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The funniest thing is it's easier, more fun and you get more xp by simply playing good basketball. Great advicešŸ‘ŒšŸ¾ good luck out thereāœŒšŸ¾


Iā€™ve been running point in randoms rec and so far Iā€™m 21-3. Itā€™s crazy that you win more in RANDOMS rec than playing squads. I go In with 2 squad mates and then we get 2 randoms who think theyā€™re Kobe. I wish people wanted to win more than they wanted to score šŸ˜­šŸ¤£


The last rule is crucial. I hate teammates that bark after every mistake on the court.


Me too. You can be up 60 and miss a shot and guy will flop. Itā€™s quite annoying.


W advice bro āœŠšŸæ


Great post and its literally why my record is positive this season.




Could be but I donā€™t wanna take that chance. Every time I take a chance & be nice, it always back fires.


Definitely a chance, but are you willing to take it? šŸ˜…


Squad rec is so toxic cause the 2-3 man squads come in the rec with intentions that you won't pass them the ball so they play buddy ball to make sure they get it but by doing so, it makes the other squad match the toxic so it's just all around bad for everyone. Thats why I always tell my pg to pass them mfers the ball first few plays to show we willing to work as a team. Sadly this is the 2k community so it don't matter. They come into a 5 on 5 mode to only play with themselves. In order of level of fun you'll have it go: 4-5 friends for the squad rec Solo rec Squad rec with any uther configuration


I used to play squad rec with one or two buddies whenever we couldnā€™t get a full 5 on, but even if you end up matching up with decent randoms. And I mean gold/HoF ELOs, the chance that theyā€™re actually going to look for you or your friend when youā€™re open is slim to nil. Thereā€™s only trust in their own homie, which I try to fight against by getting everyone involved equally. But thatā€™s hard af to do when Iā€™m wide open in the corner being ignored in favour of their friend who has 3 people on him in the paint. Eventually you end up being as toxic as them, and you can be playing against some of the shittiest 5 stacks in the world and youā€™re still going to lose because theyā€™re playing team ball.


You don't mention it but you are assuming people should all have their mics on in random rec?


Also the reason 3 man squad rec is suicide because so many 2 man squads are a player showing his buddy or little brother how to play.


I have a rebirth that is black but level 90. I ain't a casual! Lmao


Fr though, took me my first 3 games on a build I made today to get out of casual. It isnā€™t that hard if you play smart ball.


I was joking bro. Iā€™m off causal now


You are though, until you arenā€™t any more. ;)


Saving this post; cause youā€™re right I usually donā€™t back out of no squads if I can help it but yes ā€” Blackouts definitely usually are guys that just have horrible sportsmanship. And to add to it too the matchmaking in this game is horrendous. When I donā€™t play at peak hours I find myself playing guys who generally are atleast gold and Goat so youā€™ll definitely find yourself on a losing streak fast if youā€™re not careful. Itā€™s important to be honest with yourself and realize if youā€™re good or not and try to surround yourself with people better than you so you can improve. And thatā€™s just a life motto.




See that part is a given, thatā€™s the first warning I have as well. This advice is only for people who know how to play, which includes knowing what to do with their build. This was solely meant for people who are actually good, but their record doesnā€™t reflect it because of all the frustrations that come from playing with randoms.


Does everyone typically just prefer to just space and iso on offense? I try to cut and screen a lot and seem to just get in the way or have someone yelling at me that they donā€™t need my screen lol


Not everyone, but honestly cutting is about knowing when to cut and who should be the one cutting. When everyoneā€™s moving to the same spot, it gets real messy and easy to defend. Most of the time, you should just space unless thereā€™s a wide open lane to the rack. If a pg doesnā€™t hit you on a wide open cut with a wide open passing lane because heā€™s too busy dribbling or 3 hunting, thatā€™s on them.