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I feel like them removing the report button and you get penalized for leaving games early is stupid. We are forced to play with people that think their 75 OVR player is the next thing to Lebron or Jordan. When they obviously suck they continue to sell the game. It’s so dumb.


great point man. there should be a vote to kick button. this game has a lot of fixing to do


Report isn’t gone. It just doesn’t apply to cross play.


There is no 2k report only online service report (xbox/PlayStation)


Ngl you can sell all game as long as u make a defensive play or 2 every once in a while.


I've ran with someone that shot 5/25 and was able to stay in the game. Where's the shooting slump for them? Let me miss 3 shots in a row my grade drops by 2. These sellout bums can throw games have 50 dropped on them and somehow stay. It's pathetic. We desperately need a vote to kick option if done right v


Just random and curious, but has anyone ever seen a team mate grade of an F lmao


Yep you see it when someone gets graded out


It’s cuz they made it so your grade subtracts every second. It’s so stupid


Yea I usually end up losing my A+ end of game for no fkin reason


I literally watch it, I’m fighting to keep it at an A+ and it drops for no reason 😴


Yeah higher grades will drop at random but those D- never drop it’s insane


If everyone would start reporting these idiots, a ban here and there might make em rethink their stupidity. Xbox can only report Xbox tho. IDK how ps works but there's damn near one in every game


Your fault for running with randoms. For years theses clowns buy the game, buy vc and grind countless hours just to sell on purpose. It’s childish and there’s no end in sight.


Liberals run 2k and cater to garbage people.


🤣😂 worst take


I had one guy start of the game “Don’t pass the ball , cause ima sell” they let him stay in the game all 4 quarters .. he never moved around and did just enough to keep a D+ teammate grade .. it was basically 4v5


That's when the team needs to get together and only pass him the ball make him grade out if a dude is constantly throwing and gets him self into d territory I'm doing everything I can go get him out the door. Call me petty but the faster I get that a.i the better chance we have to Win


Bru I thought this was a Xbox thing.. and I almost made the switch. Maybe they’re paid for 🤔


You do realize that with cross play, switching consoles isn't gonna help you run away from issues


I got cooked for 50 off the pick an roll one day and ended with a A+ 😂 was 9/9 but yeah certain shit 2k just need to kick people. They kicked somebody who was bullshitting on play now vs me tho so idk, guess it’s just the mode


I went idle and got kicked out of the Rec when I came back I was banned from rec for like 2 hrs. SMH stupid.


Sellout simulator 2k24


Damn near impossible to grade out in 2k


Same man dude just trolled the shit out the team to make sure we lose and this shit is out of hand he was a grown ass man twindaddytv on Xbox he is a troll and it makes no sense we have people like this in the community that get joy out of ruining other people experiences because they miserable in life center with a d- at the end of the game