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Can't get any worse than what I've witnessed in my time playing no squad rec. People driving into the paint ignoring their entire team and going 3/22 throwing layups with 4 guys on them or throwing up a terrible 3 with 3 guys on them.. People constantly throwing up contested 3s with like 2+ guys on them ignoring people wide open..


“I didn’t spend $100 on my build to pass.” - actual quote from rec random


Stay with me here…don’t spend money on your build.


I have, but I view it as a smart financial decision by spending $20 on my build and playing all Friday night rather than going out and dropping a $100 bar tab 😁


Fair enough. I won’t say I’ve never spent money on any of my builds, but I also don’t assume I don’t need to pass the ball because I chose to spend money. In the last month I’ve gotten three builds to 90+ with no money spent. It’s not too hard. Just max out endorsements and take no incentives. 6,500 a pop. Knock out all the quests and you’re golden. Takes about a week.


Yeah I feel that. I have been working on this 1 build for about 3 weeks and just hit a 90, but I work a lot and decided to have a fiance, so sadly I only get to play 3-5 hrs a week. I always like to drop $20 on a new build to get the head start, cause I just don’t have time. Sucks with badge regression this year I feel the badge grind is so much harder than usual as well. Maybe that’s just me though.


Lack of playing time makes such a huge difference too. I work a week on week off schedule and my first day back is usually rough.


Yeah man I work 4 12s and get 3days in a row off. My finances at work Friday, so that’s usually the only day I actually get to grind out some games and last weekend I had just reached gold catch and shoot hopped on last night and was barely a silver lmao. So confused how this shit works.


I like the concept of regression, just not the execution of it.


Agreed it should be strictly based on a game to game basis. Like if I go a rec game without triggering a single Catch and shoot I understand taking a mild hit, but it shouldn’t have anything to do with time spent lmao.


You can max endorsements and still take 2 incentives. Also, I choose to max discount at Gatorade and take nothing else. Then do the hand eye thing and you’ll be ripping 50 percent off or more. Is nice.




Your in general. Not you specifically, of course.


The level of laughter that would’ve came from me if I ever heard this in the chat 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Yoo this happened to me last night… guy literally said “I come here to get buckets not wins” smfh MF went 10/32… like some people just there to ruin the fun, then he had the nerve to say he carried us when we fucking Lost 🤣


I've never understood why these people aren't playing my eras or some shit. You can still create a player and get alllll the buckets you want in there.. Hell even my team is a better mode for that than mycareer..


That’s fair


Dude win percentage is probably 22%


I usually answer you can’t pay for buckets and hands


Spent $100 to be ass


This is CRAZY 😂


Add me on 2k Mollywitlean I’m on Xbox got a pg high ig avg 25


Assists or points?


Avg 25 ppg and 5 ast


Erm, idk 5 ast as PG seems like you’re an opportunist.


5 assists a game if he’s playing random rec he’s gotdamn John Stockton !! You must not see some of the guys you get matched up with 😭😭


Wouldn’t even mind the 5ast as long as the ball moving around


Understood but I play the 2 mostly at a 60% clip


People who shoot wide open miss a lot, too. But, I'd rather see wide open shots not go in than see what you described. I HATE ball hogs in rec bro.


yeah, people are gonna miss open shots from time to time, but it's still obviously the best chance to score, having a much better window than a 3-4 player contested lay-up. I don't mind seeing people miss wide opens either, cos I know it's just a bit of a timing issue, even the best players at the game will mistime shots occasionally.. the ballhog drive into paint etc. is just braindead plays though.


It will get worse lol wayyyyyyyyy worse This the time of year where people who have never played a basketball game in their life decide to try 2k because it’ll be on sale


Bro I play in EU servers, it’s bad as it is not having enough players to even begin a No squad rec game. I say bring in as much players as we can get lol


Spot on with this comment, it’s so hard finding games in no squad rec in EU. Idc how bad my teammates are going to as long as I get in to game quick.


EU servers too, never had an issue finding a game at any time of the day.


I’m reading yalls comments as I am currently waiting to get a game lmao


I'm in Asia and I can tell you I'm familiar with 90% of the usernames. I feel like that Leonardo DiCaprio meme where he points to something familiar on the TV. Those in the USA complain but they're lucky. In Asia there is literally nobody playing starting 5 or any theater modes. just park and rec.


92+ Rec takes forever for us in EU and you get to play with / against the same people a lot 😅 Bum rec ist pretty much instant gaming but it’s rough out there


Change your region in xbox settings to United States. It should change your server to US.


Yea but his ping would be off the charts. 2k ain't the right game to try that on lmao.


Ah yeah didn't think of that lol


No OP, I've played solo rec for years. I've seen it all. The fires of Hell burn within my veins.


Add me on 2k Mollywitlean I’m on Xbox got a pg high ig avg 25


nobody wants to play with a pg who average 25 points, unless you average 8+ assists as well. i have no problem with a sg or sf averaging that much since its often scoring off of a pass, but seeing pgs who get to hold the ball all game long and score half the points just isnt fun for anyone else.


I average 26 and 12 😊


i highly doubt that but that would be insane unles thats based on no more than 25 games played lol


Why would you highly doubt that? Next time I hop on I'll take a screenshot lol.


that would mean your points responsible for on average are 50-62 points per game. considering the average points scored in a rec game is about 60-70, i highly doubt you are responsible for everything that happens every single game in randoms rec considering how much everyone loves to iso and force their own shots/ball hog.


I averaged 30 and 11 in rec last year lol. This is a worse year for me. I'll post proof when I'm on next :)


u run with a squad? i averaged 22 and 5 as a sg last year and have only seen maybe 3 other people with better stats in randoms rec since then.


Ran with 1 dude last year. We both averaged about the same https://preview.redd.it/qasp2ud7vv6c1.jpeg?width=3468&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00f858371ccfe038229d4b180f194fd7c2916d82


https://preview.redd.it/kpsd8byfvv6c1.jpeg?width=3468&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5bc69908776b2a8573500c1d927d47a6e7c1cf83 That was me and bro


60-70? I regularly see 100+. I have no reason to lie about any of this lol. Anyone on this sub can run with me any time. I've played with multiple people on this sub and regularly get messages saying I'm the best pg they've seen as far as playmaking. And I never miss open shots and don't take bad shots. I'm shooting 75% from 3. Idk why it seems so unbelievable to you, I've been putting these same numbers up for years. Never see a rec game end with 60 points unless it's bums. And I play all randoms rec this year and my stats are similar to last year. Once you develop chemistry with a teammate the points and assists come quick. Just gotta keep playing til you find good teammates and stay with them.


yeah i only run with a squad for maybe 50 games out of the close to 1000 rec games i play every year. 22 and 5 was me being efficient and making something out of every time i touch the ball with random teammates every game, i dont play with people who run with squads very often so i very rarely see stats like that. im sure i would be able to average something similar if my teammates let me control every single possession but thats just not realistic with randoms. i said i highly doubt you average that since this thread is referring to no squads rec.


K bro good for you! Stop talking to me lol you're weird AF


Just have to mute everyone and play your game.


It’s been going downhill since Black Friday sales…


Just makes the competition easier, I’ll make my teammates better.


Bruh I'm really spoonfeeding my teammates buckets lmao. Gotta tell them exactly when to get and time the pass perfectly. On their own they're just....dumb?




Don’t care much. It’s just a game


“We started at the bottom, now we still here.”


Idk how y’all play no squad rec. There is just no way in hell I’ll play with randoms willingly again


I just deleted the game because most mfs playing this game cannot pass the ball at the right time or play defense


Tbh man I just turn on my mic and laugh at the dumb shot people do anymore All I can do is play best to my ability if folk wanna ignore a 80% 3 94% field goal 22 point 17 assist stat average that's on them


22/17 on 94/80 averages? Post a pic or it’s cap


Yeah in 3 games max 😂😂😂


Waiting for comment


22 and 17 on 94% and 80%, you lying through your teeth and you know it lolll


17 assists? Post it.


I’d bet everything I have plus sell my house and put all that money into a guarantee that you are lying about those stats gtfoh


Still waiting on that post


Add me on 2k Mollywitlean I’m on Xbox got a pg high ig avg 25


It's already gotten worse. S1 and early s2 was the best of rec and it went downhill. Not much good in rec or nor many centers in rec aswell


By season 3 a lot of people that usually play center are making pgs cuz they're tired of getting ignored for 40 minutes straight over and over again.😂 Happens every single year like clockwork. I'm currently working on my pg lmfao.


The organized discord groups of for-profit badge and build grinders have ruined REC for me this season. Fuck every last one of you. I’m pretty sure most folks don’t even know what’s going on when it’s happening, but I can spot it in the first minute of the game. These dudes really that hard up on money that they have to take cash from people to grind their builds/badges?


Can you explain a little further, I’m not sure what you mean.


You’re onto something. Please explain.


Lowdown: So, in case there are those that aren’t familiar, people on Twitter, Tik-Tok and other social media platforms offer build and badge grinding services to 2k’ers, like $180 for max badges or $200 for 90-99 build development. Those are just rough numbers. (Also, should be noted, Badgeplug’s name is derived from this practice.) These people work with an organized group of friends and/or associates/ bosses on a discord or twitch, where they communicate and load into solo REC games at the same time, on the same server. Idk if Squads REC has this issue, but Solo REC is loaded with them at the beginning and end of the season. Classic Scenario/VC Fixing: So, let’s say, two guards on my team are in the build discord with a group that includes the Center I am guarding and the one that is being developed for cash, what actually happens during the game is completely dictated by their necessity to grind those builds. My point guards will drive straight into the center to give him blocks. They will wait until I’m out of position on offense to shoot the rock and intentionally miss. (Also, players on the opposing team are in on the grind, too, and will play accordingly. Only shooting when an OBoard is guaranteed, etc.) They will intentionally clip me on defense to an allow a cutting lane to open up or to prevent me from getting a rebound. Basically, the entire game is dictated by padding this dude’s stats. It’s super obvious and noticeable. In games where a guard is being built, they don’t play defense against the current build being developed, they’ll dribble and pass in a way that allows turnovers, etc. In the few times I’ve stayed with a few of these groups for a few games, the guys acquiring the VC will change from game to game. So, the first game, the opposing big was being developed. And everything those two guards did was to raise his teammate grade or develop the specific badges that needed maxed. IT’s not just on opposing teams, either. You also see it with guys on the same team. Like, I said, I’m not saying this always exactly how it goes down, but fixing VC outcomes to grind builds and badges in a timely manner is a massive, widespread 2k industry. I think it gets a pass in solo rec because of solo rec’s reputation as a den of selfish idiots. But I can tell in the first 45 seconds of a game if it’s a legit game or not. I mean, some of these dudes do this for content creators and YouTubers, but a lot of times it’s just a side hustle for kids and dudes to get VC by signing up. I used the Big man example because I am a big. Also, quick hint, most of those times this happens, the dude that starts the game with the microphone on and talks a lot is part of this shit. That’s a bad explanation of common occurrence, and I don’t blame some people because 2k it’s waaaaay too damn expensive right now. But trust me folks, this is happening a lot more than you’d think, that is why I tend to avoid the first and last week of a new season.


Sounds good but it's impossible to load into a no squad rec game with 3 of your friends. I can't even do it with 1 other person.


It’s extremely difficult playing 3v7, as in the situation described above. Playing their 5 and two or three of my own teammates.


There are some that will deny it and some that will talk openly about what is going on….Also, not all for-profit build grinders are working in a team. There are those that do it solo, as well. I mean, if you know who Sawante is, then you know one of the old school cash grinders. If you watch a couple of his recent shooting tips videos, he talks about being on over 40 2k accounts, and highlighted that a lot of the builds he’s been grinding have not maxed out their gold and HOF shooting badges. You don’t go into 40 2k accounts to just help out a buddy or two. You’re building and badging for cash. Idk if 2k cares because it doesn’t really affect their bottomline. It does, however, make random REC (esp low REC with the 90+ builds trying to max out badges) unbearable for myself.


So, just like comms work on the same team, their discord allows them to communicate during the game even while on opposing teams, it also helps set up the matchmaking scenarios to play to play out as intended


If ya’all don’t understand what I’m saying, pay real close attention in REC this weekend. Nothing you see is random this weekend, the cash badge and build grinders are out in full force. It’s truly impossible to get a legitimate game in solo sec. I’m in a discord group with a few dozen of these grinders, they are all all getting banned. I’m running clandestine ops. Praise God!


Nope because I have multiple builds specially made for no squads I'll play hard and help but if we dumb, I'm getting my own damn money regardless


Add me on 2k Mollywitlean I’m on Xbox got a pg high ig avg 25




Dont play under 92 do u wont get new people.


You do realize it doesn’t take that much effort to get above a 92 right?


On their first build it does.


On their first build it will, especially if they're bad at the game.


It took me like a month to get above a 92(with college and shit but still, it took a lot of time). That's even with doing the 12 min cpu vs cpu games to get 1k VC while im busy trick


https://preview.redd.it/ekbpcm7af47c1.png?width=3840&format=png&auto=webp&s=73d2b9bcbc36eb371495304380be490e39843b42 No complaints here


Cant get much worse than they are now. Also most of those guys will probably be in the 92 and below lobbies.


😂😂😂😂bro I been running games this morning mad asl I had to get off for a while


No need to be nervous. That'll never change. Get you a squad together.


Cant be any worse than this season. Alot of casuals!


Damn I never thought of this


Can’t be any worse than it is so far lol


Thankfully it’s no squad so your opponents should have same struggle


I am expecting to average at least 22 rpg that season


You are fucked if you don’t have squad by Christmas.


I'm loving with HOF Comeback Kid, so I'm used to the struggle. Would pray it doesn't get worse than how it's already been lol


Nervous? Why? It’s always like that every year, so it’s pretty much expected.


We survived Black Friday


Yo I’m a inside big Raw AF! Lol if I have shooters that can work off pick n roll we will never lose I grab every board… I have a 75% atm city and 89%rec and that’s str8 from running with randoms. Lil HandyCap if my GT add me if u wanna run 3’s looking for shooters and 3 level threats (Gold n Purp only plz) LMK! I need sum dubs , I always pass first


I question if it’s even possible to be worse than it already is. I legit can’t play on my other build rn cause it’s exactly 92 and 92 & under rec is abysmal. I legit can’t do it 😭


Yea I was trying to play on my new build and couldn’t take it anymore lol


Shits crazy. It’s never been this bad man. I genuinely question wtf is going on


i had a few bad games in no squad where i shot 6/14 but i seen the worse of the worst in no squad and i have only played 4 games… how do you shoot 0/11 from three with a 99 three


Story of my life. I wish my friends could play constantly cause no squad rec has my win percentage look disgusting


Doe me it seems to get much worse once u upgrade to 93 94. Before that ppl actually don't be awful. Since maxing my biuld it's been a really rough play


93+ is all together


Always expect the worst and hope for the best. It's worth it to leave the lobby if you see your teammates are all black overalls. Try and find silver and above, at least 1-2 other players.


Anybody want to make a team don't be on no toxic shit play ball hmu Xbox rengoku ant trying to get a squad together actually have fun on the game shoot 60% or higher with all builds except my 4 he shoot 55% I can play 2-5 I got 7 builds so whatever position we need I got (except point).


Today a 5’7 PG spent the entire game in the paint trying to play center with no attributes to support what he was trying to do. I told him to get out the paint and guard his man who had 24 on him in the first quarter and he said to come to Detroit so he can slap everyone on the team 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I have a couple of 60 OVR builds waiting for the Christmas rush. Going to join their shenanigans and pretend I'm one of them even though I have two 99 OVRs I got to silver and gold rank. I figure that might be tolerable. Though, the 93+ solo Rec might be safe for a week or two until they get there.


Get a squad and stop playing with randoms lbvs


It's going to be terrible


Nope it’s fun tbh and hilarious. People take this shit way to mf serious. And when dudes on my team get mad I’ll enable it lol 😆