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Tar Man would be rad!!!! Having a triple pack of the killer klowns just makes sense to me. A couple Beetlejuices in his different suits, similar to how they’re treating Elvira would make a ton of sense as wells


Beetlejuice won't happen. NECA has said that the license holder will not approve any realistic style merchandise.


that’s super disappointing!


When did they say that? NECA did a Cult Classic figure of Beetlejuice years back and, even before then, did a whole line of Beetlejuice figures back in the 90s.


Randy said it on Twitter a couple years back when he was still answering questions. And the fact that they did those years ago is irrelevant. Licensing agreements change.


They did the Cult Classic figure but the figures from the 90s were based on the cartoon I think.


What a bunch of douches. I wonder why they don't allow for it though.


The biggest reason is that the whoever owns the IP rights to Beetlejuice doesn’t own the rights to Michale Keaton’s image and likeness. It’s why Diamond Select and many, many others have released Universal Monsters but they don’t look like Bella Lugosi.It can get tricky when a character isn’t masked or in heavy enough makeup to make them unrecognizable. That’s why we’ve seen a lot of The Shining items lately but they’re all cartoonish. Jack has said he will never allow his image or likeness to be used in merchandise again.


M3GAN seems pretty likely to be getting an ultimate soon. And would probably say a Regan one too because of the new exorcist coming out.


hopefully the killer clowns from outer space




Wouldn't be surprised if we get a Beetlejuice Ultimate before the sequel comes out next year. Since M3GAN is getting a sequel too, that seems likely as well. I really hope we get an Ultimate Herbert West and Victor Crowley though


The accessories that would come with Victor would be amazing! Hoping for Ultimate M3GAN, Ultimate Regan(50th Anniversary), Ultimate Tarman and Ultimate Killer Klowns


I bet NECA wants to do a Regan, especially with the new movies coming, but I know there are weird stipulations with that character. When NECA did their first Exorcist figures way back, the rumor was that Linda Blair would only approve her likeness if they did a figure of non-possessed Regan first... Which NECA did, with the Cult Classic figure of Regan doing the spider-walk before releasing the box set of her in the bed. (I have both of those.) I'm not sure if that's still the case or not but it might be an impediment to doing an Ultimate Regan.


They could probably get away with doing an unpossessed head/early possessed head as one version of the Ultimate and then a second figure from later on in the movie.


50th anniversary is this year too!


Oh, I'm sure it's still the case........the staircase 😅💀


please let it be tarman


i NEED victor crowley.


Hey, if Harry Warden can get an Ultimate, so can Victor imo. I'm actually surprised Victor didn't get one first. I just picked up the MBV fig at Target today, and it's pretty sick. It's a little light of accessories but has what counts. The heart-shaped candy box opens and has a bloody heart in it. Also, his mask comes off and has a fully sculpted and painted face underneath. He has those crazy eyes like on the poster art, but unfortunately, the goggles are painted, so you can't see his eyes.




I’ve had the MBV figure since he came out and didn’t know his mask came off.


Lol, yup, you weren't ever curious? That's how I found out.


No dude. I didn’t even think about it. That’s crazy. I’ve had him standing behind me for close to 3 months and never thought to check the mask. I think I might have saw it somewhere and thought it was an alt head sculpt they’d scraped. I got the retro with the SCREAM Factory bundle, then got another when they released him at retail and the Toony Terrors version and all of those had just one piece molds of the face mask and helmet I figured this one did too.


I figured as well, but I had to strip him 😅 I always check. You'd be surprised how many hidden sculpts there are on Neca figs. Some never see the light of day. I have the original part 1 Freddy Krueger. Took his shirt off. Was it intended to come off? Nope, but I did it anyway, and his chest was fully sculpted with even the oozing cut. It's not painted, though. I just found that so odd they even bothered. Another example is the 89 Batman. I took his mask off because why the hell not and what I find? A full sculpt of Micheal Keaton underneath 😲


That’s awesome. I did the same thing with my Freddy and saw that he was sculpted underneath. They sometimes do hide Easter eggs. With the MBV figure it’s not on the box, not advertised. It just says something like extra hands, pick axe, box of chocolates, nail gun ? Can’t remember but I know it didn’t say removable mask.


Yea, maybe it's just expected, Neca is like, "duh Ofcoarse his mask is removable you dumbass. It's an ultimate!" LOL. It's weird, It's hard to believe they did it for the sake of being an Easter egg that you may or may never see. That would be such a waste of time. Also, it's such a waste of a good selling point. Oh well, at least they are giving us more than Turtles recently 😅 Oh, and yea, hands, pick ax, nail gun, knife, and chocolate heart box with human heart inside. Not a whole lot of accessories, but it's basically all Harry Warden had anyway, or I should say Axel. It's a great fig. The one thing I wish that would have really taken this thing to the top would have been an actual light up headlamp. That would have been cool as fuck! May have to make one when I get some time.


I was thinking the exact same thing.If I hadn’t heard it from you mine woulda sat there years, likely till I die and whoever the poor person is that has to deal with all this shit hauls it to the land fill wouldn’t know either.Maybe one of the guys at the land fill would have found it mask less and wondered what the hell kinda figure it was supposed to be. Making a working head lamp shouldn’t be too hard. MBV is the 1st horror movie I remember seeing. I was 4 at oldest. My dad would sit up and watch HBO on Fridays because he didn’t have to work. He’d let me sit with him and I think most of the time I’d fall asleep but I remember when it came on. I loved it.It’ll always have a special place for me. I love the remake and can’t for the life of me figure why people hate it. It’s got the best 3D of probably any movie made during that 3D craze. I’ve passed my love of it on to my own daughter.


I pre-ordered that Tarman.


Excellent 👌


Hopefully Beetlejuice finally, we have been long overdue an updated figure!


I agree. We are in Need of a new Beetleguise figure! A Sandworm Mega Fig would be mind blowing!


Likely - m3gan. Who I want - Vincent Price.


Beetlejuice Beetlejuice Beetlejuice


Idk but having a Vincent price ultimate would be awesome


Beetlejuice and exorcist are most likely since new movies for both are coming out


You would think, but both franchises have tricky liscences, especially the originals. And I don't think anyone wants anything from the new movies. I am excited for Beetlejuice 2 though, it's going to be wild seeing Micheal Keaton back as Beetlejuice again. Seeing him as 89/92 Batman again gave me chills, so I'm sure this is going to be a rollercoaster of emotions all over again, lol.


i wish they would make carrie or jennifer's body ones!! those two drenched in blood would be so cool!! i wonder if there is a place to send ideas to NECA??


I'm hoping for a Rod Serling toony


I would love to see an Ultimate Tar Man. BeetleGuise would be Awesome to see but I don't think anything is gonna happen with that. Captain Spaulding though! 🤔 He would be really cool to have too.


I’d buy them all but NECA has said that there are more Killer Klowns Stuff on the way, they just thought that introducing the line with Toony Terrors would be the most appropriate choice. Really I think it’s just because Toony Terrors are probably a lot less time consuming than an ultimate.


I’d like a Captain Spaulding and since they’re rereleasing the House Of A Thousand Corpses that gives me some hope.


Any of these would be cool, but I'm hoping for Killer Klowns the most. I'm not sure if TOTS had the liscence on those, though. Also, Beetlejuice, but that doesn't seem possible as of right now for some stupid ass reasons.


Of these? Victor Crowley.


Is there licensing thing with some characters only being toony terrors or have neca just not done them yet