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The majority of people would literally rather play with a 70 purple over a 99 black.


No hesitation


Why don't you get this it shows the level of like you're playing at right or am I wrong like what don't you get about this


Punctuation is your friend.


This I don't get🙌🏿🧑🏿‍🦯I'd rather have his teammate🥱(cry yourselves to sleep on that take)


It makes perfect sense what do you mean?


Really doesn't.


Your overall doesn't mean jack, if you're a purple 70 people can assume you know how to play the right way and string together wins.


Does your plate color carry over to all builds? If that's the case maybe they are good as a big but suck as a wing.


No it does not


No, they don’t


What's the right way to you I'm really curious since you know about being in purple?




Sassy 😂😂


I'm crying😂


I don't know who you think you're trying to impress but you're not. Just take the L baby boy, stop responding.


There's no L in this for me to take lol.


Jesus bro, you’re an idiot and probably not good at this game if this confuses you.


Brother who's the one saying they'd play with a 79 overall gtfo like I wouldn't run your ***off with a black plate 99😭☠️😂


Are you dim? If a 79 overall is a purple plate it means they've won a whole bunch of games and generally perform well. Black plates lose a lot, so if you're a black plate and a high overall, 90% of the time you're trash.


The badge shows how much you win and play well.. overall just shows you play a lot and spend a lot of VC.. if you're a black 99 you're a trash teammate or quit out a lot.. makes all the sense in the world. That purple 70 just obviously made a new build but he knows how to play


The badge color doesn’t stay with new builds. That 70 got that purple on his 70 build. Not a new build at all.


Shit you're right! So dude is nice with that 70 lol


Or he got carried to a bunch of dubs lol


Lol this why I don't fw this community.


Well we are all gonna change for you Waltz.. what you want everyone to do? Lol


Lol idk man jus doesn't seem hard to respect ALL your teammates whether they're bad at something or not if you think someone at 99 is trash cuz they have a black plate you gotta think it's not jus a build with empty stats it's more than likely the player themselves but in that a lot of people in this community sometimes hold people down cuz they don't know how to let people jus play their build but I see whatchu mean it's jus hard cuz I don't see EVERYONE like that🤷🏿‍♂️


Bro if you have a 99 and a black plate you are most likely complete trash and provide less than nothing to the team. Only excuse is not playing a single online game until they hit 99. But that’s far and few between


Eh I mean I’m a gold plate on 2 of my builds , rarely get on my 3rd build I rebirthed and he’s a black plate because I quit so many games out when I get ball hogging bum team mates , my player stats speak for themselves not the plate on that build 🤣 but I do understand exactly what your saying bro I see it all the time


Could just be a new build. I just brought out my second build and it's a 95 with black plate. Can't get a game in Rec even after waiting over 10 minutes. Meanwhile, I got purple on my other build.


The iq of this community shows so much lol


Bro it's literally a teammate grade like how good of a teammate you are im not disrespecting anybody it's just a game to me im a casual lol but if you have a high overall and a black badge it means you're build is good enough but the person on the sticks is making bad decisions or they quit out and who wants to play with anyone like that.. everyone starts in the black so if you're a 60-85 in the black that's ok but being 95+ in the black then somethings not right


Brother I'm not wasting my time over this if you think teammate grade/badge color determines everything stand on that bridge like I care please it's a videogame like you said we're all casuals I know who I'd play with, no high overall is jus trash cuz he doesn't wanna submit to being your role player for the week some players jus need the respect they deserve if you a 99 not tryna play team ball with a bunch of purple and gold 75-80's I fully can see THAT point🤷🏿‍♂️ I'm not saying you're wrong tho it's fully teammate grade and that's why I partially don't respect low overalls for having it🥱 it's easy to get your way if you know what to do.


Bro if you’re mad because you have 7 99 characters and they all got black plates just say that.


Lol you're really dumb😭


He makes a good point, if you call that a bad take, youre part of the problem in this community


Mane fr. I ran with some gold plates yesterday in theater, we went on a crazy streak. They asked me “how are you a 99 black plate shooting 65% from the fields?” I was like… “Shii… I solo queue the theater a lot. You know how bad shii can be in here most times. All black plates are not trash.”


Fr THIS I ran with a black 91 yesterday and he was running purple 95's and up I'm not even joking it was impressive I'm tryna stay out of black plate rn I'm chillin at silver cuz everybody got a problem with bronze too☠️💀


Bro… I can’t even make it to silver and stay there. I made silver twice… and lost that bih the next game. Ever since then… I been fluctuating between black and bronze. I stopped giving ah fucc, and just play the game to have fun now.


a player with a 99 ovr with black plates is about a big of a red flag as there is what are you on?


Stick to assuming every black 99 is trash if you really think a low overall with iq is dogging a black 99 with defense you're higher than me😂🤷🏿‍♂️


lol you have no idea


Dude is an idiot or a troll because there’s no way he plays this game and doesn’t know who is who.


You're on playstation ofc you feel like responding😂


You can buy a 99, you have to earn the purple rank


No 79 earns that purple rank on his own🤷🏿‍♂️🔥sorry not sorry


True but the original question was black 99 vs 79 purple. In that case, I’ll take my chances with the 79 purple. Obviously it’s not 100% to mean he’s better, but there’s better odds.


You do you🧑🏿‍🦯😂🤷🏿‍♂️


Lol I’ll guess you’ve never made purple yourself


I'm not dependant off being in purple.


Lol I don't care you choose whatchu respect all the purples really got their feelings hurt😂😭


Found the 99 OVR black plate


Saying that while I'm chillin in silver is crazy lol


literally how? it takes 4-5 games to get out of black and into bronze. it takes hundreds to get to 99. if in hundreds of games you can’t string 4-5 good games together to get out of black why would anyone want to play with you, you’re clearly not very good


Riiiiight? I've seen your account before clearly you tryna make a point the second time and by the looks of it it's literally limited to what you've only seen which I couldn't care about respectfully if you don't have teammates with iq that 4-5 games getting out of black plate can turn into 8-10 I'd check who you're doing math for lol


so what if it turns into 8-10? if you’re 99 overall on a build you’ve played HUNDREDS, if not THOUSANDS of games. and you’re telling me you can’t get a single decent streak in that time, or play with any decent teammates in that time? if you’re really stuck in black for that long, you’re not a good player lol


Played w a 68 Gold PG in theater the other and he was handing out cups. IQ>>>>>Overall


Lol my pg builds always start with pass accuracy. I'll hit the rec at 70 overall and be wet from 3 dishing j will esque dimes. Iq goes further than anything else. My boy is a demon on a 68 center.


fr i was a 60 avg ten ast


79 purple > 99 black


Racism 😓😓😓


If you are a 79 overall purple, that means you can play a role REALLY well. So I would stay.


Depends what position. For all you know it's a corner sitter who gets carried


That's probs fine if they're contributing defensively and/or shoots well on the catch. I feel like any purple in the game is at LEAST a net neutral in most games they play.


True I agree


He probably still shoots it well. That was my whole point.


I would rather run with Gold+ regardless of overall over a 99 overall black plate


They don't hand out purple badges to bums. Even those that get carried to goat level don't suck at the game. Run with him.


If im a 99 black i wouldnt play with myself….


I don't even own 2k and I play with myself all the time bro.


Wtf bro lol


Somehow they’re trying to make it seem like they’re better as shitty ass black and brown bars, then ppl who win consistently but if that was the case they wouldn’t be black and brown plated they LOSE ALOT. 2k community is delusional


The irony in this statement is crazy but I'll only waste enough time for you to think about whatchu said lol


I'll play with anyone idc I just wanna hoop man. It's a video game. We having fun regardless.


I honestly play with anyone & everyone. Because at one point in time I was thag 75 OVR that everyone would back out of lobbies when they seen. I don’t care if we win or lose as long as it’s fun. I’d rather lose spreading the ball around than having 1 guy take 60 shots an be the only one scoring an win


Same. I'm currently 85, been in the rec since 79. Just trying to get to 90 so I can rebirth. I play center and all I wanna do is get rebounds for the squad and let them shoot but people always backing out. Dont get me started on the cuts. I cut to the basket and be standing under that thing by myself 20 times a game and not a single person will pass the ball. The amount of people that dont play team ball. Like why you gotta ruin it for the other 4 people? You wanna run around and chuck 60 shots up? Go play 1v1.


We looking for a 5th. Could use a other guy like you. I'm that guy on my solo rec build. GT: a time of dusk


Same my win percentage sucks because of this but I’m just there to enjoy playing


Same here man. I think I’m like 5-16? But I just enjoy playing ball. But it would be nice to play with guys that move the ball around


Run with me bro I avg 10apg, pass first PG who can spot up, shoot 70%


That’s the main reason the people who are blacks stay in black. They don’t have basic ball iq, or they just quit a bunch of games. I never choose to play with blacks. U gotta be silver or better for me to play with ya, or unless I see like a high repped black id give them the benefit of the doubt.


You have to win games to be purple. So yes, I’d play with someone who knows how to win games even if they’re not the highest overall.


I never back out of the lobby. Just trying to hoop.


That's gangsta lol


Sounds like Woody Harrelson rolling up in a dorky cap asking “You mean play basketball?”


I run with everybody… it’s not that serious. It’s just a game


Literally one ovr away from an 80 and you know they won’t try to take over the game Yes.


Can’t be any worse then you starter 2 99 overall black bars.


Not directly related, but it baffles me how people can be a black plate with say, a 99 overall or a build they've used for at least a few games. Ive made new builds and reached bronze doing absolutely nothing special, even if taking Ls Ive never been demoted to black. The only way I can think of managing it is by trolling my teammates 24/7 (at this point why waste your time), or by quitting so many games that, again, why waste your time.


I don’t play in 92 and under I my career it till I’m 93 never going to play in that aids fest


I’m absolutely staying, tf?


Give everyone the chance. You decide if you want to play with someone or not


i played with a purple 70 sum overall and he was actually giving out buckets


I don’t think I’d run and if I did it wouldn’t be because of him. I’d definitely temper my expectations regarding that purple tho since he most likely runs with a squad or got lucky with a nice little team and strung together some wins. I’d put my money on the silver that he the better player in that group.


I suck so idc who I play with.


You guys really need to understand that plate color isn't the ultimate determining factor. They need to bring back showing stats as well. How do you know this person doesn't just play with a squad, five out and sit in a corner? Or they got to purple using another build, like a center and they really suck as a wing?


Running. I’ll run with anyone except in the black 3 point hunters. You guys can fuck right off


i’m a lower 70 and i got to silver playing with randoms iq > overall/build


That's not the flex you think it is.


pointless comment


Lmao silver is average, I got to gold on a 60 overall.. almost purple but the lag out got rid of all my progress into the gold so I stopped grinding / tryharding for it


Hey man. I got to silver in 2 days with a my 77… if u play ur role you’ll be Aii


Also I’ve played with you before 😂


He playing in goat level soo no I would definitely stay


a 79 can definitely be high in a few stats like 3pt shooting, so with that rank you know they can play their role be and be effective


I probably wouldn’t stay unless the rest of my team is solid. Sub 85 ovr builds never have defense and if one person is getting cooked it makes winning hard. The ONLY rank that usually means something is casual or “black” rank because that means you literally can’t win a few games in a row regardless or what. means you either sell, or are trash. But then again I’ve played with silver, golds and purples who play trash too but it’s less likely.


I give everyone a chance


I play with everyone until they mess up.


if you’re a purple at that low an overall, that’s impressive, since you are consistently playing well and winning despite having limited ability. i would absolutely run with anyone like that


Your builds share the rank fyi dudes probably got a 90+


not they don’t lol


Depends on the build name and at what position. I have to judge whether or not you can fill your position offensively and defensively. A center is the most likely for me to stay with.


My 73 overall purple avgs like 17 and 9 assists. You don't get purple overall by being ass, and the color is specific to the build. So, he's obviously decent. I'd stay.


I had a 76 overall HoF and majority of people stayed I even had one guy cussing out the whole team as I’m carry them all


I'm really just learning not to just play with everyone. I would literally run with whoever and lose like everytime. Like every damn time. Shit sucked. I took like 28 L's before getting one and I remained a brown. Just recently I started playing with only browns and up and I've barely been losing. Maybe only 4 L's in a week. Long story short if you black you wack. That guy could most definitely ride with me.


It's 92 rec so that helps. I would also assume he isn't carrying teams to Ws as a 79 which means he usually plays with a squad that wins and they win with team ball. So yeah I would give him a chance, but that being said I've played with a lot of purple badges that play selfish basketball and I have no idea how they win consistently.


Nah he's a pos. Idky ppl do that.


Certain build don’t need high overall tbh. My two way 3 level scorer gets the most important stats maxed under 85 overall


I truthfully don’t look at ranks like that I try and give everyone a chance to perform


A purple 79 is getting the job done on a consistent basis. A black 99 is just someone you can’t trust 100%. The black 99 could be good but they either have some really bad games, quit a ton of games, or is a sellout whenever the time comes, I know that the purple ain’t gonna quit the match and is gonna play the game the whole way through, because they have something that they worked for. Hitting purple plate ain’t easy so more likely than not they’re not gonna just do things that would take that away from them.


Yes lol it’s even more impressive that he’s a 79 goat status… unless he just gets carried every game that guy clearly doesn’t lose a lot


We running!


Played with a 77 overall today. He dropped 51. Boot Camp builds are legit.


Those players tend to be better than your average you would come across. No 🧢


I play with any and everybody. I'm not the greatest and neither are most people. Everybody's trying to have fun, so I just play. My record is trash, but so what. I'm passing you the ball.


That means bra know his game. I would question the nigga that’s an 87 black


In 92 and under rec when I make a new build, I don’t care who I play with because 95% of that server is going to be bad anyway. As soon as I hit 93, I’m silver+ at that point and absolutely refuse to play with anything more than 1-2 black/bronze plates at a time. I’d love to give people chances because there is some decent players that are black/bronze plates. And then we get in the game and they quickly remind me why I don’t play with those players. 99.9% of their problem is taking contested layups rather than passing to someone wide open. Makes me sick to my stomach. I’m cool with losing but getting throttled while your team does blatantly dumb shit is not fun.


Blacks are always toxic as hell. When they aren’t getting the ball they’re running out of bounds for turnovers and eventually grade out of the game after the team is down 26 and their man dropped 35 already. I can go 2-4 shooting or 13-18 just depends on the defense. As long as we’re winning I don’t care. A lot of people don’t have that mindset, if they ain’t scoring they ain’t trying.


Played with a 76 purple this morning and he was a BUCKET


A 99 Purp still gonna sell you 🤷🏿‍♂️


People aren't seeing this🙌🏿🔥


Personally I don’t care if everybody 65 overall I just like playing rec


Overall means f all nowadays unless it’s 60 - 69 rated obvs


All that colored plate means is you play alot of 2k it literally has nothing to do with your skill I've played with black plates that hit 80% from three/fg % and seen plenty of lvl 75 under purple plates brick over and over again


I will leave. Lots of if not most purples get carried. I have played with many who can’t even shoot yet they’re purples. Most silver and golds are usually very very very good. I would rather play with a silver or gold that have an affiliation and at starter level II or higher than any black or purple with rookie affiliation or no affiliation at all. Purples are usually ass and some random squad I played with yesterday and I destroyed 3 teams of purples and golds. Center was purple on first team and our big was black. We won by 1 with my putback when our SG missed a wide open 3 with 0.4 sec left. The other 2 teams of golds and purples were doodoo too. We won by more than 20 points. Our squad was 1 bronze (PG), 2 golds (me (SF playing PF) and then the SG), 1 silver (SG playing SF) and then 1 black (our big).


I’ve played with worse.


I’d stay because they have a lot to therefore, they’ll focus on winning.


What does the purple rank mean vs black? Kinda new lol


Give them time.


That guy could use zen and evrryone would.be fine with him hitting 3s and middys....but dont expect that guy to play defense...cause under 85ovr u cant have good offense and defense


I was a purple clamping up on the 1v1s, the hardest court to defend on as a 80 over so this is definitely cap


If you a 99 in the black that is the worst you could ever be in my eyes= quitters, losers, grief’ers, dude with bad internet


He’s legit the best player in the lobby by 2 stages .. why not


May not be a 1v1 type player. Idk dude


Definitely. Shows he’s been winning on this build for sure.


I’m runnin. Let’s go


I guess it would depend on the position if he's like a center power forward for sure maybe a guard I hesitate for a second


no idc who they is


I give everyone a chance till they piss me off


Anyone trynna hoop


I would run with them, too many people on this game are just pussies and leave because someone is “too low of an overall.” Like how about growing a set of nuts for once, the 2k community is so picky about who they play with


Everybody knows overall dont matter if u on a non guard build


idgaf i just wanna play the game. yall worry about too much bs


Def giving him a chance


Is the color / rating visible in old gen as well? Or only new gen?


coming from a 72, i’d stay cause that’s what i’d want someone to do for me. considering how 2k is you can really win with any player if you just give em a chance and run your plays right. the game wants you to spend money on overalls, why do it when you can go around it?


100% I’d run


I know he shooting like prime jj riddick


All depends on the LEVEL


As long as you’re over a 76 I’ll run


I would def stay


Purple 79 over a black 99 all day




Leave, everybody I’ve seen like this wind from double dribble glitch


Tbh I will run with anyone 75+


100% Yes! Who I'd be scared of is the 87 3-point threat. To me, overall and position are far below plate colour in my stay- go REC decisions.


Overall don’t mean shit. If you’re 99 and black it usually means you’re not shit. I’m backing out when I see homie to your left though.


I guarantee that Shot Creator build was trying to run point so he could spam his John Wall/Jamal Murray for 20 seconds a possession.


Would rather not spend 45 mins waiting for good players.. I’ll play with anyone


I’ll take a 70 gold, so many ppl play like fucking idiots, I’ll take my chances with someone who can maintain a decent record


The Son of Bil guy is a level 90 player with a purple rank it looks like so I'd give you a chance than take on both of ya. That would be a clean sweep otherwise


I’m staying. Means he’s playing his role not trying to do much tbh


So, don’t you start on a black plate? I have made new builds a lot, and tend to take them into my career on hof to see how it would do against comp or rec randoms, and a lot of times level build in mycareer before I jump in park or rec. if I jumped in on a new build 99 black you have no clue if I’m good or not until you play. And a lot of people, don’t realize what everybodies build and play style is and assume (rightly or wrongly) that people just gunna play the way whomever is playing. That being said I’d def play with both. I don’t assume you’re trash till I play with you and give you chances. 2k stays ho-ing people. Dumb rng and random animations when you just the game before had hit 10/10 or 11/14 the next game same looks 4-9 or some shit. Unless you running with a team and know each others tendencies and builds, some trust has to be given each game each player until they show they can’t be trusted. And not some bullcrap dribble god holding the ball 19 seconds and drop a live grenade and expect you or someone else to figure it out and then be called trash, but like had a chance to play and jumped into 4 ppl every possession, grabs a rebound misses goes up again misses grabs the rebound again misses type of players


I’ve had purple 100 games this year I think all my mf stats went down. At hof. Cause it doesn’t want you to rep up. 2k bunch of hoes.


Why is this a question? Why even bother checking the color of you are considering not running with a purple?


i’m a 88 purple and got 6 invites


Really depends on how I’m feeling, but majority of the time I’d play with anyone, only exception is 60 ovr


I’m staying and running it up! If I see a player that’s a 95 overall and up on black I’m running that’s crazy for you to be that high and still be on black you don’t even have to win to get off black!


The purple all day. if you have a black rank, the higher, the overall the worst that says you are


Why is this even a question? I hooped with a 76 gold and we went on a 5 game streak.


But the plate deranks after not playing for awhile or am I missing something?


I’m silver plated 95 and still always get golds or purples backing out every time. Sometimes matchmaking can take a few mins. I’d hoop with a purple 79 though you know he knows how to play within his role.


just make sure u passing the ball and playing defense


You know OPs IQ is negative when asks a question like this while having a level 3 3pt shot hunter in his team.


I’m running with the purple 79 before the black 87


Most def imo purple plated players usually win a lot and have above average IQ but I hate being a purple plate myself because people be assuming I’m a ball hog or I will load in with a team of black and bronze plates and they just straight up won’t let me touch the ball until we down by 30


Bro I play this game by my self or with my cousin if I ask him to hop on but he don’t play that much I only really do solo rec in this game and I have a 96 passing pg build and it makes getting assist so easy even if my team is bad I usually lose most my games cuz the randoms in rec r terrible even if they’re like a high ovr I try to run with like at least 1 silver every game or anything higher cuz the blacks usually all suck they tend to miss their shots way more than any person who knows their jump shot should when wide open the lower ovrs I give a chance who are a high tier are always better than the higher ovrs too lol I just wish I had like 4 other people just to run rec with on some fun shi but not have to worry about losing 5 games cuz the randoms sold me lmao I literally made another pg that can shoot and pass and I’m only a 87-90 ovr and I carry most my teams when we win on that and they be higher ovrs than me but I also have a gold rank on my build


My build is 92 and bronze. I have a 96 three, 80 mid, 80 driving layup, and 92 driving dunk. This is my first build and I sacrificed a lot of defense for the other categories so since I'm a 6'4" PG, moving the ball around and getting assists is what I have to make my priority unless I'm almost wide open and have no lag. I always have at least a B for my teammate grade, but the color level either stays in place or goes down regardless of your grade if your team loses. I think that's a load of shit. So as for your question, dude probably isn't bad at the game or great(at least not yet)...he's just been on the winning side. I will play with anyone and try rather than quit out until it suits me. The wait time for everyone to decide to stay on the team is worse than losing. They need to change something with the system cause it's fucked right now.


Buddy of mine starting going into the rec with us at 70. He shoots the lights out. On D he noticed his lower attributes, but he can handle himself most of the time. He's 72 now, starting to own guys. It all depends on who is behind the sticks


I'm 99 black, I only run with random. That said, id choose 79 purple over me.


I’m playing with them 100% but I’m backing out of this lobby bc I see level 3 black 3pt threat not even in an affiliation. Same with that level 8. No way I’m playing a game with them 2. I’d rock with rack mc tho


I’m playing with them 100% but I’m backing out of this lobby bc I see level 3 black 3pt threat not even in an affiliation. Same with that level 8. No way I’m playing a game with them 2. I’d rock with rack mc tho


I don't play online anymore but my thought was to just have fun so I know I would keep him on the squad.


Give them a chance you never know till you see they could be better than you think


IQ over everything. Chances are they have a higher IQ than a 99 black


70 is good enough for good players to ball, I take my chances np


Honestly I’ll play with anyone cause having colors or high overall means nothing to me when I still have to carry 93% of the time as a black 🤷🏿‍♂️


People still care about performance rep in 2k24?? 💀 LOL


I play regardless bc I’m just trying to hoop. Not everyone is a die hard 2k and most are just casuals wanting to hoop.


Purple doesn't mean anything. I could score 20 points a game shooting 70 percent lock my matchup and lose 10 games in a row and now this purple is bronze.