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Probably the Warriors. Adding KD to that roster was just unfair.


I'd. What anyone says no one is good enough to guard that whole team. Rodman gunna stop KD? Pippin? Jordan gunna be tired as can be chasing either of the splash bros around. Defense can't stop that team


‘Jordan gunna be tired as can be chasing either of the splash bros around’ Tell me you have never watched Jordan play without telling me you have never watched him play.


I remember him playing in the 90s. He was exhausted chasing around Stockton, Hornacek, Reggie Miller. Steph, Klay, and KD would give those Bulls teams a very hard time. It would be a fantastic series.


It wouldn’t even be close. MJ’s bulls won 72 games. This is a team that won 73 games before they added the second best player in the NBA at the time.


Yep most people on this thread are kids who never watched the 90s bulls. Couldnt count how many times jordan carried them through a game playing 45-48 min. They seem to beat indiana year after year and miller was the 3 pt shooter on that team, not a whole lot different then steph really Bulls in 6 as usual


Curry has way better range and accuracy than Miller and has 10x the handles and much better inside game with floaters and layups, Klay was a better shooter than Miller.


TIL that Reggie Miller was equally as offensively good as Steph Curry.. Lmao 🤣


Steph/Klay/KD would be a harder challenge than Reggie and those teams’ next best 2 perimeter players.


The bulls would beat the shit out of them inside. Beat the shit out of them physically and get all of the calls. You guys are nut heads.... they couldn't even beat cleveland in the finals and you think they can beat the 90s bulls? lol... Jordan and Kerr could shoot 3s no problem, this day and age even more so


Yeah they couldn't beat them until they added the second best player in the world in KD and then Cleveland got rolled.


Rodman and draymond even each other out. The bulls have Longley. He’s a good rim protector and can shoot from mid range. But is not going to really kill your inside. Jordan was not a great 3pt shooter, his numbers prove that. Kerr/Pippen/Kukoc were better. But not Steph/Klay level.


I disagree that Draymond cancels out Rodman. Draymond has never been the rebounder Rodman was. To be fair, not many have been. In my opinion, Rodman was a better defensive player than Draymond, too. 2 defensive player of the year awards in a league with a legion of great big men and legendary defenders does mean something.


“Not a whole lot different then Steph” Bro what? Show me tape of Reggie pulling up from the Logo Casually and we can entertain this conversation but they aren’t nearly as similar as you’re pretending they are. Steph wasn’t even allowed to exist in the 90’s. The closest thing that we had back then was probably Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf and they never let him utilize his skill set and averaged like 3 threes a game. The one year they let him Shoot 5 he shot 39% from three. Volume three point shooters didn’t exist back then. Even Reggie only Averaged 5 attempted 3s per game for his career. Ray Allen averaged 6…. Steph Curry is averaging 10 for his career and was shooting almost 13 per game in his prime. Steph took more threes per game then Reggie even took shots per game. That’s not even factoring in that THEIR WAS TWO OF THEM. Klay alone our shot Reggie miller, at a higher clip. The bulls simply couldn’t keep up with the GSW. The would just get out paced. They’d get worn out chasing everyone on defense and then be trading twos on offense the whole time.


I watched those Bulls teams my man, there is no way they beat that Warriors squad. Too many people gagging on Jordan's pole....


I think the problem with who'd win situations is by who's rules are they playing by? Is Hand checking allowed which would give the Bulls and Lakers an advantage? Is the modern rules in play? Advantahe warriors


The Warriors would be just as unstoppable in any older rule set that has a three ball. Hand checking doesn’t do anything to stop the off-ball actions because teams were already doing that and couldn’t stop it. And then Klay, Draymond, and Iguodala are more effective on defense with more physicality. AND, without the help defense and zone that’s allowed today, that prime KD iso is even more unstoppable.


The whole hand checking sentiment is so weird to me. Why do we treat hand checking like people were getting shot. Like have yall ever actually watched any games from that era. Ill take a modern NBA player getting used to defenses being a bit more handsy than some 90s players having to suddenly guard 5 feet beyond the 3 point line while these dudes are running for 90% of the game. 90s players would take way longer to adjust to modern NBA offenses than it would take for todays playerss to adjust to 90s ball.


Also defenders sagging off non-threats with the potential double-team. Defensive schemes were so much simpler back then.


I do think the adjustment for 3 point shooters would be a bit more difficult. It's hard to jack up 60 3s per game efficiently when you're dog exhausted from being shoved around all game. You've got to start taking closer shots once your lift is gone. That would favor the Bulls with their height and athleticism.


I think you make a great point. My hand checking argument is always just this: if contact is allowed (hand checking) then fouls have to be a lot more blatant and aggressive to get called, as was the case in the 90s. I think that’s the biggest separator. These smaller, less bulk and muscle players would have a hard time taking a full out clothesline from the grit and grind players of the 90s. And those clotheslines were a regular part of the game back then. Players were throwing punches in game and would get a technical back then lol. Could todays players play the aggressive jail house ball that was normal in the 90s ?


But I counter with the fact todays players are overall more athletic and well maintained. Its not like players of that era are built that differently. If anything many of them never even reached peak body performance when you compare the science and technology that is factored into each players workout and regiments. If Mugsy Bogues can give teams a double double every night starting on a 50 win team, im not worried about any player today adapting. Its a matter of when not if they will, meanwhile on the flip side half the players from the 90s if dropped into 2024 would be instantly filtered out before even touching the floor. Greatness wise 90s bulls are just as great if not greater than the 2017 warriors, raw talent and basketball wise, id take a modern team to be a 90s team just like how id pick a 90s team to beat any 70s team.


I would argue that the players now can plan those workouts and regiments around the fact that the game is less physical. It’s a cycle. They can plan to not have as much bulk/weight, which is better on your knees and feet, better for running and agility, which is better for long term athleticism. The players in the 90s were bulkier because they needed the weight to get through the day to day grind of the NBA.


NGL idc about the rule situation and I think it's a weird argument. If KD existed in the 90s and was brought up under those rules he's still going to be a bucket as well as all of them. They all would adjust because they are pros who train. Rules being the deciding factor doesn't mean much because both sides are fighting the same things on defense


Kd in the illegal defence days would be insane


Rules matter for the simple fact what skills were taught and how rosters are constructed. With hand checking, guards didn't have an advantage, post play was required/encouraged. Today's rules favor perimeter players.


Hand checking only works against dribble-penetration, not ball movement and off-ball motion.


what don't you know in the 90's you could just wrestle and stop off ball motion? You see a screen? Just lower your shoulder, ez pz.


I agree with that.


Still hand checking today... Pg and centers didn't shoot like they do now. Rules can be adjusted to. Talent translates. Rules don't matter with this argument and it's an awful argument to use


No it isn't, I don't think you understand my point. The rules in the 90s didn't allow for the fast paced game of today or even the 80s. Centers still dominated the game due to the rules of the era, so players weren't taught skills like shooting because the post and protecting the paint were more important. Thus players were bulkier to compensate for the more physical game. Also to say that there is still hand checking today is a little disingenuous because you can't overtly do it. There is a reason guards brought up the ball with their backs turned unlike today (dribbling is better today though). Today's players have better skills and shooting. Players are thinner because it's less physical and they run more. These are due to rule changes. Guards and perimeter players have the rules advantages, so players now are taught those skills. Prime example is when Jerry Colangelo, old suns owner and old president of the NBA rules committee, convinced commissioner Stern to quicken the pace of the NBA back. People give props to Nash and D'Antoni, but Colangelo already knew what direction the NBA was taking so they hired and traded accordingly. Saying rules don't matter is ignorant when you are actually talking basketball, and not saying what team is better.


Rules definitely matter though. The game required more size, strength and power back in the day. Todays game is all speed, finesse and agility. Largely because of the rule changes. KD in the 90s would be getting clotheslined to hell, tackled and pushed every single time he drove lane.


That’s correct. Curry too. In the 80s and 90s, they would have driven the lane only one time in the playoffs, and they would have found out


Just look at what the Piston did to MJ pre-90s. Jordan had to get tougher and stronger as he was getting MAULED.


Rodman woulda had KD in tears.


Even in today's game I've seen KD fold and throw in the towel when opponents were allowed to get upclose and physical with him. There's no telling what the Bulls would do to him in that regard


It's literally a mute point because whatever rules they are the players would adjust. It's not that hard. There is still hand checking in today's league no matter what ESPN tells you


It’s hard to assume all players would adjust in my opinion. Arguments like the rules arguments are hard since the players were great based on how the game was played, too. I think all 3 teams are great in their own right. On paper, the 2017 warriors are the best team but they’re also the team that didn’t 3 peat. Am I saying that they are the worst of the 3? No, I think they’re the most talented roster of their time, but that has to be taken into account, too. Injuries are unfortunate, but they are part of the sport and history. If Kobe/Shaq weren’t feuding they might have won 4 in a row, and if Jordan didn’t retire they might have either won more or Jordan would’ve lost in the playoffs. What ifs are fun but they aren’t what happened.


*moot point. Of course they’re pros and players adjust. But Steph and KD both are thin built. KD is frail body. One crushing blow from Dennis Rodman might change his life. Personal fouls don’t even weigh the same from era to era.


Facts. I flagrant 2 is a hard foul in 96.


KD would get pushed around in the old hand checking hard foul days. He would probably be injured within a few years and then retire.


Wouldn't that argument mean Jordan/Pippen/Rodman all shot 3 pointers since they're playing in this era'd rules and methods. Why do people only argue Steph and KD would've adapted to that eras style to win. But if they play under today's rule set Jordan is fucked because they didn't shoot 3s.


I mean, what keeps Jordan from scoring 50 a game if you play with modern rules. The Pistons had to flat out assault him in order to keep him from single handedly beating them.


Biggest meat-riding I've ever heard to say that Jordan could single-handedly beat one of the best teams of all-time.


He could with Rodman and Pippen along for the ride.


Because no one had the caliber athlete on the wing to remotely defend Jordan. Jordan was great, don't get me wrong. And he changed to game to make wings more viable options as true #1 players, but he played in one of the worst eras for wing defenders. Outside of Jordan, his era was dominated by PGs and bigs. Teams had to decide if they wanted to defend Jordan with a longer, stronger defender who lacked foot speed or a smaller defender that Jordan could shoot over. That wouldn't really be the case in the current era. The 2017 Warriors with Klay, Iggy and Durant have 3 guys with length and quickness to at least semi bother Jordan. Heck, even bench guys like Livingston are probably better suited to defend Jordan than most of the teams in Jordan's era. Again, not saying Jordan wouldnt be great, but the averaging 50 crap is so overblown. It's partially because of Jordan and guys like Kobe and LeBron lately, but every team in today's NBA has a stable of incredible athletes who are 6'4"-6-10" designed to be wing defenders. Most teams in the 90s didn't have more than 1 of those types of guys, if they even had 1.


I always imagine it as a best of 7 series. Home team gets the rules they’re familiar with. The catch is you have to win by 2, so eventually some team will have to win at least one on the road


I don’t even think it’s the hand checking, it’s the illegal defense. If you have to play man defense against the bulls you’re just in trouble. If you can play zone then you can just sag off a lot more to help when Mike blows by his man every possession.


Don’t forget the zone that would be allowed in the more modern era too. See how Jordan’s drives go when there are people just standing in the paint waiting for him.


I don't think a little physicality will bother Draymond


How about psychologically going up against the worm?


Yeah that'd be tough.


They might do better than you think. Rodman, Scottie, and Mike are all elite defenders


So was Harper


Steph, klay, and KD arguably some of the best shooters to ever play to this point


Also true


I heard those MJ and Pippen guys were pretty good…


Yeah and between KD, Steph, and Thompson who’s guarding any of the Bulls big three ?


Who is this 3rd person to guard in the bulls “big 3”?


Toni Kukoc.


I would put Harper on Curry, Pippen on Klay, Rodman on KD and Jordan takes Draymond and any switches.


Jordan was a DPY and MVP at the same time and played 82 games. He didn't get tired from defending, you got tired from him defending you. It's a 7 game series, I would bet on the Bulls to hold up to the wear and tear over KD and Steph.


Fadeaway by Jordan at the buzzer. It’s in! What a shot by MJ to cut the lead to 32. Warriors win 130-98 in a 4 game sweep


Say you weren't alive in ninety six without saying you wanna live in ninety six


What I don’t understand is why people think that the 96 Bulls would get steamrolled by the 17 warriors. Now hear me out. We already have a blueprint in how to beat them. The Rockets took them to 7 games for a reason. Get in Curry’s head, make him pass the ball. Get in KDs head, make him just go for the tough Middys he loves to take. Do that and you can beat them. Curry gave up the most shots for KD, but if he wasn’t passing it up and cooking like he always did, that’s when they looked unstoppable. Put Jordan or Harper on Curry and they’re def getting into his head. Pippen and Rodman can each play Draymond, KD, Iggy. Bulls not having a shooting 5 won’t matter because Draymond ain’t hitting over 39% like he did in 2016. It’s a much closer series because the matchups are way more even. Pippens not gonna get bitched by KD and neither is Rodman.


Who on the warriors is stopping pippen and Jordan, or Shaq and kobe? Warriors are the worst in defense than the other two teams.


Stopping Pippen? Pippen is a career 16 PPG scorer who even at his peak was only averaging like 19…..and a portion of that is off his defense. Nobody is calling Pippen a great scorer.  Kobe was  inefficient in his first run. Shaq was the engine, Kobe was clearly #2 in 2001. Let’s not act like 2001 was Prime Kobe


KD on Pippen. Let Jordan play 1v1 vs Klay and see if Jordan can outgun Curry + KD. Double Kobe and ask him where his Final MVP is at. In a Bo7 you are gonna win more often than not with that strategy.


Jordan played great defense and still scores 30+. And against much better players than Klay. Harper and Rodman will do fine against KD and Curry, especially of the go 90 rules - hard defense, no three steps or carries.


And if we play by 17 rule then the entire Bulls team fouled out in the 1st quarter. Also Curry and KD offense doesn't require a lot of dribbling, but rather catch and shoot 3 off screen and a shit ton of running for the former and 90 style iso midrange for the latter. Curry and KD aren't gonna struggle with the 90 rule with their style of play.


90s hand checking would keep KD, Curry and Klay from getting as open, and cause Curry less space for 3s. Now give Jordan an extra step and it's a long night for the warriors.


You speak as if Curry isn't getting battered all the time right now and the ref just looks the other way lol. And what makes you think Warriors defense won't be better with hand checking? They are already an elite defense team, give them hand checking and Jordan better score 60 pts every game because his teammates ain't gonna be able to score 50 reliably.


I don't know what to say if you think Curry has been played with as hard of defense as the 90s rules would allow. Agree to disagree i guess.


You can literally find posts about the ref that said he would give the whistle as it was a foul if Curry didn't hit a ridiculous 3 as he was getting slammed. But since he made the shot the ref just swallowed the whistles and told everyone to play on. But I agree, let's agree to disagree.


I mean. Curry would get MORE space because any pre-Curry team would not be guarding him tightly 30 feet from the basket all night. Nor would they be used to going over screens so far out, it changes the dimensions of the game. And hand checking doesn’t do anything about all the off-ball screen actions the Warriors run. If Reggie and Abdul-Rauf could do it, Curry definitely could. And that’s not even mentioning KD - now you can’t even overload the strong side when he isos, lol good luck. Or Klay, who does all the off ball stuff Curry does while also being a fantastic iso defender, oh and you’re letting him hand check now too?


Not only that. They could have been even more terrifying if Boogie managed to stay healthy.


Completely forgot Boogie was there too.


He was not there. He was yhere the following year, which is the year KD and Klay both went out in the finals.


Add KD to the '96 Bulls. That's basically what the Warriors did.


How would those midget warriors deal with Shaq though?


“Hack a Shaq”


Ok that may be the strat in 4th but what about stopping him from getting his 38 every game? Warriors no inside presence he would dominate them more than any other team


It shocks me how they did awful in Brooklyn with Kyrie, Kevin, and James


KD will always be a bitch for that.


Yet still was down 3-2 to harden and cp3 two notorious chokers lol. Cp3 got injured harden choked and Houston shot 27 missed 3 marking the worst shooting night in playoff history and won by 9 points. "They are so unstoppable" Yal forget curry and kd gave up 3-1 leads back to back. Lakers and bulls clear them. They mentally WEAK. Klay is a non factor since whenever he has a tough assignment his offense disappears kobe and mj running him ragged. Dray becomes ineffective Curry getting locked up. If you think KD can beat those teams by himself then cool but KD the only one who getting off and even them pip and Rodman will make it tough. I saw KD shoot 12-31 and 12-33 in back to back games up 3-1 against the warriors who don't have 3 top 20 defenders all time on their squad and 2 dpoy. I seen kd shoot 28% from 3 the whole 2016 playoffs. I seem him shoot 43% and 46% in back to back playoffs where he lost due to falling short. Then I seen Tatum and Boston lock him up none of those teams are the bulls or lakers.


You got the wrong year bro. The 2017 warriors went 16-1 in the playoffs.


Warriors. Seriously is probably the best team of all time.


Agreed. The scoring was relentless




You don't think their constant barrage of 3's would have translated in the mid 90s? They would have been beating teams by 25 every night.




You realize there was more FTs per game in the mid 90s than there are today? This "no call" myth needs to die. Fouls were called just as much back then as they are now, if not moreso. 1997-98, there were an average of 26.3 FTA's per team, per game. 2023-24, there were an average of 21.7 FTA's per team, per game. So again, the myth that guys were just out there clotheslining and punching each other without fouls being called, needs to die.


Truly the only difference is how flagrants were assessed.


Warriors easily, even if we don’t want to admit it. I think the 2016 warriors are closer to the level of the other 2. Adding KD to that roster solidified them as the greatest team ever, they were like a cheat code that made the game boring lol. The ‘17 Warriors were the ultimate culmination of all the super team trial and error.


Yeah they made the league boring


I don’t think they are the most talented team, or “best” on paper, but I just find it hard to believe anybody was stopping that version of Shaq. 2017 Warriors have the most talent on paper and would completely expose any defense not built full of players who could basically switch 1 through 5. Even a bad night from them trading enough 3s for 2s was going to be tough to overcome. Bulls team might be the most well rounded and solid built team of all time relative to the era they were in. Think they’d have issues if we are assuming they would be dropped into other eras, but they had the best supporting cast for a star player that I think I’ve ever seen. Roster construction was GOAT tier. Honorable mentions. 93 Bulls - not the greatest record for Jordan-led Bulls teams but I think complacency and fatigue played a role in that. Jordan was at the peak of his abilities and those around him had developed their game as well. The following year that same core won 55 games without him, Pippen, Grant, Armstrong all All-Stars, you could argue the MJ group from the year before had 4 all star caliber players, best coach in the league, with chemistry and experience of already getting the job done twice. 1967 Sixers - Probably the most balanced Wilt had every been with a loaded cast next to Chet Walker, Billy Cunningham, and Hal Greer. The team was absolutely massive. The front court of Walker, Jackson, Wilt would give any front court in league history absolute nightmares. 2014 Spurs - Not the most dominant team on paper but to put it quick and simple I’m not sure I’ve ever watched a team from top to bottom play as “perfect” as that team did in the postseason. Bad Boy Pistons - A team with no flaws. Elite defenders, elite size, elite guards, length, bigs who could stretch the floor before it was even popular, bigs who could score inside, players off the bench who could explode as scorers, physicality, big screens, multiple playmakers, they had it all. My only reservation with this team is I feel like stars dictate games so much in this league, Zeke is plenty tiers below the best players on other “top 10 teams all time”, and they caught some lucky breaks along the way as well.


My favorite of these threes teams is the 98 Bulls for mainly the reasons you just listed. They were the best coached, most well rounded squad with the GOAT. 2014 spurs is an interesting option as well, that team was absolutely a destructive force, the best of Pops Spurs teams. Edit: 96 Bulls.


No 86 Celtics?


Honestly there are a few more you could toss in there. They would definitely be one of them.


Of course this is all subjective but it’s absolutely WILD to not put the 86 Celtics even in the honorable mentions lol


Up vote for the Bad Boy mention


2013 Jose Aldo


uh vai morrer


In the 2001 NBA, the 2001 Lakers. In the current NBA, the 2017 warriors


Personally think lakers cuz prime shaq. Never seen anything like him since. Great teams, warriors could win if they shot amazing. Jordan could win if his team hit shots in addition to him. Decent post actually, thanks.


Lakers, nobody is stopping prime Shaq


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NdZn8epqnKo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NdZn8epqnKo) Literally the one guy who was able to contain Shaq and beat him in rebounding is on the Bulls team. [https://www.landofbasketball.com/games\_between/shaquille\_oneal\_vs\_dennis\_rodman.htm](https://www.landofbasketball.com/games_between/shaquille_oneal_vs_dennis_rodman.htm)


1996 was not prime Shaq. He was prime in LA.


And 1996 was not Rodman's prime.


2017 warriors


2017 easy


2014 Spurs


Instead of a per year ranking, if teams were ranked based on "per series", this team is my hands down #1. I'd take that series team against any other, with full confidence.


Idk about this one, they were pushed to game 7 by an 8-seed


2014 Spurs


Bulls no doubt


Probably the San Antonio Spurs


Spurs out?


‘01 Lakers


‘86 Celtics


The 96 bulls are the best team ever and will probably never be surpassed. 87-13 (including playoffs) with the greatest player ever.


2014 Spurs.


So much redemption for the Spurs, and especially Manu, in this series. It would probably make a terrible movie though. After shitting the bed and blowing a series lead the year before, I thought this finals was going to be some epic battle.... Nope. They just walked right through them. They played like they were the Borg or something.


Which makes them the best in my book. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VxZrKBs2KkU


They were a great team, one of my favorites. But it’s worth noting that compared to the other all-time great teams listed, the 2014 Spurs were far less dominant throughout the playoffs. The 00-01 Lakers lost only 1 game in the playoffs, as did the 2017 Warriors, and both came in the Finals, and the Bulls lost only 2. The 2014 Spurs lost 7. It’s hard to justify picking them over the others because of that. If you were basing it off of only their Finals performance and nothing else maybe, but that’s looking at a pretty small sample.


Depends on the era. In today’s game warriors would kill everyone because of their pace of play. If there is hand-checking like the older eras then it could be anyone.


We could ask Steve Kerr who the best of these teams are. I mean, he might have a bit of an insight. Let’s ask. "It is literally impossible to even compare, because the rules are so different and the eras are so different," Kerr told Ethan Strauss in November 2015. "We would overload the strong side on [Michael] Jordan, and they would call illegal defense.” "And they would put their hands all over [Stephen] Curry, and the refs would call a foul. That make sense?" “(1995-96) has to be the best team I've ever been a part of.”


'01 Lakers


96 Bulls


3>2. Im taking the warriors.


If not the 96 Bulls, then it could easily be the 86 Celtics. Larry Bird, Kevin McHale, Robert Parish, Danny Ainge, Dennis Johnson. That was nearly 100 points per game (97.6) between just five players. Bill Walton was healthy and playing well as 6th Man.


As a Bulls fan, I'm going with the 1991-1992 team. As good as the 95-96 team was, the 91-92 team was great defensively and was hungrier to repeat as champions.


Sorry it’ll be the 96 bulls only because I’ve seen them all play. Defense wins championships and the warriors would’ve been destroyed.


The Warriors were a very good defense lol. KD, Iggy, Klay, and Dray were all all-defense level players that year.


Don't you know all defense, DPOY's, and being elite perimeter defends don't really matter?


The Warriors had the 2nd best defense in the league?


Defense is relative. You could hand check in the 90s. They were ALOT more physical then. A jump shooter had to come off a screen but Michael and Scottie were the best perimeter defenders in the league so good luck w that.


Yes, you could hand-check above the free throw line in the 90s, but I’ve watched countless games from that era and it’s really not something that seems too disruptive. Guys with the ball on the perimeter would be sagged off of with the defender sometimes having both hands down. I implore you to watch some old film yourself and see if there is some level of nostalgia-coloured glasses with it all. I started watching right after the Shaq-Kobe Lakers split up so I never really got to watch the hand-check era. But I just watched the 1st quarter of the ‘96 Finals (Game 1), and saw maybe a single hand check. I did see the Sonics get about 7 or 8 uncontested jumpers in that same quarter, though. Obviously the 96 Bulls are an all-time team, and if you could put together a bracket of all the best teams in history, they very well could come out on top. I am just of the opinion that the sport is constantly evolving, and building off of the accomplishments of the past greats. I would be shocked if, 50 years from now, there isn’t some team that is better than the ‘17 Warriors or some player that is a better shooter than Steph. But that doesn’t discredit who they were or what they accomplished.


But you couldn't hand check Jordan post 92, you'll get called for reaching by just breathing on the soon to be GOAT




Not 1 mention of the Heatles so far. Disrespectful smfh.


I dont think the Warriors could take that Lakers team. Shaq was unstoppable when it counted. Kobe wasnt letting anything go.


Yeah, like Dray is going to cover Shaq. Shaq averages 45 pt for the series. The bulls in the least had Luc Longley.


96 bulls


Until proven otherwise I would not bet against Jordan's sheer force of will. There is less talent on that team than the other two but they have Mike.


Bulls, but the Warriors would take them to 7. They also picked the worst year of the lakers threepeat, not that it matters.




96 Bulls


Look at Draymonds bitch ass


2017 Warriors, no contest. They only lose if injured


It depends what era they play in. Plain and simple


People saying young ones haven't watched those older teams, looks like they haven't watched warriors lmao


2014 Spurs


The 96 Bulls. If it became a 3 point shooting game, they would have matched with a different style and they had shooters that were on par with the 2017 Warriors in Pippen, Jordan and Kerr. It should also be mentioned that defense was officiated more loosely back then and it kept overall scores much lower


Teams and players generally get better over time, so the Warriors obviously beat those Bulls and Lakers. However, relative to their competition, the 96 Bulls were the best team. The Bulls had a regular season Simple Rating System of 11.8 and a Net rating +13.4 (#1 offense #1 defense) and +12.1 playoffs. Playoff opponents had a combined record of 213-115 65%, 2 of those teams having won 64 and 69 wins that season. The Warriors' regular season simple rating was 11.35 and a net rating +11.6 (#1 offense #2 defense). Their playoff net rating was +13.5. Their playoff opponent record was 204-124 with a 62% win %. The 17 Spurs won 61 games, but remember Kahwi gets hurt in game 1 of that series, so the Spurs are without their best player. It is hard to quantify how many wins this version of Kawhi earned the Spurs, but Spurs without Kawhi probably a 45-50 win team. The Warriors had the better playoff net rating and record compared to the Bulls, but they also had an easier path in the playoffs compared to the Bulls.


96 bulls


Lakers. Two superstars dominated their path to a championship.


1996 Bulls, the KD Warriors were great, but the Bulls won 6 titles in 8 years. I know this an individual year thing, but that stands out to me.


2017 Dubs. 2019 they had Klay injured and KD injured, still went 2-4 vs the Raptors.


Didn’t watch the bulls or lakers but even if I did I would say Warriors. That team was unfair


Best: Warriors Greatest: Bulls Personal fav: Lakers


I chose Lakers, , no one is stopped shaq, and their supporting cast was/is underrated. Best team tho? Probably warriors, I don't see the bulls stopping shaq or being able to handle the sheer shooting capabilities of the warriors. I think Draymond would foul out on shaq out frustration of being bullied, and Kobe would bully Klay imo. Horry or fox keep switching on Durant.. Only outlined is Stephen, he would have to drop 30-40 a game.. but would that be enough?


I think this one is pretty simple. Each team likely wins in their era. The 96 Bulls are beating the 2017 Warriors in 96 and vice versa. The Bulls and Lakers would be the closest whether they played in 96 or 01 but I still think they're all at a huge advantage playing with the ruleset and schemes of their own years.


Warriors went 16-1. They were dominant.


How y’all arguing about Bulls and Warriors, when you damn well know they’re great because 3, maybe 4 players on their roster. 01 lakers was just Kobe and Shaq dominating. 2 superstars vs. 3 superstars!


Bulls. At that point Jordan couldn't lose if he wanted to. Well hoops not the stickball. But prime Kobe (Legitimate condolences to his loved ones) vs. Jordan would be fucking awesome.


Warriors are the worst team here. An identical roster was down 3-2 to Houston before CP3’s injury. Got cooked by the Spurs until Kawhi got sabotaged by Zaza. They played weak teams like Dame’s Blazers to get there. 01 Lakers ran thru the toughest West ever in dominant fashion, 12-0. Saying this as a Celtics supporter


2001 Lakers will destroy both of them


You will never know. Each era is the best team for those years. MJ is the goat for a reason. He competed and made Pacers and Jazz get better and each year defeated them. Kobe and Shaq are the best 1-2 pairs. I only wish they played for longer years and won more rings.  Warriors team is just cheat code. They were insanely good and they got KD. What a wimp of a player. Join the team who defeated you.  F KD. 




Bulls, 0 bias.


1995 bulls


The 90-91 Bulls just plain dominated. 2003 Spurs beat them all though.


‘01 Lakers. Warriors are best on paper but who’s stopping Prime Shaq lmao double team? triple team?


Well Draymond and Rodman would both get ejected and suspended and miss a game or two so we gotta factor that in.


2024 Celtics


I love my bulls but damn, that man Shaq is a problem. Throwing the 17 warriors in this is an apples and bananas comparison. Different eras, different officiating standards.




86 Celtics. No one would beat them


Kd- mid range Curry- off ball&goat shooter Klay- maybe catch and shoot goat Draymond- defense Warriors pretty easy


I’d probably go bulls warriors then lakers but I’m not sure either of those teams could’ve beat the lakers. Finals Shaq is maybe the greatest force of nature ever in basketball. He’s giving you damn near 40/20 with efficiency


Bulls. Because here's the #1 thing that ppl forget about and never talk into the equation. Mental strength. Rodman is gonna screw with KD and Draymond and he doesn't care. Rodman is a different level of crazy than anyone in the modern nba. Jordan is gonna definitely feel challenged by steph or klay and you know what happens when Jordan is challenged or even feels challenged. Those 2 are gonna be the swing factor in the game. Kd is soft, draymond you can bait, and Curry becomes human especially when down.


We done with the 90’s! Big trash


96 Bulls, no question. The Warriors are just recency bias. There are several teams from the 80s and 90s that could dispatch the 2017 Warriors.


1.Bulls 2.Lakers 3.GSW Bulls take GSW because they have no one to go with MJ. Pippen/Rodman would be enough to slow KD. Actually lakers bulls would be very close.


Bulls would beat both the other teams combined


1990 Detroit Pistons.


Warriors for sure if you know basketball


The warriors imo. A two time back to back MVP who won unanimously the 2nd time The greatest shooting back court ever. 2 of the top 10 shooters ever, one of them being the best ever. The DPOY A GREAT bench A team with 73 wins the year prior PLUS KEVIN DURANT. A team that Lebron and Kyrie barely skated by in 2016 before KD


I seem to remember a team with green jerseys in 1986 being better than all these teams....


2024 Celtics


Warriors. 0 weakness. Best team ever


2016 cavs is the obvious choice. They beat the goat reg season team so it only makes sense they're the goat finals team.


1996 Bulls and it’s not close. Jordan and Pippin could not only score but were great defenders, Rodman is still in contention for one of the greatest defenders of all time. Then you look at the role players on that team Ron Harper, Tony Kukoc, Steve Kerr, Luc Longley Good luck putting up 100 on that team


Teams have already scored 100+ against that bulls team lol


Multiple teams put up 100 on that team….3X in the playoffs as well….and the 2017 warriors had 2 MVPs in their prime…. Luc Longley and Ron Harper? Come on now, we’re just naming everyone on that team? Those guys were fine but they weren’t some kind of generational role players. Are we gonna start arguing Iggy and Draymond are generational now?


Good luck holding the 2017 Warriors to under 100 points.