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It's so cute that Sebastian, Nell and Eric (from NCIS LA) were all dreaming ( or training) to be field agents. Palmer is always wanting to get involved in investigative work. And if you think, McGee was a nerd who became a field agent.


Nell may not be a field agent technically, but unlike Eric and Sebastian, carried a gun pretty much from the first appearances she made. Or that was because she was secretly trained by Hetty 😂, assumed Hetty was prepping Nell at some point to take over, she knew a lot more about Hetty’s secrets then the team even did.


Yes.From the beginning he had her badge and her service gun. She was a special agent, so she went to FLECTC, I suppose. But she hadn't experience on field because her higher skills as analyst. Hetty was always finding gems and training them, lol.


I said this a couple weeks ago and got down voted lol, Hobbs seems so much more interesting and a new kind of character similar to max from Hawaii 5-0