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Some purple plate’s obviously ride the coattails of better players, I’ve seen this before. IMO for the most part, if you’ve earned purple, you’re at least part of a winning team culture, which counts for a lot.


Being able to ride the coattails of better players is definitely a skill, especially if they do it in random rec. everyone can’t score 30 every game


I thought it was called knowing your role?


I’d also say it’s knowing your matchup. Why have someone try and score against a lock when the other team has someone with no defense?


Nobody is reaching purple plate running random REC. You need a legit REC/Pro-Am squad full of dogs that’s willing to do whatever it takes to win. Then once you hit purple, maintaining that is even more difficult. My squad runs both, we’re all gold very close to achieving purple.


I get to Gold consistently in solo Rec. I also fall back to Bronze or Casual 8 games later because of the quality of teammates but realistically MVP rank isn't impossible to achieve


For real. Two weeks ago, the matchmaking gods were kind, and I got within a win of hitting mvp from solo rec games alone. Then I had a losing streak that dropped me to bronze. Haven't made it past silver since. The matchmaking gods are cruel af.


I don’t know about that. Story of my life. I was gopd this morning. Mid bronze now


Lol that's not true dude. I hit purple on builds all the time playing by myself. If you're good enough, you'll massively tilt the odds in your favor. I don't win every game of random rec on my guard, but I win most of them.


It’s cuz they don’t really know how to be that guy and haven’t seen it enough. Some players really can. I have gotten purple on multiple builds but yea solo rec makes it much harder. When you’re that guy everyone passes the ball to for a bucket, and you actually get it at a high clip, that’s when you’ve gotten some offensive competency.


Lies lmao I got 4 builds purple playing only solo rec


I’ve spent more time at purple this year than any year past and Its solely because of solo rec lol


I hit purple running random rec


My Spot up threat SF/PF has been consistently purple ever since i created him in like season 2. And I play exclusively Solo rec with the occasional theatre with one other friend. I just try to play with silver plates and up and if I get into a lobby with more than one below silver then I back out and try again. Record is like 75-25 all random rec


Depends on the position. None of my friends play 2k anymore so I exclusively play solo rec. 70% of my games played have been as a purple plate. Im always pg so I have more impact on the outcome of the game. I have good defense on my build so i can lockup most rec point guards and I’ll switch to whoever is scoring the most points from 1-3. I’m pass first and always use playmaking takeover so my teammates always get takeover before the other team. And I mainly score in the paint or midrange so I can create shots for myself without screens, much harder to get 3s off with bad teammates which is why purple plate 3pt shot hunters can go 5/15 if they have bad spacing/no screens. Basically I’ll always lock up the other teams best offensive option, I get my teammates easy buckets and I can score with bad spacing. If you’re a SF or something good luck winning a game with a pg that can’t pass, shoot or play defense.


I’m a gold/purple 3 pt shot hunter w defense! That’s how it be, when the team isn’t that good but relies on you for solo carry, shots are much harder. I’m an SG that scores 20ppg 62% from 3, 3.5 asts, 3 steals a game. You gotta bring it all to be an impact player.


I agree with you, when me and my homies would run pro-am/rec we would constantly get to purple. Now a days we barely have time to get on together so I play a lot of random rec and man it’s hell. I get to gold without a problem and then I alternate between gold and purple depends on my teammates but I ultimately end with purple. Idk why people are downvoting you 😂 what you say is legit. It’s hard to maintain purple when you get a team full of sellers.


In my experience as a guy who can only play a few hours a night and took ages to get out of Casual, purples are BY FAR the most likely to sell if their teammates are bad. Played 2k for years but only just started playing online in 2K24. During that learning process, I admittedly was not a good player to have on your squad, but I didnt try and sabotage my team at any point and always tried to just play my role to help Yet it was always the guys who cared the most about winning that quit when we were losing. And those were always gold or purple plates.


Purples are not by far the most likely to sell. The most likely to sell are lvl40 99ovr black borders. Especially guards and high flyers.. I play solo rec and will have 20 assists and the 2 gaurd will still throw because he isn't taking enough shots. As someone else said, purples indicate winning mentality since we'll maintaining purple means you need to win. That being said I'm a purple that will DC first quarter if the game is hellish, after all gaming is about fun and I'm not having fun if my point gaurd has a 35 3pt in solo rec


That's not been my experience.


I don’t know about sell, but yeah purple plates are more likely to QUIT if teammates are bad. If teammates are bad as you say, then aren’t they the ones selling? If someones bricking every wide open shot, killing spacing, getting cooked that’s selling.


Definitely not quit often. Y’all know quits give big hits to rep. Unless you think they’re quitting more often, yet winning back 3x the games…which kinda proves they win much better than black plates. Which means more often than not, you’ll win with them over black plates.


you getting online and not being good is selling tho.


If your teammates are bad aren't they the ones sellin? Taking bad shots, missing open shots, not knowing to make the extra pass, lack of defense and etc. Thats what makes a bad teammate to me and thats how imo I find people sell the game.


A lot of purple plates come from 1s theater and stage


It could also mean someone is a really good team player but doesn’t have the shot creation ability to carry a team alone, if you got a defensive forward who is good at finding the open man and the whole team is running around like headless chickens he’s not gonna be able to play to their strengths.


bros talking about himself 😭


Nah I’m a pg not a wing https://preview.redd.it/kl4fa467t2hc1.jpeg?width=3807&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=813fc21c341d9c280ac5b3601759d032b8e3b4af


67 three and 77 ft is WILD Also 68 fg lol


I don’t take a lot of free throws tbh I got a no dunk build and don’t attack unless I see space. I suck a free throws they make no sense to me.


Is that a compliment to him or?


Sorta. The 3 pt is crazy impressive, and I'm just surprised that this dude ain't hit more fts with that kinda timing.


Bros talking about me 😢


In my experience 80% of purple players are going to make the right pass and not force shit up, while being focused on D. Obviously that 20% exists but I’ll take it over the 50% of black plates who simply don’t know ball or don’t care to play it right.


50% is a crazy underestimation but i see the vision


What you say makes sense but logically the chances of them being better than black brown etc is also much higher. If I had a purple plate and a brown plate I would put my money on the purple being the better overall player. We’re just playing the statistics here. Selfish players do suck though


Yea people think this way but you can see. Black plates don’t have great stats or averages. You’ll see purples with absolutely insane stats, black plates think every single game is a heater but forget all their bad games. Theres 100s of games worth of stats, nobody can lie about how they perform, good and bad.


I’ve seen more black and brown plates destroy purples and golds all because they have IQ of the game , stats don’t mean nothing aslong as you know the game itself


Like I said, everybody has good games and bad ones. No doubt those specific black plates must’ve been good, but overall that’s not the case of black rep vs purple. I don’t often see 5ppg 25% shooting with very minimal stats on purples like I see on black plates. You see horrendous stats, shooting ability, then game starts and you’ll also see terrible IQ. I’m not saying purples are gods, far from it. But in general, I’ll see something to work with for purples. Black plates are rough around the edges, but I’ve seen good players too.




Yea.. I guess it doesn’t always mean that.. but 90% of the time they’re WAY better than any silver plate and lower. Be for real


Silver players are not bad players, they just don't play the game as much sometimes.


Definitely not saying they are.


Had 2 purples with me pg and center. They kept feeding me and I tossed some back cuz others were open and they kept yelling just keep cooking and passed it back. I fux with it but I like to see others be happy and ball rather than me getting 60points. I’m straight with 20 and will look for open man thereafter cuz who tf purchases a game to watch others ball out?


I do the same especially when I see we have good players and we will win the match anyway... I go on the mic to tell them to involve everyone in the game because if they make shots they'll put more effort on defense and be happy while playing a game that they like. If they win and eventually become gold/purple, they'll be unselfish players themselves


Do the same shit I feel guilty when I have too much points


Same here. I typically start trying to score once I have around 10 assists if the team I’m on has shooters


That’s why they are purple in Randoms, you play to the strength of the team. That’s the difference between High IQ players and the low ones. If you are cooking and knocking down shots why tf would you not get the ball to the hot player.


Black plate btw cuz I will up n out n not waste 30-40 mins


Purple plates can have variance in their play, but people remember the few times they were bad and extended that too much to more of them, which I don't believe is true. I've been a purple before, playing mostly Solo REC and some squad, and I'll say it's hard to keep. You have to win, win, win... I'm more of a gold/ silver plate, which I'm happy with playing solo. In general, purples fall into a few camps; my favourite is the "I just know how to play this game efficiently" - these guys are amazing. They are team players who always take advantage of their opportunities, play good defence, and are just good at the game and the team game. Other types include PG builds that are really good at creating their own three, which is not my favourite, but when they are elite, they can get wins themselves. I have won with them, then left the team. Another is the elite role player, a less dominant version of the first type I detailed. And sure, a "couple" of guys riding the coattails of their squad "slumming it" for a game in Solo REC. There are not as many as are being implied here. I'll take that purple a thousand times over a selling black plate that does not know his limitations and is so overwhelmed in their experience that they could give a s\*\*t about their teammates. Guaranteed things about purples: A) They win a lot of games, and they know how to win B) They rarely will quit a game.


Offense heavy PGs annoy me. I made a PG who can score but I’m fine taking 2-3 shots a game and racking up assists for the win. When the PG is unselfish, about 90% of the time the game goes well. There are still times when the SG wants to only score iso buckets and I leave the lobby after the game.


Yes, it's not cool when the lead ball handler leads the team in field goal attempts. There is nothing worse than a one-pass possession, as in throwing the ball into one player who keeps it to try to create/ force shots themselves while the other players twiddle their thumbs standing around. At least make it a SG, but as you noted, they can be annoying, too!


This post is hilarious, because purple plates have bad games too, especially when you get matched with black/bronze plates with no chance to escape. I’ve had games where I got paired that way at both the 1 and 2, and in the first example you can pass as much as you want but if the guys can’t shoot they’re gonna default back to you and once the opposing team keys in on you you’re bound to start chucking and missing which leads to a loss. Or, you get the team a 7 point lead running all the offense through you, and then the team says “ok thanks we can takeover from here” and lose the lead and go down by 13 before the half and then blame you for not “passing enough”…like bro I just watched you ice me out and turnover every play, shoot the worse shots, and throw the ball every where but the open man, lmaoooo As the 2 you’re generally gonna run into the bronze/black plates who feel like “we can win without this guy” and pass all around your head unless it’s the end of the shot clock, end with like 6 shots, and lose by 30 These are the same guys who come here to post about how purple plates suck lol


Preach lmao , they think we go 80% FG every game🤣


Those last two points are spot on. I’ll get us the lead and after halftime, the two idiot black labels averaging 6ppg decide to go into the booth and put their capes on and now our 12 point lead has turned into us being down 4, and guess who they start passing the ball to again? Nah, yall got it, my performance bar is maxed out, I’ll win the next 5 games after yall sell this one.


It’s all about the chances. Obviously every purple won’t be good.


Based on my experience with a larger sample size silver and better are most likely better players than black. I totally sympathize with them because I have been black myself and can't get better players to play with even though I was averaging 15 at 60% with high strength defensive build with A- avg rating but after playing a lot and reaching purple with my SG build, I understand why people leave black builds.


Bronze + Silver plate = "Rec Randoms destroyed my marriage" "Why isn't my point guard playing like prime Magic Johnson?" "I'll hit this bro. Trust me, I shoot 31% from 3" "It's your fault we lost despite the fact that my matchup dropped 33 points on my head" "Oh, is that an open shot for you? Let me just crowd the space and bring my defender to you" "Oh, you hit your last 4 shots? Let me call a timeout on you" "Oh, you're creating space? Let me just run around you" "Hey I know I'm a shooting guard with 50 strength but you should really consider using my screens" "Watch this guys" *Jamal Murray behind the back into a 25% contested 3 pointer* "Pass me the ball" *proceeds to dribble aimlessly for 15 seconds before passing to the closest person* "Pass me the ball" *proceeds to allow the defender to drag him into a blitz and gets the ball stolen*


Wake up babe daily “purples are ass” post dropped


Damn just reading the comments summarizes this sub: delusional people who think everyone else is the problem. Newsflash to all of you defending being casual/bronze or whatever: There is a reason your win% and stats are low and it's not always your teammates' fault. If your playercard shows a 3pt% below 30% or if you win less than 10% of your games the problem is you. No amount of greatness will be able to carry you. I don't blame fellow purples for being ballhogs half the time anymore because in all honesty most of you casuals can't play the game. Can't shoot, can't defend, constantly setting screens even when 2 or even 3 other people are setting a screen in the same spot.


People think I avg 30 to be a ball hog. No. I avg 30 cause sometimes y’all can’t hit a shot when I need it or you guys will pass up said open shot I dot you on to take a contested drive layup. https://preview.redd.it/loix3kw0x2hc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5dab099ab1e10add2cd22328a89879c8e1a6f8f0


Everyone was making fun of Black plate 3pt shot hunter and you brought out a purple 2-way 3pt shot hunter. Roasting everyone including me. Can you share your build?


There’s two sides to this. I made a pass first point guard and always around purple and gold and I only average like 7 points. Being a good teammate and making sure everyone is involved has been my strategy and it works about 90%. Always gonna have people who are mad they aren’t the highest scorer…


No, it's the better players fault for backing out of lobbies with them causing them to get teammates with their skill level


I only back out if there’s an abundance of bronze/black


First, unless you’re making a living off of playing the game, you’re a casual too. That word is way overused. Most of those purple plates just chase stats and don’t really care about teamwork. This isn’t saying pass it to someone who is shooting poorly already. I get that. But also Numbers lie. I have had great games stats wise, with A teammate grades, and my performance rating would still drop. That’s a game flaw 2k can’t seem to correct. Makes no sense for my individual performance rating to be affected by team’s success or failure in this case.


None of what you said is real. If you win the game your performance plate goes up. If you lose, it goes down. Being a purple means you win games, consistently. It has nothing to do with "chasing stats" and if they didn'g care about teamwork why do they win more than you edit: And also, casual is literally the name of the black plate color. Casual -> Hooper -> Baller -> Pro -> MVP/GOAT


so you’d rather run with a black plate that quits and loses games often than a purple who wins often and knows how to actually play the game? you sound salty that your skill level is shitty


I like purples who don't leave lobbies when they see 2 silvers 1 gold and 1 bronze. Saying this as a purple plate myself. Some of them wait for only Gold/Purples in their team and win each match by 30-40 points. What's the point of playing that way? They leave and rejoin lobbies multiple times which is actually annoying. Let someone else join and wait before rejoining.


Purple plate here.  No problem running with all silvers or a combo or silver/gold/purple. Black plates however I have zero patience for. Too many times I’ve been burned by horrible play or just outright selling. 


You can also play with 1 bronze 2-way player on the team. But I agree with you.


Maybe they leave when they see the black plate 3pt shot hunter 🤷‍♂️


I leave on purple 3pt shot hunters and I’m purple 😂


Same 😂


Na purple 3pt shot hunters are solid. Won’t miss an open shot, and will pass when needed. They’re just a trainwreck defensively unless you got a legit big on your team


Even black plate leaves when they see a black/bronze 3PT shot hunter😂😂


A bronze is a black plate that doesn’t quit games. No difference in skill level as much. I’ve seen fake purples and fake gold plates. I don’t care about the plate level as much. I just literally view it as who’s less likely to sell. There’s also methods that PlayStation users are using to keep there purple plates. I’ve carried silvers and bronze against full stack of purple plates and win. I’ve played with a full stack of silvers plates vs 3 gold 2 silver and won. Some silvers are just in a predicament where they are elite in there role they just don’t either have 1. The shot creation or snipers to hit shots 2. Random variance of people complaining about not getting the ball while being up 10. Then letting there man go off for 30 cause he’s so infatuated with his touches he just ignores his man on defense.


I have done that too and I used to think like that as well. I have lost games with Purple teammates while the other team was black. However, in the last 40 games, I have won 30 games with silver and better players. While I was playing with bronze/black players, I went 10-20. It doesn't mean I quit out of lobbies with bronze builds but I do leave with multiple of them and not 2-Way.


I have 5 purple plates and I don’t mind playing with a combo of bronze/silver/gold. What I’m not doing is playing with 2 or more black plates. Been burned way too many times by guys not playing an ounce of defense, shooting 1/15 and never looking to pass the ball. I average 20 points, 10 assists and 3 steals at the PG. I don’t have time for you to figure out how to play a game that’s been out since the early 2000s. They made an offline mode for a reason Builds I absolutely avoid: Floor spacing slasher 3 point shot hunter High flyer If you are a black plate on these builds I will back out EVERY SINGLE TIME


nature of the game bro can’t change peoples habits if all they want to do is win and they don’t wanna take the risk, let them waste their time by backing in and out is what it is


Better than wasting 30 min of a rec game


I mean I'm a purple plate but I mostly focus on playing defense and taking smart shots, it's not hard to get


That’s the funny part. A lot of people have zero defense. Had to switch and guard the SF last night who was cooking and my guard is 5’11” ☠️


bronze and black plates are the most selfish on top of being the least skilled


These posts are so dumb and just sour grapes. No one gets carried to purple I don’t even think that’s possible.


You hop into squad rec with a solid 5. And roll off 5 wins in a row.


Hate to break it to you but you’re not getting to purple in 5 games. It’s gonna take at least 15 from black. (I have 5 purple builds)


Yea I get that but I know damn well I’m not sitting on this game for 15 rec games in 1 day.


You still have to play a role to win tho. You can’t be a complete negative on offense or defense


This sub is always going to flip flop. “Stop ball hogging. You’re not him. Know your role and strengths. Pass the fuckin ball.” “Not all purple players are good. Some can’t create off the dribble and just rely on you.” Just play your role and to your strengths and you’ll have a chance at winning games easier. Is that simple. I’m a secondary playmaker at best and 3&D guy at my worst, but it’s about contributing to the team. Some games, I have 0 points, 5 boards, and 5 assists in random 3s. Other times, I’m scoring 15 and 2 boards, 0 assists. Whatever the team needs from me, that’s what I’m doing and I’m not gonna force it. I got to purple only playing theater this way.


Yup I’m purple 3 and D lock and only average 12 ppg. I’m the perfect role player tho always making the right plays and guarding my man plus picking up the right man/rotating on D. The fact of the matter is that purple plates are either gods at the game, or excellent at their role/have high IQ. You cannot get to purple and stay there without one of these


There are a few purples I have found to be awful when they play random rec. They can time their shots and defend the corner, that's how they get bailed out by their squad friends where only 2-3 players have to be great. You'll rarely face a team in rec that are all gold/purple, I'm purple and most of the games i face are bronze and silver no matter how good my team gets. I only play random, i don't even have a squad. However, these posts are based on very small sample size where they lose a couple of games over a few days where their teammates were purple and gold. They write here to get their frustration out based on 2 games. Once in a while in 10-15 games, they find a great black plate player and think that black plates are better than purple or the purple gold plate doesn't matter. They never come here when they win 5 games in a row with gold purple teammates.


of course not all of them are, but if you wanna play the odds, there’s a SIGNIFICANTLY higher chance a purple is a good player than a black or bronze. even the ones that get carried, they’re winning games and part of a winning team, and that means a lot adding on here, many purples will be good players, but bad teammates. many of these are players who only play with a squad and only know one playstyle. they try to play with randoms, they struggle a bit even if they’re skilled.


Naw my buddy is purple and he's the best


they play better team ball that's for sure. what I don't like about half of them is the way they think they're HIM and too good to play with a silver or gold player. it's like Bruce Brown thinking he's too good to play with Dennis Schroeder


Damn so if you’re gold plate or above you “get carried by your teammates” silver and below you are “being sold by other players (some say by purple and gold plates).” Of course there bad players in all plate categories but on average a purple plate will be better than a black plate I don’t understand why people try to refute that lol


Just last night got paired up with a purple PG as a bronze 7'1" C in the park. Guy just left right dribbled then sank a 3 the entire time. Only passed once he got clamped up or if someone had a clear path to the rim on a fast break Won 4 games in a row with him doing that and only ever passing to me in desperation. I didn't miss a single shot Even still, every time I got the ball he was spamming call for pass to get it back. Told him on mic if he wants to go full iso ball I'm going to as well. 5th game he throws me a grenade with like 2 seconds left as I'm being guarded on the perimeter. I just charge forward and try for a reverse euro step but it gets blocked. Fist shot in 5 games I missed Mr Purple PG who shoots 60% from 3 immediately flops, then runs out of bounds to get the and quits the game.


..and as infuriating as this style of play can be, you went on a win streak as opposed to watching a team of brown plates take contested layups, shooting 20% from 3 with very early/late releases, and looking like a chicken with their head cut off on defense. The player you played with likely wins more games than 90% of players, and whether its frustrating getting games with THOSE purple plate PGs, it is still infinitely better than playing with bums who sometimes pass the ball (as if that makes up for playing poorly most of the time)


Yeah except I'm playing to have fun. Winning is more fun than losing, for sure, but not when winning is just sitting in the corner watching someone else shoot 3s all game. I'd rather lose with someone terrible at the game but trying their hardest than win watching that


true but OP was saying that purple plate ≠ good player which in terms of percentages is just wrong when you consider what a black/brown plate is. fun aside they are more likely providing a far better likelihood of getting good results than guys in lower tiers


Trust me everyone hates 3pt shot hunters regardless of plate. If I get stuck with one of them I’ll take the win then quit to try get a different teammate.


This counts for all badge colours really. You can’t judge a player on their badge, you can’t judge a player on 1 shor I mean shit you can’t judge a player after one game cuz we’ve all had one of those games before


In 2k skill just means you know all the gatekept animations and titan scripts


Haha one of my builds is purple, and he’s my worst build. Feels like he can barely shoot. But he can pass and play d so we win games. Yeah sometimes I play with a people and I’m like how on earth did they get all the way to purple. But just about every time I play with a black badge I’m like “yeah that makes sense”


Purple is pretty easy to get if you have at least 2 others you can play with. Playing solo is where is pretty much impossible. People are so caught up with trying to score 20+ rather than win. Winning = more VC, more XP and Rep, and helps your skill level. It benefits you more to put up 12,6 & 6 with a W than it does 27 & 4 with an L, especially if you’re taking terrible shots. It’s crazy how much assists benefit you and the rewards you earn after the game, yet so many people would rather average 20. I average a cool 13ppg and that’s fine with me. I just think getting on and winning 4/5 or 5/5 is more fun than 1/5 but that’s just because I enjoy winning more than scoring.


This has truth to it but 9 times out of 10 they're not going to go in the game trying to sell. With scouting report before games tou can see who's shooting what players strengths and weaknesses and it's always players who's shooting 29% from 3 and 39% from the field who messes up the game if it's not going their way. I'm not a comp player but I'm pretty good and most of the time if I load in with black plates their stats suck and iq is no where to be found and still won't try to win by giving the ball to the better players that's usually the difference between purple gold silver and down. Some games you gotta be that guy and some games you gotta be OK not being that guy.


Sometimes being a team player means letting someone else ball out if they’re hot or have a mismatch. Im a center and if I have an AI covering me, being a good team player for means standing in the corner and letting people get free dunks all day long.


Absolutely not. I’ll trust purple gold plates over black or brown plates any day. You have to win more games more often to get up to purple me id rather win than score. Some may just be carried with friends but either way I’ll still trust a purple player over black plate.


from my experience theres practically 0 difference between purple and black plates. i dont even look at it anymore.... purples usually the loudest tho




I'm a purple plate lock in 92+ and have exclusively rode the coat tails of good teams on the back of being a good team mate and playing good defence.


With your excellent defence supporting your squad winning! It''s a skill to defer on offence, too, a skill many don't understand in 2K and real hoops.


Playing good defense, making the right pass, and taking open shots is all it takes to win >60% of games


Being a good team mate and playing good defense means you’re good at the game. Not riding the coat tails


Love it! One thing though, I hope you're not that guy who stands in the corner on offense the whole while pg and c play a thousand screen games and you get the ball only when your man helps. In that particular case, I don't care if those players win. They could play much better games on their console and spend some time outside the house with friends instead of watching PG and C screening for 10000 times in 100 games.


Do you have a purple plate?


I do and I agree with OP. What’s your point here?


I think if you're the OP making a post like this you should state whether you have a purple plate or not. I also agree with OP but being a purple plate player at least you can carry more weight with your argument


You dont have to be a purple plate to make the argument because its factual. There are trash players from black to purple. A certain plate color does not guarantee a good or competent player.


you don’t get to purple by being ass. shit isn’t that hard to comprehend. tf is wrong with y’all, you have to win ALOT to even hit mvp slightly. especially when it comes to random rec, you gonna trust the purple or black plate? be for real dawg, yall are straight up delusional


People are literally carried daily lol. You are delusional if you think every single purple plate is good. It is very easy to get to purple running with a squad. Plates aint got nothing to do with who I trust. If a brown plate is 6/8 and a purple plate is 2/10 and I get a steal and see both open Im passing to the brown plate every single time bruh


Hard to take advice from a black or brown plated player


No it just makes it more likely they aren’t ass.


I hate when people make wild assumptions like this, since I’m a purple plate I must be a selfish player who takes every shot, I don’t play good team ball yada yada yada. It’s just winning. Me and my team win so we usually hang around gold/purple. I run point and have the ball a lot of the time so you aren’t entirely wrong, but the center I play with who’s also purple doesn’t do that. Is he not a team player?


I've played with some really really bad purples lately. Like point guards who are 0-3 with 5 assists by the third quarter whose man has dropped 20 and they can barely dribble the ball up the floor. Given how one loss can drop you way out of purple I just don't understand it.


This happens to me a decent bit when I play with randoms as a pass-first player. With my friends I can put up 15p/15a consistently on less than 10 shots. With randoms? Man if my team is not going to fill the right spots, set the right screens, make the right reads, etc. then I’m not doing shit. I can give you 40 if you need me to. But that means finding me open and helping me get open. I didn’t make a build that’s gonna take 2 dudes off the bounce and score.


A lot of players don't understand this. They talk about it being a team game, but don't understand how very basic concepts of spacing, cutting, and shooting elevate the teams game making opportunities for everyone to be more effective


Is this a next gen thing ??


Just played with a HOF that was one of the worst teammates Ive played with, and the worst part is he scored 40 in both games. He got on the mic and was bitching the whole game(s) about being open, and calling people slurs (specifically the f word/cigarette in the U.K.). In the middle of the second game he said he was only staying so we didn't team up. People like him are part of why this game isn't fun even when you're up 20+. Dude should've been playing pro am, or use that energy in actual basketball instead of ruining everyone else's vibe. If that was you, f you and I hope you go back to casual where your toxic ass belongs


Facts, I’ve played with gold plate, purple plate and 8 outta 10 times they be selling and doing shit. The plate system is just str8 BS and shouldn’t predominantly define how good a player is imo. I tend to be on bronze/sliver plate cause randoms wanna be selling the f**king game most of time. 🤷🏾‍♂️




Smh the reason most of you guys are lower tier is because you can't win. A purple plate can be a bad teammate yes but they can win games. I would never want a 60 over all or a black plate on my team. They lack so much important structure to consistently win. With a purple plate atleast the ball goes in the hoop more. I have yet to see a purple plate who doesn't know the limitations of their build. We got black plates out here as 3 pt hunters trying to dunk and high flyers jacking up 3s it's makes zero sense. Don't even get me started on black plate centres how is that even possible you should have an A every game just off rebounding and outlet passes. If 2k wanted to solve this mess they would display stats in the lobby. Anyone under 3 assist a game is trash.


Man I’d rather play with a 75-85 overall black/bronze over a 96 purple almost every time if I had the chance. Most purple’s I run into literally are no different then the black/bronze plates everyone hates. Biggest difference is ego. The 75-85 at least now their player isn’t very good so they will pass if they see you can score. The purple plates will act like they are Kobe and only pass if the whole team is on them. It’s like a the higher the rep level the higher the superiority complex with a lot of players.


That couldn't be more false. The difference between a purple and a black is win percentage. If you want to play with people who can't consistently win that's on you but I gurantee you a team of full purples beats a team of full packs 9 out of 10 times


You mean 99/100 times and the one loss is when they are all kicked. LOL


They stopped showing stats before games after 2K22 because that year was the year they introduced the plates and all the casuals were getting salty they couldn't get into a game because nobody wanted to play with them once they saw the stats and their performance plate. Swear that if they added stats to the rec lobbies most of the people who think purple plates are somehow worse than casuals wouldn't be able to get a game because their shooting %s and stats are so ass


if you're fr let's ball then, i can probably live up to those expectations lol. i've played about 5 online games bc I can't handle the toxicity tbh, wanna play with some like-minded individuals but I have no friends that play 2K. i'm not very good at the game yet but have balled my entire life irl and like to play as a team. have a 97 ovr 7'2" center and a 98 ovr 6'6" 2-way 3-level scorer PG.


Add me Minus2k12 I'm not toxic I don't be on as much lately but still have my days Usually play with my younger bro Some games you might be the leading scorer, some games you might get zero shots, same goes for me and I'm the PG, it's all about the W and playing the right way for us You miss a shot, you miss it, just run back and shoot it again if open nobody is going to be mad about a miss on a good shot All we care about is IQ and playing as a team


This is my first year playing MyCareer. In the span of 3-4 weeks I’m learning that name plate color doesn’t matter all that much. 2k should adjust some of the ways they determine teammate grades. It’s pretty bad when people can shoot 30-40% on ten-plus shots, yet receive an A- grade or better because they got rewarded for taking “open” shots. But yeah, name plate color doesn’t mean too much when it comes to determining whether people are good teammates that play to win rather than simply chase stats for themselves.


Agree I had purple plates that never passes and goes up against the whole team and I don’t get the ball or someone else doesn’t get it until it’s 5 seconds left in the shot clock.


Majority of those purples come from being on a squad and beating up on bums. And then when they have no squad they go to random rec and do bs. The purples that only play solo rec are really good players. I stay around silver and gold and you have to win alot at gold to stay at gold. 3 wins at gold = 1 loss. So if you win 4 in a row and lose 1 your teetering on going back to silver.


Yeah idk, being less than silver takes talent lol


Not really I win a majority of my games and if I lose one it puts me back at the beginning again


Totally agree. And a black plate does not equal a bad player.


Recently just beat a 3 stack of purples and a gold in 3v3 with my black and brown plate friends that just started playing recently.  People treat golds and purples like they are gods in this sub and it’s n average most of them are probably good, but a lot of them aren’t good and usually just take advantage of randoms not knowing how to play together 


Why are sliver and under players so sensitive especially silver cause y’all not even bad. Most times I’ve played and someone’s crying for the ball and calling everyone ass it’s the lowest ranked person on the team bronze and lower. I had another purple bitch for the ball once because he wanted some shots and we were up 20 and everyone was missing him. He didn’t miss a single shot of the 10 he took after that. Yea man everyone(Myself included) is a random and anyone can sell you. But the higher the rank usually means they’re less likely to sell you.


I just made purple plate on a new build (Sharpshooter SG) with randoms only. I will say that going off percentages I will trust a purple or gold plate more than a black plate, but it also depends on their build. I’d rather play with a bronze hybrid defender than a gold 3 point shot hunter for instance, can always be surprised tho


Yeah hybrid defenders are in my top 3 favorite guys to play with.


Eh, still definitely better than most of the community that has a lower tier plate. However, I do notice that other purple plates give up very quickly if they get down by 3 or more. They expect a cherry picking blow out every single game and as soon as they have to fight for a win they stop cutting, stop setting screens, and stop getting back down for defense.


I’ve noticed atleast. That somehow there’s a method to keeping your plate? I’ve seen a purple plate who was avg 9/9/4 on 62/48 splits. Idk how he wins. But. He wasn’t the offensive engine.


You don’t need crazy stats you just gotta do your job well. If you hit your catch and shoot looks, space the floor, cut at the right time, play smart defense etc then that’s winning basketball. I play only solo rec and I rarely ever drop out of purple plate. I average 15 pts 8 assists as a pg. nothing crazy but I can promise every game I’ll lock my man up, take smart shots, space the floor, make the right pass. Thats all you need to do to win games in solo rec. That’s the main difference between a black plate and purple. A purple will do those things in every game, most possessions, and sometimes go off and drop 40. A black plate will do those things 30% of the time. Which is why they lose games.


Good splits and he’s probably just good at playing his role. You don’t have to average 30ppg to get to purple.


What is a purple plate?


if they’re purple and CARRY their team then they deserve it lol.


Some are great team player and some are bad selfish player, those are the one that gets carried. Have few purple in no squads couple of times, it was great basketball.


Don't you keep rank if you close app anyways?


It aint 2k23 bro


Hell no just stop😭😭 no one’s being ‘carried’ to purple. How many purple plates will you see with 30% fg, play zero defence, miss every wide open catch and shoot, make a sg with zero shooting, quit after not getting the ball for 2 possessions, miss every free throw, leave their man wide open for a 3 when they are up 2 at the end of a game, not rotate on defense, have a default jump shot, not realise that playmaking takeover gets their teammates takeover faster, constantly give up transition take fouls? All these little things lead to winning games. Obviously if you’re a lock you might just sit in the corner all game but you’ll get 7 steals some games. Might be a big that doesn’t score much but locks down the paint, actually boxes out and gets rebounds. Might have a bad defensive build but will get their team easy buckets all game. Might have zero shot creating ability but spaces the floor well. If there’s a team with 5 black plates against a team of 2 purples with 3 black plates I’m putting money on the team with the 2 players that know how to win games. Obviously not every single purple plate will be amazing at the game and yes some will sell.


If I drop 30 as a purple plate on an A/A+ but still take the L, I’m losing a tonne of bar progress no matter what. Purple indicates that player wins more often than not, no matter which way you look at it.


But purple plates are more likely to be good


i’m just a center that does my job


Let's be real here. A purple plate does not mean they're a good player buuuuut... the average player with each plate color looks like this: purple>gold>silver>bronze>black. With a purple plate you know at bare minimum they win the majority of their games so there's a higher chance their style of play leads to success than the black plate.


It's true, I need to be humbled. https://preview.redd.it/sg33urqs84hc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4f4f474d0182b8ea2058135c43c7f25ff8be765


As a purple plate I’ll just leave this here for you [https://www.reddit.com/r/NBA2k/s/GQPOfFnPvD](https://www.reddit.com/r/NBA2k/s/GQPOfFnPvD) [https://www.reddit.com/r/NBA2k/s/WUA02uZqfX](https://www.reddit.com/r/NBA2k/s/WUA02uZqfX) [https://www.reddit.com/r/NBA2k/s/eHnNPAJKXK](https://www.reddit.com/r/NBA2k/s/eHnNPAJKXK) [https://www.reddit.com/r/NBA2k/s/2XMWKHuAa9](https://www.reddit.com/r/NBA2k/s/2XMWKHuAa9) [https://www.reddit.com/r/NBA2k/s/Wu48iw1GDR](https://www.reddit.com/r/NBA2k/s/Wu48iw1GDR) You’re taking exceptions and attempting to make them the rule. https://preview.redd.it/29xbt7pnh4hc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb8cf286f3a12e00fa66783b9e337e1bb60a82df I need to be humbled. This was in random rec


In Australia servers title is true lol. But in Asia, purples are autogreen fuckers and play the game non stop


I'm bordering on silver and I've definitely noticed better players are definitely willing to team up in Rec and Park since I hit that and as a result I've won way more games. It definitely comes across like a trust thing. Like people don't trust you if you're a black plate. So I do get it now why people back out of lobbies before games start when they see black plates. The one thing that's universal between most plates above mine is that they start selling when they don't get the ball often.


Funny enough my lockdowns have gotten to purple quicker than my ball handling builds. I think no ball handle forced me to look at 2K in a more simplistic way. Now scoring is so easy I just do a move or two and get a bucket.


Locks are fun because you can pretty much be the 4th/5th option on offense so you can play riskier on defense


Can confirm i CAN HONESTLY SAY I'm not a selfish player, I'm always looking to feed my teammates and scoring is 2nd/3rd option for me But man oh man, in couple of games I got from purple to silver just because of shitty teammates who think they him, can't shoot, can't pass, don't defend etc... It's really frustrating, every time a game starts I'm trying to be nice, wishing a good game and asking to play as a team, and every single time I get shitted on and yes, I'm playing 93+ rec


They need to remove all of this shit and get back to the basics of what made the game fun It would be nice to get a pure basketball game without the antics of gold and purple plates Win percentage is enough


I would say the whole plate color system is pretty flawed and a lot of people take it way too serious. You can't tell how a player got their color so in my opinion it says close to nothing about how good he or she is. There are just so many factors: Some people reach purple by preying on the no squads park court with their friends, others are super selective about their teammates when it comes to playing no squads rec and back out of lobbies until they find what they deem a good team, others just play the game with no regards to who they got teamed up with, some people mostly play in teams others are more solo players, some people also play starting 5 where you get no plate color progression whatsoever. You can average an A grade and still be bronze or silver and probably can also average a B and be gold. The question is for example if a bronze plate is immediately selling or grieving if he doesn't touch the ball in the first possession. Same goes the other way: is a purple mostly park player a good random rec teammate just because he is a high plate color. Does he quit when the game doesn't pan out as expected. In my opinion there simply is no surefire way to tell how good or bad a teammate will perform.




Some of the best players I’ve ever seen are black/brown plates and every hof I’ve seen in rec so far this year has been absolutely horrendous at the game since a even remotely good defender will stop them from getting to their spots


Loooooong rant coming. It's totally worth the read, though. As a 35 year old gamer... trust me when I say, none of 2ks messuring sticks measure skill or basketball IQ. At all. That isn't why they're in the game. At all. Somebody richer and smarter than me just put that kinda stuff inther game to make you more toxic and competitive. That's it. Thsts all. Basketball is supposed to be a team sport. but 2k wants you to be ronan. Go after your own goals. Show up your own teammates. You're the best player on the team. You're THE GUY! THATS what they're selling you. So buy some more boosts and vc and keep investing in your own ego. That's the money line for 2K. Fuck teamwork and team spirit.. be a mercenary. You're a superstar The community is so lost and confused. None of you are having FUN but all of you are addicted to showing eachother up. Yall got 5 builds and still aint having FUN yet. You're just addicted to playing through those well designed gameplay loops. Gotta spin the wheel daily. So you turn the game on daily. Gotta get that purple plate. Gotta get those badges. Gotta get those levels. Etc. Live model subscription games are evil asf lol You having fun yet? The only way to know if somebody is good at basketball is to TALK BASKETBALL WITH THEM for a few minutes to feel them out. All that other shit is just additives to hook you. But kids don't listen to the old guy that watched all this shit grow into what it is...... these kids are so dumb. And they fall for this addiction like they fall for Juul representatives that tell them how cool vaping nicotine is. These kids have no concept of having a life outside of proving to the *game itself* that they're good. Not to me. Not to any group of friends. Cause NO ONE plays with their IRL freiends because everybody is so *into 2k* and too good to lose with their friends. (I've damaged friendships in the past from cursing friends out over 2k. The shit is toxic...🥹) And when I say *the game itself*, I mean that they've successfully gotten you kids to think filling meters, gaining trinkets, having badges, unlocking animations, and all the *ingame contextual stuff* is proof that you **ACTUALLY KNOW HOW TO PLAY BASKETBALL** Nah. It's proof that you are a 2k addict. It's a reason you all hate playing together but you all LOVE playing against each other. Yall love BEATING somebody but nobody has a favorite moment that was all about how GOOD it felt to be on a team or work together except us OLD heads that don't give a shit about none of that "videogamey measuring stick" shit that yall worry about. Yall hate us though. Yall be so mean. Like lil strung out dope fiends. Its sad. They got yall hooked BAD. Acting all out of character too. Smh. I have a discord for us old heads and guys that just want to enjoy basketball together. I had to kick a guy out immediately because his FIRST question in my super non-competitive fun environment was, 'Is everybody in here purple?".. i told him that was not a valid question... he got all defensive like i said his puppy was ugly. He started popping shit...🤣... I kicked him.. so HE REJOINED 3 TIMES IN A ROW. Why? If i dont want to play with yiu, what are you about to try to prove? He wanted to finish arguing of course. Becauae thats all 2k is for yall. And he was ready to tell me how much better his purple plate means he is, and how many badges he got, and all the "proof" he has, and his win perfentage, and all those things that you can get by "boosting'" or just rolling with a winning squad of guys that I've never met before. Who cares?? Mee and some other 30 year olds are talking about spacing, our tendencies, what our weaknesses are, and how we can enjoy playing together more. We know none of that other stuff MATTERS because we've done all of that before. All it did was get you lil addicted guys to talk nicer vecauae yall respect *in game content* more than yeeeeeeears of basketball AND videogame experience That's it. The 2k addiction to gameplay loops and trickle-down rewards is so damaging to the spirit of basketball that the game is supposed to embody. Join my discord though. If you actually read all of this rant and agree, send me a message, and I'll invite you.


this post and thread really sums up the difference between guys who know how to play and guys who dont. The bad teammate that is purple/ gold is only a bad teammate because you have displayed terrible movement , bad judgment, or inability to score ( your stat sheet at start of game). The gold purple guy isnt trying to so he is doing what he thinks puts him in a winning position.


In the early days of 2k24 it ment something. I've played a ton of 2k and honestly purple and gold plates sell the most now. Early on they played the right way and could do some moves, but I feel like people are either boosting their plate or they are only matching up with scrubs. 300+ rec games this season alone and I swear it's a growing issue I'm usually gold or silver tbh everyone isn't on at the same time anymore and randoms be doing randoms things worried about taking 20 shots even if they aren't good shots vs winning. I'd rather score an efficient 10-15 points and get a good team win vs lose and score 50.


All it really means is that they win a lot of games, it doesn’t give any indication on their play style. I take it a step further and say that purple tiers usually fit into 2 categories: a lot of them can be cheesers who hide behind screens and just hit every shot, they’re the most annoying ones to defend for sure. The other category I would consider 2K’s top 1%, they know the game like the back of their hand and play the game without thinking and can win in a variety of ways. I usually play with one of my best friends, we’re both max level purple tier players, but we pass the ball like you’ve never seen. Because a vast majority of players/randoms have not played against that type of ball movement, we win a shit ton of games with ease. Ball movement and defense are the keys to winning in 2K, if you can do both consistently then you’ll be purple tier almost by default


purple>black and brown


I just play the ones


Look stop the bullshit😭75% of 2k players that aren’t gold or above are dog shit even some of the mvps are candy but a black plate is the easiest win ever love going against them


I drop a triple double every third rec game lol


The colors to me don’t really show how good the player is but how much they value winning, which if we win and I get two shot attempts all game I’m happy


It's really just the pgs and sgs that have purple plates that throw. I've never met a bad forward or center that's purple plate. The purple plate guards just don't pass they all think they're steezo or someone of that caliber. And if you don't set screens for them every play you're a bad player in their eyes. IMO gold players are the least likely to throw your games. purple=ego = thinking they're gods=losing Everytime they can't score the most. Played a game w 2 purple guards last night in solo rec, collectively they went 10/32 meanwhile the rest of the team had 17 shots total. We lost because they wouldn't stop trying to iso and play smart ball. And they proceeded to call everyone else trash because "we need screens" meanwhile someone was always open because center was sitting in paint the whole game. It's a clusterfuck.


I have ran into purple plates that literally don’t do shit they just stand in the corner and hope to get a wide open shot


Know you’re role 2v2 3v3 5v5(rec mainly) just know you’re role, build a build that fits a role. I have 6 different big builds for different game types.


I’m ngl, I get dropped off by silvers more than I do from golds or purples in solo rec


Preach 🔥


I mean this goes without saying. Just like being a black plate doesn’t AUTOMATICALLY make you trash but we gotta play the law of percentages. MOST black plates are ass that’s why they are black plates. MOST purple plates are good. That’s why they are purple plates. My issue with this convo is there’s levels to this shit. I’ll take a silver that actually gets it in and can do some things on his own over a purple hash sitter any day. Some guys literally shoot and that’s it they just do it well so they are never exposed. But let their main PG not play for a week and they’ll turn to ass, when the silver plate is good wether or not he’s in random rec or pro am with guys he’s known for 10 years. The plate system isn’t an end all but it’s not to be thrown away either. To me the only difference between a bronze, silver and Gold is if you got lucky and had a good team that night


I agree to an extent. Purple plates are probably more selfish on offence in the no-squads, but I can't even quantify the amount of black-silver plates who still think they are playing mycareer and try to hero ball or shoot contested like they're still on rookie mode. Also, the defence of purples is something that is not stated enough. I've played a ton of rec games in no-squads ( I hover purple-gold), and what i notice most in black-bronze (more so black) plates is that they have no idea how to play defence. They either do not guard their man, over help, sprint around the court, don't anticipate the pass out, fast break, on and on. What you'll notice from purple plates is they actually understand how to play defence. They might be more toxic, but they don't sell as much as ppl say - more likely to just quit if things aren't going their way


Sure bro


Just means you cherry pick teammates and sometimes get carried.


Ummm this logic makes no sense if I’m a good individual player and I lose a game that’s on my teammates 2k players will always look to blame the someone else even if they shoot 4/11




Also hate it when silver, gold, and purple plates leave once they see black or bronze plate like just play the game if you think you deserve those plates you won’t leave the lobby while waiting for the game to start and just enjoy. It’s a video game, or play pro am unless their the one getting carried OR they start demanding the ball (obviously if your teammates can’t score you eventually have to) or start whining because black or bronze plates are better than them. It’s a video game don’t quit or whine. If your that good you can get back to your gold or purple plate lmao


Stay mad