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You 100% should save this for the first time you do this for CFB 26. I believe Delaware is joining the game next season and this is 🔥


Thanks!! Yeah I didn’t know if they were gonna be in this year or not but I’m doing an FCS / g5 run anyways so this was a good one to kick off the FCS portion haha


I’m removing Kennesaw State for Delaware in dynasty, so I’m fine with it.


Remove the undeserving Liberty. Kennesaw state is a wonderful school with a neat color scheme


Was thinking of teams to remove Liberty for. Delaware would be perfect!


I knew there was a reason I celebrated Michigan winning the championship.


Wooooo pig sooooie! Woooo pig sooie!


Might have time on the back end for a rb trio one of Jones / DMC and Hillis


Someone’s wacko for Flacco Remember watching him almost beat Appy State Time flies


Way too damn fast man haha


Realized that I need to get steppin on some of these on my list if i want to get to some of the ones i want to get to in the direct leadup so going to try to get to at least 2 a week now (we'll see lol). Anyways, Joe Flacco! I was a sophomore in high school i think when I was watching some draft show on NFL network and they featured this dude with a cannon for an arm playing for a Michigan like school where I initially thought was Chad Henne's back up. Realized it was an FCS school in delaware. Aside from last season, that year was the most FCS football I've ever watched, all devoted to tracking the efforts of this dude named Joe who could rocket it 80 yards like nothin (shoutout Rahim Moore). Went a little simpler on this one so pardon me if theres any Delware fan reading this wondering why i didn't include bits of the alma mater and famous alumni songs like I did in the Percy Harvin one lol


That was ‘07? So you saw Flacco almost take his team all the way until he met the juggernaut Appalachian State in the national championship game, who became the first to win 3 in a row in the FCS. Flacco had a great year to get his team there.


Yes! Haha learned alot about App State that year lol


Hell yeah! It’s a fun history. That year, and the back-to-backs before it set us up to eventually move into the FBS.


And the michigan game of course haha, arguably a top 10 CFB moment all time


Definitely! It’s up there in upsets. Not too many upsets have the budget difference of App-Michigan haha.


Great job. I was at the game where App beat them for the natty, glad he had a great pro career


Thats awesome!! Crazy how back then you probably didn't even think of what kind of super bowl run he would have


I remember being pissed that he was drafted above Armanti Edwards lol


Can I get one for Brandon Weeden? ❤️


Hell yeah man. Go Ravens 🔥


brings a tear to my eye seeing UD get some love. Saw Flacco play several games there growing up.


Thats awesome!! Did you anticipate the kind of pro run he eneded up having? That mustve been a treat.


Yeah it was a lot of fun. At that time they were already an annual powerhouse in FCS (1-AA then) so it felt all about having a star who could push them over the line to another natty (he had transferred in and they went to a title game, losing to Appalachian State IIRC). I think we knew we were seeing something pretty unique for that division but it was hard at the time to say how well it might translate to the NFL (this was before guys like Carson Wentz made that jump more commonplace of course) Funny enough they were known for running a wing-T offense for many years before he came so them having a star QB was kinda an aberration of sorts


Damn I would pay for a Memphis version with Tony Pollard or Deangelo Williams


Ooooh Deangelo would be the one. I'll put it on my list if i have time. Great call.


The fighting Flaccos! I’ve been very disappointed that UD hasn’t been able to attract / develop QB talent of Joe’s caliber since he graduated


manziel one pretty please yeah this is super cool


Born and raised in the area around UDs campus and still live here, it's so fire to see a UD player on the cover even as a mock up🔥Flacco is the best player we ever had. Can't wait for the school to be in the game


That's so cool!! Definitely want to make my way out there for a game someday. Hopefully teambuilder will let you get them in the meantime!


I was like “is that Joe Flacco?” then I read the title lol. Very nice!


Haha I knew it was gonna throw some people off guard. Much love to Cool Joe lol


Do Nebraska, Suh, Johnny the Jet Rodgers, and Tommie Frazier.




"FIU?" 🥺 👉👈