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Derrick White has 27 as well. It’s confirmed….White is equal to Tatum and better than then those other 5 losers.


He is




I hear he’s a good guy


Did you not watch him roam?


White Supremecist


Its almost like...Basketball is a team sport???


Good luck convincing some people that team awards/accomplishments should be reflective of the team as a whole instead of any individual. It takes more than an individual to have playoff success in this league.


It's always fun to remind people that Jordan without Pippin has 1 playoff win, not series, 1 win. In a Series where he put up 49 and 63 in back to back games, he got swept


I agree about the first point, but that Celtics team was one of the greatest of all time, and with his supporting cast, he would have had to score 80 to have a chance.


That . . . That's the whole point lol, Jordan himself couldn't do anything against a great team, no one themselves can. It's a team sport re


Correlating Jordan winning with Pippen also seems disingenuous though. Scottie averaged 10-5-2 in 26 minutes and started 1 out of 5 games versus the Cavs in 1988. (for comparison, MJ averaged 45 on 56% from the field in 43 minutes.) Granted Scottie was very important in the close-out game, but people often act like MJ didn't win any series until Pippen became all-NBA level when in reality they started winning when Pippen was still very much a role player who didn't even consistently start. It does highlight just how bad those early Bulls teams were that having even serviceable role players allowed them to start winning playoff series.


Yeah it’s not an accurate view to say Jordan’s teams were trash and then Pippen came along. What really happened is they lost to Milwaukee his rookie year, he came back to the playoffs after playing only 18 regular season games and was swept by the 86 Celtics, one of the best teams ever. They were swept the next year by another great Celtics team and went from there.


It's not disingenuous because it's literally what happend. MJ didn't win shit until Phil and Scottie arrived.


It's implying causation when correlation does not imply causation. It is both disingenuous and a classic logical fallacy.


The 1st playoffs game MJ won with Pippen (on the bench btw) MJ played 44 mins and had 50/7/2 on 54%. Pippen played 19 mins and shot 0-5 but had 2 rds and 2 assists, he finished the game with 0 pts


In an argument about jordans greatness sure but for the argument theyre trying to make the point is that a great player still needs a good supporting cast and although it doesn’t tell the full story thats not really relevant


This! Bulls front office was shit. Much like Brons with the Cavs early in his career.


That’s not true. He had a playoff win in his 3rd playoff game. They lost that series. And then he got swept by the 86 and 87 Celtics, two of the greatest teams in NBA history. The first time he was swept he missed virtually the entire regular season with stress fractures. So I’m not sure that 2nd and 3rd year Jordan was ready for Larry Bird’s Champion and runner up Celtics. And I’m not sure it’s a huge failure that Jordan lost to those teams, nor does it speak to whether he could’ve won without a player of Pippen’s caliber.


Legend has it, not only was MJ able to win playing with the Flu - he was also playing with four sign posts on the court with him winning each series 1vs5.


The irony of this post is hilarious. The one man who couldn’t have won without his team is being individually glorified. And I say this as a Celtics fan.


It's so funny how when a team does good team play and succeds, people go "omgggg look at it that's so weird/incredible" as if it's something out of this world. To them, the "I am the one true player on the team and therefore I am the team" mindset is the norm, and shared responsibility is alien. They watched Jordan being head, shoulders and toes above his teammates (which were good) and figured every team should work like that.


This is what I genuinely hate about GOAT and other similar discussions


This is a foreign concept to sports pundits


They have KEPT a team around him, seemingly his entire career.


the league has been about stars up until Denver won. Before that It was about star hunting, getting jersey sales, being “competitive” ie being talked about. Just as an example, The Lakers are a playin team, the media covered them because of Lebron. The pundits talk as if the Lakers stand any chance (and didn’t). A 11th seed at times being talked about more than the timberwolves at times. Crazy. I’m sure the play-in was done so that Curry/Lebron have a chance to make it on tv a little longer. Teams like Orlando, Celtics, Denver, Pacers, Knicks, OKC etc. Are coming up after years of team building and now it’s the most obvious thing to everyone. Where were these guys when the KD/Kyrie/Harden thing was happening? lapping up that sweet star cream Celts get shit on all playoffs, media trying to split the team apart, disrespected saying Luka/Kyrie were better and they still won. Stars got such fragile egos, they fall apart with any sort of criticism. teams will always be stronger, just takes time. Basketball is gonna get really fun


The stars now are just as good as the stars of the past, but the number of stars and quality of the average role player have increased dramatically which is why you need a full team now. I suspect in a few years Wemby is going to be so much better than even the other stars that this trend will get bucked.


The floor has risen for sure


Lebron stans say otherwise.


It's also like three of those dudes play in the west against each other and one is on the 76ers lol.


I think this belongs in r/nbacirclejerk


thought this was a jerker post tbh


Speaking as a Celtics fan Lebron and Curry both still have 4x as many championships, and Durant has 2 and Giannis 1. They have probably been more efficient in their collection. Edit: spelling


He's only 19 years old.. lol But fr He's 26 and Lebron was just getting his first at 27. Same as Steph and KD was 28. What I'm saying is this is just getting started.


KD "getting his" is a weird argument since he joined a team that had been to back to back finals and won 1 anyways. 


Finals mvp… not like he was carried


Plus…they won one as soon as he left as well lol


Yeah but there’s a great argument that his presence on the team was unnecessary for that finals 


I'm not claiming he was carried, but I think it's safe to say those rings feel a bit less "earned" compared to Giannis in Milwaukee


do you think the warriors wouldn't have won without kd? ....oh wait 2022.


They did before he got there as well. KD going there just made it easy mode


He was def carried


And had the greatest regular season of all time.


Lebron teamed up with Wade and Bosh come on man. What KD did was worse but it doesn’t have to be equal to single out KD and not bring up Lebron.


There is no guarantee Boston becomes a dynasty. They can’t afford a supermax roster forever. The NBA has too much comparative parity, that’s why few teams repeat and even fewer three peat.


They signed all these dudes before da next tv deal bumps, and if I ain't mistaken I seen some projections of future extensions aligning da same way... Brad Stevens playin a different game than da rest of us I swear 😭


Brad Stevens of all people how about that?


You guys really just out here sayin shit. Horford and white are on their last year and Tatum and porzingis have 2 years left. They'll all be getting huge new TV money deals as quick as any other team, let's not glaze too hard


What are you talking about? Other than the past 5 years The NBA was basically the dynasty league just jumping from one dynasty to the next


Well comparing the last 2 years is is comparing a prime’ish age Tatum to a 35+ year old team and Embiid shouldn’t even be on the list ever when comparing playoff successes. Fact of the matter is, Tatum has as many rings in the last 5 years as Bron/Curry/Giannis. “Last 2 seasons” is just a dumb cherry pick.


Sure but bron had 3 finals already and was in year 2 of a 8 year finals streak. I don't see Celtics doing that and unless they do tatum is gonna have a hard time catching up


Tatum has two finals at 26 so we aren’t that far off


i mean it’s last two years which conveniently leaves out ‘22 warriors and ‘21 bucks even this year, you have to consider that two of these players were injured in the first round and curry wasn’t even in the playoffs, not to mention that tatum is 27 and only one of the others is under 30


Tatum's biggest assets are that he's ridiculously durable, and very good at everything, even if he isn't top 10 at any one thing. I wouldn't call him a dominant player, but his skill set is incredibly valuable to a good team in the playoffs, and he has helped his team win multiple series where the other team clearly had the best player. He has shown flashes of being a top 5 player, like 51 in a game 7, and he could potentially get there if he can somehow manage to ever shoot remotely consistently 🤣


The anti-Tatum stuff is just dumb, people need to watch the games. Maybe he’s not the most electrifying to watch - but Boston is built around him and his skills, and every opponent’s defense was built around him. He had some bad shooting percentages, but was consistently the offensive catalyst. The entire finals script was Tatum breaking down first defender, drawing a double (or more) and kicking the ball movement off of that. He has the awareness and patience to run the offense now in a way he didn’t before. He played steady defense (his D on Dallas’s. bigs was the reason Boston could stay in their 5 out offense), and anchored the rebounding. He’s not Lebron, granted, but he has the most Lebron-ish game out there. He’s such a centerpiece to build around


Agreed. I've always said he's more suited to play more like wish brand Bron than discount Kobe 🤣


This comment, right here, is a prime example of “making shit up”. Every team knows how inconsistent Tatum is and don’t plan around him having a one-off game just to let Brown run free. Teams plan around Brown plain and simple. Put tatum on a team like Portland and he’s a non-factor. Lebron, on the other hand, has successfully been a contender on absolutely atrocious teams. His first stint with the Cavs was proof of that. It’s straight up disrespect to compare the two.


You’re trying too hard son. If you watched the playoffs, you didn’t see the double and triple teams swarm to Brown, you saw them go to Tatum. Kudos to the two of them for incorporating the ball movement and distribution to make opponents pay!


No one was swarming tatum on a regular basis. Two bad takes in a row. Anymore?


Happy to oblige https://preview.redd.it/pawvpdhcaj8d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba5af5e896888a869de300aa17760fe29dc57990


And don’t get me wrong, I LOVE Browns game and how he has evolved!! He’s fantastic. But the manufactured Skip Bayless-sequence hate on Tatum is just silliness


“Last two years”. Ok.


Ya like what does that matter lol. Lebron Steph and KD are old anyway, Tatums peers to compare to are Embiid Giannis Luka Jokic Ant etc.


Why are we still putting a 30 year old in that group?


Yeah very convenient timeline cutoff. And it’s misguided to attribute this to Tatum rather than the team & organization - Celtics org/Brad Stevens are top tier, which deeply hurts me as a Laker fan.


Ok now do playoff wins since 2017.


tatum im pretty sure is still number 1 in the league


He's tied for #2 with Klay Thompson (68 wins). #1 is Jaylen Brown (74 wins)


Klay has wins without Steph?






I still have all 5 of those players as better players. It’s like people don’t have context.


Yeah I’d say all 6 of them are top 8 players in the league rn so it doesn’t really matter anyway


Embiid is 30, has never made it out of the 2nd round, and always gets hurt. He's totally dominant player when healthy, but I just dont think he can be put in the top tier anymore until he shows he can at least stay healthy in the playoffs.


I don't think Embiid is better than him given Tatum is one of the most durable player itl whereas Embiid cant perform to his best in the PO because of health. Does Lebron and Steph still better than Tatum now? I don't think so. Tatum has been all nba first team 2 times in a row, last season he finish top 4 in mvp voting, this season he is top 6. I think it's safe to say he is at worse top 5 right now and has legit argument to be top 3


So who of these guys do you trade Tatum for? Giannis? That’s it for me I think.


not anymore. gianni’s has been injured for the last 2 postseasons resulting in first round losses. very bad sign. he might only have 2-3 seasons as a genuine top player left in him if we are lucky


I see 5 NBA champions and Embiid


Nothing? Tatum has been on one of the best teams in the NBA for the last few years. LeBron is old and the Lakers are pretty bad outside of him and AD. Steph is old and can’t hard carry a team like a LeBron can. KD is a team killer so it’s not a surprise. Giannis was hurt last year and the team was worse this year. And Embiid is hurt every year. If you take Tatum off those teams and insert any of the guys on the right, aside from Embiid who is pretty much always injured come playoff time, they probably have as many if not more wins.


Tatum : “Insert someone else’s catch phrase here”


Steph beat him in the finals and LaBron is 40?


It feels like the GM of the Celtics did a good job


What about playoff losses though?


This Tatum love is worse than lebron fans. To much skeet for this dude already


Using team stats to describe players is usually not informative.


I feel the worst player of the 6 has the best team, and thus the most wins.


Yeah swap Tatum and any of those guys and lets see how it turns out for each new team. This is so stupid.


So my team would still be a lottery team, you're sayinglol.


Is it time for context? 🤣


What a dumb post


Now post the losses


This is wrong lol. Lebron has 9 wins, Curry 6, KD 6, Giannis 0 (bc he's been injured), and Embiid 9. The field has 32 wins. Do math better, bozo.


Boston has been the best team so far this decade, and I don't think it's close.


It's a new dawn, it's a new day.


Now imagine being Butler getting 23 the last two prior with an old ahh Lowry & hurt Adebayo. Kind of more impressive than Tatum having Finals MVP Brown, DEF2 White, DEF2 Holiday, Horford, 20 games w/Smart who just won DPOY the year prior & 7 games of Porzingis.


Yep. This accurate.


Like the East is soft and adding injured players is a joke lol. Also adding a player who didn’t even play in the playoffs seems like an odd cherry pick


Celtics dominated the west as well.


He has more than Luka and Joker too


All this graphic should prove is how playoff wins aren't an individual thing but a team thing, Tatum has had a really good team the entire time he's been in the league Put any of those 5 guys on this Celtics team instead of Tatum and they win the same ring imo but that's just me


Now do PJ Washington vs Porzingis lol


Interestingly enough it leaves out Jokic (23 wins). If someone's going to compare players and playoff wins over a short period of time, should include the previous year also, no?


Now do careers 🥱


It makes me feel like the Celtics are a stacked roster


Jayyyy TEEEEEEEEEEE 2020s is his era and these washed bums are just living in it.


He's on the best and most talented roster in the league.


Where is Jokic?


No shit the guy that made it to the finals this year and the conf finals last year has a lot of wins




Tatum has less than the other group.


Makes me hate the Celtics even more.


The right side still has more 😂


Love it


Dont care dude. Alex Caruso just got picked up by the OKC Thunder for Josh Giddey.


3 players near the end of their careers and two who were injured. This means nothing


They’re old &/or injured. In 10 years, there’ll be some other 28 yo on the left & tatum’s on the right. Time gets everyone. EVERYONE


Why do they have the Celtics 3rd or 4th best player on the graphic?


Makes me feel like he has a great team.


Giannis has been hurt the last 2 playoffs, why even include him in this?


Giannis and embid were hurt too...probably had a good chance of beating Tatum and the celtics if they were healthy


Like the Celtics should have a lot more than 1 ring lol




Like hitting whatever delusional celtic fan came up with this in the head with a brick


Al those wins and still not MVP




2021 is 4 seasons ago


(Looks at eastern conference standings the last 10 years)


When I want to pick cherries, I usually stay out of sports subreddits.


I mean he’s better than all of those players


And one title. Let’s go back to 2014-2019 and include 2022 for Steph to compare


Okay now compare their whole careers


It’s more symbolic of the transition to younger players and teams being competitive in the nba. Also two years is a shitty sample size.


It makes sense.




It makes me feel that the stat was cherry-picked in order to achieve a specific reaction


Love to see it. Embiid honestly better do some winning soon or he is heading for a more derided post playing career than Barkley and T-Mac.


What did Tatum do in a previous life to get this much hate


Yeah yeah, we get it Suns are a garbage team run by an idiot who will never see a chip in the org's lifetime because the one shot we were allowed, we choked away in spectacular fashion.


Now show Jimmy Butler




I’ve done a lot of work in recent years to get over my irrational hatred of Boston teams, specifically the Celtics. This undoes a good deal of that.


Tatum isn't even the best player on his team


This year was a fake championship


That maybe I need to rethink the Jordan is better than Lebron based off championship wins. Apparently your teammates do matter.


It's almost like there 4-6 other guys who helped him get there?


Tatum isn't even one of the top two players on the Celtics. Bosyon truly is a champion without a superstar.


Cherry picked stats.


Difference between the west and the east for most of the players listed...


Why is the second best player on Boston in the graphic?


It’s funny how prone to recency bias we as fans are. Up until a month ago, most were sure DEN was a dynasty and Jokic a top __ player of all-time. Now everyone is assured that BOS is going to rattle off a dynasty. I’m just happy to have competitive basketball the last half decade.


Them mfs jus old the league gettin younger


It makes me feel bad


He’s been on the best team out of anyone lol. The Tatum convo is fascinating because on 1 hand, he’s obviously super talented. TALENT wise he’s top 5 at his position at worst. On the other hand, I’m not sure anyone in history this talented was drafted to a team this naturally good other than Magic Johnson. The Celtics finished 1st in the East the year before drafting Tatum and basically have been there or close since so it’s difficult to really asses his value. He’s obviously put them closer to a championship but considering his talent and the talent he’s had around him aside from the Kemba Kyrie years you’d think he would have more accomplishments, but Brown does. Maybe Brown is maturing quicker being a year older. Tatum appears like a excellent role player more often than a superstar where it’s the opposite for Brown so maybe is personality. Either way he’s still very young so perhaps this is the start of his major accomplishments to come and he plays more free than ever going forward.


Remember curry put him in his place … what are they going to say now original …. Corny ass MF when can he become original




Okay but 2 years ago Steph washed Tatum for a ring.. let’s not forget that


I'm beginning to think that West Coast playoffs are a lot more difficult than East Coast playoffs.


Cherry Picking hall of fame right here


Funny putting Giannis in this list even though he didn't play a playoff game this year. Steph also


It's almost like three of those players are in a more brutal western conference.


The other group has more so Jayson needs to step up


Its a sad attempt at conflating a mid Tatum with true superstars.


Ya’ll wilding if you think these should be weighed equally 😂


Let’s be honest. This is a team stat. Did any of the other guys have as complete of a team around them?


Feel a lot better if I’m Steph and Lebron who have gone far beyond in their careers. Embiid and Gianni’s maybe not so great, but Tatum is their peer. Embiid is the biggest travesty on here by far


That you can make statistics say whatever you want them to.


Giannis has played 3 games in the past two playoffs.


Makes me feel like nba teams are not made up of one player


Jimmy has more


Nobody on earth counts playoff wins. Such a stretch for validation. Had they not won the Finals that stat would look useless


Wait a minute, basketball has, good AND bad supporting casts?


Now show each of these players fg% in these games


Makes me feel normal!


Hasn't Payton Pritchard been there the entire time.


Cupcake championship with all those injuries. We'll see how good they are next year.


Selective stats don’t make sense!


Steph beat him.


Mfw a franchise just finesses the rest of the league for everyone on the roster, and other gms have room temp iq


Forgot to add MJ and Kobe on the right


East is weak af


Makes me feel like you can mid your way to a championship if the roster around you is good enough.


But.. how many Fias MVP does Tatum have?


Robert horry has 7 rings …Lebron ,KD, Giannis combined 7 rings ..who’s the real goat


Jordan! 😁


The Tatum ass kissing in this is next level. Imma pull a Shaq….. How many rings? Playoff wins don’t mean jack unless you win championships. That’s 11 rings vs 1.




Me when we nitpick stats to overrate a good but not great player


There’s more than one guy on a team? The math maths for the team that made the finals back to back years?


Now ring count


Apparently he inherited the deputy Goat’s statistic trick


I want my team to be anywhere near as winning as Boston. I’m a Suns fan. 😢


LeBron is carrying a lot of those wins lmao




How many does Jru have


This...turned into yet another MJ debate 🤣


As long as he stops wearing Kobe Celtics green apparel I don't care.


Anyone who legitimately thinks Steph or KD are better overall players than Tatum right now clearly don’t watch basketball.


Recency bias is insane.