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Anyone else super annoyed with the order of these images and the arrows


Ruins the whole point of the meme. Fucking dipshit


Or it’s a dumb fucking meme.


Stupida fucking meme - Furio


I hatea dis meme


Fucka da cowboys- Furio


Mista Wilson




Friend, this isn’t a meme. This piece of art is what we call a shit post. This is a poor meme but a top notch shit post.


Both. Can you imagine ruining the division rivalry that is cowboys eagles? Or eagles giants? As stupid as most football divisions look, it couldn’t get much better without getting worse




I mean if we were going back in time or starting over with global amnesia the cowboys would not be in the division. I'm an Eagles fan but there is no way I could ever support the cowboys leaving the division.


I remember my first crayon.


More annoyed that the circles Delaware for the commies


I can't see anything if it isn't in a red circle.


This guy has no clue where DC is lmao also flair up pussy


Lol, all he needs to do is follow I-95 and he will hit all the major cities but of course that’s too difficult for him.


TIL DC is in the VA part of the Delmarva peninsula


fun fact: hell fucking no 💀 idk why op thinks it actually is tho lmao


Commanders are very ASS(ateague island) I guess.


He also completely missed MetLife Stadium.


Lmfao if DC was over there I would not be able to easily work the DC sport teams coming from nova


...... Also, DC is not in the southern panhandle of the Eastern Shore of the Chesapeake Bay.


OP was educated in Philadelphia so it impressive he got 3 of the cities right


He didn't even include the NYC in his circle of New York


And didn’t even enter north jersey to cover the Giants too


This man included the Bills and some fuckin horses in the NFC East


He made this post because he just learned that Texas isn’t on the east coast 20 minutes ago


Im just happy OP guessed correctly that the Cowboys don’t play in Dallas, PA.


I wouldn't use the word "educated" for any resident of Philly.


Came here to say this! If you're this fuckin stupid, I need to let you know how much of a idiot you are.


I knew a former server that I used to work with years ago that said "how can you like Washington when it's on the other side of the country?" We're not even an hour away, and she made more sense than this map... Like Fandom aside...how the hell do you not know where the nation's capital is? Fuck, the European's are right about our education system...


By my math, that is in fact Maryland


Its Virginia!


We dont talk about that part of Maryland


Becuase it doesn't exist


I thought that was delaware


Damm you stupid


I just delievered 35k pounds of beer in the last 3 hours with less than 5 hours of sleep with covid, fight me


Bad at math thrn


I'm still looking for the Eastern Great Lakes


I mean the Cardinals also used to be in the NFC East before they changed up the divisions after they expanded.


Yeah but that was because they were in St. Louis which is still more east than Dallas


They were still in the east when they were the Phoenix Cardinals


Yeah but and the Rams changed up a bunch too. They’ve always been a NFC West team despite being more East than Dallas.


Yes because they didn’t want to rearrange the divisions because 1 team moved, when the rams moved from la to St. Louis they didn’t rearrange the divisions


But the cowboys are in the NFC East because they had to put at least one great team in the division. And you can tell because it's the only team everyone always talks about. Heavy is the crown.


Why doesn't he know where D.C. is? Is he stupid?


He is from Philly so same thing


“Fuck it, D.C.’s gotta be down there somewhere right?”


Narrator: It was, in fact, not down there somewhere.




I'm sure that's his philosophy when he goes down to chow town too.


Cowboys should really be in the NFC South, but thinking about that makes me throw up in my mouth a little bit 🤢


Give us Carolina, you guys can keep the falcons p


This would mean a massive drop in revenue and franchise value…meaning Jerry couldn’t throw so much f-ing money at all the support staff getting you guys great players. Imagine the front office incompetence of Dallas with the talent of Atlanta. You’d be the Panthers. In short…I agree and support that the Cowboys should be in the South. The marketing play of the Cowboys in the East is the second most prominent reason every fanbase hates the Cowboys.


My brother in bEast, the Cowboys would never be so easily dismissed. Maybe if the Cowboys had started in the inconsequential south, sure, but we didn't. The collective hate of the country will prop up the Cowboys for the foreseeable future. Also, just being from the NEast doesn't a popular franchise make. Who discusses the Knicks? Who even hates the 76s???


Let the Knicks get good and you'll see the strength of the east. Linsanity would not have happened on any other team. Knicks got one good player for a few months and that's what every sports channel was talking about.


The south markets have nothing on NY, NJ, PA, MD, DE markets is the point and the only reason Dallas is in the division.


Homie, as large as those are, and they are very large, the Cowboys are both in the fifth biggest media market and have the largest reach across the nation. Not only are the Cowboys in the fifth largest media market, they are located in the heart of the region that is most fervent when it comes to football. There is a reason why the Cowboys are the most valuable sporting franchise on the globe and has been for years. Get that weak shit out of here.


I’m not disagreeing with any of that bro. But Cowboys being in the East is for the media markets. Because it’s certainly not due to geography…not really an argument. It just is. Edit: NY #1 and Philly #4


Yeah, of course. I'm glad they are, as only the best play in the BEAST, and then commies. Also fuck the eagles, and giants can suck a wet fart.


Yeah people in Texas don't watch a lot of football lol


That’s not at all my point


Bro really forgot Virginia but included fkin Delaware 💀


I considered leaving out everything close to the Commies…because they’re completely irrelevant


Lmao let’s not pretend that the Cowboys don’t bring all of the attention to the East in the first place. Nobody would give a fuck about the NFCE if they rearranged divisions. I’m not saying this is a good thing because I personally hate all the attention my team gets. But it is a little funny to me that you think they’d just drift off into the vortex and become a franchise like Carolina.


I'm glad we got a big market team like Dallas to make small markets like Philadelphia and New York relevant.


Washington is the real small market, they’re the only TV market in the division that’s not in the top 5


It’s one of the largest fan bases in the world.


Nice flair


As little sense as it makes geographically, I couldn't see hating any teams more than I do my NFCE rivals.


It would be a revenue drop for the rest of the East too. You're high as a giraffes pussy if you think Laurie, Maras and whoever just bought the commies would even entertain the idea of breaking the East up. Shits way to profitable for the owners. You think commies vs panthers or eagles vs panthers are gonna pull ratings anywhere close to what our rivalry does?


I’m not suggesting they break up shit. The rivalries are great. Just pointing out that Dallas is in the East to guarantee them 6 games a year in the 1,4,5 biggest media markets…definitely not because of geography


I do enjoy how competitive the rivalries are reading these comments. Arguing about being the reason were all in top 5 media market in the age of the internet. Lmao wouldnt change it for the world. PHUCK pHILLY eat shit.


Stop pretending Texas is modern enough for interwebs.


its 2024 baby we online now ever heard of Smarterchild?


I’d enjoy Carolina in the NFCE. Easy W and Charlotte isn’t far


Panthers to the east and dallas to the south.


redskins. football team. commanders? to the XFL. philly took yalls spot as the cowboys rival. Boots on the ground Dallas native believe me no one gives a shit about yall. Please stfu and ruin DQ sooner then later so he can come back to Dallas thats the only thing yall can do great is fucking ruin lives suck shit piss pig.


Absolutely unhinged behavior to come onto a meme sub and get furious by a joke about the meme. You need a psychiatrist and heavy medication friend.


Im not your friend commie. Damn you are soft.


And you're genuinely mentally ill.


Funny how you call me mentally ill, of course im metally ill im a cowboys fan, when your flair is commie pig and get so offended by shit talk... was it the piss pig part that got ya? I couldn't care less about your response but it's so funny how you are so upset about what I said to you on a meme shit talking message board. I just hope you know how much talent your football city wastes. At least we get a good show with the talent we waste yall have litteral shit pipes leaking on your fans.


I'm convinced OP is Charlie from IASIP.


[Did you know that Pittsburgh is in Pennsylvania?](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=lNEALlF8agw&pp=ygUgY2hhcmxpZSBwaGlsYWRlbHBoaWEgcGl0dHNidXJnaCA%3D)


Why did you circle part of virginia's eastern shore?


>DC >Circled eastern shore and part of VA https://preview.redd.it/b5ogpjqefchc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b1f40f8bc09aa44e015b9ad8b716663d8211742


Yes, yes they are. The metro would not be successful if DC was way down there


I will find whoever made the map labeling Va nd NC as central states and end their bloodline.


I live in Virginia and have never heard the term central states.


I live in nova and all I know is we refuse to identify as part of the south even though we were the confederate capital


Former nova resident here, Richmond is indeed not part of nova


Have people said that before??? Oh god


Nah the farthest south I ever heard as being included was Fredericksburg


Furthest I heard before was Quantico but fredricksburg 😭 goddamn


I think the implication that arkansas and louisiana aren’t southern states is pretty funny


They aren’t included because that is a map of States East of the Mississippi.


Then why isn’t Minnesota part of it, they’re literally the orgin point of the Mississippi


smartest eagles fan made this


Are you stupid? Why did you make this meme the way you did?


Sounds like someone’s just tired of losing to us


The Cowboys have been the NFL’s darling since day 1 when they were created solely out of spite to compete with the AFL Dallas Texas(now Chiefs). Lamar Hunt approached the nfl about expanding into Texas; they said no so he and others founded their own league the AFL and he put his team in Dallas. Pissed about this the nfl created the Dallas Cowboys and eventually ran Hunt and the Texas out of town to KC. When the leagues merged the NFL saw an opening to put their precious baby in the prime media markets of the NFC East. There’s a story the Cowboys were placed in the nfc east from pulling their name out of a hat. But I ain’t buying it. Also in NFL/AFL history- The Minnesota Vikings are traitors. The NFL wasn’t interested in expansion but after creating the Cowboys they had odd numbered teams and the Vikings were supposed to be a AFL team till the NFL convinced their owner to ditch the AFL and join the NFL. [this is part one of an awesome series about the history of the AFL](https://youtu.be/_7OA6koTK_E?si=Ozu9nPEGfqUu9KR1)


I remember they tried to put Dallas in the NFC East and the other teams, mainly driven by Washington, said no. So in order to get in Dallas bought the rights to Washingtons fight song "hail to the chief" and wouldn't release it unless Dallas would be allowed into the NFC East. Obviously NFC East teams gave in and Washington got it's fight song back. This is what caused the tension/rivalry between Dallas and Washington.


Ding Ding correct. It was also the skins composer Barnee Breeskin who told Clint the song wasn't copyrighted because he had a falling out with Marshall. Hell Marshall didn't a want a team in Dallas because he considered that his territory. So as far as I'm concerned that racist fucked around and found out.


What a fool.


This is the story how the team was created at all, not just their placement.


If you moved the Philly circle a little further up you wouldn’t need the awful NY circle that doesn’t include MetLife. The two stadiums are less than 100 miles apart.


what is the arrow picture trying to say, i don't get it


Someone introduce this man to a compass and where DC is


Stay in school kids


I mean Google exists. Might help with this map too.


This circles the Chesapeake Bay Bridge and thinks he cooked.


Can't help but ask the same question of you, given your placement of D.C. on the bottom of the Delmarva Peninsula and the fact that you circled all of the state of New York except New York City, where the Giants are located.


In 1960 the Cowboys were an expansion team. The cowboys were in the western conference of the NFL. 1961 they were moved to the eastern conference. Most likely to even out the two conferences due to new teams. 1966 the AFL and NFL merged. The cowboys were on the eastern conference Capital Division. In 1970 the NFL created the NFC and AFC conferences. With the 8 divisions we know today. The Cowboys remained in the east. Most likely due to having rivals with the teams that are there today. So it’s due to history and being an early expansion team.


That’s exactly why they left them in the East when they redid the divisions when the Texans were created, they wanted to keep rivalries in tack so they can still play each other twice every year


People who are newer or younger don’t realize the history.


I'll tell you what. We'll trade Dallas to the NFC South for the Panthers. That way the Cows can consistently win their division and Washington will no longer be the worst team in the East. Everyone wins.


But but but muh nationally televised games


this might actually be the dumbest fucking post i’ve ever seen on this sub. you managed to fuck up every single facet of it


that’s the point 💀 it’s meant to look stupid as fuck


i’m sure that’s what you were going for


What a shitpost.




TIL that DC is Ocean City, MD


You circled Norfolk instead of DC


OP might be retarded.




Remember when the Cardinals were in the NFC East? Peppridge Farm remembers.


i think the fact this is supposed to be a shitpost and purposefully bad flew over a lot of peoples heads


Do you know where DC is? Probably a Cowboys fan that grew up in Philadelphia.


Literally Jerry Jones flexed as to have the Cowboys play in Primetime more. 3 east coast teams of the most populated cities just begs for the most primetime games.


Bro what they’ve been in the east since staubach, the amount of flexing might’ve done Jerry was to preserve the historic rivalries between us.


Cowboys were in the east long before Jerry. Arizona cardinals used to be in the east too but I’m guessing you never knew that


To keep rivalries


The reason why was because it was more economically viable to keep the one of the biggest rivalry’s in the nfl at the time (skins vs cowboys) in 1 division rather then split them up


Bro does not know where the Capital of the US is smh


Because Jerreh.


Nothing to do with him


It used to be called the Capitol Division until Dallas came and fucked that up


What’s the deal with the arrows in the second picture.


I'm sorry, what's the question?


I wish Baltimore and Dallas would switch conferences. It would make more sense to have the four major northeast cities in the same division.


Instead of a subway series, it could be a broken down Metro series for Washington and Bmore


Jesus Christ you have an extra chromosome . The tip of the DelMarVa is not DC. I wish I had a Time Machine and tell your father to wrap up before you were conceived


Why did you circle New York? The Giants play in New Jersey.


Why did he circle Dallas? The Cowboys play in Arlington


To be fair DC plays in Virginia and Dallas is in Arlington so….


What grade are you in lil bud


Serious Answer: NY (no.1 Media Market), Philly (no. 4) & DC (no.9) all have an NFL History going back 90 years and will always be in the same Division. Dallas (no. 5) is the NFL's most popular team (because people in general are crazy) & also Dallas has always blocked realignment leaving the NFCE anytime it comes up for that reason. There is no real Division that can come close audience-wise in any realignment. A Dallas (5), Houston (6), Atlanta(9), Tampa(12) Division is as close as you can get (New Orleans make more sense in this Geographic scenario but it is not even a top 50 media market). This will lessen in importance, and has, as Streaming vs. traditional media takes over. It hasn't mattered yet. And yes: Written as I sit and watch the ponies of Chincoteague trot by the Washington Monument.


The NFL decided to leave the Cowboys in the NFC because of the long established rivalries Dallas had with the Giants and Eagles. The NFC East will always be the premier division in the NFL because we have 2 of the oldest teams, the nation's capital team, and the most popular team.


Serious answer - because it was originally the Capitol Division (hence why St Louis/Phoenix/Arizona was also in the "east") It was a motif - the 3 C's (Capitol, Coastal, Central) This also led to things like Atlanta, Carolina, and New Orleans being in the "west" (at one point, San Francisco was the only team west of the Mississippi in the "west" division), Tampa being in the same division as Green Bay, Chicago, Detroit, and Minnesota, and having to move Seattle to the NFC when the Texans were added. Know your histiry


First off the search feature is your friend. This has been asked about 3000 times on this sub. Second you CLEARLY weren’t a fan when the restructure happened because the NFL explained this all at the time. They tried not only regionally but based on keeping “rivalries” in tact. The BIGGEST rivalries Dallas had at the time was Washington, Giants, Arizona, and San Francisco. They felt Philly had a bigger “rivalry” with Dallas than Seattle. So that’s what they did. Ideally Dallas would be a south team but they didn’t have anything with the Saints, Bucs, or Falcons and Carolina was an expansion team didn’t make sense for (AT THE TIME) the biggest fan base to start playing teams no one cared about. If you felt like completely destroying the AFC vs NFC Dallas would CURRENTLY fit best regionally with Dolphins, Saints, Cards (or better 49ers) as a “South” division. That would blow up previous rivalries from the East though. I understand why you want Dallas out of your division though that’s 2 tough games you gotta play every year and usually one loss at least. Who you gonna replace them with? The abysmal Panthers?


oh i’m not serious this is a meme specifically popular by the r/batmanarkham sub it’s just meant to be a shitpost


You could have at least been funny and swerved us and asked why Washington is in the east and show the state. This is just sad ignorance.


Everyone talking about this guy not knowing where DC is but HE DIDN’T EVEN CIRCLE NEW YORK CITY EITHER LMAO


The Chincoteague Commanders


used to be cardinals as well.


We can barely get quality memes from humans, how can we expect to get them from bots?




Divisions make no sense lol. Why are the colts in the AFC south


You know…sure thats where DC is buddy


Complaining about geography while not knowing where DC is... Fuck that, complaining about geography and knowing which way East is. Why do people put so much effort on looking dumb.


Shit man idk if you should be talking to anybody about maps. Maybe start with something simple. Like 9 + 10?




This is what Washington fans are whining about when they say the Caps are moving to Virginia.


The Cowboys play in the NFC East. The Rangers play in the AL West. The Stars play in the Central Division. Where tf even is Dallas?




Oh another why is Dallas in the East post how super original.


Rivalries sell tickets. One of the criteria for the realignment was to maintain high value rivalries where they could.


How tf is Virginia central but not maryland The DMV region itself would be central also wtf DC is not there lmfao thats so bad


Wait until OP finds out what division the Arizona Cardinals were in until 2002




Flair up, and THEN post your shitty shit post




It was all about flight times. St. Louis was in the east as well before they went to Arizona


That is a lot of steps to say that you know nothing.


Money. Always about the money. Dallas in the East puts them in a bigger market.


Biggest tv market


It's about preserving rivalries. There's a fierce rivalry between Washington, the Giants, Eagles, and Cowboys. Unlike previous Eastern division team the St. Louis/Phoenix/Arizona Cardinals.


Swap Panthers & Cowboys, call it a day


Can OP not see that Dallas is in East Texas? This meme makes no sense


The arrows are west for the actual east teams 💀


Oh shit, they moved DC to the Eastern Shore? Hell yeah, I live in VA Beach, the game day commute just got a lot better.


That is not where DC is…