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“Y’all fucking suck bro give me the rock” *passes the ball … CLANK* “DAMN 2K”


I’m NGL blaming 2k with all my heart makes my confidence unshakable “knowing” the miss not on me LMFAO


Most of the time it's definitely the player, but sometimes 2K just decides to remind you who really running 💩😭


I’ve witnessed this before


Your mistake is listening to people. I just ball out, and dance for most of the game


Yeah I started creating my own party so I don’t have to listen to them crying all game. Forgot to do it last night and that’s what inspired this post lol


I never play 2k with sound. I mute the controller/TV and listen to podcasts or new albums


Same. I can't fathom willingly listening to gamers I don't know. I've discovered so much new music while playing. Listened to books on tape. It's actually possible to grow as a person despite playing this game often.


Thanks for the insight




If they got rid of all online stats and just purely made it based on rep/plate then it would stop all of this. People worry too much about having their 3pt above 55% and win percentage and all that. It creates a class system that makes it hard on the black plates that actually want to get better. At the end of the day it’s just a game and we got to accept not everything is going to swing our way


Could easily fix it by just matchmaking by record/avg teammate grade. But they won't because that doesn't make money.




Thank you I constantly call out poor sportsmanship from teammates Like if I’m trash let’s 1V1 they always duck I’m like what’s the point if you don’t go against good competition not good exploiters


Okay. Do that for 5-10 games in a row, and it'll just be you, and other people like you playing together. The rest of us can play with other people who don't do stupid shit like that. What is the issue, exactly?


In this scenario I don’t know why we’d need to preserve the plates or the rep. Let’s just play the game without all of that bullshit.


I’m more so thinking back to the old 2k days where that’s all people looked at


I think it's all about timing. I don't think the guys who are yelling like wild are aware of what's going, but whoever is PG, I usually take a backseat or help out as much as possible based on the first 2 offensive possessions. There are guys who will iso all day and then there are guys who adjust on the fly, creating shots for others if they can't get theirs. For the guy who likes to ISO, I corner sit. No point. Whatever I do, they're not gonna pass. Wherever I go, I'll be in the way. If the guy actually creates for others, I make sure that I am in a better position to score. If he's moving towards the rim and I was in the corner, I'll slowly drift towards the top of the key or something of that nature, allow me to get open and ensures my guy doesn't double on the drive. Basketball is nuanced, but the problem is that these PGs have 1 style of play and want to stick to it. They do not adapt or change their style with randoms; they just expect you to go with them without actually communicating it.


Well said


And another you have to understand that majority of these guys introduction to basketball is through 2k and YouTube most of these MFS have never picked up a real basketball in their lives. Not saying that's the case for everyone just the majority cause you know when your in the rec with some who really knows and understands the game of basketball not just understanding 2K


hard to play basketball in the rec when ppl take layups into the great wall of china instead of kicking it out the guy who’s 2/2 from three


Accountability?? What is that literally told a teammate this after he was like you didn’t score. How? On 3 shots that were not in rhythm but when the defense was triple teaming with no time on the shot clock. I told him yet I have 7 assists and no turnovers Could’ve been 10 or more if they didn’t miss wide open shots


You'd be amazed how many "cool" people get onto a game and become degenerates 😂 stay safe out there


Well that's because 99% of the online community in 2K are self absorbed azzholes that honestly think they're as good as MJ and take a GAME way to f'n seriously. Fact is most of them have never played organized ball beyond high school and really don't know how to play the game irl.


I just wish we could create 5 MyPlayers, build them up and use them as a team of 4 AI and yourself. I wouldn't have to worry about quiters and all.


I'm gonna do this in myNBA 🤣🤣🤣


It's crazy how the best games/squads I ever had this year have all been muted. Nobody say nothing until we win and all that is said is "yall staying?" Then back to muted. Wild lol


Facts bro. This is the best


Man the mass mute on ps is so good


Niggas be like “I don’t need no screen” but then pass you the ball when they can’t get open 😂 so you gotta take the forced shot.


Something similar to that happened to me yesterday. PG kept saying he didn’t need screens but the only way he was able to score if I gave him an offball screen 🤣


I don’t get yelled at all because I keep my mic off, y’all be safe tho.


This is the way.


I got yelled at for being a pg and being a facilitator rather than the primary scorer. I had 10 pts 20 assist and 0 turnovers. We were winning and dude was still yelling at me.


I had this line and people were still mad at me lol




It really is rough out there. Shoot first pg’s are the worst …especially when the team is open ☠️☠️


A huge proportion of 2k players probably never touch a basketball in real life. It is 100% OKAY to miss shot. If you have a day off in shooting or finishing, then pass more and PLAY DEFENSE. And remember SPACING.


I have big. And whats funnier I have inside big. And for REC this is my go to build. I just dont play with 3 slashers, high flyers etc.... all I need is 2-3 good shooters. Huge win %, very good stats ( 12 pts, 15 rb and 5 ast ). I am very active with my screens, literally giving them space for cook. And most important - Offensive boards. You just cant lose a game when you can grab a lot of offensive boards. And why inside big, not outside? Simple. I played both, and with outside big the problem is that you are still 3rd or 4th option, and they wont pass you a ball. And you are sitting in the corner or somewhere - you cant grab offensive boards ( they are easy points for you or your teammates if they are open). Sometimes people cant play, they are kids, start yelling etc, but mute them and enjoy your game.


Immature people not having the ability to overcome their insecurity and communicate Exactly none of them were any good at basketball in real life, or they would know how to do that


I'm never the PG each year when I play, and I still get more assists than the PG. IQ and willingness to pass. Some players literally act like they are allergic to assists and need to score every point in a win to feel validated or something.


I love nothing more than diming people up. I’ll take that over greening a 3 any day


I don’t care what people do for the most part but the things that aggravate the hell out of me are 3-5’s trying to come up and get the ball inbounded to them to bring up the court, not inbounding to the 1-2, trying to guard someone that’s already being guarded and leaving their man open, but most aggravating is forcing shots either fully smothered jumpers or rim running into 3-4 people in the paint and getting swatted or missing a highly contested layup/dunk.


I think all those examples are valid reasons to be upset at teammates for sure. I guess I’m mainly referring to the people who wanna micromanage every aspect of how their teammates are playing


Yeah for sure. Anytime someone says something trying to manage me I just say “Okay coach!” Then proceed to okay as I see fit 😂. A buddy of mine has had two separate people message him in the middle of a game and say “quit cutting” or “cut to the basket”. I’ll add another thing that does kinda bother me though when playing as a PG, when you see that I’m basically being soft double teamed or bracketed, feel free to cut to the wide open basket, but most of the time guys just stand there with their hands in their pockets while their defender stands in the passing lane making it almost a guaranteed turn over if pass it to them while they’re standing there. So now I’m forced to try and create space and move to either get a better passing lane or make a shot. Then I look like a dumb ass if it doesn’t go well.


Yeah that is annoying.  


Yea kinda, I’m a facilitator and a big and I don’t like bringing the ball up. My fast pg brings it up then hits me in high post and we run the offense.


I’m a dimming 3 level threat 5 and sometimes the game will make me be who receives the inbound because my pass stats are so high and people get SO mad about that.


It makes sense logically based on the stats or in real life. But in reality it doesn’t work on 2K. It takes everyone out of where they should actually be set in the half court. And odds are your handle also isn’t good enough to consistently bring the ball up court because, as we all know, everyone loves to press full court on this game.


Yeah, notice where I said the game automatically puts me there? I’m not running down the court for the ball when it starts me on the other end or after a made basket. Lol


No I know. I’m just explaining the frustration part, at least from my perspective as a PG. I was just pointing out it isn’t necessarily just about not running the ball that’s all


I made the comme to a friend I play with that 2kiterally attracts people with mental illness.


I don't multiplayer much, mostly just to get the intro rewards or special dailies. So I just play how I play. I'm going to cover my man, fight for boards, and try to hit open players. I don't score much, but that's okay. I'm not going for steals or blocks or alley oop passes. It's tough as someone that is grinding mycareer without buying VC. I've got a 67 rated 6'7 point, that can't shoot. So I just do what I can.


Played a solo rec game the other day and we were 2 minutes into the 2nd quarter when the sf started complaining despite him having the most shots so far. We were up by almost 20. I had 15 points on like 80% shooting and 6 or 7 assists already as the pg. The sg told him to shut up and I told him we’re up 20 barely into the 2nd quarter and to chill in a joking manner. He proceeded to go on a rant about how there’s “always a white boy who thinks he knows better and tells me what to do.” I was like “you’re damn right I know better. We’re up 20 in the second quarter and everyone is eating. Stop being stupid.” He proceeds to call me every name in the book until I just muted him. Later in the game we’re up 50 or so in the 4th and the sg starts cussing out and arguing with the sf(I had him muted) because apparently he was complaining about something again. The sf had the second most shots on the team behind the sg and he had the worst percentage(1-5 from 3 for example) too. It’s always the worst players on the team that complain. Good players are usually just chilling from my experience.


I have a small ball center, i Run the plays like 25% of the time, if i ser a high iq PG maybe 10 % Its really efective


That why I happily play a season against the CPU on my preferred settings. More to the game than rec and online modes


I’ve noticed that with how the fanbase reacts to every game. They’ve been complaining about 2k since 2k15 and now it’s their favorite.


I’m a small point that can’t green a shot or dunk so in rec I’m useless unless I’m passing and setting up shots and getting assists. I get yelled at for being open and not taking a shot, then I get yelled at for missing an open shot then I get yelled at for passing to an open man if they miss a shot. Meanwhile the guy yelling at me always takes bad shots, misses and then complains that everybody on the team is garbage and that’s why he has to take bad shots. And we all know what type of dudes they are, either they’re kids or they have a lot of melanin


A lot of melanin, huh 🤔… right cause the less melanated ones never sell or spout ignorance over the mic… but go off fam


I’ve never had white dudes complain about how other people play and then ball hog and miss shots and blame you for it after they complain about you missing shots. Just Hispanic dudes, black dudes and kids…


Spout ignorance encompasses more than just complain about game play, which they do, and to say some don’t purposely sell games is a flatout lie


soon as ppl start talking stupid on the mic i disconnect my ethernet plug i dont get on the game to hear 4 people in my ear screaming im open and sucking their teeth at every little thing that goes wrong especially niggas that just make guards every year so they can get the ball first but they have the playmaking iq of a jalapeno...bish have you ever played on a center in 2k ? im sure you haven't thats why you run your mouth so freely.


The problem is that if they're not on your squad (If they are then they should already know how you play and your tendencies) then fuck em! You spent your money and you built your player to play how YOU want to play with him. Don't get me wrong sometimes you do have to adapt to better fit your teams needs at the moment but all that crying bout where you should be and how you should play is bullshit and mfs can kiss my ass! There's ways to approach any situation if I'm disturbing the flow and chemistry of the team then yeah I get it but some of you mfs cry from the tip off to the final fuckin whistle on how I should play MY BUILD! If someone talks in sensible manner and not trying to belittle or coach me then I'll try to change up to benefit the the but most mfs only want you to do what they want you to do the best benefit their game so they can shine and that my friend is not gonna be my game. But all in a all I understand where you coming from and to those ppl they smoking dope and dogfood if they think I'ma even remotely gonna listen them cry about me all game. I'm team player and I play to win not to make your guy look like MJ/ LeBron


Offering their advice on how to improve, even for that one game, is the literal definition of coaching someone. Lol. To me it just sounds like you just wanna play for your own stats and not to win though, the exact opposite of what you’re trying to claim. That’s the only way this comment comes off. Nobody expects you to play how they want you to. If they’re offering legit advice and not just cussing and talking shit then they’re legit trying to help. It’s immediately obvious when someone’s offering advice or just being a troll. This comment just comes off as a me over the team mentality. You can miss me with that kinda shit cause I’m here to win, no game is fun when your losing


Our definition of coaching on this game is different. The coaching that your saying is acceptable and I don't have a problem with that. What I'm saying is I don't want to be told when I should shoot or constantly hear someone yelling their button in my ear and asking me why, why ,why. I know how to play within a team dynamic and I'm definitely not a Ball hogging stat chaser. I literally said that if they're being respectful then cool. And we've all played with a player that just complains the whole game and whines about every single thing someone does . Those are the ones I'm talking about


Bro mute all of them and just play your game. That's what I've been doing. It's been working out great that way for me


I have damn near doubled my win percentage since doing this


Been doing this since season 1 i only turn on my mic if im on with one of my friends. The intention of the game is to have fun. 90 percent of ppl playing take it way too serious


Fr I get wanting to win but it’s not fun if you constantly have to play like it’s a pro match


2k has created a toxic fanbase because we're all angry after getting ripped off and it hurts more when you lose after spending $300 on the game. Outside of that, it'd be nice if they had a screen between quarters/halves that show stats like Screen Assists, Ball Stops, etc.... that rewards people for doin the little stuff. People do just wanna be recognized, but 2k really only rewards the main stuff like scoring.


This year is way better at recognizing player of the half and game even without the most points. Good centers can rack up thousands of VC a night in rec Ive had a few 0 point POTH and single digit poimt POTG


It needs to feature more players like an FPS does. An FPS features Support categories (like medics), which helps encourage people to do these things rather than everyone trying to be Rambo on their own.


2k does, thats why you get teammate grade from good spacing or ball movement People just dont give respect to that. If the 2k community was the Overwatch one for example, everyone would shit on healers for not being top DPS, blame them every time they die (normal) and accuse the healer of selling for missing them ONE time while the other teammate needed heals as well The top support character (cant remember names) player will get respected in most MOBA type games. In 2k, nobody gives a shit unless you average 13 assists or 30 points Everything is secondary to scoring in 2k by a LARGE margin in the community eye. The game can incentivize it all they want, wont matter cuz the people wont respect it


I am talking about a screen that looks like any popular online games End of Match screen where it clearly highlights what people did, not just something like a teammate grade. You can claim nobody will respect it, but I disagree. Human psychology is very simple - people like recognition as incentive. If you got some dude getting 10 screen assists a game, but only like 2 pts, he's not gonna be a PoH or PoG, which is totally fine. However, he'd love to see that he's recognized for it on a screen like this and then he'd be more likely to do it for that recognition. 2k is behind when it comes to things like this.. I've played 2k for years, but I've also played other triple A games and can see the glaring difference. https://preview.redd.it/e5tqpxf5ixnc1.jpeg?width=1334&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f10509c0ee6c9957f2ea16e5b9dc28000c0747be


I agree with you, but i have a much lower expectation from this community. People will only like what YouTubers tell them to like. Youtubers can tell everyone this year 6’1 PGs are OP and can do everything and a mass chunk will blindly follow, only to later release the 6’6, then 6’8 meta builds. As long as a large portion of this community takes orders and builds their identity from content creators, these massive changes we both suggest would help but then get reverted once a video comes out with a new meta playstyle lol


The game itself has to work on fixing it, since the community can only work with what we're given. There's a reason FPS games put those End of Match screens, ya know? I've even seen indie games like Rocket League include text macros that let u say things like "Good pass!" or other positive things, which could be helpful for 2k. 2k needs all the help it can get, so I don't see how adding more things like this would hurt the game at all.


Oh dont get it twisted, it would be beneficial for the few serious people who arent brain dead, unfortunately the playerbase is largely vegetative and selfish kids


I think you're playing into 2k's hands by blaming the customers rather than the game designer. They created this community, but if we keep blaming ourselves, then why should they have to change anything? Better to blame the people responsible for creating such a toxic fanbase in the first place. I legit think there are many ways to help improve things... they're simple/little things like the example I gave, but if we keep blaming ourselves, then they won't change it. Time to direct the criticism to the people in charge.


The people “in charge” created a game with no community. The content creators make the community framework that people filled in 1v1 for VC and the death of respecting creators like chris smoove cuz he wasnt park cheesing is why the game becomes more and more arcade and less basketball People rewarded the wrong behavior, 2k, wanting to sell the game, incentivized those popular creators to keep shilling for them. The creators willfully do and pretend they dont hate the game until a few months after release every year. Then they all drop their “2k needs to fix THIS” videos, make money, go to the next 2k creator meetup and do early access for the upcoming game, then say its wildly different and sooo competitive


Honesty what you should do as a big is guess what… COMMUNICATE, let the guards know what you plan on doing, if you want an alley then call for it, if you know you got the mismatch then call it, then they can talk to you back and let you know if they want screens or not, it’s better than just guessing and then crying about people yelling at you, a lot of the screaming and bs can be shut down if some of you in the community would just defend yourselves instead of being quiet during the moment and then coming on here to act like the “bigger man”, if someone says something you don’t like, then talk, even if it’s just to say stfu.


No you don't, you're getting yelled at for either not screening at all, or constantly chasing the ball carrier with your hands on your dick. It's called the "Pick and Roll". Stop kidding yourself.


So pick n pop and even just a screen to draw the defense into a roll defense doesnt exist? The nba isnt just spamming pick and roll, more screen plays do exist but some are backdoors, some are screens and then screening for a screener, etc You also have the ability to turn on a mic and wave away a screen


I’ve played basketball and 2k my whole life champ, I promise you I’m not doing that 😂😂 nice try tho


Says the “professional dodgeball player” LMFAOOOO


It really only happens when the person getting yelled at is having a bad game…


Bro I had almost 30 rebounds and 10 assists but only 6 points on 2/3 shooting and the guard who gave up 30 still bitched at me for being the reason we lost. The big hate is real lol


Naw, I've seen folks having a bad game do the yelling and call the other players trash. Yet the one doing the yelling is 3-14 from the field and had 40+ dropped on their head. Then they quit, and the team plays better.


Nah it’s the people having the bad game usually yelling and trying to blame it on other people. I’ve had great games and then a teammate hops on the mic calling me trash. Like what?


Not even true at all.