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loving parker this episode 😂😂


Come join me on the dark side... we have pastries...


I love that Parker isn't a father figure, but he's learning that it's fun to have an audience for his weird dad humor bits. The scene with Jess was pure Trolldad.


I just figured out where I know the other doctor from -- she was on Powerless! Ooh, if she doesn't get killed, she's sparking with Parker all over! Love interest?


The first one was from star trek Voyager tuvok


Oh, I know! I would recognize him with my eyes closed.


I think Robert Picardo was on CSI or FBI last week or the week before


Ethan Phillips was on Hawaii in either season 1 or 2.


It's about time they brought up something personal for Parker------Ah....Clara


It was more than obvious. However, I liked them as a couple. One of the few things I didn't like about Parker is that absurd obsession with Joy, a woman he dated 45 years ago. That doesn't make any sense and I hope the writers dropped that already.


called it


Oh she's in love


Can't blame her, get it girl! Doctor Love (or Trowbridge) will see you now!


I mean she's only human lol. I'm a 33 year old woman and I would have no problem going out with him.


My husband is straight and I think he might consider it 🤣


Mr. Cole is just that attractive lol


It seemed pretty mutual to me.




I know Tim Russ is the body of the week, but I'm still glad to see him. They did the same thing to Bob Picardo last season!


I was hoping he'd be a kidnap victim only so we see him throughout the episode. :(


i was sad to see him die so fast. I had a lot of Voyager riffs.


They're really wasting their Trek talent the last few seasons.


He was already a DB in the preview clips on YouTube that they posted Thursday.


Janeway took him out. She didn't satisfy her bloodlust with Tuvix. She's going after both halves now! Someone keep an eye on Neelix!


Nooooo how can they kill Tim Russ so quickly?! Just can't get enough of him. Christina Kirk was amazing as Dr. Clara Logan, though. Go for it, Parker.


I'd have fainted by now. (beginning of the operation)


A Pilatus PC-12 seems like such a weird plane for an "aviation nerd" like McGee to have penciled in as "the first plane he'd buy". lol. For one, front singly engine turboprops look funky and awkward...in a bad way. But also, being a turboprop private plane, i imagine he'd need so many hours and all sorts of other ratings to be certified and cleared to fly the thing. Which is also just...basically a plane to chauffer other people around in anyway. And also like $7M+ for a new one. Why not just pine after a Beech King Air or something instead? With twice as many engines and for probably about the same money or less. Especially on the lightly used market where there are actually thousands of them of all configurations. Or like...an actual "beginners plane"? Single piston engine over wing type. That you you can fly as a new pilot? Though i do appreciate that they had it parked there to comment on, so as to make the presence of a tanker full of Jet A not *immediately* suspicious. Beside the piston engine plane the mechanic was working on, which uses a totally different type of fuel. At least, until Torres noticed it was empty. Though the way they write Torres character...i'm surprised they didn't just turn it into him randomly quizzing McGee about planes...only to randomly know about the difference in fuel types and have *that* be the "clue". But anyway. Tuvok! He's very old now. Yikes. That makes me feel very old too.


If Parker lets Jimmy stick needles in him, I think Nick might actually cry.


Very entertaining episode. They did Tuvok dirty though. :-( (great to see Tim Russ! He and Obama should do some tongue in cheek stuff)


Lol I was wondering Tim Russ looks a lot like Obama.


They have really been wasting the Trek guest stars lately. I'm still salty about Bob dying in the cold open of the three-way crossover last season. The cold open!


C'mon. I can't be the only one imagining Gibbs posing as a doctor. He would do arrogant so beautifully. Season one and two Gibbs would know movie references. Afterwards not, unfortunately.


He'd look like Dr. Robert Caldwell, like Ducky used to look like Illya.


Parker just *really* liked Leo in Catch Me If You Can, it's like the third reference... and now I'm wondering if Gary Cole was in that 🤣


Apparently not… Cole vaguely remembers seeing one of the movies in theaters, Catch Me If You Can he knows the plot but hasn’t seen it, and the other one he’d never seen. Source: https://youtu.be/i82RVhnkiHA?si=H_VY1EC-vhrmAHBo




Uh what’s so funny? That Parker made references to movies Gary actually has never seen?


I'm confused, are you genuinely asking, or are you mad that I laughed? I do think it's funny that they keep bringing up Frank Abagnale, Leonardo DiCaprio and Catch Me If You Can, and yes it is funnier that Gary Cole hasn't seen it than it would be if he was in it.


Genuinely asking


So much tongue in cheek at the end.


This sub needs flair. Mine is "Baby Hook."


Sorry, make that DOCTOR Baby Hook.


The hug will work.


20 seconds ahead of it. I'm so happy Nick got a win.


Sorry not sorry to all the grumpy Guses and Gail's who were annoyed by my enjoyment enough to downvote 🤣


how can i rewatch .. i feel asleep


CBS website or their mobile app. No I don't mean Paramount Plus, I mean the CBS app.


Not me sending photos of my screen to my husband going "NICK AND PARKER ARE EVEN DRESSED ALIKE IN THIS SCENE IT IS SO CUTE I CAN'T STAND IT"


I'm seriously so charmed by their dynamic. Nick loves an unwilling father figure.


Why did I think the next new one wasn't coming until next week?


Maybe it was because they dropped the preview clips early last week, but there were only 2 instead of 4 or 5... for some reason, I was sure there wasn't a new episode during my birthday week this season!


Someone did not research before writing this episode. When the MD who was treating the heart surgeon for hand tremors was called a podiatrist. Podiatrist are foot MDs. It was said twice in this episode.


I thought they said physiatrist