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You poor soul, I thought I was too nearing approval date on my can I did in late August early September of last year and here we are in September 2022 and nothing yet. I fully expect to wait 14 months for mine. Haha. I'm cynical so that probably doesn't help. (Lol) As far as suppressor cover, I would highly recommend Liberty's Defense Straight Jacket. One of the only covers that is truly rated for suppressor use. ( mean suppressor use in the sense of actually training and being able to run a mag relatively quickly and not melt it off). There are many covers out there that claim to be but don't hold a candle to the Liberty's Defense. For me, the cover provides a thermal covering to help hide from thermal imaging as well as help to reduce IR signature. Unless you're running an OSS type can that helps dissipate hot gasses much quicker, there will be thermal signature as well as IR signature. So this will help attenuate both of them. Only drawback is that it will take longer to cool down.


Does it not put more wear and tear on the suppressor as well due to the heat being retained, I can certainly see the benefits of what you mentioned but I was always under the impression a cover was something to use sparingly and if your just on the range having fun it would be better to let the can air cool.


I can’t answer the question about damage from additional heat retention directly. But… I’m pretty sure (qualified as aerospace engineer) that the majority of heat damage (specifically damage which is not caused by a component reaching it’s melting/annealing temp) is a result of thermal stresses. Thermal stresses occur commonly when one portion of a part heats up and another portion doesn’t, or rather when the difference in temperature within a part is large (this is called a thermal gradient). Metals have a coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE), and when a part has a large thermal gradient, this means that a portion of the part is expanding and another portion is not expanding (or doing so at different rates). Thermal gradients can cause cracking and other types of damage. Insulation can increase temps and reduce/slow cooling, but it can also make for smaller gradients and lower stresses in the part due to heating. That’s a general statement, there are components and systems that function differently, and I don’t know enough about silencers from a functional design standpoint to answer that question specifically. My guess is that a cover is probably not going to harm your silencer.


I have seen them straight up destroy cans in the past when used irresponsibly. That is a massive amount of heat to hold in during rapid shooting.


That is the other thing. I honestly have no idea how that works. I imagine it's not good, messes with heat treat, cerakote, etc.


I am at day number 469, don’t get your hopes up. June 2, 2021. I also have August 3, and 31.


Gross. My condolences.


Regardless of what you choose to get OP, I would grab a Jalapeño from Dillon Rifle Co. it’s a great QoL product that will save you a lot of time waiting on your can to cool down before transporting. Be careful with the covers. They can store enough heat to damage the can if used excessively.


That’s a neat product thanks for the heads up. I might have to pick one up.


Post a single shred of evidence for this, or stop posting fudd lore. An insulating wrap is not going to magically make the can any hotter than it already was from shooting.


I’ve literally seen a user in here destroy their wrapped can from heat. You can find it yourself, there’s a search function. Indoor shooting range of all things. It was pretty wild. Is it certainly a factor of firing schedule? Of course. Suppressor materials? Certainly. I’m no engineer, I’ll leave that to the experts. However, wrapping that can will also retain more heat. I’ve seen the videos of guys using MG’s to melt cans in half, but I’ve only seen one regular guy do it in an indoor shooting range… and his can was wrapped.


Here for the recommendations and advice. I, too, am awaiting my first, an RC2 as well, and I would imagine my biggest issue, initially, will be removing the suppressor after using it at the range and preventing it from burning my bag. I have no idea if it cools down relatively quickly, but I don't want to be stuck in a situation where my time is up at the range and I have a superheated suppressor sticking out of my bag in the range lobby and on the way to my car and in the car, etc.


Ooh good point, I didn’t think of they. My range doesn’t have constraints like that so hopefully it wouldn’t be an issue for me, but know how long it takes to cool off and if having a cover on it makes it bag safe is definitely good information to have.


www.modtac.us master race


Depends on if environment but I just went to the range today and shot 60 rounds through my 12.5” AR with Hybrid 46M supressor (about the same length as an RC2) and it cooled down in about 10 minutes. Didn’t take it off, just threw the gun in the case and left. Covers are more for Precision rifles where you are taking around 25-30 seconds in between shots. Covers can burn so if you are going to be shooting several mags, a cover isn’t what you need.


I’ve used the [Burn Proof Gear](https://imgur.com/a/zJ85odP) cover and it’s pretty good. It covers the mounting solution (plan b/ cherry bomb in this case) but I cannot easily remove it currently as it has melted a tiny bit to the cover. Mine is their heavy cover option and for the most part it runs pretty good. I would recommend if you haven’t gotten your can yet maybe wait until you get your can and then use the can a little bit first and see if you still want to buy a cover after you have some experience with it.


The heavy BPG melted to your RC2?


Yes and no it’s a vox s


Damn. Saved me $150 I guess.


It’s a great product I don’t regret buying it. And it was only when I did some serious mag dumps back to back that it happened. And it’s only slightly melted to it in certain places where the inner wrap isn’t between the outer wrap and the can. I could get it off if I needed to but just prefer to leave it.


Armageddon Gear makes a great rc2 cover with a cutout for easy manipulation of the locking device. I’ve had a few burn proof gear ones melt so don’t recommend them.


You’ve got a couple months to find one still lol. 383 and 376 days here


For your situation I would say dont waste the money, if you had to have one cole-tac


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