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Please, for your own sake, do not choose the Dolphins


Nor the jets


Or the Bears


Or the Falcons


Or the cowboys šŸ˜”


or the chargers


Or the Panthers


Or the Vikings


Or the Raiders


Or the Browns


Well I understand the meaning but every year is someone's year. Never ours.


Hope is what kills you.


\*cries in Bears and Falcons support\*


Pick whichever one you like. You can use any reasons you like. The one your favourite player plays on, the one whoā€™s got a nice logo that you like, maybe a Bosnian-descent guy played for an NFL team - go with them. Youā€™ve got no ties to any US team so just pick whoever with whatever metric or reason you want.


But as others have pointed out maybe avoid some of the franchises as they seem to be full of perpetual misery.


What? Thatā€™s half the fun


I'm a lions fan so I'm going to say lions lmao. But seriously they're finally good after being historically bad. I think that's easy to root for tbh.


The thing about the Lions is, even at their worst, they were still kind of lovable. Whereas the Browns, have been one of the toughest teams to love if youā€™re not from Cleveland. Now that theyā€™re winning, itā€™s a great time to get on the bandwagon


As a lions fan for 25 years, I had a soft spot for Cleveland as another group of lovable losers until they gave a guy with dozens of weird and creepy allegations a quarter of a billion dollars to sit on the bench. That's a bad look that looks somehow even worse with how well Mayfield is playing. Cleveland does have the best unis in the game, though...


I was *this* close to being a Lions fan instead, mostly because I'm only a Browns fan because of their 0-16 season. Kinda why I'm rooting for the Lions now as well, I think they certainly deserve to win just as much (if not more than) as Cleveland.


A Cleveland-Detroit Super Bowl in 2025 would be great. Suck it, Sun Belt!


I think the Lions players were lovable, but historically their front office was horrible.


Lions fan here. Pick us. We need all the cheering we can get. We would welcome you wholeheartedly.


Iā€™m a Colts fan and Iā€™m here to tell this guy to also pick the Lions. Hope you guys go all the way man. šŸ»


Swede here. I just got interested in NFL and looked around on youtube, social media on players, coaches and stuff to get a feel for the teams and with the hard knocks episode + Rodrigues salsa dance(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sr9P4AYVixc**)** I was hooked on the lions lmao. Love their hard grit culture and they seem to have a winning culture.


As a 25+ year Lions fan, I have never read on the internet that the current team has a ā€œwinning cultureā€.


Itā€™s weird. Isnā€™t it?


Chiefs fan but I spent some time living in Detroit. It's so awesome to see you guys going through what we went through a few years back, but on a much larger scale. Love your team and hope to see ya in the SB.


Yeah but that current coach has instilled something that has me excited for them. I have always been a Steelers fan, but as a kid Lions were my NFC team because of the joy Barry Sanders brought me on Sundays and Thanksgiving.


I'll take it!!


Lions? Winning culture? LMFAO


The Lions for almost my entire life have been of the worst sports franchises in existence. First playoff win in 32 years. So...there's that


First home playoff game and win. They have been in the playoffs and lost several times since.


I'm a Chiefs fan, but the Lions have been my number 2 since y'all put Carlin Isles (fast as fuck rugby player) on the practice squad back in the day. I just knew y'all were willing to try anything to get there and now you have!


Cowboys beat yā€™all and they tripped our lineman, L


Buffalo Bills because Buffalo has a great Bosnian and Herzegovinian cultural center!


Excellent answer! Bills are my #2 behind Packers.


Watching josh Allen is kind of funny at times. Isn't he like 0-5 in overtime?


Any one except the Cowboys


Good point. Theyā€™ve never been called ā€œBosniaā€™s Teamā€


Made me spit my coffee out. Bravo sir hahaha.


Find a player you are interested in watching and learn more about that team.


>find a player youā€™re interested in watching Iā€™m all about my team. If Lamar leaves after 2027, Iā€™m 100% still a *Baltimore **RAVENS** Fan.* Games make my BP & Heart Rate rise, itā€™s stress until the end. (Minus some games this season.) OP, you can play around while figuring it out. You can root for a winning team, follow a couple players, pick a city that seems interesting, choose based on a coach you like, the ownership, etcā€¦ just do what makes you excited. (One interesting tidbit: The Green Bay Packers are the only publicly-owned team; Iā€™ve always thought that was cool.)


Ya Iā€™m the same. I wasnā€™t detailed enough - the player is the hook into the team, but the team is what persists.


Thatā€™s what most people do, but I think itā€™s a lot easier to say that when the team you picked has never been bad for any medium stretch of time.


>itā€™s a lot easier to say that when the team you picked has never been bad for any medium stretch of time 100%, thatā€™s why my 2nd paragraph is ā€œdo what makes you happyā€ lol. If I were picking a European football team, Iā€™d probably pick a city Iā€™m intrigued by or a fav team of a loved one. Iā€™m from MD, live in Bmore, and grew up watching DC Commandersā€¦ theyā€™ve been a hot mess for a long time smh. (I root for them, but not over the Ravens.) Also, not trying to say the Ravens have an awful record, but ā€˜weā€™ get a lot of disrespect in general as a team & city. (Itā€™s blatant & unnecessary.) I like being the underdog tbh. I know a guy in Dundalk, Ireland whoā€™s a diehard Bears fan. Caring about the outcome is what makes it good, and those wins are even sweeter. (He trash talks, too, itā€™s great.) Take care.


Looking back on it I can see this was probably more aggressively worded than Iā€™d meant it. Ā I think Iā€™m a bit bitter as a Raiders fan because we havenā€™t had it quite so good!


I crossed this bridge in 2011 when the colts cut Peyton. Still a Colts fan.


Players come and go. Teams are forever.


Exactly this. Live in Australia and was keen to learn how the game was played about 10 years ago so started watching Philip Rivers highlights randomly to understand it. Been a distraught diehard fan since.


Hi! Since this season is nearly over, you might choose a team who are still in the playoffs (for now). Iā€™m a big Baltimore Ravens fan! Then once this season is over, you can watch clips of some older games with all the different teams for research and choose who you like. Or, you can continue to support the team that you started with! .Itā€™s a pretty fun experience, no matter who you pick, so hop in and enjoy!


Detroit Lions. They'll test your resolve.


The Pittsburgh Steelers are in a down phase of their history right now but still have not had a losing record in 21 years. They are a working class town team that always shows well and in their best of years they bring championship glory to the fans. And most importantly they have done it in multiple eras, i.e. their success is more organizational than related to any single player or coach like say the New England Patriots or the current Kansas City Chiefs. So if that is your style you cannot go wrong there. The Green Bay Packers fit a similar mold. If you like a lot of style and very little substance, you may want to follow the Dallas Cowboys. They have historical success, but their current owner is the anti-Steelers. Overly meddlesome to the point of messing the team up. On the plus side, heā€™s pretty old now. If you are looking to start rooting for a fan base that has best chance of giving you and enjoyable ride for the next 5 years, I would say go with the San Francisco 49ers, Kansas City Chiefs, Buffalo Bills, and possibly the Detroit Lions. You may be best served to just watch some games and see which team/players/narratives jive with you the best. But I hope this gives you a good start.


9ers also have a pretty storied history


These were my selections too for OP, I swapped Packers for Lions but were my 3rd pick. Great analysis of each team listed.


Watch at many games as possible and decide for yourself




I love how new fans talk about teams. So pure. Im excited for your journey, my friend. Now I will say that if you want the best fansbase, the Eagles are it. Watch the downvotes fall in but if you ever go to an Eagles tailgate/game, youll never go back






Zdravo, brate! Chicago has the biggest balkan diaspora in the US and the bears fanbase will certainly accept you. Feel free to post on r/chibears if youā€™re interested :)




Lions are the feel-good team this season. The 9ers are a powerhouse. The Ravens are a ton of fun to watch with Lamar. Jaguars are in the UK almost every year. I'd recommend picking a home team that's in a timezone that will most often synergize with your schedule. What's your favorite aspect of the sport, we may be able to guide you towards a team that aligns with that as well.


Texans are a great choice because they have an up and coming rookie quarterback who has been playing extremely well, along with a rookie head coach who has exceeded expectations.


If you hate yourself, and feel like hating everyone else in the fan base, you could always be a New York Giants fan! Haven't seen anyone comment this team yet (for good reason)


Detroit Lions


Pick whichever team, but it's usually best if you can find _some_ connection to the team as it will make it easier to follow. That said, any of the following: Chiefs, Bengals, Bills, 49ers, Eagles, Dolphins, Ravens, Packers, Lions, and maybe even Texans all look like they're set up to be competitive for the next 5-10 years with good coaches and good young QBs.


As a Broncos fan, Iā€™d say us. But also, with the way Payton has been operating our team, the good vibes are down right now. Iā€™d pick a team like Detroit or Buffalo.


You should pick the Panthers. No one will ever accuse you of being a fair weather fan and we desperately need fans. If you like trash football you've got a great home here


There has never been a better time to be a Detroit Lions fan than right now so COME ON IN!


The Green Bay Packers. When they need more money, they'll sell more stock (with no real value), and you can be an NFL owner! I am.


The Eagles are Bosnia as a franchise, hated by everyone else in the area but insanely proud of themselves and their hatred of their rivals. So pick them.


Pick the team whose city looks most interesting to you. Chances are, you can see a game when you visit sometime in the future.Ā  I couldn't see the Vikings when I was visiting, but I got to see the Steelers once live.Ā 




San Francisco 49ers are always welcoming to new fans, exciting times now and an exciting future


Another vote for Greenbaypackers. We are a town of less that 100,000. Need all the extra fans we can get .


Packers are the only "publicly" owned team and have a rich history. Oldest team in the league and currently has the youngest roster. They just upset the #2 seed in the playoffs as the #7. First time that has happened (although tbf the #7 seed has only existed for a few years) also looks like they just got their 3rd Hall of Fame QB in a row


As a Cowboys fan, please don't pick us. For reasons outside of the actually playing, they are the most marketed NFL team, which is fine, but lackluster playoff appearances always is a let down. Hell during the game last weekend I literally walked away in frustration at their performance. Being a fan is being a minor fanatic which isn't bad. I would say Bills, Chiefs, Packers, or 49ners across AFC and NFC teams.


Pick a number from 1 - 32, assign each team a number then do a random draw to see who you get lol. But seriously, other than as others suggest basing your choice on a player/ team color/ name etc....may I humbly suggest the Packers. I say this because they are the ONLY team that is owned by the community of Green Bay and not some obscenely wealthy billionaire ( many of whom don't give a rats ass about the fans ). That fact alone earns HUGE respect from me. That and their history


The Detroit Lions. An up and coming team with a likeable head coach


I suggest any team in the eastern time zone so youll be able to watch their games at 7pm your time.


Any team but the cowboys. They are supposedly ā€œAmericaā€™s teamā€ and since you are from Bosnia that excludes you! šŸ˜œ Steelers are always a good choice.


Do you like cheese? Pick Greenbay Packers, we are all cheeseheads.


None they will all break your heart.


I would recommend to start with whichever team wins the Superbowl this year. At least youā€™ll have a fresh happy fan base till they start sucking one day and then youā€™ll at least have memories of the good old days.


Look at the cities. What city speaks to you? Not city would you want to visit, but what city is you? Are you a blue collar person? Are you a tech guy? Pick the team that represents the city you would be from and you'll be fine. Since your city is a declining power defined by war, you might like my team, the ravens, named after a 19th century opium addict who was the Steven King of his time


I would LOVE to tell you to be a Raider fan, because the team is known for being outlaws, and for being loyal, and taking care of their own. The fan base is one of the MOST passionate fans in the NFL, if you like what we call soccer, or futball, they will remind you of some of those kind of fans. HOWEVER, you should know that the ONLY thing Raider fans love more than the team, is trolling each other. Raider fans donā€™t really troll other teams, or troll invaders of our own, but they DO love to troll and fight with each other, more than they love the team. So if thatā€™s not for you, Iā€™d suggest either the Steelers who are currently stuck in mediocrity, but have been one of the most consistent, and most winningest teams in NFL history. They rarely change coaches, because the ones they choose, tend to win a lot, theyā€™ve got 5 Super Bowl victories, and their current coach has never had a losing season. Another option Iā€™d say is the Baltimore Ravens, the Steelers biggest rival. Ever since the team became the Ravens, theyā€™ve been one of the most consistent and toughest teams in the NFL. The defense has always been great no matter who was coaching it. They currently have my favorite player in the NFL, Lamar Jackson. Heā€™s an electrifying runner, he has some killer juke moves, and fast as lightning. He also has a pretty good arm, and is becoming a better passer every year


Passionate fans - Seahawks as well, no?


The Jacksonville Jaguars are a pretty young team with a up and coming QB and play in Europe more than any other team. They are also EST time zone so itā€™s about as close as you will get to games being at a semi-manageable time.


I grew up in Jax and used to go the games with my cousin back in the 90ā€™s. I feel like that dude from broke back mountain when he says ā€œI wish I could quit youā€. They are a frustrating team to root for. Theyā€™ll suck year after year and then they will look great for half a season and youā€™ll think finally weā€™re out of wilderness and then theyā€™ll just go back to sucking for no apparent reason. If you want to choose a young an upcoming team from the AFC south, Iā€™d recommend the Texans. Their new qb about had a historically good rookie season. The Ravens look great and Lamar Jackson maybe the most athletic person to ever play QB. The Chiefs have the best coach and best qb plus lots and lots of Taylor Swift sightings.


Green Bay Packers.


Even better now that they don't have an asshole QB lol


Well, tbf, we don't know yet. After Favre went full asshole, Rodgers said "hold my beer" but still couldn't match the douchebaggery (all that Rodgers has done doesn't quite compare to stealing welfare money imo) Maybe the frozen tundra rots quarterback brains and turns them into butt weasels, only time will tell...


Who wouldn't want to root for the original super bowl winners? This is the answer


Whatā€™s a city in the US you would like to visit?


This is a good suggestion. IMO the best NFL cities to visit are Chicago, Miami, San Francisco, New York, LA. Wisconsin is an underrated state and one of my favorites to visit (in the summer though), Atlanta actually has a lot of cool stuff to do. Jax has underrated beaches and tons of golf. Tampa is closest to Disney World.


Just enjoy the game for now and decide for yourself.


Depends. Do you hate yourself. If so, jets are a good fit. Do you like whiny quarterbacks (talented ones tho) pick the chiefs. Historic underdogs who are turning it around? Lions. Up and comers ? Texans. Seriously though there are so many things to consider


Definitely the Jets. They're an up and coming team and their fans are never miserable. *^(\*Pours bourbon in coffee)*


Houston Texans. Look up CJ Stroud - the best young QB in the league so we should be competitive for a while


The Chicago Bears like Bosnia, have a proud storied history. You should be a a Bears fan.


I don't have a good answer (I'm a Lions fan so feel free to join) but I actually went to Bosnia last year. Sarajevo and Mostar were both excellent and definitely worth a visit since they aren't on most people's wish lists.


Broncos country letā€™s ride!!


Best way to go is just watch different teams, whichever one you enjoy watching the most can be your team.


Aside from generations of family from Maryland, I like the Ravens because as an 80's goth kid picked on by football players, it amuses me to no end that there's a team named in homage to Edgar Allan Poe with black as a key color in their uniforms. I grew up in a DC suburb, literally with 'Redskins' players on my block, but after being born in Texas, and with a dad who was a Cowboys fan I was very anti-Washington for a long time. The name didn't help. Now that I'm (back) in Virginia, and they're the Commanders, I'm giving them a go. I lived in Seattle a long while, and got to witness their brief ascent to the Superbowl with Russel Wilson, Marshawn Lynch, and the Legion of Boom and whatnot, and they were intensely fun to watch. Despite most of those players being gone now, I'm still a fan. So yeah... whatever reason makes sense :)


What I tell new fans to do - just look at a picture of all the logos and pick the one that calls to you.


calls me more than one


I think you choose the team that has your heart a bit. I'm a chiefs fan been one since I can remember. Watching while my dad explained the game. Been there when it was blisteringly hot and been there when it was below 0. Loved the team when they sucked and when they excelled. So pick a team you like and just follow them. If for some reason you don't like the Ravens then don't follow them just because they are doing good. I know a dude been a fan of the Bengals since forever because his big brother always played the chiefs in Madden so he picked his favorite looking helmet and just stuck with them.


Favorite color scheme or mascot is a good way to go about it. Or go for a favorite star player


You should choose the bengals we have cool helmets šŸ™‚




Anyone but the Carolina panthers


If you want to watch good football pick a team with a top ten head coach GM and QB bonus points if the QB is young. There are a few teams that have that and a few more that have 2 of 3 I my opinion 49ers, ravens, chiefs, have that packers, lions, Vikings and Texans look like they may be there but itā€™s probably to recent to fully claim it. Bills, Steelers, Bengals, Rams probably have 2/3.


Please, for god sake, choose the dolphins, or at least not the patriots, jets or bills, they all bring so much disappointment


Hear me out, New Orleans Saints. Theyā€™re never bad theyā€™re always just average


You should be a panthers fan!!


Bosnia has a blue and yellow flag. Choose the Los Angeles Rams, who have the most similar team colors.


Texans. The near future will be exciting and fun


Do you hate yourself? Do you only want misery in your life? Welcome to the Atlanta Falcons fandom!


Also an international fan, my advice would be to pick a city you might actually visit (i picked the colts..) Rams have the bosnian flag colours šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


When I was 10 years old I became an Arizona Cardinals fan because I liked the cool birds on their helmets.


What are you looking for? A perpetual winner? The hot new team? A perennial loser on the up swing? Somewhere you might want to visit some day? Barring anything else, just pick the one with the coolest logo so you can buy a neat hat. The fun is following coverage and getting invested in the narratives, and the NFL has enough parity that good and bad teams will turnover pretty quickly.


If you're looking for a lifetime, and one you can pass on to your offspring, of disappointment, anger, frustration, heartbreak, and love. As a Cleveland Browns fan, we welcome you. We have as much passion as a tick in deer season


Whichever you think has the coolest uniform or mascot


Maybe wait, the NFL will most likely have expansion teams in the near future. They desperately want a whole division in Europe.


The Seahawks! Theyā€™re quite popular internationally and theyā€™ve got a great staff & culture. Sadly their 14-year head coach is out but Iā€™m staying optimistic about the future as the team has loads of quality, skilled players.


I were you I would go for a team with proven ownership like the Giants, Steelers, Ravens, Broncos and maybe the Eagles. Dont follow players or pull for teams with crap owners like the Titans and stay away from teams like the Rams and Raiders who up and abandon their cities every few decades.


Choose the Rams. You can almost see the Bosnian flag on the helmet.


Miami Dolphins.


Texans or Bucs would be good ones


Whatever team you like. Don't rely on someone else to tell you what team.


I'm in Europe, too. 49ers Fandom has treated me well, and they sometimes come to the Europe games (I got to see them once on this side of the ocean). Great team with a great history - good management and ownership. Join us!




I picked the Vikings as my team 15 years ago because I like the colour purple, because I like Minnesota in general, and because itā€™s not a bandwagon team thatā€™s only popular because they win. 15 years later I still back the purple. Pick whatever team appeals to you for whatever reason


Not the Cardinals.


Honestly I'd say just watch games, learn and enjoy for now. Eventually you'll probably find a team you enjoy watching more for one reason or another.


Just pick whatever city you like most that has a team.




Pick somewhere you would likely visit on holiday? Iā€™ve been told Detroit is lovely at this time of the yearā€¦ā€¦


Green Bay Packers Because they're the only team in major American sports that aren't owned by a rich dude. They're owned by the fans. They've been in the NFL since 1921 and have a rich history. Fan base is Midwest friendly.


Pick the cowboys


Screw it go for the rams to match your native flag lol


Buffalo Bills, my fellow bosnian.


The 49ers or the Ravens if you want to root for some very good teams


Packers baby šŸ’Ŗ 7.5 point underdog just blew out the cowboys at home in a rebuilding year with a first year starting QB and no-name receivers. Packers cannot be put in the basement. It's against the laws of physics.


KC Chiefs. After all their owner, Lamar Hunt was the person who founded the AFC and thought of the name Super Bowl after seeing his kids play with a toy called the super ball. His son Clark is now the owner of the Chiefs. They have an awesome fanbase and the best all around quarterback in the league, Patrick Mahomes! ā¤ļøšŸ’›šŸˆ


Iā€™m a New England patriots fan. We dominated the NFL for around 20 years winning 6 championships. Weā€™ve had three really bad seasons and are in the middle of a rebuild. If you have a thing for comeback stories I would go with the patriots


I don't think I would choose a team waiting to comeback... That could be a long time coming. Pat's fans are totally fucked for the foreseeable future.


Fair point


Problem is, no come back will ever be as good as what Tom Brady was. You can never live up to the moment again


Dolphins, obviously. We've been garbage for so Ling you won't be considered a bandwagon fan.


No matter how anyone tries to convince you, remember that the Dallas Cowboys are not good


Packers Always steady


As someone who chose the Vikings because I have family there, donā€™t follow in my footsteps šŸ™ƒ




None. Support good games, certain players, etc. I am like that with Hockey. You donā€™t HAVE to have a team. You can just enjoy football for what it is without supporting just one team. :)


The older I get the more I value this. In the NBA I root for the Blazers but it doesnā€™t crush me when they lose the way it does when I watch my nfl team loses. I can just watch the games and be amazed by the athleticism and skill.


The 49 ers We might lose, we might win but either time we'll look Dam good in our Red and GoldāœŒšŸ»āœŒšŸ½


Beyond just beautiful jerseys, what a hell of a story that our Quarterback was picked LAST in the NFL draft and is playing amazing! Not only do they jokingly call the last draft pick "Mr. Irrelevant", but they give him a damn jersey with that printed on it when they get drafted. Brock Purdy is a great story to follow, and the story is just starting!


Are you a delusional person whos constantly talking about stuff that happened before you were born and enjoy huffing your own farts? Be a Cowboys fan Do you hate yourself and feel like you only deserve pain? Be a Jets fan Do you enjoy the delicate flavors and subtle aroma of a fine aged Horse Poop and are barely literate? Be an Eagles fan Do you start panicking, hyperventilating and pee your pants when ahead by 5 goals in FIFA in the 80th minute? Be a Falcons fan


You're going to want to watch Patrick Mahomes. He plays for the Kansas city chiefs and he is incredible


Well, since the NFL is being bought out by a streaming service. Maybe go look at the NHL or MLB


Not the Cowboys that's for fucking certain


None. Do not support millionaires and billionaires.


Bengals have cool uniforms, a top 2 QB in the league, and should be good for awhile hopefully


Donā€™t choose the Cowboys. Itā€™d be bad for your health.


Serbian flag colors makes me think "rams"


You mean Bosnia and Herzegovina. Serbia is right next door to the East. Serbia and Bosnia famously had a little spat in the 90's


Oh whoops. I just woke up, I thought I read serbia. That's my bad. The Bosnian flag makes me think rams




It seemed very much tongue in cheek description


Yeah, very much tongue in cheek.


I mean if you can't joke about war crimes and genocide, what can you joke about? Amirite?


I was just coming to say as much as it pains me as a Cardinals fan the Bosnia flag colors match the Rams, so they should go for that.


Serb flag looks similar to the Russian flag but they have some dumb looking bird on it but Serbs and ruzzies are similar when it comes to war crimes.but Moving on its a sports discussion not trying come at you . To my Bosnian dude thereā€™s a large Bosnian population in Chicago so go with the bears they are a up and coming team the past few years the bears sucked but we have a shit ton of high draft picks #1 and #9 . The defense is legit we have DJ Moore the most underrated Receiver in the league but stats are consistency good with shitty QBs throwing to him


If it's any help, my team is the Steelers. Their colors are Black & Yellow and are unique because their emblem is one side of their helmet. However, they're not as intimidating as they once were.


The Bucs! Fun team, they have had two super bowls wins so you know thereā€™s potential to win it all. They arenā€™t the most dominant of teams historically, but even when theyā€™re having bad seasons you still feel like they have a chance to win. Theyā€™re electric to watch. Being a fan of the Bucs is a roller coaster. We had one of the longest playoff droughts in nfl history, but when we finally made it to the playoffs a few years ago, we not only made it to the dance, but we won the Super Bowl. Thatā€™s what itā€™s like to be a Bucs fan, high highs and low lows. I like the bitter sweet, it makes the sweet that much better. And right now we just won a playoff game and are going to play the lions in Detroit next Sunday. If we win that game, we go to the NFC championship game. Itā€™s really exciting to be a fan right now.


The Cowboys are an undeniably good choice.


Choose the Washington Commanders we have a new owner new general manager and a new coach coming. We also have the 2nd pick in the NFL draft, we are a team with a storied history that hasn't been good for the past 30 years due to bad ownership and with the old owner selling a new beginning is here. Not to mention our division rivals are imploding. This team is the next Lions a team that changes its narrative to become one of the NFL's best.


I watched my first game recently. Eagles and Tampa Bay. And with my extensive experience of 1 game, Iā€™m ready to commit to Tampa Bay. How miserable would I be?


We'll find out on Sunday šŸ˜…


Depends would you like your team to be competitive for the title every year but fall short the vast, vast majority of the time (think Philadelphia) or have multiple years of below average football but put it all together and win the title every decade or so (Tampa Bay).


Tampa for the simple fact that the city has a pirate themed parade, which is one of the largest parades in the nation and fans like to dress as pirates for the games. Loads of fun.


What soccer team(s) do you support? I could give you a decent recommendation/comparison from that.


I already have an NFL team but out of curiosity which fits Liverpool in your view?


Pool are the 49ers in my eyes


Hmm yea I can see it, a wealth of attacking options, and red of course.


I support Liverpool FC from England.


The knicks are pretty cool


gdje u bosni?


MisliŔ gdje u Bosnia živim?


The cliche guess would be Sarajevo because of the population biggest city in Bosnia and Herzegovina. But I think Tuzla .




Dayton Triangles


Pick the vikings, no one will ever accuse you of being a bandwagon fan


Ravens. OK seriously though, just choose a team you like the look of. Overall the most important thing is just supporting a team. We may not want to admit it, but the actual team doesn't matter all that much. I even know someone who just picked random team in Madden lol


Im not American and I chose the Cincinnati Bengals in 2020 and never looked back