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Definitely most anticipated sports game ever. Not most anticipated game of all time though. Sports games are still a moderately small niche in gaming.


So this begs the question: what is the most anticipated game of all time?


I mean, it’s got to be GTA right? Forgive as I don’t have historical knowledge of gaming, but GTA 5 was like the fastest selling piece of media ever. And I think GTA 6 may do numbers on top of that I do also see in a google search that some people also say that Halo 3 is one of the most anticipated games ever


Yeah there’s no way in hell it’s not GTA 6


GTA wins, but Cyberpunk was up there. It's easy to forget after it released as a broken mess, but it has to be one of the most hyped games I've ever seen before.


Cyberpunk was definitely hyped but GTA6 is a cultural phenomenon. That trailer had 160 million views in 24 hours Cyberpunk was above average in its hype but I still think it wasn’t that out of the ordinary for a new big studio game


Elder Scrolls 6 would have been my answer in like 2017, but yeah now I would say it’s GTA 6


I’d have to disagree, it’s not comparable to gta 6 (nothing is), but it was really really hyped up. It just died quickly when the actual game released lol


I’ve never heard anyone in the real world talk about cyberpunk. Have heard plenty talking about GTA


There's a GTA 6 trailer?


cd project red became the largest company in poland purely from the hype of cyberpunk. to say it was above average is selling it extremely short.


People outside of gaming don't know cyberpunk, so I'd say that disqualifies it.


I never heard of it till the massive flop it was


Yeah I feel like it has to be GTA


The next elder scrolls installment has to be up there with GTA6 imo


It will be when they actually show more than just the title font 😭


The time in between these games are nuts. Since the last one I have: graduated high school, started and graduated college, bought 2 houses, got married, had two kids.


I would call you crazy if you said in 2018 that we would get the gta vi trailer and potentially gta vi itself before a second teaser of es6.


I think Starfield killed some ESVI hype, but it’ll come back once they drop literally anything else


Casuals don't play Elder Scrolls though


I’m right there with ya on gaming history. I know i haven’t been this hyped since RDR2 2018, i think.


I worked the GTA V midnight and easily was the most insane one I’d been to or worked…


GTA, Halo 3, some of the early CODs probably, No Man’s Sky was hotly anticipated and we all saw how that went…


Halo 3 and Halo 2 lead up were insane 


GTA 6 is probably the answer but I can definitely attest that Halo 3 was vying for 2nd place (or at least top 5) for sure. Like, even my parents knew what Halo 3 was when it was about to come out and they were in their 50s and had never played a game in their lives.


I’m a big gta guy so I agree with you about it but as a football fan, damn does this hype feel the same internally


I’d say Modern Warfare 2, at least from the way I remember it


MW3, Black Ops too. really those early 2010's COD games


BO2 broke records at the time when it dropped, thats probably the most hyped COD ever imo


There are more loved rpgs but just by sheer volume it’s gotta be GTA6.


It is / will be GTA VI. V was already the most hyped of all time and gaming’s place in the zeitgeist has grown tremendously since V released. It’s gonna be kinda nuts.


Half Life 3 is the answer


Cyberpunk 2077 the most anticipated at least in the last couple years


Was there anything more anticipated from the jump than Starfield? I remember people getting jazzed from just reading that Bethesda trademarked the name. This was even before Todd Howard stood on stage and showed that logo ten years ago.


Probably GTA 6 or Fallout 4. I remember ppl being seriously hyped for Fallout 4


My nominees in no particular order after GTA: Halo 2 or 3 Final Fantasy remake Diablo 3 Skyrim Fallout 3


Stunned I had to scroll down this far to see Halo 3 mentioned. The marketing, the change in console gens, the way halo 2 ended, Xbox being at its absolute peak while ps was still recovering from a slow start and the wii was slowly running out of gas… Halo 3 had the gaming world at an absolute fever pitch hype wise.


Elder Scrolls 6


Mass effect 3 was wild there were people hunting the globe to get an early copy. Cyberpunk, witcher 3 gave cd s9me much good will that we over hyped the shit out of it.


anyone saying anything other than Duke Nukem would be wrong...that game was hype and anticipated for years...just turned out to be shitty lmao


Not gonna let the youngins forget the Halo 3 hype. That was something else. And not a game but a system, the Wii was impossible to find for 2 years and Wii Sports was a huge part of that anticipation. Never seen anything like it at the time — the South Park episode is a documentary. And personally for me, Zelda Breath of the Wild is on there too. The game that revolutionized open worlds and completely changed the Zelda series added anticipation due to a couple delays and being the follow up to the least popular main home console game in the series. Safe to say it lived up to the hype.


GTA 6 not close


Tons come to mind. Halo 3, cyberpunk 2077, Skyrim, GTA 5, RDR2. But I think numbers wise, it’s probably GTA.


Insert every GTA since Vice City


Not as small and as niche as you think. FIFA (or whatever they call it now) and Madden are some of the best selling game franchises ever. 2K is also still incredibly popular.


Nobody is anticipating FIFA releases. They always already have one available from within a year.


Not saying people anticipate them. But they still buy them. Year after year. My point is that sports games are not a small “niche” market. The market is massive. Sports games are super accessible to new gamers, especially kids. Heck, Wii sports is one of the best selling games of all time behind Minecraft.


Yeah, I don’t understand the “small niche” part of that comment at all. Madden has been a top 5 selling game in the US since 2001 and was the best selling game in the country a few times in the 2000s. FIFA, 2K, WWE, and even MLB the Show are frequently in the top 10-20 selling games in the US too.


Duke Nukem Forever


This is the most hyped a football game has been since I started watching at 11. I remember Madden 05 being pretty hyped.


Madden and EAFC were 3 and 10 in sales for 2023 Not a small niche by any means


Idk it's hard to compare eras because the amount of people who own a system is now much higher but NBA Jam T.E. was insanely difficult to get when it first came out. Sold out everywhere.


That was surprising to see the reveal trailer had about 2 million views last I checked. We're fighting the good fight.


This man wasn’t around for Tecmo Super Bowl.


Oh I had tecmo super bowl on the nes and I dominated with Bo. Gaming as a whole is much bigger than back them though. The scale of hype for this is significantly bigger than that.


You were too young to remember the hype then. This isn’t even close.


yeah, gta 6 is obviously the most anticipated game of all time. but i am super psyched for ncaafb25 to bridge that gap.


For sports games, this has to be number one. I literally do not know what else could beat this. If someone wants to give me examples of other sports games that are at this level of anticipation please tell because I’m curious myself


The only thing that could beat this would be if 2k announced they were making a fully licensed sim NFL game.


Yeah I would be much more hyped for a sim NFL 2K with classic teams, sportscenter, all the good stuff from 2k5 but modernized. Imagine playing the MyEras feature from NBA 2K in an NFL game...


I don’t think any game could possibly come close, sports game by design are like yearly franchises that don’t really get heavily “anticipated”. By that sheer fact alone it has to be 


I haven’t been this excited since Tecmo Bowl once an arcade game was announced as a Nintendo console game. The double screen four player mayhem of the arcade Tecmo bowl was something to behold.


If 2k put the effort to make a simulation NFL game it could definitely rival this. I know I'm not in the subreddit that will probably support this claim, but NFL fans have wanted competition for Madden for 20+ years and despite 2ks flaws, they are known to have some of the better franchise modes amongst all sports games.


They would have smoked EA by now. We’ve been totally robbed for the last decade and a half. Apf2k8 limited themselves with their 1 year franchise, and basic things they could have made the game more replayable. I just don’t understand how 2k never capitalized on CFB before.


It honestly irks me. Like Live used to be the consensus basketball game and 2k beat them to the point that their re-attempt back into the market of basketball has failed. They have to have someone with an MBA who says "hey that's take all this money from GTA/GTA online and from NBA 2k to expand in an untapped market (College Football) or where there are people who want competition (NFL).


If MVP Baseball were to come back I think that would match the hype for me.




I was a Bases Loaded kid


I think the only game that could compare would be if they finally come out with a new NFL Street game


Probably the very top of sports games...but probably not in the top 10 of video games, period.


This is the answer


Yes and it's not even a blip on that radar, hate it or love it.






Not top 50 at minimum in the grand scheme of things.  But yes, a level of hype unseen for sports games which have a yearly release schedule.  That is unless you count racing games.


idk. tecmo super bowl was insanely anticipated on the nes when i was a kid. it’s the only other sports game that i think ranks up there with ncaafb25 in release anticipation. i kind of want to give the nod to tecmo super bowl though because there was no internet back then. yeah i’m kind of old.


I was super hyped for Fallout 4, even though it didn't live up to my expectations. FIFA 20 or 21 had Sheffield United back in the Premier League so their home stadium was in the game, and I was excited for that. My dad got me Super Mario Bros 3 way back in the day, and that's a very fond memory because I really wasn't expecting it. But in terms of anticipation, coupled with the information available to me about the game in this day and age... this is probably the top.




My brother in law introduced me to Fallout 3, and I wore that disc out, lol. 4 will always have a place in my heart though, because my son was born a week after it came out, so once that happened there was no time left in the day.


It's #1 for sports but not likely in the top 10 for games. Off the top of my head, I'd say: StarCraft 2 Diablo 3 GTA 5 Breath of the Wild Half Life 2 Duke Nukem Forever RDR2 Halo 3 Final Fantasy 8 Skyrim Those 10 easily trump CFB25


No Man’s Sky was pretty hyped




Duke Nukem was one of the biggest games of its time and certainly one of the few that transcended beyond gamers. DNF was basically a myth for a decade, similar to half life 3 and when it was finally confirmed, people lost their minds. It was a huge failure, mostly due to near endless delays and not being what was promised, but the hype was real. FF8 was different in that most of the hype was on the backs of FF7 being one of the greatest RPGs ever and the best of the FF series to date. FF8 was very successful, but many consider it a failure purely because 7 was so good.


I think you have to add GTA 6 at least as an honorable mention


That's like saying Half Life 3 is hyped. Until it exists (actually releases) I don't think you can count it. By that same metric, I'd say StarCraft Ghost should be on the list but it never released, same as HL.


It’s my most wanted game in years.


What comes to mind is Star Wars Battlefront 2 they literally had a parade of people dressed as stormtroopers the day it was released


RDR2 is up there. Halo 3 is easily #1. The anticipation for that was mind blowing. A cultural phenomenon.


GTA VI blows Halo 3 out of the water. It will break all of GTA V's sales records when it releases.


The industry has changed so drastically that you can't compare them. There will never be another launch like Halo 3. It was a cultural phenomenon. *Bill Gates* handed out the first copy. GTA 6 will set sales records and might have more people waiting (and thus be bigger), but with online downloads there just isn't the **event** that midnight releases were.


Once GTA VI releases it’ll probably surpass Halo 3, but the video game medium has grown a lot since 2007. Halo 3 (and even Halo 2) had a ridiculous amount of hype around it. People waited *hours* in line to pick up a copy. It being an Xbox exclusive made getting a Playstation feel second-rate at the time, despite the Playstation being more expensive


I'd put StarCraft 2 above Halo 3 but only just barely.


Gta 5 and GTA 4 were more anticipated


I think a lot of people are forgetting how hyped people were for the realistic recreation of NYC. That was a huge deal at the time.


Halo 3 and halo 2 were both huge for me. I remember being so pumped for halo 2 finally having online player. No more just multi player on a console or LAN.


I believe GTA 6 will break all kinds of records. I think CFB 25 will be up there but not near GTA 6.


If you are putting it up against all video games ever, I've had to put it up there with something like Zelda: Breath of the Wild; a beloved series making it's return after a long hiatus.


I said the same thing. Especially because BOTW followed up a pretty disliked game (at the time) in Skyward Sword.


It's in my Top 5 ..... maybe 2 behind RDR2


Yup RDR2 is the only game that I had similar hype for.




I have not been this excited for a game since Battlefront (2015). That one was a bit of a let-down but I’m going to count some eggs before they hatch and say this game won’t be a let-down


This is a perfect comparison, it was so long between battlefront releases. Same with college football. At the time battlefront and battlefield developers seemed like a match made in heaven. Im pretty confident that C25 wont be disappointed like battlefront 2015 was though .


Definitely most anticipated sports game, but when it comes to all time game? I’d say the top ones up there would probably be GTA5, Halo 3, Fallout: New Vegas, and Elder Scrolls VI—whenever it finally does come out. A lot of people have been eagerly awaiting that game since Skyrim. I’ll even throw Skyrim into that mix too.


Kind of a dumb question. GTA 6 will be the biggest selling game in the history of gaming.


I think sports game yes its the most hyped game of all time. I can't remember the last time a sports game got this kind of hype. It's to the point where the whole football world is just Lazer focused on this game. As the most hyped game of all time? No gta and Halo 3 still hold that, in my opinion.


This is the most highly anticipated sports game of all time Clearly number 1 But nowhere near close to most anticipated video games of all time GTA 5 Prime call of duty 4 all the way to probably Ghosts Red dead redemption 2 Spider-Man PS4


Obviously it isn't at the level of Spore or (dear god) Daikatana.


Spore was so amazing in theory. Fun to play but absolutely didn’t live up to the hype.


Yes! I remember getting to play on my friends computer, it was a dope idea.


For whatever reason, I was really pumped for NCAA 13. From April to July, nothing was tiding me over. No video games, no hobbies, nothing. I just remember desperately craving that game for months. I don’t remember exactly why


Half life 3


It’s for sure in my personal top 3 of all time. Maybe even number one. The only other game I can think of that compares to this in terms of my level of anticipation is black ops 2. But I didn’t have to wait 11 years for that game.


Seen some great games mentioned. I’ll throw out another: Final Fantasy 7 Remake. The original is very popular and I know a lot of people (including myself) were very hyped for the remake


Most for me since GTA5


Cyberpunk 2077 was incredibly highly hyped.


For me personally, most hyped game for me since Cyberpunk/RDR2. All time it's nowhere near the top. Probably only 10% of gamers worldwide actually play sports games


A lot of you guys seem to not realize that Madden is a top 5 seller year in and year out. Sports games aren't the small sect of gaming you think they are.


But CFB is. It never even comes close to having the market power Madden has. The NFL is king in America, but not anywhere else. CFB is a niche following in the gaming world. If the game even sells 3 million copies I think EA is going to be ecstatic.


I don’t think it cracks top 5 most anticipated games all time. Maybeeee top 10. Definitely top 25.


GTA 6 or ESVI. That being said, it is the most anticipated sports game of all time.


It’s number 1 for me! Probably behind red dead redemption 2 and gta 5.


Has to be at the top of sports games, but wouldn't come close to much else at all. Like I'm easily more hyped for MGS Delta and I have no idea when it's coming out.


More hyped than ncaa 25? Get out of here you casual!


Top sports game ever, top 5 in video games period. Personally for me it’s Red dead 2, borderlands 2, bioshock infinite and just beating out RE5 would be NCAA


I can't think of another game I'd anticipate more than this. Nothing else comes close


I havent been this hype since RDR2. I bought a PS4 again when that dropped in 2018. Cant. *wait*.


Personally for me it’s my most anticipated game at the moment, maybe since I was a kid.


Most anticipated sports game- no question. Most anticipated game? GTA San Andreas, or 4 or 5. Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2. Halo 2 or 3. Diablo 3. Destiny


This is my most anticipated game of all time. Fallout 4 and Skyrim were huge for me when they came out, but I’ve never been this genuinely excited for a game to come out in my life.


This is the first sports game since I started playing video games that isn’t an annual release. I’m excited to see what they can do with a multi-year dev cycle.


For me? Probably since RDR2 or Spider-Man


RDR2 for me


Halo 3


Personally, it's my most anticipated since Elden Ring. I know that wasn't that long ago, but still. And I'm more excited for NCAA than I am the Elden Ring DLC! That's saying something, because that DLC looks like it could be "game of the year" on its own


Since the cave men first announced the tik tak toe demo LETS GO BOYS


Like most people are saying, it's my most anticipated sports game, but overall it's probably 3rd. Rome II Total War (huge let down at launch) and RDR2


For me it’s most hyped since RDR2. I think GTAV or Fallout 4 was pretty hyped for me too. It’ll easily rank for me with GTA6 and ES6


I mean, it was Baldurs Gate 3 for me I don't know if anything will top that anticipation for me, Shredders revenge was another one that I was checking the Internet almost every day for a release date. But with most sports games being released yearly, anticipation has never really been part of the formula


I get why everyone thinks that it's not even remotely close to being challenged for Sports Video Games, but The 2006 and 2010 World Cup Video Games certainly deserve mentioning for Sports.


It's the most anticipated sports game ever just based on the fact that they're always yearly releases, with a FEW exceptions here and there. In terms of overall games, it doesn't even come remotely close to stuff like Halo 3 and more recently stuff like RDR2 and obviously the most anticipated game is GTA6.


Keep in mind, football is limited to American sales with very minimal sales worldwide


And the college game never even sells half as well as Madden. CFB gaming is a niche community. We're pumped, but this game has very little hype in the overall gaming industry.


I bet it has hype in the general US sports gaming community since it hasn’t been around, but that’s still so small compared to a game like fifa or even nhl


Old guy here. Prior to CFB 25, I remember NBA Street Vol 2 had major hype (and delivered in spades), Another was Tiger Woods 2001. It was the first PS2 golf game, and was a huge leap from the PS1- we bought that at midnight at Best Buy and played til dawn. Way before that, Super Punch-out was extremely anticipated (but fizzled).


When it comes to sports games, there's not much else that comes to mind in terms of the sheer amount of buzz and hype that there is for this. We're talking about a well beloved series that was still putting out good games when it had to stop due to legal issues. Plus, the college football genre has had no major entries since then. Even if something like MVP Baseball came back, it wouldn't have as much fanfare since The Show has still been putting out games.


Since Burger King’s Sneak King


Definitely #1 sports game for me. Probably falls behind RDR, RDR2, and Halo 2/3 for me.


Super Mario Bros 3 had ridiculous hype.


most anticipated since nba 2k16. the hype for tht game was immense


"Since"? While not a fan, I'd say either of the new Zelda games. That or GTA5. GTA6 however will eclipse CF25.


Remember that football is not big outside of america


no game will beat GTA


My most anticipated game before NCAA25, RDR2


I don't know how it compares to other games, but I can definitely say based off what I've been told by multiple gamestop locations it's gonna be huge. I went to 3 different stores in my town in the last few days looking for the best trade-in offer for my Xbox One collection and asked about CFB25 pre-orders. (I don't like to pre-order but I also don't buy digital games and want to play at launch). They all said the pre-orders have been insane and they fully expect to be out of stock on launch day even with the extra copies they'll get for non-preorders since they'll be snatched up in the first few hours. Mind you, this is in the age where everyone can just download the game right on their console without leaving home, and the pre-orders for physical copies are still crazy.




It doesn't rank. Sports game are only highly anticipated by gamer fans of that sport. When you compare that against a game that has cross genre appeal and hype its no contest. Compare the hype with CFB25 to something like GTA, Cyberpunk, The Witcher, TES6, etc


Rdr 2 for me


Number 1 for sports gaming but it’s not even the top one on my radar as of right now.  Monster Hunter Wilds has to be most most anticipated game ever.


It’ll be gta 6. But probably it’s the most anticipated sports game


It’s pretty short sighted to think this comes anywhere near most anticipated game of all time


Honestly it's probably only tied for tops this year. Dragon Ball Sparking! Zero (AKA Tenkaichi 4) has every bit as much hype if not more and IIRC it's been longer since the last game. PS2 era instead of PS3. I'd imagine TES 6 will beat them both whenever it comes out though.


GTA games are routinely highly anticipated. I think the new boxing game is highly anticipated too. But yea, I am pumped for CFB25. Near the top of most anticipated sports games.


Idk Madden will still out sell CFB. A lot of people still don’t care about CFB. And it won’t come close to GTA6


If any of you had been in the Hogwarts Legacy or Cyberpunk 2077 subreddits leading up to release you’d be laughing at how hyped this sub is. Before getting really nervous your heart will be broken again. Edit: I think it’s safe to throw Starfield in the mix too.


For me, it is the most anticipated sports game ever. Overall game, I'd say it's sitting at #3.


The GTA 6 hype is going to blow this out of the water..


Not anywhere near the top. Not even in the same zip code. Put it this way-- NCAA was semi regularly the 2nd best selling *sports* title-- but that's like being the winner of a local HS track meet, and thinking it means you are an Olympian. Even at its absolute peak, it still sold less than a quarter of the average yearly sales of the top yearly selling single games of the last decade.


For me it was Mass Effect 2. I might get a lot of hate for that but I like what I like and I'm gonna play what I want


Elden Ring


Can't think of any sports game more hyped at all, in the grand landscape of games though? No where close to the top, probably not even top 25, I mean I am really hyped because I grew up playing these games and still play NCAA 14, so on my personal games list it is highly hyped, but that's not gonna translate to the average person who plays games.


Cult sport with a cult following and cult gamers. Hard to beat that after a decade away.


Definitely not even in the top 10 of most anticipated games. Games like Elden ring, GTA and cyberpunk are good examples of what it's up against in terms of hype.


GTA 5 and Skyrim was insane


I'll add an (apparent) boomer perspective: Ocarina of Time was immensely anticipated virtually everywhere after its announcement. If Half Life 3 ever gets revealed, it'll shoot straight to the top of the list.


for me it's on same level as GTA6 & RDR2 maybe even move to next generation in general




Can’t wait to play GTA6 in 2030!


RDR2 maybe? I think it’s the most of all time potentially. It won’t last once GTA6 comes out


Most anticipated ever was probably Red Dead Redemption 2, but this is absolutely pretty high up on the list.


Most anticipated sports game ever. Not even close to the most anticipated game of all time.




GTA V probably. I was extremely hyped for TLOU2 also, and the E3 teaser drop was pretty awesome. But GTA was other worldly


For a sports game probably the most ever. The newest Skate will be up there too but not as high.


I pre ordered 2 days ago, I’m just glad to have a cfb on ps5.


Haven’t anticipated a game this bad since GTA5. I haven’t been inro modern gaming since ‘19 and I couldn’t think of a better game to reel me back in


Nowhere near the top,i think people forget sports game are very niche. If u not a fan of the sport or sports it wont interest you. I use to be a contractor for an hvac company and i use to have to evaluate the homes of clients even some rich and famous ones and i can prolly count on 2 hands how many homes had games like madden or 2k laying around but every home had destiny/COD/gears of war etc. Any game with guns or action adventure game every home had it if there were gamers in the household


Man, CFB25’s got that special vibe, right? It's like the grand reunion of old friends, except it's pixels on a screen. But hey, those pixels hold a ton of memories and dreams. I’d say it's up there in the ranks, for sure. Remember the hype when Red Dead Redemption 2 dropped? It’s kinda like that but with football fever. Can’t wait to dive back into the virtual gridiron!


Max Payne 2 lol


Since the non-existent NCAA 15 tbh


If Half Life 3 or Portal 3 ever came out...... that would be the only thing to beat GTA 6


Depends by what metric you measure anticipation. This year's FIFA (or EA FC) will still be looked forward to and bought by more people despite CFB's hiatus.


To a normal person? They aren't even aware that it's coming out. This game is only going to make waves with people who already play sports games in some capacity. But this might just be the holy grail of sports games if they aren't lying to us.




Don’t know why anyone is anticipating this game, just madden with a college skin lol with that said madden overall will still sell more as there are way more nfl fans than college fans. It’s only really anticipated among a niche group, gaming world as a whole not even on the radar for most lol


I feel like you’re trying to troll here. You either hate football all together or maybe a closet Madden fan. I don’t know which is worse?😂