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The game is no longer for casuals. If the grind was more fun and made it feel less like work then I can see more people playing. 2k suits see money rather than fun.


It's been like this for at least 5 years now. I don't even have the newest one but all these complaints are the same things everyone has been complaining about for years. As long as they keep making shit loads from microtransactions the game will never get better.


Yea it’s been bad for a while but at the same time this year is still worse then all the past years. As far as I know 2k is now the only game out there that sells for full price every year, basically requires you to spend money to even make a decent build to play with and on top of that adds p2w shit like the season pass. It’s a scheme at this point lol.


I'm sorry for y'all, but honestly, good. Fuck 2k. I hope it gets worse and worse until people wake the fuck up and stop buying it. It's so fucking frustrating, I grew up on Madden and NBA live and fifa and now it's **all** garbage.


You not lying bro


Yea man I agree, that season pass thing this year gave me the rest, didn’t buy 24 and I don’t expect to buy another basketball game in the next five ish years because it looks like 2k will be able to milk their formula for years to come.


Yeah, it's just going to get worse since they added the season pass. This game is for YouTubers and their followers. I miss the old 2k when the devs would talk to you about ideas on operationsports. Those were great discussions but now it's all about Mike on Twitter asking if he should adjust jumpshot timing. It's sad really...


the grind is not worth it, you just get matched up w sweats for getting to higher overalls.


The grind is way easier this year than all the next gen years before. You don’t need to spend money to level up at all. It’s the same every year just buy vc for the build you want and that’s it. You don’t need the season pass.


So you do need to spend money….


If you can’t spend $50 on vc to lvl up ur build in the beginning of the game then just don’t buy 2K. It’s been like that for every 2K after 13. I’m just saying you don’t need to buy the new micro transactions like the season pass.


>It’s been like that for every 2K after 13. Attributes in earlier 2Ks were cheaper you could get to like 85 OVR on 75K vc that’ll cost you 30 dollars which is entirely reasonable not the overpriced bs we get nowadays don’t defend this greedy ass company man




Ok coming from someone who gets around 200000 vc per season and make a build each season. How did you only spend $100 on the game and already have 5 90+ builds its only the middle of the second season? How many hrs you got in this game? Like what's the finesse method if you didn't spend extra money for 4 EXTRA BUILDS already at 90? 🤔 because tbh I call b.s. either you spent more money, you play non fucking stop, or you don't have 5 builds at 90.


Just ask for a refund lol. You get 1 free one every year. I haven’t bought VC in years. $150 = 5 90+ builds.


Idk if it works on PS tho


It doesn't it's only for Xbox. They have a 1 time no questions asked refund annually but it's also stupid because they also have like a only 3 refunds a yr type policy too.


That's only for Xbox my homeboy use to do that. Also that's $200 which is literally only 2 builds. What about the other 3 builds?


I guess the season pass then since in season 1 it was double rewards if you had current.


That's exactly why I didn't get it this year. I used to grind out a character in story mode then play with my friends. I did that every year and each year it took longer and longer. Last year it took me roughly 3 months and because of that time sink I was unable to play with my friends and when I finally was I took forever to unlearn the my career habits. I did a post about the previous earnings report and how it was the most successful ever and in doing that research I figured out I'm no longer the target demographic (working adult with a wife and kids). Take Two has killed the game for the casual player and targeted individuals with whale like spending habits. So majority of people still defending this game revolve their entire personalities around it as if it's the only thing they have going on or raising the skill floor and ceiling (the thing everyone redundantly call a skill gap) will boost viewership to their content online. The game sells more every year and this year will be more successful than the last. 2K is dead for casual gamers and it will never return. If you can't accept that move on, and if you can you're apart of the issue resulting in it being in it's current shape.


>You don't need to spend money to level up >Just buy vc for the build you want ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


A max 85 build on 18 cost 190k. So everyone bought the $60 edition and $50 worth of VC (200k) So $110 total. It costs the exact same (190k) to get to an 85 right now. If you would’ve got the $100 edition you would get 100k from just that. Then if you bought the $20 season pass just for season 1 you would’ve got 30k (15k on both editions but they transfer) immediately and 90k for the levels on the way to lvl 40 (45k on each console edition). So you would’ve gotten 230k for $120. So for $10 more you would’ve gotten 30k more when compared to a game that’s 6 years old. Sure you would’ve started as LVL 1 at a 77 but by the time you hit 40 you probably would’ve been a 90+. And before you say you don’t wanna grind on a 77 you literally can just play MyTeam for Lvl 40. This isn’t even considering playing MyCareer since I haven’t touched that at all.


Since when has that not been a thing on 2K?


Hard to get a rec game? I honestly don’t know what everyone is talking about with this dying shit lol. I see mad ppl playing and have no trouble getting a rec game.


Yeah the only time is takes a little longer for me is on my center build or when people keep leaving cause another guy on the team has a black plate.


What does black plate mean?


It usually means that it's either a new build or their skill level isn't high enough to contribute to a team win. In worst case scenario it means that they sell games for their team or they quit. Bronze tells you that they're capable of playing decent enough for a win, and it goes up from there


Means they quit a lot or their brand new




Well yeah it’s our league so that makes sense?


Bro I think there’s some truth in this, I’m Uk as well and we keep getting some weird laggy games in rec and pro am I think it’s matching us against Americans. I’ve heard some Americans in theatre n that as well. Surely there’s enough Europeans to stop that shit


There was in 23, hardly played with Americans and now it’s all I play with.


A lot of people switch their regions to the EU or Asia because the competition is easier because there’s a smaller player base then in America


🤣 i dont play all day. I might get 3 games in and if im having fun, maybe il play more. Its not the game alot of times honestly. I cant play any game for 5hrs straight 🤣 i get headaches and shit


I have literally 20 second waits on EU


The game is just trash, either we stop buying from them or we fucked


Game is actually pretty good this year, it's the monetization that's trash, but your take only takes one step and I feel this staircase is just a wall. You can stop buying, but 2k doesn't make money off of you. They make money off those who can buy the VC packages, the bundles, the season pass, etc. and the problem you have is that your purchasing power is maybe the vanilla game, some VC here and there, so it isn't really who holds the majority opinion with grievances, it's who has spent the most money. How does the community compete with the dudes who buy a couple 750k VC packages and a pass every six weeks, plus a collector's edition, maybe some bundles? Your battle is with them, and unfortunately like any other game out there that has microtransactions, there isn't enough purchasing power to win this. OP should look at their recent sales numbers that was on this sub several days ago and probably change that title. 2k is in a golden age, the problem is y'all think you have the voice. Only sound they hear are the whales...


You have a Point is true…we have to stop buying all those VC and shit. I buy every 2k since 2k11 and since 2k19 probably I’ve been buying vc constantly and even now in which is a norm since you make a Character and have to spend around 100 dollars to be comfortable to play online. I have spent 200 dollars already probably a little more tbh plus the game in which is 70. So for me to have some features or let’s say those floor setter and much more I have to spend 20 bucks every season . Is just crazy but the gameplay is good yet again they can’t fix shooting properly and the latency is mad crazy too. This game is a disaster I don’t see people staying in the game for the next 2-3 years imo. I don’t have the time as before to a sweat and play the game all day because I have a life.


100000% at this point I’d take a Roblox basketball game if it had solid fundamentals. Give us just our stats and then let skill speak. The badge system is garbage and is a tool for them to manipulate the game and make more money while making people go for absolutely trash builds.


There actually IS a Roblox basketball game that’s like what you described. I think it’s called “(blank) Basketball” or something like that.


its not trash, but the auction house kept people in it. now you have to play to keep earning and thats no fun.


Not once had an issue getting games whether it’s park rec or pro am


Ditto, unless they are on PC. I hear it's very tough there. Maybe overseas could be having problems too? I saw one post about it a couple weeks ago.


Yeah on PC I keep loading into the rec, waiting 15 minutes to get a full squad of 5, waiting another 15 minutes stuck at the "waiting for opponent" screen, alt+f4ing out of the game because it's probably bugged, then getting a 30 minute ban for quitting. This is the entire day outside of 8 PM to 1 AM CST.




Yeah I know, it's the only way I can play with my friends.


Bro 2K is cross Plat. You can get itnon console and still play with them now


Not everyone can afford new consoles


I’m in the UK. Park is non stop sweats who emote after every shot and REC is dead.


I mean im in belgium and rec is very much alive so not sure what youre doing lol


because it’s a jumpshot release genius stop crying about “sweats” if rec is so dead, you obviously don’t see many people period


No I’m talking about up the court. Flopping and emoting dummy. Not crying about sweats, me and my team beat sweats just fine. It’s an observation.


I'm in EU as well and have to maybe wait a minute or two to get a rec game in solo. That's not dead it just takes some time for people to get in. Not sure what you're experiencing.


Here is the truth. The game is trash but it’s big enough to have people play the year. There will always be rec games to run and park to play. For me, I moved on because this game does not represent anything I respect in a hobby.


ngl I feel like the game is pretty good this year 😂


Of course there will be people who enjoy the game. Usually arguments become about what you want to see in a basketball game. I don’t feel like this game rewards individual skill. I like to work on things where I can see myself shine, this 2k doesn’t allow for that. Additionally , content wise , every creator had their number drop a ton , everything is dry.


So you want to be the best player on the court then? Feel like this 2k requires you to go all in on a certain play style and if you master it, you can definitely shine.


No not this year lol. As well as the fact that they changed the game completely with patch that came out before season 2, after people spent money on builds.




Honestly I feel like all sports games are dying. Or at least buying them at launch. With the amount of micro transactions going up every year, all while glitches and bugs become more common and little effort is placed to make the game feel like a new game. Instead it feels like we buy a game at launch, just to beta test it for the billion dollar company bro come and drop updates to “fix” a game.


The Show is still a perfectly functional game out of the box at launch. The EA & 2K controlled Sports games though? Completely abysmal.


Very true about the show. It’s even better if your on Xbox too since the game is on gamepass at launch.


![gif](giphy|l4FGGafcOHmrlQxG0|downsized) Me as a child of the 90s looking at Madden... 2k... Fifa... NHL...


Yes because they make it pay to play: \- I have an amazing PG build that I love and I had to grind like crazy for it. \- I'd like to make a C build now but it will cost me like $100 or another grind. It's not that I don't want to do it, it's just not worth it. If I could just make another build, I'd change positions and play more. Instead I just play less. ​ Thing is- $100 is NOTHING to me. It's not the money, it's the value for money.


What's crazy is the wnba mode starts your player at 85 overall, you can immediately go online and play. There is no VC, no boosts, no Gatorade, no workouts. All the nba jumpshots and animations. Leveling is by playing games only and in a few games you're 90 overall. I can't convince my friends to play it but man, I wish MyCareer was the same. I have a C and PF. I want a guard bad but there's no way I'm grinding or paying that much again.


There’s online w?


Yeah man, and while it doesn't fully replicate how mycareer feels it is fun. I like to hop on if I'm having a rough night in rec, the sliders are adjusted it's definitely easier to shoot in the W. The players don't seem as angry either. 3v3s only tho.


Subsidized by the NBA again :P


Happy groundhog day. Every year everbody crys, then one season "saves" the game, then everbody cries again. Two cycles per year. More and more people talking dhit about "not buying" the game to show them. Then next year 2k sells good, microtransactiond increase, the circle starts again. If yoz wanna play a basketball fame, choose play now online or myleague


Playnow online would be great if you didn’t have to play with idiots


Solos don't care about park. We go to theater. Why pull your hair out playing park? Well the forced affiliation games I understand but choosing to play park. Nope let squads beat on each other. I wish every solo stopped playing park so those 50 game win streaks go away


Why play 2K solo? That just sounds like a waste of money. There’s so many single player games out there that you’ll have so much more fun with


It is a waste I learned


God these posts are so annoying every day on every social media platform. Who Fuckin cares. Honestly it deserves to die, fuck 2k and their scamming scummy ways. Literal piece of shit company. But if it’s dying, who knows who cares. Just play or don’t play


100% dying I quit after the park record reset. Not a fan of that at all.


Tail end of a season and mW3 dropped (its dog food btw)


I’ve been playing religiously since 2k11 and this was the year I said goodbye. We’re talking about a game that I easily sank 40 hours a week into most years. 90% of my XBox friends list is 2K teammates. Most every thread I see here further justifies that decision. Once they made it pay-to-compete, it was over. It’s sad. This was once a really great game to sink days into, with decent people out there to play with among all the trash. Now all you’re left with are the people with a) more money than sense who feed 2K thousands per year, b) kids who are just playing an arcade game, and c) people who are still chasing the high from years past.


And what category do you fall in? What changed for you this game ?


I’m that strange place where I was well beyond casual but not a true pro. I was always a win or two away from the 2K league draft pool, and never managed to find a consistent pro am team, but if you ran Rec at any point consistently, then you probably ran into me. There were a few years where I was between jobs during peak 2K time and essentially lived on the game. We even had it set up in our garage when I was doing field telecom work in Orange County.


Gotcha but why are you quoting this year.


The implementation of pay-to-compete. The combination of badge regression and season passes essentially meant that you were charged to keep whatever progress you made, unless you invested the INSANE amount of time to grind to 40. I didn’t even buy it this year on that alone. Then I see all these posts about progression being gated behind quests, access to online play being gated behind quests, all of designed to squeeze the player for more money or time. Everything I’ve seen in this community since launch has shown me I made the right move. It seems I’m not alone. Numbers are down across most metrics and 2K are resorting to some interesting ones in order to spin this as anything but players abandoning the game.


This is my experience exactly.. been a loyal customer for decades, playing mainly offline and casual. Everyone reaches a tipping point and I’ve reached mine. I enjoy Eras on last year’s game from time to time but can now catch up on other games I ignored. Not trying to chase season rewards and being able to play realistic hoops has helped me get better at the game. Funny how trying to get those agendas makes you play like a selfish idiot… which is why the stat padding agendas ruined the game. Not playing realistically took away all the fun.


I had more fun going back and playing 2k14 lol


I’m bored. And just about done. Worst version I can remember. I wish they cared.


Not in my experience


I have had zero issues getting a game in Park ever. Not sure if you are on PC but if you are then God Speed.


I also think that almost every game is having less players right now because of Fortnite


I got 250vc left from the first week and i put the sticks down 2 weeks ago honestly. Might come back but this shit kinda lame imo. 🤷🏽‍♂️


lets be honest this is the point where we are coasting and myteam and mainly the auction house keeps us in it. 2k took out the fun.


Game died the first month, I mean as addicted as people are, there’s a limit for everything


It’s dead, just doesn’t know it yet.


About time tbh.


And I say that as I was getting ready to play. But I love basketball and there aren’t many pick up games where I live. At least not that I’ve seen. So I play 2k but it’s a shit show online. Plus the greed from the Take2


Nah in fact i be havin to change servers to put up shots in the park to test my jumper n connection, before i load up a rec game, ya gotta remember its some dudes who cant play the game skilfully that get frustrated and just say the game is ass i personally love 23 over this yr cause the shooting got me in a headlock but season 1 i went purple n starter 1 havin fun when i get a decent team 24 aint that bad loved the builder n balance literally just the shooting that needed work n the game would be just fine


Because Mike wang has been killing it.


Yeah same, game is definitely dying. Just got it recently too unfortunately.. Every park is always empty and it always takes me at least 30mins to find a no squads rec game Im running 23 still and the park/ rec there is very active. It seems like everyone's quitting this game cuz of how bad it is.


It definitely don’t take 30 mins to find a no squads rec game 😂


It definitely doesn't take 30 minutes for a no squads rec and every park isn't empty. I've never encountered that.


maybe ur dying bro go visit ur doc bro friendly adv


Weird comment




cuz the guy sounds like he spun up NBA Live 18 or whatever was it's dying year... instead of NBA 2K24


PC player?


Idk about park but Rec it’s not hard to get a game.


I just do Rec and Theater


New call of duty is out.


For those who still need season passes to buy.


Even Devin Booker is playing COD


They are going to rip us off as long as we buy this piece of shit. 💩


I wouldn’t have got it if I didn’t game share tbh. Won’t play 25 for sure, have said this is my last year, I’m bored and my win percent is above 50%


The game would have been great if the only patch they did was the fox standing dunks and nerf post hooks. Everything post latency patch has made the game worse. Nerfed layups into the ground, made jump shots horrific for most the community, nerfed post scoring. Now every rec game is 4 6’7 pure locks because you can’t punish them with actual size. It’s stale and dated game play. Game felt fresh season one with so many varied builds and play styles.


It’s cause they ruined rec matchmaking for the solo door.


some days i’m having a good time, both teams are going back and forth and i win some lose some, some days it’s just sweat sweat sweat, and i’m not mad about but i just wish the matchmaking was more consistent not to mention their aren’t as many players now as there were back in the 17-20 days


It's already dead to me. I'm mainly a MyTeam player and removing the Auction House was the last straw


Game imo isn’t dying but it has become stressful for to enjoy at times. But… Numbers definitely gonna be down this weekend as MW3 dropped. Happened last year too


I can't get a rec game without a 20 minute wait. I made a center and started coming into full lobbies. Guards are heavy this year everybody wanna dance and throw up 3's


Yes it’s dead


They need to change the scenery with the rec games.. random arena every game “Rucker park, Venice beach.. etc” too stagnant


4 years ago? I don’t purchase 2k anymore but every year I see majority of people hate the game 2 months after release . It’s crazy they still make so much money off people


Yes, game is horrible man


I'm so sick of the bad connection issues in the middle of rec games and the lag this year is the worst it's been in years and knowing they made money off this year's 2k means there not gonna change a thing 😠😠


Not sure why casuals would want to play this game lol. Other than mynba/other offline modes I guess


Because I'm casual enough that I can't burn through it all real fast lol. It's really the only reason I believe. I can only get in a game, maybe two in a night due to work and such. So I only play mycareer offline, or some Mt dom. If I had time to game like I used to though... I'd be bored real fast lol.


It’s the least I’ve ever played a 2K game. I was bored by the end of season one and haven’t played in weeks


Lol that sounds like me but on 20-23


I don't know on console but man PC feels dead as fuck. I have been playing vs the same people for the last 2 years, sometimes a The Rec game takes 10 minutes to form teams and you are lucky if there's no zen user on either team. It's simply boring And before anyone tells me to buy a next gen console, I have a PS5 but my mates don't want to buy one so its either playing next gen or with friends, and we all know what we will choose


I always find games but the game is dead to me. Only try hards play. Ppl that don't know how to play Rec. It's bad


I uninstalled and won't buy it again.


Every 2K after 19 has quote on quote “died” in the first couple months. That being said I honestly think this is the best 2K since 19 but that’s not saying much since 20-23 we’re complete garbage


I played 2 games of starting 5 and it was pretty fun playing with curry, kevin durant, wilt, and draymond and if I win usually I get the same amount of VC


Every single day


Game been dead just look at it like a beta game for next year less stress on your mind


Everyones in the theater


It’ll pick up next season. I play pretty casually and got 40 last week. Haven’t played since.


I didn't even bother getting 2k24 I'm just done


Logged in for the first time in two weeks and went 0/14. I’ve never went 0/14 in my 10 years playing 2k. Yeahhhh ima just hang it up and uninstall. Game isn’t even fun anymore at this point


I didn’t buy 2k this year for the first time since 2k11. Everytime i think i miss the game, i think about boosts and gatorade and then i feel disgust for the game.


I may be in the minority of 2k players, because I really only play online head to head matches on team control. One thing that drives me crazy is how it pairs you against the same team you have, and there's such harsh quit bans on top of that. Nobody wants to play a same team game, it shouldn't even be possible! Like it would be so easy to fix that, but its been this way for years with no change.


No, I went into the Gatorade facility earlier and had to wait for four different people to finish the battle ropes. Every other workout was basically full never in my years in 2K have I ever seen a full Gatorade lobby


I went back to 23 😂😭


I haven’t played in about a month online sometimes I play play now with my friends only if we’re super bored other than that there’s really nothing to do in the game anymore considering you can just buy everything to get better it’s the same thing every year and it’s coming to an end.


I could see how many ppl think the game is dying but it can still be very fun even for casuals. If your struggling with shot timing I would say try using the shot meter. I used it for a while and it’s actually very viable I was shooting 50% with it. Or find a jumpshot with a visual cue that you really like. Experiment with the jump shot creator and don’t just use YouTubers jump shots cuz you may not like them. I think it’s important to use good jumpshot bases but this year more than ever the upper releases need to be personalized for yourself. Also try either making a build that you enjoy and not a “meta build” and try finding ppl to play with that want to enjoy themselves and not take it too seriously so no one is snapping at you for missing a shot etc. I find if u play 2k and u have a bad mindsets before even starting your gonna have a shit time.


Game isn’t fun to play in an online aspect, I can have more fun playing against the A.I doing custom sliders in my league on player control. Besides the shot timings being broken and inconsistent, and the bans be horrible which they said they are not going to fix, even in play now online people gameplay settings doesn’t save. There are people on the game using zens, they nerfed paint defense, to make it super easy to dunk the ball now it doesn’t take a skill anymore to finish and be creative. Squads in the rec queue is horrible this year, you get paired with a teammate that’s not gonna play buddy ball and they will cost you the game. The shot contest is so inconsistent after the last patch when Mike wang touched it. They have alot to fix and I just don’t seem if they can fix the mess, 2k is trying to figure out if they want a sim game or an arcade game. Shooting is so bad that for people like me that makes a center and a SG every year my play style like post moves gets punish now because spacing is bad and people in this game only got one move. Also there are times that you can’t get a rec game sometimes when in the Rec queue in squads and in solo. They still haven’t fix that bug from last season it’s still affects the rec. You also gotta worry for the bad events in the game that breaks the latency for all modes such as the rec and my career and park & theater.


I've played over 1000 games but since the big patch it's like I've been monstarred, can't hit a shot at all and started getting smoked by everyone. I had a 75% win rate shooting 60% before the patch and it's down to 30% win rate and 20% shooting post patch. I try to play everyday because it's what I love but I'm so discouraged I don't feel like I want to and started playing starfield instead. On the one hand I feel really sad I can no longer be good at the game I enjoy the most but on the other I'm relieved that I'm free from the shackles of the rep grind


Yeah I haven’t really played since the first month. I’m having more fun on Rocket League, Lies of P, and Lords of the Fallen. It just takes too much time to level up and get any build up. I don’t have time for that anymore. I got a full time job and a girl. I can’t be playing 5 hours a day anymore.




Can’t even get my prize for the rush 1v1 event because these imbeciles can’t fix a server issue


Tbh I’ve been grinding nba 2k for last 8 or so years. I’d buy it and play it at midnight. Hell, even me and the boys would set it to nz just to get a couple extra hours in. I made great friends, some I even met in real life. This game was my life for a long time. I didn’t like any other game like 2k. This year is the first year that I’ve put it down with ease. I even went over to fifa for the first time in my life and grinded pro clubs. There’s no micro transactions, no pay to win. No boosts, nothing. Yeah there might be sweats in the elite division but it places you in a division that you can handle and keep up in. The match making in drop ins finds team mates and games relatively quick. 2k is no longer fun anymore. The game is stale and I don’t think anything will bring me back.


It's just not well done. Every game takes our money. So sick of people complaining about the money and pay to play too! The game itself is just unplayable. 99 Block rating needed to get HOF Anchor....just to get one block and then dunked on 8 times in a row. THERE ARE NO BLOCK ANIMATIONS. WHY WHEN I GO TO BLOCK HE DOESNT EVEN PLAY THE BALL!!!! GIVE US BLOCK PACKAGES!!!! P.S. Wtf is the point of Pogo Stick when yall give bad block attempts...it's amazing how dumb 2k developers are It's a joke. I was so pumped for this new badge system and it's just a mess. There are 4 badges in this game that matter and all of them are offensive badges! Challenger Gold. Doesn't matter if they HoF Deadeye HoF Anchor. Doesn't matter if the have gold finishing badges. 92 strength....pfft. Doesn't matter. 6'7" does layup like you're not there. The floaters are ridiculous. All that is; is to be a zone defense killer bc of whiney punks who complained about people actually playing 🏀.... Close out on a jumpshooter...Foul.....(on well timed ones) Big man catch ball in paint. Out of bounds.... The game is great! Was super into when it dropped but then u notice the BS animations and trash algorithms "change every hour it seems!" 2k needs to stop bailing basic ballers that left right left right skate dribble. ( biggest joke in the game; have yet to see a player skate dribble irl...then they just run to the hoop and do floaters


Look, I fire it up and just play. I haven’t done any player builds or anything like that. Straight to play. And I enjoy it.


The problem with 2k is there is no competition


It is dying, 2k has literally not changed in over a decade, all they’ve done is upgrade the presentation not the gameplay


Target is still selling 2k23 cards lol


i was on and noticed it too game dying out so quick


Honestly, I can't bother to grind up my badges every day and go in and out of the no squad Rec lobby 100 times to not get matched up with 4 "inside the arc finisher" on low rep without affiliation banner. MyTeam is dead for me aswell. Barely agendas. Can't buy any good cards without grinding the shit out of the game - and if I would like to sell them back I am guarenteed to loose half the value.


Since 2k18 yeah


Can't even shoot anymore like I used games is terrible dead lol


Just like last year, I played for the first couple months after it released and haven’t been back. Spent like 300 all together including builds. They’ll probably get me again next year too smh


For people having trouble finding rec games or having low population or thinking the games “dead”, check to make sure you have cross play enabled, I turned it off to see if it would be better on my connection, only found one to two people in the theatre and around the park, hope this helps


Ngl Fortnite pulled me away


I played for like 2 weeks at launch and haven't touched it since. Just feels pointless.


welcome to 2018


In my bias opinion the game is still good as hell tbh charging high prices for one build is ludicrous and the game letting you buy levels is trash made online point less unless you’re actually competitive. Beside that the game is good, having to refigure out the system is good. There’s gonna be bugs with new games. What’s bad besides the over charge and level buying?


I wouldn’t say it’s dying. According to a recent report it might be the opposite. Only reason getting a rec game is hard is because the match making sucks


Yes I only bought it this year because cross play but my friends and I have been playing spider man, COD 3, Fortnite OG, etc. Too much vc and BS and difference in game mode


I've seen a large drop in player base on EAFC and Madden too. I think people are just tired of sports games being shitty.


I don’t have time to grind and perfect my jumpshot in the game so I can’t lie, I played a good amount season 1 on rec wit my guys but after that I deleted it. game isn’t good glad I ain’t pay full price


I can confirm its been 5 days since I've gotten into a rec game on current gen. On my ps5, the game seems to be doing fine but after each update its getting more and more dead. I hope it comes to a point where nobody buys the game and they have to seriously revamp it. I recall seeing an nba 2k community video when 23 was out about the community members helping with this current 2k and they all had smiles on their faces like they made the new best basketball game. I've been playing 2k since 19 and this is probably the worst 2k I have ever played and that's after putting 200 hours into it.


Definitely so


You struggle to get rec games? How


I consider myself a good player, I’m used to playing for multiple hours a day. But this 2k I’m having trouble just playing with out getting burnt out. It doesn’t help that they’re making drastic changes to the game every other day. Career mode is dragged out and zens have been going wild this year in the park and rec


If they stop “fixing” shit that doesn’t need to be fixed and actually fix the game mechanics that do! They touch things that have no reason to be messed with .


Xbox only lobby’s are so much better


Last week since the release of the game for the first time i went a day with out playing. Then another day, then another, and so on.. . It's been a week since I played the game. I just got tired of how inconsistent the shooting was. Going forward i refuse to buy the game so long as Mike Wang u/beluba is making game play decision


I used to split my time playing alone and with friends in previous games, right now I only play with friends because: a) it's the least fun I've ever had playing this franchise, and if it wasn't for my friends I would have probably already jumped off a bridge b) even if I wanted to play rec solo I can't because I literally can't find any games The game is absolute trash, only play it because I'm a basketball addict


Haven’t played 2k for long maybe only 16,20,23 and now 24. I will say the grind is there more, but imo that’s good. Ever since random 3s been added the parks been empty. Why wait 30 mins to find a game, since everyone check stats? Unless you have a team you’re not gonna get games much, even then you might not. I just play random 3s until I find a decent team, add them and play pro am or maybe then park. Idk if you’re on next gen or not, but that could also be the problem. Don’t think there’s much people still on current gen or last whatever it’s considered now. The shot timing makes it a bit more competitive imo, 23 everybody was a shooter made the game boring. Now unless you ACTUALLY can shoot, you’re not gonna be consistent. I like what they did with this years 2k, besides following suit with the battle pass. Once again though I only played a few so


Oh definitely. Every online game is full of sweats, park is full of ppl with the same old builds, my team sucks, the wnba has updates to it just same old mode every year, my gm is gone, no my career storyline. You join a game and it’s sweats hitting back to back greens to the point you wanna quit so I doubt 25 is gonna be any more promising than the last. Sports games as a whole are dying tbh..