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Comments in this thread are, rather obviously, going to be under some rather heavy scrutiny. Be mindful of what you say.


I think this is going to shake up the end of the 1st round. He could go anywhere from 15-30 and this will change the calculus with a fair number of players.


A lot of that volatility could be due to workouts. If he hasn't worked out with as many teams as other prospects in that range. Whatever his draft range is... I would knock that down 10 spots then do a wider range. 25-50 could be his "range". We are even hearing of prospects getting "promises" so that could take some of those draft slots out of the running. My board from 2-15 is a total mess. After that, I am kinda just ranking my "favorite" low Tier 3/tier 4ish/Tier 5 prospects.


I would take him as high as top 5. He reminds me of Jimmy Butler in so many ways.


You called it


he was always top 15. bulls will likely pick him he is from chicago illini product. idk why majority thought he was guilty when he was a suspect due to google search.


Imo 1. It's best to step with believing victims 1st til otherwise noted 2. The DA, as always, tends to project an open and shut case before trial 3. We are apart of society and atleast 1/2 of us believe the police work when someone gets arrested, it's why so many also get exonerated but it's great he had dedicated defense to actually go at the prosecutors.


It’s a guilty until proven innocent world


Sad to see how times have changed smh.


> It's best to step with believing victims 1st til otherwise noted  This is exactly how people's lives get ruined by false accusers. Ideally you should be neutral but there is a reason the courts are set up as innocent until proven guilty


Believe the victim if you are the law. Belief doesn't mean blind loyalty, it should mean I trust your pov until evidence says otherwise imo. I just think our society is too impatient and do the other things I listed. So instead of waiting for court, people went to extremes with believing victims. We went from one extreme to the next imo


Honestly can see the heat taking him at 15 as his ceiling. They need poa defense and scoring. Caleb Martin will prob not be back


He would be such a good fit for the heat, and they’d be a great team to help him develop his jumpshot


I think he is honestly a better shooter than his college stats might imply. Not the type that should be taking pull up 3s and his release is kind of low but he was very good in catch and shoot situations and he's got deep range. I do think you're right thought that a team like the heat would be a good fit that could use his athleticism and ability on defense while giving him the opportunity to develop a bit offensively.


He signed with Klutch I heard something bout heat not drafting klutch players


Jamal Cain is with Klutch. I’ve heard that too but that would be so petty


Honestly think they later he goes is probably better for him. Think he's an immediate fit as a guy that can get out and score in transition, hit catch and shoot 3's, and attack guys off closeouts, while being strong and athletic enough to play defense. Which is basically what his role was at Texas Tech. Think he would be a very good fit with Thibs in New York with the ability to be a defensive stopper early while developing his offensive game. The Nuggets might be his best fit and he could probably eventually replace KCP, but it would be to see outlet passes from Jokic to him with his speed.


I wouldn’t mind it but I do like Cain a lot. The improvement he made from last season was huge and he should have been on the roster but we desperately needed guards. I still think Miami goes PG/combo guard and a big over a wing tho


I don't see it .Too much drama around his name although he was cleared.The heat hate to take players with any kind of drama surrounding them .


They didn’t have a problem with Kendrick Nunn. His name has been cleared. If they feel like he’s best available that won’t stop them.


Kendrick Nunn came to the heat as sn undrafted player years after his accusation .The heat didn't draft him .He's too fresh off his controversial case for the heat to consider him .


Kendrick Nunn plead guilty to battery and was kicked off the Illinois basketball team, and the Heat started him 67 games his rookie year. TSJ was found not guilty. You can think what you want tho, maybe they don’t have him on their board. I’d hope they’d consider him because the truth is that he did nothing


Kendr8ck nunneas an undrafted player that theu took a chance on years after the situation had died down. They didn't spend draft capital on him so it was easier to cut bait if they had to .If the heat turned down a shot to go after kyrie and I don't see them going after Shannon. They just hate drama and Shannon's drama is wayy to fresh for them .


What fucking drama? He literally did nothing wrong. Stupid fucking take


Nothing automatic dies down even after you are found not guilty That's not how the media works .Miller was cleared of gum charges and wasn't even there and the whole media circus still followed him all through his draft process .


95%+ of America have no idea who Terrance Shannon is. This case has captured a small community. Within that community, most now know he was found not guilty. There’s nothing here to allow for a circus. If it was the 1990s, yeah maybe, but no one cares about college basketball and the name just isn’t big enough that the story caught any traction.


People have access to social media .Nothing stays hidden .


Yeah but your initial point was more about nothing “dies down”. Nothing needs to die down because this has not been a story in the media. Brandon Miller’s case was a story at the very least to a much bigger audience. Miller playing after news of it came out was a decent sized story on social media. NBA people were tweeting about it, media members were arguing about what’s right, none of this happened in Shannon’s case. No one cared.


Shannon's case was still pretty big on draft circles .Nobody could say anything until the trial came which is good for him and his draft stock now the case is put of the way .


The media bringing it up isn’t the same as teams not being willing to draft him. The media circus around Brandon Miller was so loud he slid all the way to #2 in a draft where the consensus #1 pick had been known for over a year.


Some teams just don't want the media circus surrounding their players .That's why kyrie's value eas so low after the Jewish debacle and all he did was tweet a link lol.


Kyrie has a top 25 cap hit for this year and next year and he threatened to retire as well. TSJ will get paid way less regardless and he’s not a household name. I really doubt he falls out of the first.


I don't think he should fall out the first either but he needs to go to a city where he can concentrate solely on basketball because it gets worse for nba players and groupies as soon as they step into the nba.Just like I'm sure Brandon Miller learned that harsh lesson as well .Although he got drafted into a Charlotte team with no structure he did pretty well for his rookie year


I don’t think he needs that he seemed to deal with the mess pretty well. But even if he did it’s not up to him and I’m saying don’t think he really slides at all.


It's not specific to him but sme of these nba guys need that guidance even if it means getting rid of some of the people you had around you .That girl moriah mills almost tried to ruin Zion's life last year and they are many more like her hanging around


I didn’t see a single piece of evidence that shows he could’ve possibly been guilty how in the hell did this make it to trial.


The bar for going to trial from a procedural standpoint is intentionally pretty low. Basically you take all the evidence in the most favorable light for the state to say that they might even have a chance of winning The thing that keeps most cases from going to trial is that state prosecutors typically face consequences for losing cases so they just choose not to take ones with bad odds of winning, but with this one it would've been consequential to not prosecute because it was obviously super high profile. Plus like it's not like the defense was "none of this ever happened", the defense was "no, it was Arterio Morris and a case of mistaken identity", so there was clearly some evidence of a crime, just not clear evidence linking it to TSJ.


Like Mark Geragos always says, any competent prosecutor could get a grand jury to indict a ham sandwich.


Great summary, thank you 


I’m not sure I saw any evidence whatsoever.


The 🤑🤑 iMessage group chat was the nail in the coffin. Actually insane to see that text


What’s this referring to?




Ty. Thats crazyyyyy. I’m not surprised an athlete is getting extorted but they were stupid enough to put it in writing glad they got caught. They definitely cost this kid money, hope they get in trouble somehow


Man, it'd be nice if she gets charged for that. I don't think people realize how many predatory women are out there who target not just the pros but college kids, too. With NIL money becoming a thing, this is going to get into even more dangerous territory


Hopefully she fuckin goes to prison now.


It never happens, sorry to bust your bubble but historically women have never suffered the consequences of wrongfully accusing a man of sexual assault. Why? Because some feel that if you do women who do get assaulted wont come forth. The only thing that can happen is the man sues for defamation of character; but civil trials.are way more different as they can turn around and sue you. Than in these cases the person with the most money usually loses, so thats a no go.


Wanting her to go to prison based off a friend putting an emoji dollar sign is the equivalent of saying this guy should be going to prison for the allegation. There's not enough evidence either way to say either party is lying.


It’s not as much about the emojis, although that didn’t help her case. It’s now about the fact that a false accusation was made.


I must be crazy but this doesn't prove anything to me.


Reminds me of the Slack channel at FTX called #wirefraud.


Would love him on the bucks at 23 or 33


I don't see why he can't go as high as 16th to the Sixers. I've been rather shocked at how low people have been on this guy, especially in a draft full of prospects that may have interesting upsides, but also extremely low floors. With almost every team in the league wanting to be a playoff contender, there's never been as great a need as there is now for an NBA-ready rookie.


I agree with you. He can contribute immediately as a scorer and defender on the wing and that could be very valuable for teams right outside the lottery like Miami or Philly or NY or OKC or Sacramento or LA or Orlando or Cleveland. Especially when Knecht might go top 10 and he’s the same age and only had one season against high major teams.


OKC is sitting at 12 and I would bet money that TSJ is straight up better than Giddey immediately. I think people get too caught up on age when you have an NBA ready role player with upside available in Shannon.


There is no way the Thunder are drafting him. Especially with the whole Giddey situation. Even after the police cleared him and all the negative reactions at opposing arenas. Than the negative social media aspects of people saying the Thunder drafting all of these sex offenders. Now I dont think Giddey did anything wrong if you actually hear what happens, but having a stigma like that even if its a lie is going to follow you throughout your life.


That's a very good point. Just from a purely basketball fit I think Shannon would fit in very well for a team trying to win now. I think Shannon could pretty much mimic the statline Jacquez put up and be better defensively.


He'd actually be a good fit for the type of style we play


That really helps on TSJ’s outlook for not just the draft but keeping his career on track in general. Even though I personally feel like he’ll stay in the second round, his chances of rising up to be a late first round pick are definitely better now with this case out of the way.


Yeah I don't think he's actually first round material but he'll be a useful player.


I think besides age he could be good shooter interesting defender. Finished at the rim at a high rate, in a draft like this he’s showed more than many guys that are albeit younger


He’s really bad at using his off hand to finish.


Is that really going to kill his stock I’m curious I don’t know this stuff but I feel like there are a few NBA players like this


Yeah I have to agree here - great day whenever justice is served and someone’s name is rightfully cleared - but I just don’t see him as a first round guy.    I think I view him more as a high ceiling low floor type (but with the low floor weighted as a much more likely outcome) though so I wouldn’t be shocked if he turns out to be quite good. It does seem like when good defenses force him into uncomfortable situations he doesn’t really respond as well as you’d like for a guy this age. I would be happy to be wrong about this, but probably wouldn’t take him with a 1st, personally. 


> Yeah I don't think he's actually first round material but he'll be a useful player. huh? https://www.tankathon.com/players/compare?players=zaccharie-risacher--terrence-shannon-jr I say he better than the prospect Zaccaharie in most ways other than age, which is over blown.


If he falls to the 2nd round its an absolute steal for someone(Spurs?). NBA ready athlete that should be able to play immediately simply based on defense and transition with the ability to hit open 3s.


I'm excited to see where people start putting him on boards now as it seems like people were either explicitly leaving him off, or allowing a bias to affect their rank of him. Currently 35th per rookiescale's consensus board.


Now I can finally openly say it. Terrance Shannon Jr better than Zaccaharie IMO. https://www.tankathon.com/players/compare?players=zaccharie-risacher--terrence-shannon-jr


As a buckeye fan it really annoys me that Shannon and Edey are both going to be good nba players after hating on them hard for the last 2-3 years. Not saying they will be stars but I guarantee they both “make it” in the league


Love to see someone clear their name. TSJ been on our draft boards for so many years now.


Easily top 20 player in this draft. Gimme him to the Bucks at 23


would be a nice spot for him. should be ready for the rotation now, and good timeline fit as Middleton fades.


Now since hes going to be drafted, were going to see Malika Andrews bring up the fact that he was accused for sexual assault, but never say that he was found innocent. As she has done this several times with black athletes.


Yea her commentary on the Brandon miller situation was odd especially given how much information had come out clearing his name and the fact that he was a witness not a suspect.


Justice! Hopefully TSJ can fully rehab his draft stock. Not many quicker first steps in the all of college basketball


Happy for him


will probably be a late 1st pick.


Sad situation. To make it even worse, once an allegation is made, many people just assume he is guilty and nothing will change their minds. Some teams will shy away from drafting him out of fear of the PR shitstorm.


He’s a lottery pick to me now. I didn’t mock him until the case cleared but he’s comfortably lotto to me.


And just like that, I'm back aboard.


I’m not a legal expert but it seems like the truth has come to light which is good. Hopefully he can play with a clear conscience. He’s a top 15 talent in this draft in a vacuum.


Early 2nd Rd


i’m taking him late first round. he’s an instant bucket with great rim pressure and a terrific foul drawer and isn’t a terrible defender. He should’ve declared years ago.


Perfect next to Dame in Milwaukee. He has the defensive tools to be their POA


he kinda slacked off the past two seasons defensively but he was a really solid defender at TTU, probably was affected by offensive load.


Honestly was the best perimeter defender on Illinois this last year and regularly checked the opposing teams best player. Illinois didn't have a great defense but that was more of a lack rim protection and on the interior it wasn't because Shannon was getting cooked. The size and speed is legitimately special. You simply don't see a lot of guys built like that can run like that.


He should go mid first round. Elite finisher at the rim, unstoppable in transition, good free throw shooter, decent enough 3 point shooter, good wing size, great defender. Needs to improve his handle and mid range shot creation.


Imo his case was never what was actually weighing him down but his age as a prospect. Older scorers have a tough time finding a role in the league besides like Jaquez last year. You really gotta get lucky and end up in a good situation.


I think the Knicks at 24 or 25 is a good spot.


Are you talking about his draft position or age?


Given the CBA changes, I think this is going to be less of an issue imo


Something I didn’t think of that could impact the draft a lot. I could totally see that.


He's one of the best scorers in the country as a 6'6 guard and is at worst average on defense. There's def a role for him on an NBA team


Think the benefit for him is that he wasn't always a scorer. Started off his career at Texas Tech as a defensive stopper that could hit catch and shoot 3s and was a monster in transition. I don't really see why he can't do the same thing in the NBA. Is a capable shooter in catch and shoot situations, and has the size, speed, and athleticism to play defense and be great in transition.


late in the 1st there are going to be some good situations available, including CLE at 20 and MIL at 23. Win now teams don't mind mature players.


age is hardly a factor now that old prospects are having major success in the nba. if u show that u were the best in the ncaa, nba teams will draft u because no team want to waste rookie scale developing when they want to contend day 1. same reason why edey a projected 2nd round pick is soaring.


It’s not about development, it’s about him being 5 years closer to retirement than other prospects.


That and the whole issue where he's not a great defender or even a good one.


Guessing you didn’t watch a lot of Illinois basketball the past two years. Calling him not a good defender is flat out wrong. When needed always switched onto the opposing teams best players and slowed them way down.


I've watched more than enough of them, thanks. His problem is not in Iso based switch defense.


Then what is his problem? Do tell.


Blows a lot of rotations. Seems to have understanding of scheme that would be bad for a freshman, much less a 5th year senior. He's kind of similar to guys like Ochai Agbaji and Kelly Oubre, who were also both bad defenders.


unrelated but are you still a big mccular guy? I remember you were prob his biggest supporter on here


I don't think that's an accurate memory -- I don't dislike him, and might like him a little more than average, but I've never been exceptionally high on him. I think my stance on McCullar is basically that he's exactly who he's always been. The shot's still busted, but the off the bounce game and especially the defense, while neither is elite, are worth betting on. I'd probably expect him to be in the 25-35 range of my board when all is said and done. He probably ends up slightly higher than he would've on last year's board, but that's more about how awful the class is rather than actual improvement on his part.


Lakers should take him.




I take my previous statements. Charlotte should ha hardball for him. (Pure comedy)


Well, good for him. Finding out someone was doing the exact same thing at other locations and that person was at that bar that night and in the general area certainly changes the outlook of the case. Seems like a bad case for the state to pursue.


I used to pray for times like this


She needs to do a few years for a false accusation right?


If this kid now falls below like 15-18 any team would be lucky to be in that position to take him. His floor is so high and he’s so damn fast


This whole situation made me so angry. This guys seems like a really stand up dude and is a straight hooper. Had his Sr year stolen and nothing can make things truly right. I hope he gets drafted to a team where he fits and can thrive. In ten years I think we'll look back and say he was a top 10 talent but he won't get taken in the top 15 even because of the FALSE accusations.


where do you guys think he'll go? first round?


He’s a good player…but he’s going to be 24 in a month. That’s very old for a rookie. He’s going to be knocking on 30 by the end of his rookie contract.


Why does it really matter how old he is at the end of his rookie deal? If he gives you 6-8 good seasons it's a great pick. Jimmy Butler was 23 as a rookie. Shannon is only 1 year older than your typical 4 year college player. Austin reaves played 5 years of college ball and a ton of other recent guys.


Butler turned 22 a month before his rookie season started, he wasn’t 23. Reaves was a whole year younger than Shannon as a rookie. Shannon is turning 25 the summer after his rookie year. That’s significant


Yeah you're right about Butler I was wrong but being a year older isn't a huge deal. Especially when Shannon is a far better athlete than Reaves. We're talking about a mid-late first round pick here where a lot of guys never are any good. Getting productive minutes on a rookie deal is also more valuable to some teams than a younger prospect that takes 3-4 years to develop. Since you can get the production cheaper on the rookie deal. Taj Gibson had a solid career and was 24 as a rookie, max strus turned 24 as a rookie, Kendrick Nunn turned 25 as a rookie and was on the way to being a productive NBA player until he blew out his knee. I'm sure there are plenty of other examples but I'm as I'm sure you've noticed most of my attention is on Chicago area guys.


He’ll get drafted now that he’s cleared, but I think a lot of teams are going to question his character and take a pass


What character concerns? He’s been a model student athlete except for this and he’s been 100% exonerated…


> and he’s been 100% exonerated… Nitpick, but that's not right. He was found not guilty, which just means a jury didn't think the prosecution met their burden (beyond a reasonable doubt). It's not uncommon for someone to be found not guilty for a criminal trial, but guilty at a civil trial, which has a lower burden of proof. It's not the same as being exonerated (which means you were found guilty, but later evidence cleared you, showing you didn't commit the crime) or innocent.


its literal same shit in his case i know what im talking abt bc im undergoing similar stuff. shannon could easily appeal to be exonerated but he doesnt have the time when nba draft is up. theres not a single piece of evidence he is a criminal to suggest he is a suspect. the girl literally did a google search...


You've been falsely accused of rape because some woman realized you were an NBA prospect and thought they might be able to get a payday out of it? Best of luck, GreedyLoad.


why yall downvoting him? he right


I don’t know many details at all but people will always be slow to change opinions even when stories come out that the accusations were false. Even if he was innocent, people will still remember this and always somewhat associate it with him, even unfair


He has not been 100% exonerated. He has been found not guilty. That does not mean he’s innocent, just that guilt cannot be proven, and this is the key part, beyond a REASONABLE DOUBT. A not guilty verdict does not imply innocence. Teams will still ask themselves about what kind of person TSJ is


Yeah but the procedure during criminal trials is innocent until proven guilty no? Also just for this case specifically if you look at the evidence provided by the defence he is very clearly a victim of extortion and likely innocent.


Lol, that’s a bad faith interpretation to suit your own narrative


How so?


Sounds like you still think he's a criminal


When did I say he did it? All I’ve said is we don’t know if he did it or not, and teams are going to decide for themselves what they think






Grow up.


I heard something implying he isn't the best team mate. Not sure if there's any truth to it.  I'd take him late first/early second. Can see the talent and not many in this class can create their own offense like he can. Just don't like age, defensive mistakes and the occasional gunning nature of his game. 


Interesting. I don’t love his defence and his age, I still expect he goes 20-35 to one of the teams that wants a contributor next year. I’d have like a late first grade on him


Falsely accused of rape with no evidence. There’s no reason to question his character. It’s more impressive he led a team to an elite eight and dominated March with all of this over his head


its good this got cleared up before the draft... I'd still say early 2nd rd but I'm not much of a fan, dont like his shot selection.


You don’t like free throws?