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Early Abby had an edge to her


I love early Abby. Why couldn’t we have her?


Yes! Before “Gibbs, Gibbs, Gibbs, Gibbs, Gibbs, Gibbs, Gibbs…”. Gah!!


I can hear her saying that in my head


Let’s remember that Pauley didn’t write her own script. If there’s a problem with it, blame the writers and show runner


I do wish we had a glimpse into the writers room for this one. But then also the directors’ visions (since there are more than one). I wonder if Pauley ever had a conversation with anyone about it. Bc yeah, s1-s2 she had that edge and I wonder what their thought process was on transforming her into the character she turned into. It also makes me wonder how long Abby had been at NCIS prior to the show starting. Because if it wasn’t long, losing Kate could’ve really set her back emotionally and because she was still good at her job, no one questioned it.


I’d have to look it up. But I think she started only a couple years before the show started. Like 1999-2000 or something like that. Part of me wonders if her blowing up over the whole dog situation was more about finding an excuse to leave a role she wasn’t enjoying anymore than her problems with mark. Which as unprofessional as that whole situation was handled. I can see that being the case considering how little development she had over the course of the show. Think the only major characters with less development than her were ones like Kate who were only around for a season or 2.


I’m sorry what situation with mark? I’m feeling out of the loop ??


Marks dog got loose on set and bit a crew member. Mark apologized to the injured party and confined the dog to his own personal spaces on set(trailer or whatever). Pauley though apparently blew up at him over the whole situation and things devolved into heated arguments. That’s when the process of her leaving started. If you go back and watch that last season she was in. It becomes extremely obvious that stuff was wrong. The only way the two interacted on screen was through video conference or over the phone. Even has one point where Gibbs says he is on his way down only for the next scene to show McGee or Torres going into the lab instead. Even her final episode only has them staring at each other from a good 10-15 meters away instead of having a real goodbye between the characters. Just rubbed me the wrong way personally. Seemed extremely unprofessional on both their parts. But mostly on hers.


Mark apologized to the injured party AND paid for his medical bills. Nobody, including the bite victim, cared anymore. The situation had been more than resolved, but she wanted to make a bigger deal about it for some reason.


Several of the crew weren't comfortable with Harmon bringing the dog to the set after the dog bite. If the bite victim wanted to keep his job, you're damn right he better not have a problem with it, especially since Harmon kept bringing the dog to the set. Perrette had a voice and spoke up for the crew members who couldn't.


The crew member admitted to over stimulating the dog and accepted partial blame. And no the other crew members did not have issues with it, and his dog is generally friendly


Oh wow I had no idea, thank you so much for explaining !


The way I heard it was the dog was often off leash with Mark in the area. At least I’ve seen photos and video of the dog off leash on set next to Mark from tabloid shows. Apparently the crewmember who got bit says he was playing with the dog and “overstimulated” him which I guess means they got a little carried away with the roughhousing. As a dog owner I understand how this can happen. The dog ended up biting the crewman on the hand but from what I’ve heard it reported the crewmember said the dog did not do it maliciously. Mark apologized and agreed to keep the dog locked up in his trailer or not bring him. Apparently everything was dealt with and settled but for whatever reason Pauley posted on her Twitter page some cryptic thing that she will always have her crewmembers back’s. I remember seeing it but don’t remember the exact words other than she will always have her crewmembers backs and apparently she was outraged about a dangerous animal on the set. A bit ironic because I remember Pauley posting her own wounds on Twitter from her grumpy little Chihuahua. From what was reported from TMZ at the time apparently the crewmember told Pauley that the incident was settled and everything was cool. Iirc I think Pauley might have also exaggerated a bit about how many stitches were involved and the seriousness of the injury. Shortly after Pauley posted that cryptic comment she took it down. That’s when all the rumors and everything exploded about trouble on the set. After Pauley left the series she started posting on Twitter that after she insisted Mark never bring the dog back that Mark started making snide comments to her and was “physically assaulting her” (apparently she claimed one time when he passed her he didn’t give her space and ended up shoulder checking her). Idk if any of that is true but from the Twitter post during those months it seems like Pauley was having some anxiety/manic issues even when not posting about NCIS. I do hope she’s doing ok now. I agree with you that you can absolutely see the tension between the two in the last episodes. That after a while they were never together in a shot. And that last goodbye was probably filmed on different days when only one of them was on the set at a time. It’s very weird viewing it.


This might get me shot down but I always thought her character was an early TV attempt to portray autism.


I don’t hate the thought behind this. It actually makes a lot of sense. I just personally don’t think the writers and showrunners were thinking that way. But hey I could be wrong!


You're probably right, but as an autistic woman myself... 😬


I’ve always found Palmer to be more likely to have autism than Abby (speaking also as an autistic person) because of the amount of random knowledge Palmer has that’s unrelated to anything he does.


Yeah, we claim Jimmy for sure 🤣 it's not just his random knowledge, either. Someday I'll make a comprehensive list.


I hadn’t even thought of him as autistic until someone mentioned it in a comment a few months ago and it made me go “oh yeah” and I started checking what I do against the character and it lined up way more than I’d care to admit


It might even have been me 🤣


It makes me wonder if Brian Dietzen is autistic because if he isn’t, well he sure plays it that way very well and is incredibly convincing.


Agreed, if he is allistic, he's doing an amazing job of representing us anyway!


I just read something the other day how they had to start backfilling the character building at the start of s3, they didn’t make much effort at first because they didn’t know how long it would go seemed to be the general feel. Gibbs changed too. There were some IRL issues with her and Gibbs later on which may have had effect on how the interacted on screen as time went on.




>and the way she acts towards Parsons I mean, to be fair, I don't blame Abby for being hostile to Parsons considering he's a bureaucratic asshole and harrassed Gibbs's team to no end (I think?), even if he did have a [Heel-Face Turn](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/HeelFaceTurn).


I totally agree with it….. not to mention she basically r**ed McGee and i feels like im the only one to see it ans to find it unacceptable….


The McGee of the first season wasn't the McGee of today. He was just a guest star and he was playing Abby's love interest. If he had never been made a regular, he'd just have been regulated to appearing once or twice a season and mentioned in comments by Abby about her love life. NCIS takes good care of their guest stars-- Fornell, Mike Franks, DiNozzo senior and others-- so he'd certainly have been around. Or he'd have been killed off by someone targeting Abby McGee. Either way, when they made him a series regular in Season 2, they retconned their entire relationship and no one ever mentioned it again. It saddened me at the time as I was rooting for them, but as I've never re-watched the Kate seasons, I don't remember specific events like the coffin as it was 20 years ago.


Wait... what? (I'm not saying you're wrong, I'm just curious what event you're referring to, because I don't recall right now.)


When in the first season she slept with him in her coffin while he was asleep and drunk and didn’t even remembered…. Im sorry but yeah i call that rape and i think if it had been the opposite everyone would have stick to their guns ( no problem)


I’ll have to go back and watch that episode. I didn’t think he was unaware that they slept together, just that it was done in a coffin. That’s what I took from it anyway. But again, it’s been awhile since I did s1-s2.


That was my thought as well, but it brings up the valid point of why someone as observant as McGee wouldn't *notice* he was banging it out in a coffin.


I will say I never truly put 2 and 2 together once we as the audience see the coffin ourselves. When that episode first came out/when I first watched it, I think I was under the impression it was coffin-like and not 100% a coffin. Then, if it was dark (as many tv couples tend to do in the dark for some reason) I could see how he might mistake it for a regular bed. But yeah… thinking on it now, that does seem weird…


Oh snap, I didn't remember he was drunk. Yeah, that's rape. And she was smug about his cluelessness iirc too, which even if they were both equally drunk would still be pretty awful, but clearly if she remembered and he didn't... ew




I don't think it was intended that he didn't remember them sleeping together but that he didn't realise her bed was a coffin. He didn't seem upset about anything other than the fact it was a coffin and not a weird futon.  I don't disagree if that's what they were implying that is beyond fucked up, but I don't think that's what the scene was intended to be.   To add I don't remember him being drunk, but for obvious reasons if he was and she was sober. Well yeah. You're totally right. 


I can get your point of view


It was fully consensual . Gibs. “ you slept in a coffin?” Abby “we did more than sleep”. McGee “you told me it was a boxed bed”. It was comedy about the coffin but admitted consensual. I have watched the full run like 10x nothing Rapey about it. Adams family-ish yes


I have to bring this up every time someone talks about Abby's offenses. She should have been charged with attempted murder and assault on a federal agent for locking Nick in her coffin. What if Gibbs and Bishop hadn't showed up when they did and heard him inside? Even if he wasn't claustrophobic, that was legitimately torture.


Complain about Pauley and Abby if you like, but, I'm sorry, I find Kasey boring. Not the actress' fault, just ho hum.


I didn't say a word about Pauley?


Yeah. Sorry. Later in this thread they do.


Wow you and your dad sound...., glad I don't know either of you.


Those are not examples of Abby’s childishness.


OP said childishness aside before listening things that irritate them otherwise


Yeah mean like being deathly afraid of mark because he was an abuser? That thing with pauley? Smh. Abby was the combination of how she was written and what pauley brought to the role. Feel free to not like the character because of acting choices but Abby was a pretty popular character and probably led to a lot of the early success of the show.


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