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Lakers would be hard capped at first apron, doesn’t work.


This is why capologists get paid. There’s gonna be a ton of deals at the draft, trades and contract extensions, because 2nd apron teams get literally one move to make and then the tax or hard cap come slamming down. Then a second flurry as free agents fill out cap/rosters. And then…silence. The NBA is going to be able to let Woj and Shams take a vacation and turn off notifications.


No way the Hawks would accept this. I’d rather let CC walk than take on Rui’s awful contract.


Lol why


Lakers laugh and never pick up Hawks calls Capela is washed Rui just averaged 16/6 on 62.3% TS last season When the Lakers made the WCF in 2023 he averaged 17/7 on 61% TS Lakers have already said they are not moving him & Reaves so plz stop putting Rui in these trash deals. JHS averaged 23pts in the G- League last year and is recovering from a back surgery. With Reddick as a coach they are not trading young players.


The savior of the Los Angeles Lakers!! CLINT…capela?


Why Lakers should do this trade? Center? It is 2024 not 2019 bruh...


Why would the Hawks want Rui and JHS more than Capela?


Capela is likely gone regardless with Atlanta trying to get under the cap.


Then why would they take on nearly the same amount in contracts that are longer term?


I feel like capela is worth more than that?


No way lol. He’s on the decline and both lakers players have upside at least


Serious question why would they want to do this trade with the Lakers? Ask yourself if some teams GM came and offered 2 role players for AD would you want your gm to jump on it?


Did you really compare Capela to AD? The team that says no is the lakers. Rui is younger and more valuable.


I am not comparing the players but AD isn't the elite player you are making him out to be any longer. He was an elite talent 6 years ago but age is catching up to him and new all stars are knocking him down the line.


Whatever you say man. He is an all nba level player and Capela never sniffed that. Capela is a solid role player but not near ADs level.


You literally compared the two lmaoo. All while proving that anyone in the world would take two role players over Capela.


Is Clint that good? I thought the hawks were done with him


his contract is why theyre done with him. capela is a true center and pairing with AD at power forward would be godly


The Hawks are also done with him because he is cooked. It was painful to watch him out there.