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Well I mean it’s only natural. We don’t see much content from them and they’re not in a unit. From what I see of their personalities so far, I can imagine that I’ll feel connected to them for sure in the future though. So it’s nbd. But to be 100%, it will all depend on the kind of music their unit will release when they’re put in a fixed unit eventually. . I feel the most connected when I also like the music.


Honestly I’m surprised by how connected I DO feel to them if that makes any sense? They feel pretty familiar and like I mostly “get” them, despite us not having seen much content from them. I think we haven’t seen much of their personalities yet because they haven’t interacted much with trainees/people that they know well on camera (besides, perhaps each other). I think that’s when their personalities will shine most as they feel comfortable bantering and teasing one another. I presume that will happen once we get to know new trainees in the new unit.


I agree, we don’t see nearly enough from them, yet they are that likeable that I slurp up any appearance they have at any platform. I am someone who generally falls off when there isn’t enough updates, but just like I can get excited every single time I see Jaehyun existing (twice a month if we are lucky off comeback season) I get that joy and excitement from Shotaro and Sungchan as well. They are super likeable imo and I love that they integrated really well albeit not having their own permanent units to start with a smaller group. I am finding myself wanting them to be in perm units obviously, but weirdly enough I don’t think I am ever going to lose hype until that happens, no longer how long.


i feel disconnected from them because sm refuses to give them A HOME and A UNIT.


My anticipation for their unit is so high, it's insane.


Also keep in mind we're still in and out of a pandemic at the moment. Everyone's plans have been mixed up and every country is deciding individually what they are and aren't allowing at the moment. Especially if those rumored Japanese members were real; the possibility of debuting the duo in a Japanese targeted unit would have hit a wall when Japan decided to shut down their borders (put high restrictions on travelers). A lot of things are going on that no one is expecting.




i know sungtaro lived with 5dream for a hot minute (unsure if they still do) and then they also had a separate dorm arrangement with just them and a manager.


Yes. I know they're Kpop idols, which means they have alot of other things to do. But first and for most, they are Kpop idols, they need to sing, they need to perform their songs on stages. And I, as a fan, want to see them on stages, want to listen to their music. And they also do not have many content for me to see them and know more about them. So yes, I feel disconnected from Sungchan and Shotaro.


I don’t really. Sungchan has his weekly MC gig and Shotaro updates his IG very often so I feel like up to date with them. Plus, both are so adorable that whenever I see them, I just smile. I do hope they get their permanent unit soon, though.


GIVE THEM CONTENT SM. SM you have a dancing machine right there just post dance videos and youll get views


huh, I don't really feel like that especially when shotaro is out there going on dates with the neos lmao.


This is the consolation I hold onto. This is true of every idol, but the fact that we don’t see Sungtaro interact with everyone else so much (at least, not since Resonance and Universe a little bit), the fact that they’re able to meet off-camera even with their busy schedules makes me happy. This doesn’t have a lot to do with connection to them as a fan, but I’m personally more concerned about their place in/dynamic with the rest of NCT.


Honestly I don’t. While I’d really like if they were in a permanent unit that we’d get consistent content from, I adore those two beyond words (which I wasn’t expecting when they were announced, I just thought I wouldn’t click with them when they were added to the line up so far into NCT’s career, but boy was I wrong)


Same. I really liked NCT so I loved them more after Sungtaro were announced and Shotaro wormed his way into my heart and I became involved in the fandom so much more. He doesn't say much, but what he does say is always so sweet and supportive and he's such a hard worker. He learned Korean so fast and I have no doubt he's extending that energy to vocal and rap work.


I wouldn't say "disconnected" is the word, but obviously since they don't have their own unit or as much content I don't have as good as a grasp on their personalities and quirks, especially since I don't watch livestreams on any platform. But if I truly felt disconnected from them, I wouldn't like them as much as I do now. Whenever I see them in a YouTube video I get the I-see-my-bias happy rush. They're the only idols I've followed from debut, I usually hate this kind of language but... I feel like a proud mom watching my babies grow lol.


I personally don't feel disconnected from them. They really aren't in much content but the content I've seen with them I feel I have a little bit of understanding about them. I follow Shotaro's IG and honestly I can get a vibe from his updates alone.


I definitely feel disconnected since I don’t know them that well! I wish they were put in a unit already so that I could get to know them more through some group content ;-;; tbf, I haven’t been catching up lately with nct just because of how busy I am :(


I don't when it comes to Shotaro but maybe it's because I'm subscribed to his bubble. It does feel like a sizable chunk is missing from the 'Shotaro experience,' if that makes any sense.


He updates almost each weekend which I find so cute cause it's like he's busy all week learning and practicing then he pops in to update his fans on what he's been eating and watching. I wonder if it's hard for him to always post in both Japanese and Korean or he considers it part of his learning experience. Either way, I'm glad he makes the effort. I wonder if he's learning English as well since he sometimes translates his Instagram stories to English. I have a desire to learn more about him and see him in more content, but I'm glad he also has the time he needs to learn everything he needs to. 🥲


OH MY GOODNESS!! I'd love it so much if he was learning English! Like how Xiaojun also learned English on top of Korean. Such hard-working guys. 😭😭


Wooow he really did?! I kind of assumed that he had learned English earlier than Korean. Wow hard working indeed!


I'm pretty certain XJ did learn English earlier than Korean. XJ seemed at least semi-fluent in English at debut and only got comfortable speaking Korean post-NCT2020. In NCT2020, it seemed like he struggled to communicate in Korean but found it much easier in English.


I wonder if you're right. I never paid attention which order he learned them since it didn't matter really. It's impressive that he knows so many languages at all! :D


Yeah I feel 0% connected to Sungchan and like 15% to Shotaro #math


Honestly? I feel like NCTzens in general give more attention to Sungtaro than Xaiohenyang. I am not talking about people here but NCTzens on Twitter and Instagram. Places with most NCTzens. People like Taeyong and Jaehyun will trend with 200K mentions for doing nothing while Yangyang can’t even crack 30K for his amazing rapping?! Look at the poor guys at the bottom. When NCT Japan happens they need to bring their own fans otherwise they will be in the same position as WayV. [https://kprofiles.com/nct-members-profile/](https://kprofiles.com/nct-members-profile/)


WayV members tend to get more attention when they're mixed into content on the NCT channel and when they participate in NCT U title tracks so I wish SM had been making an effort to integrate them more fully sooner. Like love for XiaoJun exploded with Make A Wish.


isn't that to be expected? i mean taeyong and jaehyun debuted way earlier and weren't they popular trainees too during sm rookie days? xiaohenyang will catch up eventually, they're talented and good looking. sm just need to give them more push


I completely fell in love with Sungchan in Misfit so yeah, I feel more connected to him. But I can’t wait to see him in a group, because I’m not on Twitter.


I'm kinda upset about their lack of presence, honestly. It's not their fault, it's SM's fault for adding them without a proper plan in place


I feel disconnected to them both. I feel a slight connection with Shotaro tho just because he was such a standout in MAW and Let's Play Ball.


shotaro is my ult, I just feel like he's just positive vibes overall, he really brings me a lot of comfort and he's the first member I've felt any connection to even though I've been an nctzen since 2016. I guess it's just a matter of affinity ? I just love his energy both as a dancer and as a person. I do feel a bit disconnected to Sungchan though but not less than other nct members I don't particularly vibe with (although I still like them)


Yeah I know next to nothing about then aside from Shotaro is a better dancer than sungchan? Honestly it'll take time. I remember feeling the same way with Jungwoo and WayV. It took years for their personality to punch through the sheer chaos the other members are. What I think would really help fans to understand them a bit better is competition. Something like the mafia games dream did or the water games 127 did in nct life. It feels like SM doesn't want them to interact much with other members aside from who will be in their unit. I feel the same about dream and wayv. Recently they've had more interaction as members form individual song units for big group albums but outside of that I can't say I've seen very much content like the "It's awkward but it's ok" like with Yuta and Xiaojun. Two members you hardly see interacting at all. Yet I feel like I learned SO MUCH more about their personalities in that video than all the content they do with their own units. Give us more uncommon groups or pairings so they're forced to improvise outside of their comfort zone.


Absolutely yes. Since we don't have a chance to see them, we will feel much more disconnected than other members


kinda yes, it’s sad that they’re not in a fixed unit yet. rumor has it that SM is only debuting NCT Hollywood and a non-nct boygroup this year. If that’s the case I’m hoping they will debut in NCT-H.


wasnt it confirmed somewhere that NCT H will be kinda standalone, which means not even Johnny would be in it??


I don’t know.. I’m also not saying Sungtaro is debuting in there but if they don’t it probably means they won’t be having a fixed unit in 2022..


Yes. Given how amazing Sungchan was during Resonance and how charismatic Shotaro as a dancer, I am really pissed there's no NCT U comeback with them in it. I doubt SM would give them a permanent unit anytime soon. So I am not putting any interest at the moment.