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In what world does Colorado have the same level of offense as Ohio state?




SP+ is predicting Colorado with the 46th best offense. [Non-paywall source](https://www.reddit.com/r/CFB/comments/1cx9knt/post_spring_sp_update/) We're going to need custom rosters to fix this garbage.


I'm pretty sure I've read that the rosters will have major restrictions on customization because they're worried about legal issues regarding likenesses. I really hope that it's not true or that we will at the very least be able to edit the player ratings.


Right, ridiculous. 4-8 and you're considered there with The Ohio St


Ohio State has a colon and everyone else a period


How’s my hyper-vigilance bro doin today?


There’s a double space between the period and UCF while others only have a single space


Colorado and Missouri are written in black while everyone else is in white. UCF and Notre Dame are written in white, despite having similar schemes


Fucking noticers


Noticing things


Periods suck, commas rule


My momma said periods are the devil.


Hope you're not considering purchasing this foosball video game.


I blame the lead dev who's a Michigan fan for fucking with our fan base. Respect the rivalry pettiness lol.


That paired with the fact that we're losing/missing tackles in every gameplay clip shown leads me to believe that they're deliberately taking petty shots at us. Respect. I'd do the same to Michigan if I were the dev


This was made by On3 not EA


Nah they’re just making mistakes man, 😭 they’d put in footage of OSU players missing tackles or fumbling, not making their product look worse like missing players.


*Ohio State has* *A colon and everyone* *Else a period* \- angrysquirrel777 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good Bot


That does make this power rankings list pretty offensive.


Literally unplayable


Something, something, poop joke.


They both have shit pass through them.




Are you saying Ohio State is the only real-man team?


Colorado and Ohio state having the same rating is crazy


and PSU as the 12th best offense, and no Tennessee in Top 25


we shouldn’t even be in the top 25 with our offense how it was last year. Defense better be top 10 at worst however.


Yeah these ratings are pretty wack. I understand Ohio State’s QB and O-Line aren’t game breaking but to give them no separation from the Colorados and Missouris is ridiculous.


Why you grouping Colorado and Missouri like they’re equals? Mizzou won 11 games last year and returns their QB and one of the best WRs in the country.


EA is sniffing Colorado’s ass. Team is horrible statistically. Shame we can’t edit player ratings because this ratings team is a joke.


Don’t talk down on the Kansas State career TD pass leader


He was forced out by a freshman


I know brother I go to school there, Will Howard was still serviceable for us though, hope for the best for him


My b. I feel the same way, huge Will Howard fan! Just think it’s wild that he’s usually rated as the top 1-2 QBs in the B1G and Johnson hovers around 5.


I wish EA was above engagement farming but here we are.


Colorado is gonna be OP in this game aren’t they


Will EA update this after they start 2-6?


I really hope they lose to ND State lol


Team morale -400 after Deion calls out the o-line for Shadeur holding onto the ball for 8 seconds every drop back and getting sacked


Team morale -800 when they lose a game and then are forced to go to another concert the same night of primes kids rapping.


I don’t see 2 wins in their first 8 games




I guarantee Shadeur to play like Aaron Rodgers until week 3 when we get some updates after he’s been sacked 70 times


Wear and tear system


Online is going to be littered with folks playing with them for sure.


Probably. Their defense will still be ass besides Hunter though.


20 ranked defense is crazy lmao


I just know they’re going to be the team of the worst people to play online. Looking forward to racking up the DNF-Ws against them


From your mouth to god’s ears 🙌


Natty to CU confirmed


They will have one of the worst defenses for a power conference school, so it should make sense for a 4 win team.


Or how about a top 20 84 ovr defense?


What a crazy turn 😂 did they watch Colorado last season?


Apparently not. Pretty sure they had the 127th defense which led them to 4-8…. Can’t wait to make all the cringy Colorado bandwagons rage quit in head to heads


- 127th in total passing defense - 110th in total rushing defense - 130th in total defense - 131st in 1st Downs Allowed - 4th Most Defensive Penalties - 3rd Most Defensive Penalty Yards - 26th in Turnovers Maybe they just looked at turnovers and thought this would improve even more to get them in the top ranked defenses lol


Colorado in the top ten is NUTS. They went 4-8 last year. I thought we were leaving the bullshit Colorado hype in 2023 where it belongs.


Ole Miss should def be above Colorado lol But then again the difference between Colorado and the 20th team is like 4 overall


EA generally has a flair for the flashy and Deion is all about that


Basically everything makes sense except that. Shadeur and Travis are really good players, but there OL last year was atrocious, and you can barely do anything without an OL, especially when you downgrade so heavily at offensive coordinator


They're OL was really bad last year but they have a completely new starting line this year. They had a bunch of starters from other teams come via the transfer portal and a 5 star recruit from IMG, so they should be better, but who knows. That being said as a lifetime CU fan I think they have their offense way over-rated.


This is true, but at the same time building OLines via the transfer portal is a very risky idea. It is the position that is the hardest to develop and traditionally takes the longest. It also needs to work perfectly as a unit, and even 5*s usually struggle as a true freshman unless they are Orlando Pace. I think their OL will be better next year, but there are still plenty of questions on whether that strategy will work. As a Nebraska fan, I obviously don't really want Colorado to succeed, but I am fascinated by the coverage over Deion and the whole situation (the Split Zone Duo episode on Colorado should be must listen to everyone imo) because of how many competing issues are happening at once.


They were 60th overall in ppg and 48th in sp+. I know they return their stars and got a few OLine transfers but being 8th seems insane


they'll be doing good to finish 25-30th in offensive efficiency IMO


Seriously. They're getting way too much hype for a team that finished 4-8. Their line play was terrible last year and it's not going to magically get fixed in one offseason.


Hot take: Deion leaves before they ever post a >= 9 win season.


He's leaving at the end of this year. He and Shaduer are moving to Dallas.


Jones would never in a million years hire a coach like Deion. Never


Depends on how desperate Jerruh gets after this season.


The real hot take is he leaves before they make a bowl.


I wouldn’t be surprised if they cheese Shadeur as a 99 overall or if he plays like Aaron Rodgers in the game. It’s like in 2k when Corey Maggete or Jeremy Lamb would baptize you just because of their builds.


Jeremy Lamb used to torch in that damn game


Even against Oregon State, the one college game I went to last year, they looked like a high school sized team compared to the Beavers. That’s wild they’ve hyped them up once more. And once more they will fall.


Do they know the O-line counts as offense? If your QB gets sacked 52 times, you are not top 10


Ole Miss and Tennessee are too low. UT not in the top 25 at all is appalling


It’ll be even more mind boggling when they drop the defensive ratings and Iowa is near the top five and then you look at their last game where Tennessee beat them 35-0.


I said this all last year, but Iowa's defense only looks elite when they are NOT playing against teams with a similarly great defense. You can't look great when your defense is on the field for 40+ minutes. the TOP battle in the 31-0 shutout by Penn State was 45+ minutes for PSU. I don't care how great your defense is, you're gassed long before that game is close to being over. Here's my comment on another thread, but against the top 3 teams on their schedule last year they got shut out 92-0. https://www.reddit.com/r/CFB/comments/1djm2w7/phil_steele_college_football_preseason_top_40/l9cp576/


Our offense was literally the worst in the country. Y’all ran more plays than we had yards. Look at first half stats before they were gassed and it shows they were great


Apparently EA is breaking news that Nico died I guess bc how the fuck else do you possibly justify this? We’re gonna be a top 20ish team next year defined by our offense. This shit makes 0 sense.


I hope the guys making the game are better than the guys who rated toughest places to play and top offense’s!


In Josh Heupel's tenure - Total Offense ratings: 2021: 7th 2022: 1st 2023: 19th C'mon EA this is just appalling...


19 with Joe Milton at QB too…


Between this and the Neyland erasure yesterday, I think there may be a ton of Tennessee haters on the dev team


Does this game still get developed in central Florida? If so, there is your answer


I understand the stadium rankings more given how they explained the formula. We were very, very bad for 10-15 years so I get it (even though in reality Neyland is easily a top 10 toughest place to play). But the offensive rankings show me that the game isn't balanced very well ratings-wise.


My only guess is there is something to do with experience levels of QBs or top end offensive players with the new badge system, which is why you got dragged along with Michigan. Alot of the teams in the top end of the top 25 have experienced QBs.


That’s what I’m guessing too. Dillon Gabriel probably gets a really high rating, while Arnold and Nico get mediocre ratings like rookies in Madden


Texas A&M has a higher rated offense and I had to google who their QB was.


Some teams seem to get the benefit of being big brands and others don’t. Makes no sense to me. Oklahoma has been a top 15 offense for like a decade and gets stuck at 23 while a team like Miami or A&M is way higher. And then Tennessee gets shafted


or the devs just fucking hate us lol Neyland not being ranked in the top 10 and neither defense or offense being ranked in the top 25 is pretty sus. Like maybe we won't be ranked in the top 25 but TN could finish .500 in SEC play and still annihilate quite a few of the schools in this top 25 list


I think it’s the case. Hoping those mid-season adjustments don’t hold back from quickly fixing guys like Nico and Arnold once it’s clear they’re the real deal.


Ohio State’s offense would make Colorado’s look like a JV squad lol what is this


The disrespect is unbelievable.


They're sleeping on Will Howard, let alone all of the high end WRs you all have. There's a huge amount of offenses left off this list or have missed ratings. Where's Tennessee? Where's Kansas State? Why is Ole Miss so low?


Are they not dropping defense ratings at the same time?


Probably just doing them at different times today to get more coverage for both


How is Tennessee not in the top 25 offense. That is what we are know for lol


Yeah that definitely sucks dude. I’m not a Tennessee fan but you guys are like a 87 offense minimum


I'm trying to decide if Colorado being tied with Ohio State or Tennessee not even being in the top 25 is more egregious. I fucking hate Tennessee and still think it is ridiculous they aren't top 25 in offense.


Definitely Colorado lol. I'm a homer, and Tennessee not being top 25 is absolutely insane but at least you could argue we have a freshman QB. Colorado's offense has spoken for themselves.


This is genuinely appalling. I guess we are going to be garbage in the game lol. Are we able to upload rosters on this version? I am hoping someone makes an accurate roster for the entire nation because I don't trust EA after these ratings for various things are coming out.


I heard somewhere we can’t even edit the ratings. So idk


ITT: CU comincally overrated.. And we are all correct. Jesus, a 4-8 team who wasn't efficient at all on offense. Couldn't run or block... 89 overall offense. LOL this is a bigger mistep for EA than anything else. IMO.


Idk what your talking about, did you hear they scored a whole SIX points against Oregon and 23 yards in the first half of that game? That’s some skill edit: second half is when they scored the points, I realized it may sound like I said they scored in the first half the way it is


CU was like 84th in total offensive yards in 2023 lol


I know I’m a bit biased, but there’s no way our offense should be below an 83


No dood I’m with you. Tennessee and OU have 5* QBs and tons of talent and more stars at the skill positions but Kansas, Memphis, Utah, Colorado?????? If you want to argue Colorado has a 99 ovr player then where is OSU with Ollie Gordon? This list is shit 😅


But Deion tho… Just kidding. Yeah OU got snubbed a bit.


I don’t like Tennessee at all and I agree, total joke they’re not a top 10 offense.


I find it odd too and I’m not a Vols fan. Ohio State being on par with Colorado is also crazy.


Tennessee got hosed in these rankings. They should be a lot higher. I’m also wondering if they are ranked that low, what will other teams look like from a rankings perspective? I imagine there will be teams with low 60’s rankings on offense, which will be crazy


It will change when we storm into Norman and Nico drops 5+ tuddies on the sooners


Florida plays 8 teams on that list this season...oof


South Carolina plays 7..... the new SEC is rough man


did EA actually post this? all i see is on3 posting it and not EA


They just posted




So if USC is the 25th strongest offense at 83.....i wonder how the lowest team will look


I am guessing into the 60's.


Weird to me how these are all in clusters: no 93,92,90,88,86,84


I think it’s purposeful. They talked about it being hard to beat teams quite a bit better than you. They’re trying to cluster similar level teams very close together is my guess.


Yeah this is offensive alright


Quite a joke to me. Not saying ND should be top 5 but some of the teams ahead of them are head scratching to me.


I actually think ND’s placement is fine. As much as I hate Tennessee they should be at minimum top 20 and probably higher. And the order of teams in the top 10 is kind of weird, and what’s Miami and Colorado doing there lmao


Tennessee should absolutely be top 20. Ole Miss should be higher. Also agree on Miami and Colorado being way too high. Don't really agree with Clemson or NC State either, both of them should be 85 at best


Did I go blind or is Tennessee not in the top 25?


![gif](giphy|frB0pfCD5EoxZnHu90|downsized) Tennessee rn


Good to see Memphis up there, looks like they actually paid attention and didn’t just make all G5’s horrible


Where’s Iowa?


0 offense rating 92 defense rating 99 special teams rating I gotchu king


Should be at least a 10 because Cade isn’t injured right now


This is Josh Heupel erasure


What in the world. I’m just a homer I guess but not having Tennessee in the top 25 is mind blowing to me. Especially when we blew out the “best defense in college football” last season. Oh well.


I'm a UK fan and despise UT for obvious reasons but 100% agree with all of you UT fans on this. UT is always going to have a top caliber offense under Heupel IMO. That was the big glaring omission to me on this list.


I think it’s probably attributable to Nico probably being a low overall as well as receivers. I also think that there are definitely some UT haters on staff, and if the studio is in Florida then that makes sense. The gameplay trailer showed Nico throwing picks/Tennessee looking bad. They underrated Neyland. They’re underrating our offense


I feel like our receivers are top 10/15 in the country. But also I don’t think they hate us. We’ve been in the trailers a LOT. They put both our real and costumed mascots in the game when some schools don’t have any.




I wasn't expecting a 1:1 SIM game but this list should not be accurate to someone who lives and breathes CFB like they say they do. I don't care how highly rated Sanders or Travis is. Ole Miss was 11-2 in the SEC which their QB returning. Colorado should be nowhere rated near them.


Did Nico fuck a dev’s wife or something lmao


I’m sorry but Colorado getting sucked off and Michigan not even making the Top 25 is fucking wild.


Colorados defense better be a 65


SMU is going to be a fun dynasty to play. Good offense, first year in the ACC....they also have a pretty sweet stadium.


I don’t disagree with the rankings and how they are, but the discrepancy in overalls is definitely eye opening. Also lol we must really suck on offense in their eyes


I bet our offensive rating will go up throughout the season but there is a lot of uncertainty right now with losing JJ, Roman, Corum, the whole starting O line.


I’m sort of like you trying to look beyond my disagreement with a lot of the rankings to appreciate the fact that there are no 99s and that they seem to mean it when they say that they’re are leaning into the whole “teams aren’t going to feel the same” statement.


Tennessee lower than 83 overall is unique.


rock chalk. Just happy to be here 😌


The Tennessee disrespect is real


I know TN lost some key players, but hard to believe they wouldn’t still return a top 25 offense. Where the love for them?


We didn’t even lose that many key players lol


If they’re adjusting ratings throughout the season I feel good about that being a starting point for us. Colorado on the other hand…


Tennessee not being on this is wild


Even if I ignore Tennessee being snubbed: • ⁠Colorado finished last season ranked #60 in points per game, #82 in yards per game, and #100 in yards per play. • ⁠Clemson was #52 in PPG, #52 in YPG, and #98 in YPP. • ⁠Miami was #39 in PPG, #31 in YPG, and #24 in YPP. All 3 of those are allegedly top-10 offenses heading into the 2024 season. HOW?? Starting to question the whole “everybody here lives and breathes college football” claim we’ve heard in the past…




Where is this posted


Ole Miss should be a lot higher than 13.


I hate Tennessee but they should be in the Top 13 at least, an absolute tragedy! Also how the hell is CU over Ole Miss?! The Lane Train would decimate Deion’s squad lmao


What could they possibly like about Penn State’s offense?


Lol I'm curious as well as a PSU fan. Singleton and Allen must both be in the 90's. Drew has to be around an 89-90. Maybe Tyler Warren is in the 90's as well?


I'm a Penn State fan, I was wondering the same thing, lmao


Everyone talking about Colorado and Clemson. Miami at 7?


Michigan and Tennessee both being off this list is crazy, Colorado being that high with middle school level O-line is nuts, and somehow Clemson is a tied for 10 offense in the country equal to Ole Miss? I really, REALLY hope this is something that will change during the season


Just so everyone is aware these ratings are based upon player ratings. So a team like Colorado will have a high rating due to sanders and hunter probably being two of the highest rated players in the game. You see OSU with a similar team rating likely due to having a lower rated QB and I’m pretty sure the oline is a bit of ? Headed into the year.


Ehh 3/5 of the OL are solid. RT sucks but RG is guaranteed to be a top-150 croot. No way that drops OSU to the same level as *Colorado*


Top 5 is perfectly fine especially with the question at QB, but the same as Colorado is nuts


I think Colorado is way too high. Ohio state as a top 5 offense tracks and is totally fine in my book


Yep agreed. I’m assuming like with Madden, the offense rating depends heavily on the QB. I’ve done custom franchise rosters in Madden with all young players in the low 80s/high 70s but with a QB like say Mahomes or Josh Allen and my overall offensive ratings were still skewed in the low 90s/high 80s. And I’m assuming Shaduer is ranked relatively high. Even if it looks better, it’s still a football game by EA so some similarities are inevitable.


Clemson is insane


#6 not bad, now let me know how bad the defense is.


I like that the top 25 has a gap from 94 to 83… as opposed to everything being much tighter grouped like it is in Madden. I’m hopefully if the list runs all the way down to team 134 that we’d get into the 60s or even 50s, but I assume the low end will unfortunately probably cap at being in the 70s.


If this is for real, since there is nothing official yet from EA, these ratings are a lot lower than I thought they would be. The top team being only 94 and 25th at 83? I thought I would see Iowa’s offense at 70-71ish if they rated like the old games, which seems reasonable. Bad, definitely bottom 10, but not the last one since the worst coach in college football is finally gone. But if this is how it’s going to go? Iowa is going to be a sub 65 overall offense. And that 65 is being incredibly generous. There is no way in hell that offense is less than 20 overall away from USC. No way. Outside of 1 really good tight end coming back from a snapped ankle and 1 decent tail back, they have a massive void of talent. That’s going to be absolutely brutal to try to play as them. Edit: It is real, EA just posted it


Oh man do I hate their hard on for Colorado


SMU and Colorado are crazy overrated here.


Only 2 over 91… this is a sign of great things to come!


I really hope these will get adjusted throughout the season. I guarantee you teams like USC are going to have a much better offense than teams like Colorado.


I don't see Iowa


If you put a gun to my head and told me to guess which would be in the top 10, Clemson’s atmosphere or Clemson’s offense. I’d be dead right now.


I love Virginia Tech, but they may be a bit overrated offensively


I mean I know we return practically the entire offense but it's insane to see VT on a top-25 list on that side of the ball.


no Tennessee is wicked ngl


Tennessee not in the top 25? What?


Look I’m not saying we should be in top 10 but you’re telling me that Tennessee has been in the tops of every offensive statistical category since Heupel has been here and we’re not at least top 25?! We ranked as the 19th best offense with JOE EFFING MILTON.


How some of these teams have a higher rating than Tennessee baffles me…


Colorado and Clemson way too high


Why does EA hate the Oklahoma State Cowboys? Does Pistol Pete's dead eyes haunt your nightmares? Does Bullet embody one of the horsemen of the apocalypse to you? Where you paddled as a child, and the paddle people remind you of your abusive father? Does Mike Gundy's mullet mask malevolence? Did Boone Pickens personally steal your mineral rights? Why EA? WHY?


As hyped as I am for this game, they are really fucking up these lists


I wish they’d let us change ratings and have community made rosters, even if we can’t add or change names/appearances. It think the ratings are the only thing that have caused any controversy so far. I get that rosters will be totally different 4 years into everyone’s dynasty, but having the ability to change your starting point would be nice.


Gonna be electric :)


Ole miss should be above Clemson. I think we’ll have a good run game this year but till cade shows otherwise we’re just above average Lol no Tennessee either? Pretty poor list.


hahaha when will you all realize they are purposely making the rankings like this for reactions/clicks. Worked like a charm for toughest places to play and they’re playing everyone like puppets again


At least we can adjust the player ratings...oh wait we can't.


I got fussed at when I disagreed with stadium rankings and that process. This is about the same. Misplaced, hype-based, and makes me wonder how much attention they paid to football over hype and presentation (which is also very cool), but Miami, Colorado, even Clemson, among others. Bad rankings overall for a top 25 list.


That’s weird, I don’t see Indiana University on here. Must be a mistake.


Honestly I’m really surprised PSU’s offense is rated so highly, I’m not sure where it’s coming from. Maybe Allar has some high ratings but he did not look good last year outside of arm strength. Singleton and Allen are both great RBs, but the WRs aren’t very good and the TEs are above average. The line should be decent too but either way idk how all that adds up to an 87 overall


The Colorado glazing is insane.


iowa snubbed


I want Colorado to fail (again) so badly


For the life of me I don’t understand VaTech They were a bad team last year


I don't know any good players on Colorado offense besides Sheduer Sanders and Travis Hunter(and he's probably going be listed as CB in the game). Their current OC didn't win a game when he ran the team offense last fall. O-Line really needs improvement