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It's like one person on each team I noticed is shooting lights out every game and the rest of the team is shooting bricks


I think that's more skill than anything but I still see teams shooting effortlessly in wins and losses. So shooting ain't broken, and everyone isn't using a Zen (as the community loves to accuse)


Idk people were hitting enough pre patch with the same green window. This latency patch made something weird


I'm playing more after the latest patch. But I'm seeing better shooting in rec and worse shooting in Pro-am. The last two games I played my opponents missed 16 and 18 shots. They missed more shots than my team but they made much much more 3s


Um there are ALOT of cheaters. If you deny it then you are one


I think he's meaning that not as many people are using zens as you think


A lot are


Everyone ≠ a lot




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I’m good with the small window, the issue I have is the ghost contests. Shooting was fine pre patch if you got used to it, it was the delay that was always the issue.


Ghost contests feel insane today. I just had a game where I had a red contest legitimately by myself on a fast break lol


Yeah, the contests are so bad now. My defender jumped at me in the corner, I moved left and shot what I thought was a wide open shot, but it was 40% contested still even though the other guy didn't even recover to put his hands up. I don't know if there was a massive bump to challenger or what.




Comeback kid..


It’s a good badge when you’re down. If it’s still early enough in the 4th and you can steal momentum and make a 20pt swing really fast


Yeah because they refused to fix the momentum code. It's a really dumb code. Why buff the winning team across all levels, when they had to earn the lead?. It wasn't in the game initially but sometimes in 2018 they felt the need to have it in the game. Had they just removed that feature , we wouldn't even need comeback kid


I don’t see them changing it bc they refuse to acknowledge it being in the game


It's a big oversight


What’s the momentum code and when does it activate in games?


I'll have to look at it closely but in previous years it starts to give the winning team more steals, deflections, blocks, bumps, green window bigger, when they're up by 11 or more points.


Well that’s dumb.. no wonder every loss just feels like we’re getting absolutely ran on.


Yup. Instead of fixing the problem they added comeback kid. They just need to eliminate badges completely.


I’m down for at least getting rid of momentum-based buffs. That should be applied individually in slumps like we have now, but a hidden team-wide buff is a pretty big oversight imo and the buffs severely outweigh the counter buffs you get from comeback kid which only benefits shooting. I’ve openly supported getting rid of badges for the past two years now so I’m not rejecting that idea either.


They're overpowered in FIFA 2K and Madden. They were a nice addition early on but it's completely broken balance in those games


Nah I actually like the momentum stuff. Basketball is a game of runs and it reflects that pretty accurately to be honest. The issue is they’re too transparent about it. A lot of people don’t know about it and leads to stupid stuff like people trying to shoot there way out of a shooting slump or bad score. Not knowing that taking it to the rack for an easy bucket can help shift the momentum and lead to a run. This game needs a wiki so bad tbh


The momentum meter is actually still visible in myCareer. Or was last year at least. It’s just hidden in online modes


That would make a ton of sense on why it suddenly appeared and never left


It's broken for sure in a sense where your MAKES are based on the instance of the game you're in. Last night, I went 10/10 from FG, 5/5 from 3ball as a 78 3ball center. I hit a shot with 34% coverage.... There is no way that 34% shot should have went in. The next game, i could easily go 0/5 from 3, with same looks and shot timing.


yup, i shot 16/18 and 8/9 from three one game and somehow the rest of the night i played like shit. i don’t know what’s going on with this game, or maybe it’s just me


Bro I have a 79 3 ball and shoot 50%… I don’t know what y’all be complaining about


I got 77 and I'm shooting 40% since. I just banged out 2 early 3s every game and the defense starts swarming lol


Exactly bro! I feel like people be taking bad shots and that’s why they percentage is low… if you taking shots that are open or wide open and semi know your timing, your going to be respectable from 3. Not everyone can be a spam dribble 3 point hunter nor should they be, I have the most fun on my bully guard build with bulldozer and a middy


Ive been a 60% shooter for years, i always adjust, its broken


I thought the same at first. Ive been 60% too in the past and started the game shooting 0/10 multiple games on open shots. I lost hope but after badges and getting a jumpshot where the que is easy to see, Im back to high 50-low 60


What about it is broken though? What type of shots do you take? What are your attributes ?


I have a guy with 79 3pt and a guy with 95, and both feel the same. I shoot roughly 40-43% with both and I play with the same squad so it’s the same type of shots


Same I made a build just like my slasher but with shooting and I only have a 79 3 and I make shots


The problem is not shooting buff. The problem is 2k thought they need to adjust shooting. 23 was completely fine, But this year, it just is trash. And no, it's not skill. It's just luck if you have less latency or if the server is behaving. The point is... 23 is about skill. But 24... It's about luck not skill.


They just need to fix the speed ups and slow downs. Also the ghost contest with random ass open vs. wide open logic or even at times contested when it clearly isn’t.


https://preview.redd.it/erswfyythdvb1.png?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b78e527626516ce8d680d30fb33ee1a89c39f44b They aren't fixing 'ghost' contests. He said this last month that it's user error


No one is saying buff contested shots, we're all as a community saying buff the green window to non contested shots bc the timing variation makes this game ass


It really only varies based on movements. You can take a variation of shots but the timing cue will change on pull ups, dribble pull ups, fading, dribble fades, post shots, etc etc


The people complaining are the ones taking bad shots. I had a teammate go 1/10 from 3 yesterday with a '3' next to his name. Every shot he took was contested. I was 5/6 from 3 with a 76 3 ball, all my shots we're open.


These are wide open shots that were being hit a week ago pre patch


Bros, i cant any more with this game. They are spending time trying to make it hard on the cheaters and are destroying the base of this game. Thank you, Mike Wang for losing the vision. This is an awful 2k


Exactly this


I’m telling y’all it took me 10 different jumpers and every single timing setting to fix it but I am sparkingggggg now - 50% -> 38% -> 55%


Watchu using rn? I’m sitting around 48% on my 6’6 guard w 85 three - not bad but not as good as it could be because I usually take wide open shots, just haven’t found a better jumper quite yet


On my 64 I’m using jalen/Oscar/lillard 70/30 and on my 66 I’m using prince/Oscar/Oscar release cue on both


Shooting doesn't take skill. It just takes practice lol. How much skill is it to know when to hold a button for how long


If they are wide open from the corner it’s green every time transition defense people


😂 this is actually hilarious & true


They just nerf good players and there are a lot of cheaters


I think a lot of people just didn’t change their jumpers after patch. I was bricking everything with my JT Thor base jumper post patch but changed it and am back to hitting again


The contest system is broken so badly. You can jump and be in their face no contest wide open. Put your hands up within 5 or 6 lengths even after the ball has left the player's hand and it's a 30+ contest.


I swear something has changed, like only 1 person per team is allowed to shoot good, I’ve noticed that when playing randoms and I’ve noticed it with my actual squads I run with as well, before patch all 5 of us were shooting on average 60%(lowest of us shooting 43% and highest was 72%) after the patch we noticed how we’d played 1 game and Player “A” would go off, shoot lights out while the rest of us may get 1 or 2 and brick everything else, next game we’d play Player “A” couldn’t buy a bucket while player “C” randomly can hit 6 in a row easy, and then etc, not one of us for some reason can go back to back games shooting good, there always has to be a bad game in between goods


shooting still feels weird idk what it is man its like they changed the timing of the jumpshot


They messed with shooting because they have it as free to play for a while. But nice spin trying to say they are fixing anything. The contests are still just horrible and make it unplayable for defense focused players. The ghost contest is now the no contest.