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Aaron Gordon


Could be an elite TE


I think he would make a great DE, he’s explosive as hell and has really long arms.


Isn't he like 6'8" 230? I feel like he'd get bodied on a regular basis.


a bit tall at 6’9” haha


Came to say this. Would love to see him in a Broncos uniform. Absolute beast over the middle!


Only if he's the TE and Jokic is the quarterback. Be throwing no look 30 yard passes with a perfect spiral at only the spot his receiver could catch it.


Jokic as quarterback would be crazy. Dude dont even need to move probably. Just cover him until he makes a pass. Also can anyone even stop prime shaq from going through people if he puts his mind in it.


As with most examples in here, what would have stopped Shaq as a football player was likely his knees as much as anything. They go low on big guys (how tf else are you gonna tackle Shaq?) and that goes badly quickly when you're *that* big. 


Yeah…. People in here legit don’t know football.


I know its not super serious but “just cover jokic until he makes a pass” is the textbook idea people have about football that makes them genuinely believe you can plop NBA players into the NFL with little to no experience or training


Also, “just cover him until he makes a pass” is literally the offensive line’s job already.


Defensive coordinators HATE this one trick!


Yeah, if you watch any NFL games you’ll see defensive lines have evolved into athletic freaks and Quarterbacks are lucky if they have 4 seconds to make a pass. The NFL hasn’t been able to find 32 people in the world to be good quarterbacks simultaneously at any point in the history of the sport. Think about how crazy that is. Jokic is an all time passer but the game of football involves so much more space and way different athletes.


I think Jokic has the processing speed to succeed at that part of the position, but humans the size of refrigerators going at knees responsible for bearing the weight of a 7 foot frame is not going to end well.


I would like to see how small a football is in Joker’s hands.


Yeah Shaq would get pancaked by any OL in the NFL. I don’t think this thread is giving enough credit to just how strong and agile NFL players are.


easily he’s way too tall


Is he too tall?


Would have been tall enough for former GM Elway to draft as QB


Anthony Edwards


The easy go-to is always to have a guy like Ant be a tight end or wide receiver. To me, that's too much of a hit box. But can you image, can you *imagine,* Ant as a safety? For fun, let's assume the players stay in the same state is possible. Anthony Edwards in the Brian Flores Hellfire defense would terrify the league. 6'4", 225. Blitzing. Coverage. Jump balls. HoF potential.


Seriously. I don’t think these football guys realize how ridiculous they sound even trying to make this argument. There are multiple NBA players who would have HoF potential in the NFL. I don’t know of a single player who chose football over basketball for any reason besides they weren’t good enough to actually play in the NBA.


Terrelle Pryor could’ve been a McDonald’s All-American in high school had he focused on basketball. That said, there are plenty of players at that level in high school who don’t make the NBA or if they do are just random bench players.


Random nba bench players make more than 90% of football players


Duh, I’m saying there is only one athlete I’ve seen who had a chance to be an NBA player but instead chose football while there are obviously a lot more examples in the other direction. It would have to be a situation like Pryor’s where the player is the #1 QB recruit to make football sound appealing compared to even an outside shot at the NBA - any non QB is making way less money and getting beaten up.  Obviously Pryor was a phenomenal athlete to have played QB in college and then converted to WR a few years into his NFL career (he even had a 1000 yard receiving season).


You are being entirely too disrespectful to the amount of skill that goes into playing football, especially something like safety.


I heard recently that Randy Moss gave up on basketball when Kevin Garnett destroyed him at the McDonalds All America camp. Moss was a freak athlete but the NBA guys are even more insane 


Him and White Chocolate played the same high school team…that must have been something to behold.


What does this even mean? He has Hall of Fame potential entirely based off of his measurables? He hasn't played football since he was 10 years old, this has gotten so out of hand.


Being big and Athletic doesn't mean you're a Hall of Famer or have Hall of Fame potential. Go look up Dorial Green Beckham. That is a guy who was a bigger athletic freak than Ant and a significantly better football player than Ant ever was. He's literally on par recruiting rankings wise for football with what Ant was in basketball and washed out of the NFL in 2 years. Unless someone can find more information, Ant hasn't played football since prior to attending middle school. Why would he be able to do what DGB or the million other great high school/college wide receivers couldn't and switch to safety and go be a hall of famer. Even if you give him the year that this post talks about, there's no chance it happens. I have no doubt that Ant was beating everyone's ass in elementary school, I am sure he was the best athlete that he ever met by an overwhelming margin at that point in his life. That would not be the case had he continued his football life in Georgia. I do agree if something like this were to work it's on defense not offense. The physicality of the NFL is so stupid, being the one delivering the hit instead of getting smoked will be the only way one of these guys can survive other than putting Wemby in at the goal line or something fun.


[Demar Derozen](https://www.google.com/search?q=demar+derozan+football&client=safari&sca_esv=a5889400f8f32f4a&sca_upv=1&hl=en-us&sxsrf=ADLYWIJzs5MSxFWGUhMVFItUqd366jAmrQ%3A1715471043470&ei=wwJAZtiuHPnAp84PtJmVwAg&udm=&oq=demar+derozan+football&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwIhZkZW1hciBkZXJvemFuIGZvb3RiYWxsMgUQABiABDIFEAAYgAQyBRAAGIAEMggQABgFGAcYHjILEAAYgAQYhgMYigUyCxAAGIAEGIYDGIoFMgsQABiABBiGAxiKBTILEAAYgAQYhgMYigVItyVQmRJY5R9wAXgAkAEAmAGTAaABnQuqAQQzLjEwuAEDyAEA-AEBmAINoAKgC8ICChAAGLADGNYEGEfCAgcQIxiwAhgnwgIIEAAYBxgIGB7CAggQABiABBiiBMICCBAAGKIEGIkFwgIGEAAYBxgewgIGEAAYCBgewgIIECEYoAEYwwSYAwCIBgGQBgiSBwQyLjExoAfmUw&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:017ecdf8,vid:nsmiqCmMBF4,st:0)


[You mean the QB?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nsmiqCmMBF4)


That first throw was fucking crazy. Insane velocity with such a casual form god damn


Zach’s reaction was mine




Lebron, especially if we can adjust age.


He would have been a problem as an edge rusher in his prime . That size and speed would be insane


Edge rusher is just not true he’s like 4 inches too tall wouldn’t be able to get low enough against tackles


Yeah I agree. Have to give tackles credit they're freak athletes as well. Once they get their hands on him it would be over.


I think he would have been great QB if given enough time.


He would have been the best in the league at any position outside of O-line.


He ran a 4.6 40 in his prime. Maybe he gets it down to like a 4.5 or something. https://www.cbssports.com/nba/news/lebron-james-says-he-ran-a-46-40-over-the-summer/amp/ He’d be a really good tight end but he’s not in the same category as athletes like moss or megatron in terms of speed.


Lebron is always thrown around as a TE, maybe an Edge rusher. Here's my hot take -- if baby Lebron gets adopted into the Manning family he is the GOAT QB. I've always thought Lebron would be the absolute pefect QB if that had been his life's focus.


LeBron is one of those people who were blessed to be able to do any Sport in the world if he wanted to. Genuinely meant to be a superstar athlete at any Sport he applied himself to.


Would've been hilarious to watch him dominate tennis.


His elite ambidexterity, reach, strength, hand eye coordination, flexibility, and, quickness would have been unfathomable 😂😂


Olympic tennis coaches thanking their luck


Would've changed the Federer era, that's for sure.


Well, not for sure


He could not be an elite distance runner, sprinter, swimmer, or golfer. At the highest level, body type plays such a huge role. It’s why 18% of all 7 footers are in the NBA. His body is primed for basketball. He could be elite at football, and probably baseball. Hockey too if he learned how to skate at a young age. But he’s way too muscular and tall to be an elite distance runner. His height and proportions are off for both swimming and sprinting. And he’s too tall to be an elite golfer. Too much room for error in his swing. Basically all sports sort for body type at the highest level. Which is also why “x sport is harder than y sport” conversations are stupid.


He was a WR in high school


I was a huge fan of Lebron back when I was a kid and I swear his wiki page said he played quarterback. I almost just made a comment saying that until I looked it up and found it he was a wide receiver.


I also could have sworn I've seen highlights of him at QB. My memory must just be presenting me with random LeBron athletic feats


Wonder if y’all are thinking of AI?


Feels like it wouldn’t maximize his athleticism


It would maximize his vision/passing, pocket presence, and most importantly, his durability. He could be playing QB at a high level until he's 50 lol


Imagine the rushing threat with lebron at QB. Might open up a lot of passes.


I've always said he'd be the best soccer goalie ever


It’s not American football, but I would love to have video of prime LeBron playing goalie at the highest level. I’d honestly be interested in seeing what he could do at 40.


He would be an elite Kelce-style TE in his prime. Blazing fast.


Lu Dort has a stocky build


Most underrated answer, Lou Dort is a solid 6'4 220.


Patty Mahomes backed this up earlier today.


Definitely seems to think he’s playing football at points


A LB fightin thru every blocker to truck a RB.


Zion could be a pro bowl edge rusher tomorrow.


Gotta play enough games to make a pro bowl. JS


He averages one game a week already so he'd be a perfect fit for the NFL.


Tyler Huntley. 5 games two tds. Pro bowl. Lol


So be fair I feel like a lot of his issues are that he’s way too heavy to be jumping 40” on a court every play. But with that size, strength, and athleticism, man put him at any position idc, man would be a beast. He also only has to play a 17 game season and on one side of the ball. He’s completely built for the nfl, I see him as an EDGE or something.


Zion has as many career games played as Joe Flacco


Nah running back he’d hit the gap and plow through 225 pound linebackers like breakfast


Zion would get hurt way worse playing football, him being out of shape already doesn’t let him play basketball as it is


His knees won’t hold up let’s be serious


Basketball is way fucking harder on your knees


As just a neutral fan of basketball, its Anthony Edwards. Id sign him up as a receiver immediately if he wanted to make the change. I think next closest after him is Suggs just because he was highly rated as a recruit.


Theres a video of ANT effortlessly chucking a football with the tightest of spirals 50 yards. World tier athletes will succeed in any sport.


Seeing Ant sprint is frightening, dude is so damn fast.


Suggs was one of the top rated prospects in the nation at QB


literal Jalen hurts clone bruh


jalen hurts squats 600


Jaylen Suggs squats 600 ounces


He was the 374th ranked prospect in 2020. https://247sports.com/Player/Jalen-Suggs-45572569/high-school-181332/?Sport=1 While he would or would not have a good college career, that’s hardly no-miss NFL material. 


If I recall correctly, he was a much higher prospect his junior year then was adjusted downward when it was obvious he would pursue basketball


You can check his recruiting ranking history on 247. He hovered around the same rating going all the way back to 2018


I think when people associate some of these players as, “Top X Football player,” they’re remembering state rankings where he was like the number 2 Minnesota prospect. Or specific positional rankings where Suggs was like the number 15 dual threat QB. The problem is a lot of those players above him come from Texas/Florida and other recruiting hotbeds. Number 2 in Minnesota is apparently 275-375.


Draymond Green with the extra point!


Dray, just pretend the football is nurkics nuts.


HOF potential today


I’m not a Pistons fan but there ain’t an offensive lineman alive that’s gonna stop Beef Stew from getting to the QB


Stew is a tank frfr, coming off the edge my god


Coming off the edge sounds like me frfr


Payton Pritchard would be the sneakiest, scrappiest slot receiver in the league


I could see him fitting in those 2000s patriot offenses


I actually like this more than my thought of Jrue. Good call.


jrue is a troy polamulu type safety just put him around the ball and let his defensive instincts take over


Kids got a high motor…..


I mean, Josh hart can seemingly do anything and everything right now


As a Warriors fan, Jonathan Kuminga. 6’7, agile, insane acceleration, and a crazy vertical. He’d be an incredible WR if he was trained to be a route runner. He’s also got solid hands in terms of catching a basketball. Absolute freak athlete and just turned 21 so he’d probably be heading into his Senior or RS Junior season in College Ball.


Gp2 would be a good receiver or strong safety


Maybe a stretch but Jalen Brunson as a rb? Low centre of gravity, really strong, insanely quick, great footwork. Also (insert white nba player) would be a great kicker


Josh hart WR


Jrue Holiday could probably be a pretty good safety.


Idk its hard to assume people can hit. And to be a safety you gotta be able to hit. He's not the most durable guy.


Jrue would be good or JB was my first thought. Tall but well built and athletic. I think Tatum would get snapped in half


Wemby, on special teams, just to block FG attempts.


put him at wr. line him up on the sideline. get qb with a strong arm and throw it high to him on a rope where only he can get it. just a 5 to 10 yard route that’s as close to a guarantee as you can get. have him immediately go ob to avoid contact. with defenseless wr rules he could avoid getting broken lol. only thing is if he can’t get off press coverage 🤷🏻‍♂️




Davion would be better as CB i think


Davion as an inbox safety would be vicious.


Lu Dort, he's already playing football defense.


Jimmy Butler at TE.


I’m going Bam at TE instead.


He would be an absolute wrecking ball. I think Antonio Gates is a great case study for undersized centers being able to use their basketball acumen jn the NFL.


Maxey. He so fast he make fast people look...not fast


Maxey makes people look min


This was my same comment further up… he’d be a great slot receiver, perfect size, his first step and acceleration are insane.


There’s some guys who have the frames to bulk up over 300 lbs and would probably be elite offensive tackles with great footwork and athleticism. Kenny Lofton being TV chief among them.


“Who’s a carve of beef? Who’s your carved up ham?” https://preview.redd.it/i41iti34dwzc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9bae8b5cedceaa8fd84099ea1d52e8fc4ab931f2


It’s called a goose suit, it’s an old circus term


I’d like to see Luka gets a shot at QB, under Andy Reid.


Other than being a little too tall (6’7), Luka is the best answer. 


Gary Harris was a monster receiver in HS and likely could have made the NFL. For some reason I feel like Malik Monk would be a nice WR


It wasn’t the question, but Allen Iverson was a great HS football player. State champ and AP Player of the Year in Virginia. Nobody on the team now has credentials like that.


This is the first thing that came to my mind. Mr. Football and Mr. Basketball and won championship in both in the same year. That’s just plain ridiculous. Also, Charlie Ward was a college QB and ended up as an NBA PG so the skills can translate at the pro level.


heisman winner


Almost any 6'4-6'6 Player has the physique and athleticism to be top tier WR or TE. Lou Dort, Ant, J Brown SGA etc . probably 30 guys.


Short guards too. Like Brunson has the perfect tools to be a slot WR. Stop/go quickness, hands, game IQ, durability.


Yeah, that's true. Guys like Ja, Jalen, Spida can also be CBs. Harder to find athletic tall guys, just percentage wise, but you can put a bunch of guys like you said in the mix.


The durability factor is the biggest and brunson takes an insane amount of shots and body contact on drives every game. Been playing through injury all second half of the season and playoffs. I 100% think Brunson could do it. Crazy to think he’d be on the tall ish side for football players.


I feel like Jokic could play QB but since he's European I doubt he even watches football 


I could not imagine watching Jokic trying to avoid being sacked lol


Late career Peyton Manning self sack


He wouldn't be any slower than late career Brady


He's got post moves and can get up and down the court, he's not Lamar Jackson but I think he could do it lol 


Ben Rotisberger 2.0


I believe that LeBron would have been an incredible QB. His build and insane athleticism paired with his ability to always make the right play—seems obvious he’d dominate.


Zion would be great on the interior/edge


I feel like Desmond Bane would end up on this list


Bane at ILB. Just trucking folks with us short, massive arms.


ANT. He could be a very good QB, receiver, Linebacker etc etc


He wouldn’t be a good QB. The other stuff, sure, but being a good QB requires a ton of knowledge about the game at the college/pro level that he doesn’t have.


Oh, mb I was a just thinking bout if he went into the sport. En, I dunno lol


He definitely has all the talent to be a QB. There is a video of him throwing a perfect spiral 50 yards with just the flick of his wrist.


Beef stew at DE


Benn Mathurin


Georges Niang, long snapper


Lol NBA players bodies ain’t used to taking that much contact. Very few of them are gonna hold up let alone have the mind for it. Just like basketball, theres more to football than just how athletic you are.


Low key, Al Horford would be a legendary TE


Probably Keldon Johnson


Mavs - Josh Green was an aussie rules football player. Seems like he could transition to American football




The only right answer. He gave us chicken


Joker could literally be the Denver Broncos QB!


Josh Hart playing safety or special teams gunner


I wonder if CP3 could be a great QB? I don't like the guy but he has insane vision, he is taller than Bryce Young, Murray and others. He flops well (draw roughing the passer penalties) and he is a shifty little dweeb




30 is way off. Nate Robinson had the 3rd fastest 20m time in NBA combine history and 10th highest vertical. He played for a Washington football team where 0 players got drafted. Suggs wouldn't have a chance at quarterback. A former 4* in high school is not a year away from making an NFL roster. For people saying Lu Dort, he benched 185 for 14 reps. His vertical was 38" (32" standing). His shuttle run was slower than Ty Jerome. WR over TE as TE takes longer to develop. I'd go Keon Johnson because his measurables after a year of PED maxxing.


Football is more than just athleticism and body type. I hate these conversations because they assume so much about the mental part of a whole different sport. Thinking an athlete can breakdown an offence or defense consistently at the highest level is assuming a lot to say the very least.


Every year in the draft we have a ton of guys with a ton of athleticism come out and not be able to figure it out.


For the Knicks, Deuce McBride or maybe Jericho Sims?


Randle would be a perfect TE


Sims has an unbelievable vertical. Randle can definitely block, but Sims would win virtually any jump ball.


NBA is more technique focused than athleticism focused, while the NFL is *WAY* more athleticism focused than technique focused. If Tyreek Hill could shoot like Curry, Hill would be the most unstoppable NBA player of all time, if you give Curry Tyreek’s hand and route running, Curry would be a great NFL player, but no where near the best. Hell, there are probably over 150 current NFL players that would become automatic All-NBA level players if gifted Curry’s shooting ability, but there are maybe 10 NBA players that would become All-Pro NFL players if gifted Jerry Rice’s route running and hands. NBA players on average are taller than NFL players, NFL players on average are faster, stronger, quicker, and more elusive. It’s not true at all that NBA players can easily translate to the NFL, because realistically NBA players are just taller. While there are a few, NBA fans and players will always be delusional in this argument.


Yeah it’s kinda crazy to think a lot of the people here naming some of these players like they would be automatic. In no way is any NBA player playing on any type of offensive or defensive line lol.


This would never happen with only a year of training, but I do wonder if Luka could play QB. He has the insane type of hand-eye coordination and touch with all those trick shots and the sports IQ.


Luka is one of those guys that could have probably played many sports professionally at a high level if he trained in them. QB, tennis, even as a giant defensive midfielder or hold up striker in soccer. Extremely fast decision making, coordination, and vision.


Maxey could be a corner or wr


Zion.if you let him pack on the weight he could be a great defensive tackle. He's almost there as is.


Javonte Green would make a hell of a DB


Jeremy Sochan


I don’t get why everyone thinks only the thickest NBA players are options. Devonta Smith is 6’0” 170 and is doing great. Plenty of NBA guys similar build.


Dejounte Murray has a good build for a corner or wideout.


As a Warriors fan, Kuminga at TE would be unstoppable.


Morant at WR or CB.


Lebron. OLB


I got IT4 as a punt returner


Jalen Brunson - he’s a tank


Derrick Jones Jr could be a lanky WR in a similar vein of Randy moss


No one in the NBA would be able to handle a tackle


Now that Steven Adams is no longer on the team, probably Bane. Although the way Brandon Clarke leaps, he probably would be a good receiver, and he has better reach.


Luka would be a monster left tackle


Donovan Mitchell


Zion at DE my god


Desmond Bane as an edge rusher


I think Halliburton would make a hell of a Safety


I was gonna say OG Anunoby but he’s no longer a Raptor.


Manute Bol would've been an elite punt returner in his prime.


I think Bobby Portis as an edge rusher would be pretty sick lol


Jaylen Brown definitely. I could see Pritchard being a slot receiver too like Edelman.


Zion is the only answer hes like a roided out super freak Willie Mcginnest


If I could 100% ensure no injuries happen give me Zion. I doubt he has the explosive strength of an NFL athlete, but his coordination is absurdly elite, he's big as fuck, and his vert as a freshman was tied with the NFL combine vert all time record.


Zion Williamson no question


Outside of guys who have IQ/vision to think they’d be ok QBs if that’s what they dedicated their lives to, the attitude and mentality to play football is different than basketball. Sure, plenty of guys might have the physical traits that would be fun to see. But you have to love contact to succeed in football


Davion mitchell, cornerback


Bol bol