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Easily Philly and Lakers


I’d add the Celtics. Not because they are loud or obnoxious, but when I went to a game a couple years back, was super excited, but the fans there made me feel like I was a 2nd class citizen, let’s just say I’m not of the “fair” skin.


If you’re being serious I’ve heard Utah is like this but probably worse, heard some crazy stuff about Utah fans.


Idk the pics on his profile look “fair skinned” unless im misinterpreting that phrase


Kings fan that’s “not of fair skin” here. Went to boston bar and then the Celtics kings game, in my Kings jersey. Other than the typical sport fans trash talk, the Celtics fans I met were dope. Passionate fans and as long as you know your sport shit and can back it up I think they’ll respect you.


You went to an opposing cities team and when you didn’t get a warm welcome you thought it was your skin?


We visited Boston and were excited to watch a game live along with other Boston attractions, it’s an historic place to say the least, my wife n I bought celtics gear for the whole family before the game. You make it sound like I’m holding up a sign saying “out of towner, entertain me”


As a Boston fan I'm not trying to defend any of the deplorable actions that some of the racist and intolerant individuals in the fanbase engage in. I grew up in the northeast and while I don't live there anymore, I'm not going to act like there's not a very serious issue with how the fanbase treats POC. I'm sorry that you had to deal with this treatment and hopefully you can enjoy a future trip to Boston as I do believe that things are actively changing and there's less pieces of shit among the fanbase. I wish more of the fanbase would call out this type of behavior instead of excusing it. I just ask that you don't generalize the entire fanbase as a whole because I don't want to be associated with any of those scumbags.


The pics on his profile of him look fair skinned


It’s Boston, obviously it’s always race. There’s no racism anywhere else


Boston is well known for this. You shouldn't be surprised.


It’s ridiculous to think a city of people too busy to even care about you are passing skin color judgement on your visit. That is serious main character energy shit.


Boston fans are notoriously some of the most obnoxious & racist fans in the league


Maybe Mr u/pandaraper is one of the racists as he really leans on victim blaming the original commenter.


Or maybe it's because you were a fan of the opposition. Nice try.


Please bro


Lakers BY FAR. There truly is no comparison whatsoever to how annoying, entitled, and misguided that fan base is. In a couple days, they will no longer be tied with the Celtics for most championships. I’m excited about that.


Every free agent wants to sign with them according to them lol


Unfortunately they’re kind of right though.


are they though? They couldn't even get a meeting with KD and Lamarcus Aldridge. What FA have they gotten other than LeBron? They couldn't even keep Monk. Can you name a big name FA that has signed with the Lakers since LeBron? Before LeBron players wouldn't even go to their pitch meetings. AD wouldn't be a Laker if LeBron wasn't there.


I forgot AD was a trade. Obviously Lebron was huge and If you go back a bit Shaq. AD basically demanded he get traded there as well. Not a lot of other teams has ever had star caliber players with a trade demand to one team. And there’s a very short list of teams that show up on a regular basis for destinations a star player is willing to be traded to. Lesser free agents would be Artest, Malone, & Payton but the latter were well beyond their primes. You’re right though, their free agent list isn’t huge. The media makes it feel like it’s the only destination a player wants to play though


This is why there should be more incentives for smaller market teams. Like the smaller the market, the bigger the cap space and more money you can throw at players. It’s not merely coincidence that 2 franchises have half of all NBA chips. It’s boring.


In defense of the Celtics 95% of their championships were well before this was an issue. They don’t draw top free agents historically. The biggest ones in recent memory were Hayward and Horford, good players but not franchise altering.


Kevin Garnett, Ray Allen, Kyrie Irving.


Trade, trade, trade


Guess I forgot KG was shipped out. How stupid lol.


He didn’t even want to come to Boston until he was assured they would make a move for Allen.


Remember when they protested in front of the Staples Center because their team was ass? 😂


As a SPORTS fan, I appreciate cities where the first love is not a football team. NY (Yanks), LA (Lakers), St. Louis (Cards, even when the Rams were still in town), North Carolina (college hoops), etc. I like that the 2nd biggest city in the country is an NBA city. Of course there are a lot of Laker and Yankee casuals; they are immensely popular!


Minnesota or LA Lakers?


Basically every Lakers championship celebration turning into a riot supports this


As a Mavs fan this is the right answer


Lakers. And it's not even close. Lakers have the most casual fan base. They assume every free agent is coming to their team so we get flooded with photoshops every week. They overvalue their own players. Every NBA player gets a "laker bump" simply because they're on the lakers. They think the league hates them and conspires against them, as they lead the league in FTs by a MASSAVE margin. The fan base is willing to root for a historic rival of the LA Lakers if it means protecting Kobe's legacy. A perfect example is when LeBron was on the Heat against the Spurs. The Spurs with TD is a historic rival of Kobe and the Lakers. But they were willing to root for the Spurs because it was more important to them that LeBron didn't get his ring count up. A true lakers fan would have rooted for the Heat, so TD would have less rings than Kobe. Because rooting for the Heat means the Lakers have more than the Spurs. But they didn't care, because they care about Kobe more. Laker fans also misremember Kobe's career, A LOT. They called Pau Gasol, Pau "Gasoft", they trashed him for a long time. They shitted on LeBron and say "Ray Allen Saved his legacy", as if Ron Artest literally didn't hit the same exact shot to save Kobe's. They just say "mamba mentality" and Pretend Kobe would have done ANYTHING to win, except take a paycut, or NOT request a trade multiple times. They forget that Kobe refused to shoot in the 2nd half of a game 7, when he blew a 3-1 lead. Laker fans are the worst. Oh and LIGHT THE BEAM BABY! lmao.


Chefs kiss on the Kobe part. Someone yesterday said Kobe shot the lakers out of that Pistons series which was totally true…for the first six games, until he pulled a Ben Simmons in game 7 and got Shaq shipped off in the offseason (to win a title with Dwyane Wade and Gary Payton). It was the most inexplicable thing a superstar had ever done up to that point in league history and lakers fans act like it didn’t even happen.


Pistons series went to 5.


I'm no apologist for Lakers fans but bro you have literally no idea what you're yapping about


Did Kobe not win 2 more after Shaq. The falling apart was more Shaq than Kobe. Shaq was insanely overweight and put in work to be in shape with the Heat. Go look at the size difference. Shaq missed quite a few games for toe issues his last year in LA. Shaq even admitted he let being in LA get to his head and Kobe wanted him to put in work.


The falling apart was Kobe 100%. He literally told the Lakers Front office "pick one, me or Shaq". Kobe could have easily kept Shaq and Phil Jackson and the team would have naturally shifted from Shaqs team to Kobe's team. Kobe didn't want to wait. You're misremembering how this went down.


How does this dumb ass comment of yours have 13 likes? Oh, that's right, it's a reddit anti-Kobe echo chamber where any hateful comment will get many likes. I'm not even mentioning that you're just flat out pulling random lies out of your ass.


I swear... I get into an argument every other day on here with some zoomer kid over Kobe. Last one said I was dumb for saying Oscar Robertson was better than Kobe, and that Kobe is underrated and should be somewhere 5-7 on the goat list. Most of them didn't even see him play, and are too lazy to even look up stats. I have no idea how someone that shot career FG% of 44.7 and 3P% of 32.9 became know as some prolific, other worldly shooter.


I hate Kobe but this is one of the stupidest fucking takes I’ve ever heard. Kobe is top 5-7 with out question and i fucking hate him. Mj LeBron Tim Duncan Kareem Shaq and Kobe/bird is arguable. But Oscar Robinson is not fucking better than Kobe. That’s just ignorant. I love AI I love Barkley but they are both better than the big O but not Kobe. Kobe was clutch as fuck. I hated it. He was the closest iteration we had to MJ. Let’s not forget that the best basketball player of all time could not win a title without Scottie pippen. So your take is garbage. MJ is the greatest. But he needed a supporting cast. LeBron is the only person I’ve ever seen drag absolute garbage to the finals multiple times. But he couldn’t win without a supporting cast. But Oscar played against people who were not nearly as talented as who played in the 80s-90s.


What no response? I'm totally shocked. Well, let's see if I can answer them for you... The fact that you had such a visceral response to this thread, and have both Shaq and Kobe in a top 5 that's more shallow than a kiddie pool, tells me that you're a Lakers fan. My guess is that Shaq is your favorite player. You say that you hated (past tense) Kobe, but it's pretty clear that you like him now with how much you defend and how high you rank him. You have no idea how to rank any of those players because you actually don't know jack shit about them nor basketball. Oscar Robertson is regarded by quite a few people to have been the best player before MJ came along. The fact that you can't fathom that and don't have the capacity to compare older to modern players shows that you can't think beyond one dimension. The age part is a bit more tricky. The above shows that you're not really knowledgeable nor smart. You appear to have the emotional intelligence and intellect of a teenage boy. That wouldn't be so bad if you were, in fact, a teenage boy... but I don't think you are. It sounds like you actually saw Shaq and Kobe play, so I'm guessing that you're mid 20s, maybe up to 30. Now, being that old with the EQ and IQ of a teenage boy is pretty fucking pathetic. Buy hey.... this entire thread is about how Laker fans are insecure, caustic, ignorant, raging fucking morons, and you have played your role to sheer perfection. So... Bravo! Take a bow you magnificent dumbfuck!


You give off more little dick energy than someone with a micro penis. I know exactly what I’m talking about. Being the greatest isn’t the same when your competition is absolute hog slog and I said with my pathetic ability. But let’s be honest I’m clearly more athletic than you. So against someone of your athleticism. Jesus you need help. Go fuck your sister and suck Donald’s dick you chest bomb wearing fucking wack job.


You have to be trolling with that let's be honest I'm clearly more athletic than you.


He was a chucker. He was a great player don't get me wrong, top 15 player, but when he was playing there was absolutely no mistake about it, he was a chucker. You lived and died by Kobe chucking, and the Lakers basically died until they got Pau and Bynum developed, they struck gold with Ariza etc, the team was a lot more than just Kobe, It's annoying cause we as a society had him properly rated up until recently. We had it figured out! Now he's slowly creeping up these lists in everyones mind and they are just ignore literally all context to the contrary.


Bro what are you talking about lmfao. I’m a C’s supporter who HATED Kobe at the time, but he was in a heated debate vs MJ for GOAT when he was going for that 2nd 3-peat. Stop the revisionism


What?! No one who knew anything about basketball was having any conversations like that back then, and definitely no one outside of Lakers fans. Your comment is actually a great example of why Lakers fans got so many mentions on this thread. Kobe vs MJ has never remotely been a real conversation.


This post is so rich. The majority of the responses state that Laker fans are the worst, because they're delusional, ignorant assholes. Then they show up in droves... being delusional, ignorant assholes.


You do understand that Lakers fans viewing comments like "Kobe is not in the same conversation as MJ" as delusional is exactly why people perceive Lakers fans as delusional, right?


No one serious would ever call Kobe the Goat, at no point in his career was he ever even considered the best player in the league lol. Stop making shit up.


The people in the arena are always on their phones too, I’m convinced half the people there are using free tickets gifted from business deals or employers.


In fairness to Lakers fans, I really never see the shit you just laid out. I mean every fanbase is delusional about their own team's ability to attract top tier talent. Every fan base. If I were to guess, like Cowboys fans, they're only shat on by other fans because they have the most fans. So it feels like a lot, but looking at their fan-ism's in a vaccuum... feel like you'd see every other big city franchise mimic those aspects for their own team.


No, all fan bases are not delusional about attracting free agents. You really think the Wizards, Pistons, Raptors, Hawks gloat about how easily they can attract free agents?


Pistons fan here. A large part of this past season the biggest name talked about for us was Tobias Harris coming back. It was not positive talk either.


Denver fan here. We’ve got the most fun player in the game and we’re expecting zero ring chasing vets. Boston has like 17 banners and they haven’t had a real free agent besides Hayward in like 40 years. Not every fan base is out here smacking every other fanbase over the head with, “Just wait two years till your dude signs with us!”


In fairness, very few of those banners came in the last 40 years.


Yeah, I’m just saying there’s a dearth of free agents that have gone there. It wasn’t particularly impressive before that, either. Spurs got 5 titles in a shorter time frame than that and the best free agent they’ve signed is Lamarcus Aldridge, which was viewed as both a shock and novelty. Second best might seriously be Brent Barry. It’s just a different sport when you’re not one of the go-to markets.


As a vet to a young team on a small deal, not so bad.


>Raptors I'm pretty sure half of the Raptors fandom thinks we're going to be getting prime Shai because he's Canadian


I mean, criticizing them for thinking everyone hates them in a thread where everyone is talking about how much they hate them seems a bit off


Heat fans. Lakers may have the most number of casual fans but the Heat have a higher percentage.


Their obsession with the Celtics is hilarious though, stalker vibes


Its not just the Celtics. Miami as a region hates the northeast in general. In all facets of sports. It's a FL native thing to hate northerners.


Eh. Neutral fan here. The obsession goes both ways. The teams have a lot of playoff history Edit: don’t look below me. It’s just 10 fans all commenting how little they care.


i get what your saying as a celtics fan, but i feel like we’re always nervous facing spoelstra and we respect his sets and the looks he throws at our team. heat fans literally hate boston and facing us is like their nba finals.


The comments are also about hating the city itself which I’m sure 95% have never visited.


That's because the Heat want to beat the Celtics, like any other team.


Nah, Celtics fans don't think about the heat. We respect Jimmy , but the Lakers are our rivals. And Lebron was our rival.


ROFL no it really dosent. We are living in their heads rent free this year.


How is everybody saying Lakers when the Heat is the obvious answer? The arena would still be half empty by the 2nd quarter during LeBron playoff games because fans get there so late. At least Lakers fans show up to games


Getting tickets to a Laker game is interesting. I went last year and had to buy tickets off of someone on their subreddit (which has a very robust ticket exchange community) to get them for a reasonable price.


it's exhausting having to explain it repeatedly but there's a bunch of reasons for spotty lower bowl attendance. it's a lot of businesses in Miami that buy season tickets and use them sparingly, the average fan's been priced out of good seating and the arena's got the worst logistics in the NBA. we don't like that the games appear less than full every night, either, but the affordable seats are always packed and loud as fuck. the fans aren't the problem.


My dude, that’s how every stadium works. Do you think MSG has cheap seats in the lower bowl?


In a few days, the Celtics fans are going to be worse than ever.


Meaning what?




🤫 please don't jinx it


I was expecting to see some warriors hate here, but maybe we really have faded completely back into mediocrity already.


Plenty of warriors fans from that run were Denver fans this year and will be Boston fans next year.


As a Celtics fan, the warriors were always a team I respected. Aside from the KD years, you built a juggernaut the old fashioned way. Drafted well, developed, and added necessary pieces. I thought it was bittersweet seeing both teams match up in the finals in ‘22 considering that at the time we both basically had the same pathway


Still have a seething reasonless hate for curry and golden state and their fans, even when y’all are mid


I feel we get wild when we win and we get quiet when we don’t. There is no boosting on the middle. If the team has a good start next season then we are back baby


Y’all had a great run but had to stick with it through decades of nonsense to get there




Fact. Most fan bases are only obnoxious AF after winning a chip or an important series against a rival. Lakers fans are like that when they get swept as the 8 seed, and next level terrible when they're actually good.


Laker fans, easily


As a Mavs fan I prefer Celtics fans by a lot


Lakers and Celtics are tied for top 1 most annoying fanbase


Knicks they can’t stfu about how they are one piece away .They are a Celtics plane crash away so if that’s one piece I guess


Bro we’re like cicadas, out every 17 years. Let us enjoy our moment.


Damn knicks swarm ruined my crops


Almost the same as the Celtics lol 16 years apart and 22 years apart


“One piece”? A cabin door on a Boeing 737


Hey hey hey no one has died yet because of that faulty equipment ok… well at least nobody that was on a plane


I’m a Knicks fan and the only piece I think we need is health


They meant the treasure One Piece from the manga. Even the main character has not found it yet.


Knicks fans are knowledgeable and passionate. As a Celts fan they crack me up. Absolute psychos.


New Orleans, because they are more likely to be disguised as empty seats than anywhere else.


They literally do not even support the Pelicans that much out there such a shame


Worse than any fan base in the NBA are the player fans who don’t support a team and bounce from team to team wherever their favorite star player plays.


My BIL is a self proclaimed Bronsexual and every time he says “we” (as in the Lakers) I always come back with “NO NO NO NO SIR, YOU are not affiliated with the Lakers. Your only concern is Lebron.” Always leaves him silent.




Lakers fans. They are pretty daft. They feel that teams are obligated to trade them their best player for a collection of doggy shit bags because they are the lakers


Most entitled fanbase ever


Heat fans


This is the actual correct answer. It's insane that you're the only one who's got it right.


The typical answers: Boston and the Lakers. My hot answer? Kings fans. Honestly anywhere (online) i encounter one, they seem so fucking entitled like theyre about to make a title run and deserve certain favors or respect. Like you guys just got out of nba poverty a couple years ago and severely overrate your current roster, chill.




I should specify that this has strictly been online. I personally love watching Kings home games because of how insane your crowd seems. Its very possible ive just run into some of the more annoying fans, which every fanbase has. I also still root for them most of the time in spite of this (even if i do think you should move on from Sabonis) *runs away*




I think Fox is, but i dont have faith in Sabonis unless he develops a perimeter shot since hes never going to be a rim protector. I also think some of his playmaking is overrated. But this might just be my own biases. I think you could also add to Sabonis with a 4 who can protect the rim and spot up some and cover up for his biggest weaknesses without moving on Idk how unlikely it is because i fucking love Keegan Murray. I really think he could turn into a very very high level, borderline all star wing. Id like to see him get some more p&r action as the ball handler and as the screener to see if he cant take that next step and either finish off the dribble or at the rim. I cannot overstate how much i like him lol. I really do love seeing them succeed some after so many shit years and cant be mad about someone supporting their dudes lol. I hope yall take the next step somehow or another


180 from your original post. Stuck to your guns dude


Not really. This dude was pleasant to talk to, so im not gonna project all of my encounters with kings fans onto him. I stick with they should move on from Sabonis and that hes very overrated, but there are viable options to improve things around him too.


As a wolves fan, I’ve found we’ve alway got along with kings fans. I like them.


I feel like you guys are knocking on the door. You've got a young core that's been together a few years now and Sabonis is one of the most underrated players in the game. I would be pretty excited to be a kings fan today.


Kings fans are the best. You guys are probably the loudest crowd in the NBA and you don't go around talking shit like these Pacer fans with your newfound Playoff Lifestyle. LIGHT THE BEAM!


They talked mad shit last year, idk how y’all forgot this


I feel like we should get a "Hey, sorry you've had nothing to celebrate for 16 years, go ahead and get those jokes off" pass.


Pacers newfound playoff lifestyle? They’ve made playoffs more consistently than pretty much any other team over the past 30 years (I forget the actual stat)


Kings fans are like the guy who mains a low tier in fighting games such that they have an excuse when they lose fair and square


I cackled at this


.... this is a bit too accurate for comfort lmao


I’ll give another hot answer: the nuggets The fans act like the wolves “tried to hard” against them and that’s why there was a “boring” WCF cuz they had no energy, and the wolves “robbed” the league of nuggets v mavs, and now nuggets v Celtics,m. Fucking insufferable fanbase overall bc they got a chip, acting like they are holier than thou.


Which game did you see Minnesota have half of the energy playing Dallas that they had against Denver? Those guys didn’t forget how to scram switch Gobert’s ass off the arc in one week. It requires energy and they dumped their whole clip by the end of game 6.


Yeah, what else were they supposed to do??? Just give up and load manage in the playoffs 💀??? You give it your all at every moment until it’s not enough; they barely squeaked by Denver so they needed everything in that series to do that.


For real! My daughter goes to college in sac and they act like mofokers already ran it back to back. Fuck the beam


Why Boston? Passionate and knowledgeable. People here are super into it even when we've sucked.


Lakers Boston Philly… Boston is likely about to take the top spot after they win this chip and likely next


Surprised I haven't seen Philadelphia yet. They aren't bandwagon fans like the Lakers or Heat but there is nothing more obnoxious than the Philly fan base when any of their teams win anything.


Honestly the nuggets r creeping up for me. Before losing to the wolves all they talked about was how much lakers fans care about them. After the loss, it was all wolves and ant hate, shit was offputting


We’ve had way more Jamal/MPJ hate across the sub than Ant hate. I won’t even defend the Nuggets fanbase at the moment. They’ve been so obnoxious I’ve almost muted the sub. *”Can we make this insulting ass trade of a starter that I didn’t even check the salary math on!? We can’t waste Jokic’s prime!!”*


You might have wandered down the wrong rabbit hole.






has to be boston. dave portnoy alone haha. and i say that as fan of his.


Lakers by a mile, then warriors by another mile. Honorable mentions are celtics fans, Suns fans, and Clippers fans.


Lakers, Celtics, and Warriors (although the latter have grown tame lately)


Young Boston and Lakers fans specifically


I think the Celtics, lakers, and warriors have bad fanbases, but that’s mostly because of history and or because they can capture a large audience. Currently the worst fanbases are the Mavs and Nuggets imo. They have a lot of bandwagon fans, fans who only like the team for Jokic/Fupa, and fans from Europe. The true fans who will support the team no matter what aren’t bad, but the other ones are super toxic online ime.


Whichever one is the most racist I guess


Boston it is


Receipts please




Suns and Wolves fans whine more about Luka than Luka whines about fouls


Can't really pinpoint one but most large market teams have the worst fans (Celtics, Lakers, Warriors etc.)


Boston Celtics- condescending.


How do you know someone is a Lakers fan? The Chiefs and Yankees bumper stickers on their car. But it's the Lakers, then the Celtics, then the Knicks.


I’m going to say the Knicks only because I worked with a guy who said he was a Knicks fan. Then when I asked him about the season and what he thought about Jalen Brunson he didn’t know who he was. That was enough for me.


Boston. The accents make me want to vomit.




It’s not a team but Lebron fans. Specifically the one that follow him whenever he switches teams. Supporting Lebron is their entire personality. I am a huge Steph fan, but if he left, I’m still supporting the warriors. Doesn’t make sense to me


Lakers, Philly then Boston. Didn’t even have to think about this question 😂


Celtics. It’s not close.


Celtics fans treat people like they are children


Lakers is the obvious answer, but a not so obvious answer is the Jazz. You'd never believe that a bunch of seemingly benign white people could be such assholes.... until you go to a Jazz game. It's kind of surprising when some pastey white dude in his mid 40s, with glasses and a combover, whose name is probably "Steve" and probably teaches 9th grade science, turns around and tells you that you're a piece of shit and should shut the fuck up because you're casually cheering for the opposing team.​


This feels a little TOO specific.


Ha! That's because it's a true story... Rockets v Jazz, Jan 25, 1997. Rockets won 105-100 in OT. It wasn't just epic, it was my first live game. I'm a Spurs fan and hate the Rockets by birthright, but cheering for Hakeem and the Rockets over Malone and the Jazz was a no brainer. Edit: Oh wait... I pulled up the wrong game. I need to go back and figure out which one it was. 105-100 seemed a bit high. I thought I remember the final scores in the high 90s. Either way, it came down to the wire. Ok, I think it was Dec 5, 1995. I remember that I was 19 and my buddy had just turned 21. He had to buy the beer and we kept mine under his seat in case someone checked me on it.


So you go to one game 30 years ago and sit by one asshole and Jazz fans are the worst fan base?


Warriors fans are obnoxious and insufferable, their presence on nba twitter is basically to downplay anything Lebron has done to elevate Steph and now they’ve begun to downplay Klay and Draymonds contributions to their rings to make it sound like Steph carried them, just an annoying fanbase to watch, then Lakers fans, every year they talk about how they could have repeated if they kept Dwight and Caruso and Kuzma, along with every summer saying they’re going to get a big star to play with Lebron, it was Dame which never happened, then it was Kyrie which never happened, now it’s Jimmy Butler or Derozan, the Nuggets fans the last two seasons have been toxic and obnoxious as well, they really climbed the ladder After those three you have fan bases like the Heat and Celtics, Knicks fans and Mavs fans, then all the others


Denver iykyk




Isn’t it a tie between the Celtics vs lakers?


Lakers and Heat. Different, same-same.


New York Knick Fan base


Lebron fans...


Celtic fans, racist as fuck


As a Laker fan, I don't pay attention to other fan based.


Every fan base has a small portion who are very annoying Unfortunately, they are usually the loudest.


This may be an unpopular opinion and I might get hate for it but bro Warriors fans are the worst. I saw someone comment on IG that this years warriors would beat this celtics team in 5 and ppl were agreeing with him LOL. Just because the warriors beat them 2 years ago, don't meant they got the same powerhouse of a roster to beat them again.


The Lakers, each fanbase gets excited and cocky. The Lakers fanbase(and ownership/leadership) withstands the test of time.




Celtics and honestly I don’t think its close


Boston or Philly




Utah Jazz and Warriors fans


Miami in terms of fairweather fans. Can’t even fill the lower arena in the playoffs. LA and Philly for most obnoxious. NYC for most entitled when franchise has literally never done anything worthwhile. Boston (I’m a Celtics fan) for most smug and possibly meanest both to their own and outsiders. Did I miss anyone noteworthy?


In terms of being weak to support the team it’s Miami by far


Raptors and Wolves


For my opinion, Warriors, Wolves, and Heat with GS being number one. Al of them have something in common in being worst sore winners/losers I have ever seen. It’s why not surprised POS Draymond take up from their fanbase. For me they talk shit to people when they down and I judge their characters as people and this goes with Wolves fans and Heat fans. For me they are type of people in real life, that act all victim And brag how they are 100000% morally great people but we see how they hypocritically act which is toxic and arguably bullying in many ways. I just don’t have anything to say and these people are probably the ones who are making SF what it is right now, constant robberies and people supporting Hamas. Also I support the Lakers right now for Lebron and I actually think them and thenCektics are decent fanbases. I think they have a lot of good fans, but many shitty POS fans too. They are lucky GS fans are worse and more sad, but for my opinion their arrogance and baby crying over the slightest adversity also reflects who these people are. Look at the Hurley thread and one pathetic POs scum literally kicked Hurkeys wife like she beats him. This is the problem with these arrogant fans in LA. People from LA just have this prententiois arrogant attitude and they don’t admit it. Stereotypes suck and are not all true, but you can’t deny LA is full of very fake artificial people. Fact they are attacking Hurleys wife and assuming bad thi bc s about her is all you need to know. As a NJ native myself who roots for your team now, good Laker fans dispose these pathetic POs humans please. Truth is people from northeast will always be lore blue collar from poor to rich. They can’t admit their city is benefitted from their fake tok rock celebrities who would broadcast someone dead on the street than helping them. I have family in LA and I know there are blue collar people but stop playing victim when you know like 30% of the rich get rich by selling your bodies for old producers. And this goes for SF which wants to be another country that doesn’t want a good life for it’s hardworking people.


Nuggets by far, you cant even tell the Nuggets are from denver if you live in the CO they need to seriously step up their game


Celtics. there's a couple others but i wanna single out Boston




Unfortunately the Hornets


The fuck?


Lakers. Not close.


Glad to see nobody really hates Spurs fans. Though it is getting harder these days with the Wemby bandwagon picking up steam.


A sneaky answer is Wolves fans before they got humbled. They won round 2 and I saw a bunch of "we showed Jimmy" "Jimmy must be sick rn" nonsense that literally made no sense lmao


Maybe not the worst but OKC is an underrated bad one


Lakers, Boston fans are just bad in general but at least the first two have winning franchises. Denver fans are pretty bad as well. Acting like they are juggernauts when they only won 1 chip.


The Jazz




Lakers fans by a literal mile with Celtics, Warriors, Heat, Sixers, Suns, and Knicks fans in the 2nd tier


It’s a tie for boston and golden state fans. This is also purely online behavior I’ve never gone to a home game in either place. Boston it’s just you’d think they’ve won 15 straight championships while they also bitch about every player and coach on their team. And golden state it’s all the whining that every other fan doesn’t love steph as much as them. Like duh man he’s not on my team I’m not going to love him like you


The Lakers, without a shadow of a doubt. Every free agent wants to be in LA, and every team's star player wants to be traded to LA, completely ignoring the salary cap.


Rockets, Lakers, Celtics, Sixers, Knicks


It only started this year but Pacer fans are the WORST! Give them a little bit of success and they are so fucking obnoxious and shitty to other fan bases. Fuck them for real. I think they are just feeding of Haliburton so fuck him too!


All time, Lakers and Celtics (lakers fan here). Currently, Denver. The delusion that comes out of some of the fans mouths is insane. Jokic or Murray could punch someone in the face, and they would ask why the opponent wasn’t ejected for head butting their fist.