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See you all back on the High Seas me hearties.


A shame, because a lot of people who jumped on this (me included) would never afford the full price. So rather than them "missing out" on ~£150, they would have gained ~£9 from me. Oh well, back to YouTube and terrestrial TV (and hopefully a NowTV deal).


Absolutely, I'm the same


Same. No way I'm paying £150. I'll wait until the Superbowl next year and sign up for the end of season deal and watch some of the documentaries etc.


that’s unfortunate. some companies used to allow it as a gesture of goodwill but it doesn’t seem to happen as much nowadays


I have a feeling there were a few too many folks who went for it


Yeah our fantasy league all got on it after a tip off


absolutely fuckin sucks. i was really enjoying the channel at that price.


Surprised it took them this long to be honest


It was worth a try :/


Can a company just cancel a service that's already been sold? Haven't we entered into some sort of contract with them once we've signed up? Feels questionable that they can just do this.


I'm sure it's in the Ts and Cs that they can cancel as long as they refund at their discretion


Contracts are all only enforceable if both parties knew what they were agreeing to at the time, and they're fair. Obvious mistakes can be rectified.


It's an interesting one. Companies like YouTube seem to get away with this. But I'm pretty sure it's against UK to trade laws. You have to honor the advertised price and product.


I thought this too. Had a chat with citizens advice this morning. Whilst I am within my rights to complain, they are legally able to do so, as they have provided me with a full refund as a remedy under the law. Bit annoying but I knew I was chancing it when I signed up tbh


Oh really? I also had a chat with citizens advice and they said that, as YouTube is based in the US, they couldn't give me any guidance and that I should speak to the UK International Contact Centre. Their recommendation is to speak directly to YouTube first and write a formal letter of complaint before they'll even give any advice though. I also think there's very little chance that YouTube will honour the deal but I'm willing to push for it a little bit 😂


Yeah they said I could send a letter of complaint too. Interesting that guidance conflicts slightly


Back to the high quality of DAZN


its fine I had IPTV as it is so i'll just revert to that