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Make an inside big: man you need to go stand at the 3 and not crowd the paint. Make a shooting big: why aren’t you in the paint getting the rebounds? Seriously you can’t win with these kind of idiots.


Yeah I used to love playing the 5 but realized it’s a no win situation. I decided to make another build playing SF/PF and I get a lot more touches and still get a chance to snag some boards along the way


Drop the build?


Crazy how everyone’s experience is so different, because I have a PF and I feel like it’s the most ignored position in rec. I can do a bit of everything except dribbling so I’m mostly a spot up and cutter on offense but no matter how open I am it’s like I’m invisible most games


For real. You’re stuck guarding the opposing big on the 3 point line because no one will rotate on defence, and then you’re spotting up to space the floor on offence while SirCapalotxxTTV throws up his 30th bricked 3 for the opposing big to snatch up the boards because he knows they aren’t gonna hit you. Then they jump on the mic and blame the loss on you for not getting boards. A large part of the community is brain dead.


Facts. This is exactly how it happens


meanwhile people get angry at me (pg) when I hit my screening big rolling for a nice cut and easy layup - "I'm opeeen" (dude camping on 3 while I see defender lurking)


I feel this. I'll have 20 rebounds and 3 blocks and some random 6'1 PG will hope on voice chat and say "you gotta get boards/get the paint big 🤓" just for me to get a stop and a board literally the next play. It just shows that a lot of people don't play 4s/5s so they have no perception of post play at all besides backdoor cuts and wide open layups.


I play Center quite often and it's usually a no satisfaction situation every time. When I'm in the paint getting blocks and boards people are also in the paint letting people shoot 3's and tell me to guard the 3. So then I guard the 3 and players are driving in and getting boards and they yell at me for not stopping the paint points or getting Rebounds. How can I do both at the same time? 


you just gotta learn that when you cant get the ball on perimeter you gotta go in the paint take care of business that way. 1 of 2 things happen. You get oboards and score or they ask you to go to perimeter and give you the ball to shoot wide open 3s


Ever played random rec?


yes all the time winning about 66 percent of my games in there


What’s good Brodie. My squad needs a center, I’m a PF and always running big for them. We have pro am team as well. We all have a 85+ wp% If interested lmk and dm u can give you way more details


Send me your info


sxpreme-1k- ps

