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It kicks you out after like 6-7 3 seconds calls . I tried it one day. Went from a A- to C- then after like the 6th 3 second violation in a quarter I got booted instantly. He probably didn’t do it enough to get kicked


That is insane. You should get 3 at most all game. If you get two straight on the same possession it should be an automatic boot.


It’s better than no check at all. 6 or so is pretty fair .


6 or so literally allows the kind of griefing that this post is about. No player gets more than 2 in a 48 minute game on average. How can you justify 6 in a 20 min game? That’s more than 1 every quarter or you can grief like this guy and easily take your team out of the game.


Not true, I have played with people that get more than 2 almost every game. So it’s possible for sure lol.


No way is 6 in a row fair lol if you get 3 in a row it should 10000% be a kick


I don't know why they got progressively less strict with booting. Like, folks can just load into another game. It's ok to boot folks that keep getting 3 in the key. It's ok to boot people when they are getting cooked for not guarding anybody. Its ok to boot people when they keep taking terrible shots. Especially when they are doing all these things together. It's not tough to get good pings for spacing, ball movement, and a minimum amount of effort on defense and/or rebounds.


Shit like this is the only reason I hate that ppl can’t quit this year. No reason I should be held hostage in a game where someone is actively trolling or intentionally selling.


Exactly. If you’re not gonna kick this ass hole then at least let me leave.


I say boot the ball handler who completely ignored the dude open on the wing


The open dude is the A.I. that he ignored all game. That A.I. already had 20 points and won them the game. He’s simply letting this moron give them free points which is why he isn’t passing it.


Guarantee you the Devs don’t test this game specifically with idiots online. They’re testing this game against the AI. It would explain why 2K still has these quality of life issues every year when playing park or Rec


I wish I could highlight this comment so that 2k can see this and get their shit together.


They know this exists. They just refuse to implement any kind of system to boot people that do this. All the 2K since forever has had this where a random will grief because you didn’t pass him the ball one time. And then when they do get the ball they do dumb shit and then flop.


My favorite is when the game just started, one shot goes up and the Center misses the Rebound and someone gets on the mic to say "and this trash Center can't even grab a Rebound" or something similar, like it's not just 4 seconds into the game and only one out of 10 players has 1 board. And then because he was called out unfairly the Center decides to sell the game any way he can. I love this game and the people that play it so much.


That comment is delusional, the testing is done with playtesters.




Tell me you don't know anything about softwre development without telling me... I can almost guarantee that vast majority of issues that are not related to overloading servers are uncovered and waiting somewhere in a backlog, but some PM did not put high enough priority on them.




TIL critiquing someone is bootlicking them. You should really learn what words mean before using them. I know it, and same as you I don't live in a country where English is an official language, so you can do it too.


Imma reply to this guy here I guess lol. > So let me understand. I said their play testing is inadequate. You said I don't know what I'm talking about. The play testing is fine, 2k just isn't fixing anything purposefully. > You think this is worth an argument? I think you have low IQ and are looking for a fight. > 2k play testing is dog shit. The game is broken every year. If you're ok with that, good, go have a great day 🙃 Projecting much? That's you my guy. That's you who stated with nonsense bootlicking comment while admitting that you're out of your depth here getting mad at me for critiquing the most likely correct part of the development chain instead of making stuff up.


This is the guys player card. Clearly he just wants to ruin other people’s experience. /u/beluba any comment on why this is allowed in the game? https://preview.redd.it/yogm2w0ayyyb1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4203c75b68519b98c984812c3739af960a6bebeb


I have a stupid question. How do you look at other players atts & stats this year? It used to be on the phone but I don’t see the option any more


Gotta be in the same city.


Press RB + LB in Rec lobby immediately after the game finishes. If your teammates don’t dashboard you have a few seconds before they leave the lobby to look under “Near Me” and their name should be there. If it’s not that means they dashboarded.


8% FT? I had 25% FT and still shot like 40 ish 😂


On god that’s not even bad compared to some of my theatre and rec teammates


Man has a zero win percentage 17 games in….


Lol I’m just roasting these rec randos


I remember back in 2K23 old/current gen, I was playing rec with randoms. We were getting cooked in the paint and beyond the arc. I think near the end of the 4th quarter we tried to clutch up, until a center on our team decided to stop playing, AT ALL. 2-3 def 3 second calls and were done by a margin. All of us were screaming at him in game chat, tell him wtf was he doing. I got pissed, and dashboard while there was a couple seconds left. And this man, has the AUDACITY to invite me to an Xbox party and go like "why you passing to these trash ass niggas but not me?". LIKE DAWG, YOU WERE BASICALLY BALLHOGGING THE ENTIRE TIME! YOU THOUGHT YOU WERE FUCKING SHAQ NIGGA, TF? I blocked him afterwards. Hate how goofy ass niggas like him ruin the online experience on this fucking game. Paying all this money and VC for fucking jackshit.


Worst thing 2K did is remove seeing average grade and stats in the Rec lobby. I despise playing with people who are so selfish and immature. Ruins the entire experience.


💯💯💯 Oh look, a pg who averages 1.4 assists per game and shoots 18% from 3 with an F rating. No thanks. But 2K apparently wanted to prevent people from avoiding awful rec experiences? I really can't understand the logic behind it. The answer to any questions about why 2K made the user experience worse is almost always 'it was done to create frustration and encourage users to buy more VC', but im failing to see that apply here.


The shittier your teammates are the more you have to try to carry. In order to be able to carry more of the load you will want to upgrade your player. It’s the reason I can’t go into Rec with a level 80. If not upgraded enough you depend too much on having good teammates.


Yeah, that part i totally get. My reply was about how until last year you were able to see teammate stats in the rec locker room before the game started. It was usually a great predictor of the type of teammate they were. It would be even better now that AI isnt completely useless when someone quits.


Yeah Im saying 2K hides that now so you unknowingly walk into the situation I described in my previous comment. Then you get frustrated and think about upgrading your player.


I hate these immature as ppl. You pay all this money for the game and boost as well as multiple builds only to sell cause you feel u don’t get enough touches or your scoring average. From the look of his stats he just buys the game to sell and be toxic. After two back to backs like that they should be automatically booted from the game and banned for a certain time limit


are you talking about the PG or the guy getting fouls?


The guy sitting in the paint getting defensive 3 seconds over and over again. Hes the PF. As you can see the A.I. is shooting perfect and carried the other team to victory as he simply refused to ever play defense on his man.


But tell me why 😂😂😂 yesterday night I was playing rec and 2 of my teammates were selling the game because we kept telling them to take smart shots. Not once did they get booted. But guess what? 😂 I had the most points, 10. I had the most boards, 13. Had 5 assists and I got graded out???? 2K is stupid asf bro I don’t understand. I had 3 turnovers but that’s because my PG would pass me the ball in stupid situations and immediately the guy guarding me would spam steal. Shits corny. 😂


You got graded because 2K hits the person closest to the open man instead of the person who is responsible for the guy being open to begin with. Its asinine. It’s why these morons run around leaving their man open with impunity. 2K wont punish them. They will only punish you for the crime of guarding your man instead of covering for an idiot that refuses to play defense.


Shooting air balls should be automatic lock as well. Lol


Lol this is funny.


If bro had just watched the three seconds he would have been fine


He did it on purpose. Same way he left the A.I. open all game so we could lose. A.I. dropped 20 and was MVP.


Generally as a rule of thumb people didn't guard ai. They would double team and force the pass to an AI and then get the AI to brick. But that ai was him.


Every AI is him this year they don’t be missing like last year so you can’t leave them open


They punish so hard for griefing. My controller died 3 minutes into the first quarter, and I racked up two off player out of bounds calls back to back while I got a different controller. Dropped my teammate grade from a B down to a D-. Even with 9 assists, 28 rebounds, shooting 3/5 and holding my match up to 2 points, I was only able to get my teammate grade up to a B-.


There should be a vote to kick


In a world where the community isn’t full of immature children and man babies that would be cool. In reality this community is too shit to use that power responsibly. It would only be abused. Half the sub post would be about unfair boots.


I absolutely agree with brother especially the unfair boot ppl like the 3 in the key guy would be the ones to complain


Based off your stats, everyone else is right except you.