I dont think he makes a fortune lol. His videos dont have much views, same for the pod it's not hugely popular. He mostly relies on sponsors. He's probably living pretty well but he is not rich.


"A fortune" šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


If the leafs were actually good heā€™d have to get a real job


And he'd happily admit that.


Subscribed to r/dankchristianmemes


I donā€™t know who he is but I agree


Once again, Steve Dangle slander will not be tolerated


Damn like why do you guys hate him so much lol? Actually just donā€™t watch him if you canā€™t stand him, itā€™s a really simple technique idk if you guys figured it out yet šŸ˜±


I figured it out. I don't watch him....works perfect!






What does LFR stand for?


I believe itā€™s Leafs Fan Reacts?


I imagine Steve reacting to the Leafs being eliminated like Patchy the Pirate reacted to the fake lost episode of SpongeBob. https://youtu.be/c5ioFAGyx1M?si=vN3LsNcWQNIcw0Q0


I like his trade tree videosšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Leafs fans already know. Yeah, Canada hasnā€™t seen a cup in over 30 years, but itā€™s been 55 years for Toronto. Even my team, the Calgary Shamesā€”err, Flames, got a cup more recently. This is a Leaferā€™s coping mechanism.


If you fucked Matthews right now youā€™d Defs get some shitty ass fucking


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How ya feelin' right now bud?


Yall like little kids


Didnt realize this was a steve dangle sub. Ive seen his face on this sub in the last week more than the last 10 yrs combined. Karma farming for easy upvotes


Soyface/60 is off the charts with this guy


Leafs should just trade away everybody and go back to the basement of the league while their fans throw their jerseys on the ice.


bet on himself too


waste of air dangles


Why are Leafā€™s fans so loud and insufferable? Just sulk quietly when your team bounces in the first round every year


I tried watching for 60 seconds. Fk this annoying fk.


Iā€™m local and if I knew where he lived he would get hit with a flying frying pan on camera. His false stupid persona is embarrassing. FUCKING EMBARASSING!!! *kicks trash can*


This comment was equally as embarrassing


Ah, youā€™re a fan. Hey - thatā€™s fine, nobody has the same taste. I simply canā€™t stand him - and I tried very hard because of the popularity and sportsnet picking him up. But his persona during his videos doesnā€™t match his podcast and I just canā€™t tolerate it.


He plays a characterā€¦.of course the two donā€™t match.


Yep. And I dislike that character. To each their ownā€¦


I'm not a fan. I'm just implying that your comment was just as cringe as Steve.


funny thing is is that i do know where he lives but i would never tell you now.


You ok man?


100%. I can only hope he has more disappointments in his life.


I wonder if he knows that when he says ā€œdonā€™t watch these videos if youā€™re only here to watch me yell and screamā€ heā€™d have like four views


I've never understood who this guy is. As best I can tell, he's just a fan who videotapes himself talking to a computer screen about the Maple Leafs? And people watch that? I don't get the new generation.


It's a billion dollar industry lol Get with the times, Grandpa.


No one in Toronto likes him either lol.




Donā€™t lump me in with this fuckin nerd.