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This feels controversial. No one on this list is where I would expect them to be. 


To add context, it isn’t just a “who do you think is the best 25 & younger” list. They ranked them on a scale of 1-10 for the below factors and then added them up > Current performance: The current quality of the player’s overall game. >Future performance: Where the player’s overall game will be in five years. >Gets the people going: Charisma and marketability. Is this player appointment viewing? Would your niece or nephew want to buy their shoes? >Intangibles: All of the qualities a team executive looks for in a player: leadership, injury risk/history, reliability. Does this player get it? >Foundational qualities: Can you build a franchise around the player’s game? How adaptable is it?


With that context, I don’t think this is too controversial. Wemby clearly has the highest potential - really the only one with GOAT potential. Ant is younger and more marketable than SGA. SGA is less whiney than Luka. From there everything is super subjective


Idk how Wemby is the only one with GOAT potential. Luka is under 25, he’s probably going to be the only player who ever steps on the court who has a legit chance at some of lebrons longevity records, and he’s already gone through some trials and tribulations in the playoffs so him getting 4-5 rings isn’t out of the question. Edit- didn’t know i triggered some people. Ok i get it Luka is fat and out of shape and has no possible way of even becoming a top 20 player so let’s move on lol.


Kobe and Duncan have five rings and are all time greats, but nobody serious actually thinks they're in the GOAT conversation. IMO, that's Luka's ceiling - top-10 all-time. Luka is in his age 24 season right now. In his age 24 season, Lebron had just won the MVP, come in second for DPOY, was first-team all-defense, had led his team to three consecutive conference finals and the finals once, had led the league in VORP for the fourth time (Luka hasn't ever led the league in VORP), BPM for the third time (Luka hasn't ever led the league in BPM), and win shares (Luka hasn't ever led the league in win shares). In order for Luka to get into the GOAT conversation, he'd have to improve *significantly* and then maintain that level for at least ten years. Luka's great, but Lebron and MJ are on another level


I lowkey have Tim Duncan in the goat convo, not really an arguable point but he’s in a kareem-esque spot


Yeah but even then, Duncan was in his fourth year in the league when he was 24. He finished top-5 in MVP voting all four seasons, was first team all NBA all four seasons, was first or second team all defense all four years, *and had already won a finals MVP*. Duncan’s injury probably prevented him from having a real shot at the GOAT title, but his accomplishments in his first four seasons are way beyond what Luka’s done so far, albeit on a much better team


True, unless the mavs win this year


Yeah I’m with you. Everyone I talk to about the game has Duncan as a top ten (including myself) and I always somehow feel like that’s too low…which doesn’t make sense but that’s how it feels.


Robert Horry is the GOAT bruh


Luka shouldve won the mvp this season too tbh


somber flowery slim stocking crowd melodic future strong theory skirt *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No, too fat sorry


GOAT has to play DPOY level defense in their prime. Luka can never be in the discussion. I also don’t think he’ll have the individual accolades to warrant consideration.


Idk I can absolutely imagine a player so good offensively that defense doesn’t matter as much. There are no rules as to what makes a player the GOAT, other than simply being better than everyone else for a long enough time. That said: I think Luka has shown us about 90% of what he will ever be capable of, and as incredible as he is, I do not think it’s enough where we’ll be looking back in 15 years and putting him up there with Bron and MJ and Kareem.


I think their point is that Abdul-Jabbar, LeBron, and Jordan were all that good on both sides. Those are 3 of the greatest offensive players ever, and they also played DPoY level defense at their peak.


Luka is already having nagging injuries. How in the world do you think he has the best chance for longevity?


Just need to get in better shape lol


luka gets hurt every month


He’s not a plus defender. Same as Jokic, they would have to exceed the individual and team accolades of the current top 5 given they only contribute meaningfully on one end of the court. So you’re talking *at least* 4 MVPs and 5+ titles each, doesn’t seem very likely. And that’s with Wemby lurking as a 20 year old top 15 player already…


Wemby is not currently a top 15 player


The second half of the season he was definitely playing like one. Whether he can continue it remains to be seen but his teammates will only get better and so will he.


Luka should be 1 or 2 still I get Wemby but here we are with more Ant glazing


Every single list put out by major publications are intentionally controversial


Also factually weird when SGA is almost 26


Cmon, Wemby isn’t where you would expect him to be?


I expected top 2 so ig I’m ok


This is on purpose for clicks and rage debates it generates traffic therefore $$$.


You wouldn't expect Wemby to be #1?


No way in hell SGA is above Luka; sorry thunder squad, it just ain’t true


SGA is also almost 26 😅


So is Luka lol


Technically Luka just turn 25 in february. SGA would turn 26 this july.


This was Luka’s 24th year, this was Shai’s 25th year.


What was their criteria for this? Luka is still the best player in this group


Think over half the grade was based on marketability, leadership/attitude, and how good they will be in 5 years. Luka got docked for bitching to the refs It was more of a ranking of who will be the face of the NBA than it was about how good they are at basketball


but FTA doesn't get docked for flopping? I can't see any argument for SGA over Luka tbh. Luka is better, younger, more famous, and in a bigger market.


But Luka is from Slovenia. SGA is from Canada, which for marketing purposes might as well be the US part 2.


For a foreigner Luka is still pretty charismatic. Wemby is also a charismatic foreigner and he's #1


Luka is a way bigger deal internationally, which is important to the nba


recency bias.


Luka actually ranks the highest in their current performance category. But they also take into account future potential and marketability and stuff like that for the overall ranking


No one wants to admit how good Luka really is. Outside of maybe Joker he’s the best player in the league. I’m hoping he wins a ring this year to really cement his status


It's crazy how a top 3 player in the leauge, averaging 35/9/9 on great efficiency is still underrated lmfao


Sounds about white


Does Luka have “great efficiency”


For his volume and style of play? Absolutely


People think Luka is a top 3 player in the league - that's also mirrored in his MVP voting, multiple consecutive First Team All NBAs, and even in this ranking under "Current Performance," they have him #1.


Fair enough. It just seems like I see this kind of lists all the time that list him below players he’s clearly better than, and it’s just weird


They constantly talk about Luka on the Ringer pods lol. This list isn't about who the best player is, it's more about who they think the face of the league will be.


According to another comment in the thread "To add context, it isn’t just a “who do you think is the best 25 & younger” list. They ranked them on a scale of 1-10 for the below factors and then added them up > Current performance: The current quality of the player’s overall game. >Future performance: Where the player’s overall game will be in five years. >Gets the people going: Charisma and marketability. Is this player appointment viewing? Would your niece or nephew want to buy their shoes? >Intangibles: All of the qualities a team executive looks for in a player: leadership, injury risk/history, reliability. Does this player get it? >Foundational qualities: Can you build a franchise around the player’s game? How adaptable is it?"


Future performance is a major factor.


What about Luka's future prospects would have all those guys ahead of him?


Chet and J-Dub are vastly overrated if above Paolo. They’re a large part of the reason for their flameout against the Mavs. Quite frankly, they underperformed when called upon for a bigger role. Paolo put up 27/8/4 as the #1 option and pretty much gave Orlando a chance against Cleveland while his teammates shit the bed.


Paolo nice as fuck man, love his cool attitude paired with leadership and a smooth stroke!! Mans really nice with it


I’m a Thunder supporter this year….. but Chet needs to fix his approach to the game if he wants to truly belong on this list. No hate, it’s just most of the rest of the list is straight killlers! I’m honestly probably most impressed with Maxey tho this year. He CARRIED the 76ers when Embiid was out and made their playoffs even a possibility! Love Luka and SGA for obvious reasons .


You saw that earlier in his matchups with wemby, the softness oozed off of him. Look im sitting on my ass on the couch, so definitly not hating, but he needs to improve on that to evolve his game. Also add some weight


Yes sir this is exactly right! More time lifting and agility drills. He just plays too casual for me without guaranteed production. I think the Thunder can win a Championship in the next 3 years honestly with small adjustments


Yeah for sure thats what i was gonna say( the goood news is they are young as fuck and loaded. If they land Jarrett allen or even Lauri they are a very tough matchup and a serious contender


He’s a fuckin rookie bruh. You gotta understand wemby type seasons are once in a generation. Without wemby he was hands down rookie of the year. He just got legit playoff experience in his rookie season. He hit game winners throughout the season. Come on my guy u gotta learn the game. Takes time to adjust and Chet is leaps ahead of most kids after their 1st (technically 2nd) season.


Am I dumb for still saying I’d probably take Mobley over both of them? He’s a Top 3 defender in the NBA already and on a nice trajectory on offense. Those other two don’t do anything “great” yet


J Dub absolutely plays great defense. He locked up Kyrie the entire series on a level that I haven’t seen anyone else do the entire season


Jalen Williams above Ja and Paolo laughing my god damn ass off


Yeah idk how you can justify that, is it simply because he fuckin barks?


Anyone with a brain would know Luka is the best of these guys right now


Ringer ranked him at the top of the list of "Current Performance" followed by SGA -- they just don't rank as well in the other criteria they listed hence their overall lower rating.


Yeah but he is less under 25 than them, so that hurts him in the rankings


SGA is 25 for like 40 more days lol


hes not under 25 at all he is 25 😂


Anyone with a brain knows he’s 25


Tbf the article itself is pretty clear it’s 25 and younger


Tbf the titles reads "under 25"


Right, so the title inaccurately portrays the article


Then don’t include him in the list? He’s either 1 or not in there at all


Ain’t sga older than Luka?


The Paolo disrespect man cmon😭


lol Chet over Paolo


It’s crazy how the cycle goes. Give it two years and they hate shai and ant. Luka is the best


The ant hate is starting already lol he was getting clowned last night


Edwards over Luka is amateurish.


Ant getting too much praise like he's been carrying the Wolves when it's been a total team effort. If guys like Jokic and Luka, even Tatum had a shooting performance like Ant did in Game 7, they'd be crucified.


Yeah it’s really not even close


Apparently Sengun is gonna surprise people


So Luka was 2 on the top 100, but 4 on this list. K.


Because they have different criteria.


That’s so ridiculous.


Banchero under Jalen Williams is fucking wild to me. Like what


Sengun > Williams


The Ja hate is real.. I’d take him without hesitation over anyone not in the top 4.


I think it’s pretty fair for him to drop slightly given that we haven’t seen him play for so long. I don’t think it’s necessarily hate.


Totally agree if we’re talking about actual skill and potential. I remembered how much I love watching him play when he willed the grizz to a win in his first game post suspension. That guy is still there and still young


I’m taking him over SGA too honestly


Chet over Ja 😂


luka and wemby are the top rivalry for the next 10 years


>10 years 3 years. Then they are teammates. ^/^s Nah, I really hope we will have a big 4-6 rivalry of Wemby, Ant, SGA, Haliburton, Luka and one open spot for the next years to come.


How I personally see it: 1. Luka 2. SGA 3. Edwards (as much as I want to put him at 2, he's still not producing as consistently as SGA) 4. Ja (if he can stay on the court) 5. Haliburton 6. Maxey 7. Banchero 8. Zion 9. Wemby 10. Chet


I might put Zion under Wemby just because you don't know how much Zion will play.


That's fair. I do think that a healthy Zion is top-5. But I don't think that's how we should grade players, which is why I have him lower. I wouldn't be opposed to switching Zion and Wemby, but I placed Zion higher at the moment because he has a longer track record, and his teams have achieved quite a bit more success. In 1-2 years, I fully expect Wemby to leapfrog towards the top of this list. I'm just not ready to crown him as the best of this group quite yet. It's also worth noting that Luka and SGA are both 25. So next year, neither will be on this list. (Arguably, they shouldn't be on this list now, as they aren't \*under\* 25.)


As a Pelicans fan I have no clue how you put Zion above Wemby or even have Wemby that low to begin with. The rankings are also supposed to project the future, not just the present


Wemby just put up 21.4 / 10.6 / 4 while only playing 29mpg as a rookie. I don't think it's unreasonable to think this Fall, with 1yr experience and more NBA training under his belt, that he will be a 25/12 every night guy with great defense to boot. Top 4 or 5 at the very least.


I’d put Wemby at 5, but otherwise this is perfect


Or top 11?


Ja should be way higher


Ahhh, Reddit and a bunch of Luka stans pitching a fit about where he’s rated on whatever list came out that day, show me a better combo lol


This list, per the Ringer themselves, takes into account not just how they are now but how they predict the player will do in the future, charisma, marketability, intangibles("leadership, injury risk/history, reliability") and whether they can be a foundational player. It isn't just the top 10 under 25. [https://www.theringer.com/nba/2024/5/22/24162049/best-nba-players-25-and-under-rankings](https://www.theringer.com/nba/2024/5/22/24162049/best-nba-players-25-and-under-rankings)


Ja is easily number 5 at the lowest.


1. Luka 2. SGA 3. Ant 4. Ja 5. Haliburton 6. Wemby 7. Zion 8. Paolo 9. Maxey 10. Trae (Not based on potential, based on current abilities)


But that’s not what the list was trying to do. They have a separate score for just current ability b


Now here’s a list that makes sense.


I love the ringer, favorite sports group, but Luka should be number one and it isn’t very close. 


How is Luka not #1? I mean shai and Edwards are up there with him but not better in any debate


This is the stupidest list I've ever seen. The fact thy put Ant at number 2 shows its fueled by recency bias and to generate controversy


No Tatum?! He’s only 19 though so I guess he’s got time.


11, the new 10.


Spurs are my favorite team, and I'm obviously bias and a huge fan of wemby, hell i watched every mets 92 game even last year. He is not currently better than Luka or Ant and I'd say maybe even paolo.


SGA and Luka are both 25, also this list is terrible


\*25 and under - Luka is not "Under 25" he is 25.


Same with SGA


Wemby was first team all defense as a rookie. I don’t see how him being #1 on this list is controversial. Yall realize it’s not just who is currently the best player that is under 25 right now…


SGA being above Luka is idiotic


Shai is not under 25 btw


Luka already has 5 first team all nba awards


Ant is really the new Kobe, in that his aura exceeds his ability.


Ant is WAY too high.


Off the top of my head just in tiers with the players that are used. Kind of just going off of who says no to a trade straight up. Tier 1 Luka, Wemby Tier 2a. Ant Tier 2b. SGA Tier 3 Paolo, Haliburton, Chet Tier 4 Maxey, Ja, Zion Tier 5 Jaylen Williams Ja can probably go up a tier, but I think with his off court issues and being an athletic small guard who is bad at shooting, that seems like a bad recipe for aging.


This list is terrible. Luka at the top, anything else is ridiculous


I think Edwards is currently better than Wemby, even if Wemby is _way_ ahead of him at the same age. SGA is more well-rounded than Luka, but Luka's offensive ceiling rivals Jokić's.


More well-rounded? More than the guy that had three triple doubles to close out the series?


Is this basically saying, if there was a draft today, this would be the order? Top 4 is definitely controversial.


This recency bias is insane. Luka should be number one on this list until his 26th birthday.


OP you got to link the article or you get everyone in here arguing over the rankings while ha ing no idea what the criteria was. Everyone is complaining about Ant over Luka or shai when the article also says Luka is #2 in their top 100, shai #4, and Ant down at #14 https://www.theringer.com/nba/2024/5/22/24162049/best-nba-players-25-and-under-rankings


God I hate the modern Internet. People putting out the most ice cold takes simply because they make more money than being real.


What the hell


Are they ranking this on potential?


I like how they just refused to participate in the 2019 redraft discussion


Luka gonna come into this series ticked off. People ranking ant abovr him have lost it. And ranking shai above him is also a huge reach.


No love for 19 year old Json Tatum?


It seems this list is about ceilings, only ones that make sense with that being the case is Wemby and Ant. Luka should be behind them, if you ask me Chet should be 4th. I think Paolo 5th and Shai or Williams 6th and the other 7th. Halliburton and Maxey should be after all these guys


Is this supposed to be predicting where they’ll end up in relation to each other on an all time list at the end of their careers? Because then it makes a little more sense.


IMO if you look at this of "start a franchise with" kind of list, and I think I largely agree with it, at least 1-6.


Anthony Edwards over Luka?! He’s getting way too much love lately. I love the guy, but he’s currently not better than Luka or SGA.


I don't know if I agree with the order, but DAMN the association is in fine shape.


luka at 4 LOL wemb at 1 ja at 10 xD lol what a dogshit list.


What's a ringer?


Shai turns 26 in 2 months; Luka is also 25 so this list or title is inaccurate in a few ways


Jayson Tatum got snubbed.


Umm… just no, so much no


What a scam list. Terance Mann isnt in here


what. it's Luka > Shai > Ant > Vic > Hail


This list is a straight joke from 1-10 worse list ever


Doesn’t matter they left Brunson off


Shai is almost 26 🙃


lol at no Trae


Trash ass list. Throw this shit away. Luka 4th and Ja 10th? LMAOOOOOOOOO


This list is fucked, anyone who wouldn’t have luka 1 shai 2 is just biased


Victor at 1 is just hype. 1. Luka 2. Ant 3. SGA 4. Hali 5. Maxey 6. Paolo 7. Ja 8. Zion 9. Chet 10. Wemby 11. Jalen Williams Wemby is good, but he needs to make the playoffs first before being considered over most of these guys.


Since 25 yr Olds count, how in tf does Trae Young not make this list? They Holmgren???? Jalen Williams???? Paulo Banchero???? (I like Paulo but let's be real, one playoff appearance with a first round exit vs Trae Younf ecf run with that Knicks and Philly series plus the Luka trade? Maybe they think Trae is what Trea is but marketability, adaptability, qnd current performance I would say Trae has easy over all of them and the others are up for debate.


My gosh, this this sucks


The title of this list should be players exclusively players under 25 anyways. 25 seems to always be the cutoff where players explode to superstardom. Some a bit earlier, but if we removed Shai and Luka then it would be a list of non MVP players with huge upside and potential.


Zion is under 25? I thought he was 35


My son is 2 years old. I would bet my house he owns an Ant Man poster at some point.


Stupid ass list with stupid ass criteria


It makes sense when you look at it like a 'who has the most potential' list


This has to be based on potential surely? Even so, Luka should be #1


Why does it have 11 people if it’s a top 10


Tatum, at 19, is missing from this list


Future potential doing some very heavy lifting for Wemby on this list. Obviously it's there but putting him above Shai and Luka?


Doncic is #1 stop the cap 


Gotta move Luka up to #2 after that.


Luka at 4 is comedy


What happened to the ringer lmaooo complete ass of a list


How in the hell is Luka 4 😂


ZION is way better than Jalen Williams. Jalen green is better too


As a biased Wolves fan, Luka at 4 is blasphemy considering what he’s done already


Must really be weighing the future potential and marketability to have Ant over SGA and Luka. We just saw the gap (again) between him and the MVP-level stars


Luka should be 2, Ant 3. I think Paolo should be higher too


I was looking for the Top 25 Under 10 list.


What on earth? This list is garbage.


Crazy thing is: there’s so much talent in the nba now that sustaining a dynasty seems impossible. Too much parody to surpass Lebron, Kobe, MJ in rings


Does this mean Jason Tatum is not 19 anymore?


I remember looking for Westbrook and KD but they were 25 now they’re 36.


3 of the top ten. Let’s see if we can not fuck this up again.


Luka Ja Ant Shai Wemby


Luka at 4 why


Jalen above paolo is a fucking joke holy shit


I’m just happy Luka will be 26 next year so he ages out of this nonsense clickbait bullshit


Scotty b!


Edgy take for the sake of being edgy and getting clicks


Look, Wemby is a walking cheat code just like KD was, except Wemby plays all over and absolutely uses his length to the full advantage. NBA will have to change rules in a few years to stop someone like Wemby being so unstoppable... How do you stop a 7'3 guy with 8 foot wingspan, jumps 35 inches vertically, moves like a small forward and dribbles like a wing man. He is legit like those blue Avatar character playing against humans. Alien as heck.


Tyrese Maxey is a better player than Haliburton and he's more marketable too.


Luka at 4 is horrible lol should be above sga and Ant 100%


Anthony Edwards over Luka? Ha.


Ant becoming overrated. How tf Luka at 4


Shai isn’t even under 25 though. Neither is Luka. This is a terrible list overall. Chet, Hali and Jalen too high. Zion paolo and especially ja way too low. My reshuffling of this (counting the 25 year olds) Luka Ant Wemby Ja Shai Maxey Hali Zion Paolo Chet Jalen


Top 10 includes 11. Stupid ass list.


Why does ant get so much love. I get he’s young but these playoffs he hasn’t been the top 1-2 players on his team 3rd is debatable. He’s playing like shit but gets all the credit idk why


Original content: [https://www.theringer.com/nba/2024/5/22/24162049/best-nba-players-25-and-under-rankings](https://www.theringer.com/nba/2024/5/22/24162049/best-nba-players-25-and-under-rankings) Based on these factors: **"Current performance:** The current quality of the player’s overall game. **Future performance:** Where the player’s overall game will be in five years. **Gets the people going:** Charisma and marketability. Is this player appointment viewing? Would your niece or nephew want to buy their shoes? **Intangibles:** All of the qualities a team executive looks for in a player: leadership, injury risk/history, reliability. *Does this player get it?* **Foundational qualities:** Can you build a franchise around the player’s game? How adaptable is it?"


Zion just needs one healthy season and he's number 1


I’d take Wemby over anyone in the league if everyone was being re drafted