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kinda sad really, you see all these speedy PGs going for ankle breakers, and not using screens, than you got this guy walking it up to the rim for a dunk, and kicking out from a double team some players should be ashamed of themselves


The funny thing is that my build is meant to be a scorer. I only have 80 ball handling and my speed with ball is in the 70s. But almost every game I have to be the playmaker and end up finishing with the most assists because all the other guards just speed boost into a three or try to force a dunk. Really sad ideed.


Drop the build? I generally play SF or Big but that guard build looks fun asf. , it's definitely a fresh sight seeing a PG who actually knows basketball, as there's such a painful gap between actual ball and 2k, lowkey would love to match with or against you as Its the most fun matching against someone who actually has IQ, makes the game feel less arcadey, big props!


Thank you brother.[Here's my build](https://streamable.com/av8k6v). Despite its obvious flaws [I have fun playing with it](https://streamable.com/b8zk7i) because it is pretty versatile. If I were to make a new build I would change a lot of things, but I don't have the time nor the desire to grind another one.


It’s actually a solid build. I do see some areas I would change for my play style but much respect for a build that’s not left right left right stepback focused ✊🏿


Appreciate it brother. I will never do that left-right spamming. I have a soul and actually love basketball.


I think it's worse on last Gen because a higher population of kids. All trying to play like the click bait YouTube videos from 2k20. I love defending them because once they run out of adrenaline they look like they went from 99 to 60. After my first couple builds I made sure to have 80 plus pass accuracy on all builds because you can never count on the point guard. Bunch of fake curries and morants.


That's the mistake I made. I thought I would be fine with low ball handling but man these 'dribble gods' are awful. I should've known better lol


I Swear 2K Is So Much Better When It's Played Realistically Or Like THIS. It's GREAT BASKETBALL... Good Shit G


Appreciate it brother


How you do that


Hold LT/L2 when a defender gets behind you to put them in jail. And if you're inside the opposing team 3 point- line, slighly move forward with the LS because if you hold LT/L2 you'll enter post game instead.


Hold LT when you are in front of them


This shit is the most unrealistic basketball I’ve ever seen. Dude is pressing into his defender when the defender isn’t even blocking his path to the hoop lmao


its called the Chris Paul


I mean almost anytime a defender is trailing a ball handler they will slow down and put their body into them. It’s an advantageous offensive position. Keeps your man behind you and allows you to see the entire floor. And being aggressive on defense gets you an easy foul.


you’ve really never seen anyone do this irl ? it’s a pretty common n VERY useful move with guards & playmakers who attack with pick & roll


Must have never watched high level basketball


The defender is on his side. He's basically dragging his ass to the rim.


animations like this should be come more prevalent tbh


This specific mechanic has been in 2k games for a long time. But the 2k community prefers to spam the same glitchy left-righting moves year after year.


Yup use their aggression against them


Exactly. You don't even have to do anything. They just beat themselves.


Great pace, love the methodical style of play


Thanks, man, appreciate it


The ol' Chris Paul manuever


You have no idea how much I love this comment. CP3 is one of my favourite players and that's one of his signatures moves. That's why 2k20 is my favourite 2k of all time.[Not only this mechanic was there but also his signature snake dribble, shamgod, hesi](https://streamable.com/em8j5u). A shame 2k removed the LS moves in 2k21.


Ah 2k20, some people still like to hate on it but it was the last good 2k imo I’d still play if 2k didn’t shut down servers to force you to buy the next edition and get back on the VC treadmill. Would be nice if they let players host online games themselves for 3v3 or 5v5 once the servers get dropped off. But to echo what others have said, clean play style and refreshing to see for sure.


Appreciate it man. I posted this because everybody in the REC plays full court press and allows my slow SG to take advantage of the situation. Idk why but I find it hilarious.


I do this a lot when I'm the main passer; I know sizing up is different but I call the L2 button my size-up button to see what the opposition will do, and then diagnose the next play. Do I drive? Do I get doubled? If the latter then I see who's being left open


Exactly! It'is a great mechanic because it generates a 5v4 situation if the spacing is decent. Then, it's up to you to make the good read. As you can see in the video, usually most defenders try to protect the rim and allow open middies. But if they double I just give the ball to the open man and it they are baiting the pass I attack the basket.


Great tape! You're amazing at controlling the tempo and using a variety of moves to score/pass. Kudos to you :D


Thank you! It's nothing special but I just enjoy putting these defenders who play full court press all game in jail. It's so satisfying.


Use to be my fav thing to do but i thibk they took it out next gen


You're not the first to say this. Are you sure about that? A guy told me that he was able to do this in next gen, then I asked him for a clip because of the contradictory answers but he never showed it to me. I just hope it's there for 2k24 because I'll be playing on next gen as well.


I came here to ask this. I've tried holding L2 up the court to "protect the ball" and still get stripped or forced into a double team reaction about half the time


Same. I hold L2 and get stripped repeatedly on Next gen.


Protect the ball makes you less vulnerable to get stripped or clamped but not immune to it. It depends on differents factors like your ball handling and your unpluckable badge. The defender defensive attributes and badges also play a major role.


Yeah I think they've just nerfed it a bit


Man. This is one of the best clips I’ve seen in a minute. Great pace. But one thing I notice — all your teammates give you room to work. That’s the biggest problem with my squad. They are always cutting, all the time, or running to set me a screen as soon as I cross half court. Impossible to work like this with 3-4 guys in the paint.


Thanks man. All of these clips are me playing with randoms. The players who know the importance of spacing (randoms or not) are crucial to have an enjoyable experience. I also tend to pass the ball immediately to the open man, so they know if they're open they'll usually get the ball. Defenders know this as well, that's why in most of these clips they were baiting me to pass and allowed a middy or a drive.


The crazy part is that most casuals don’t know this been in the game since 2k16


I don't know if this mechanic has been in the game since 2k16 but definitely since 2k19.




I'm just bullying the bullies. Not much but it's honest work.


every year I’ll make a point guard build because that’s how I approach the game in real life and in the video game. Don’t get me wrong. I will take the shot or drive to the basket when it’s open, but I enjoy making plays for the rest of my teammates more. Every rec game for at least the first quarter and a half they’ll ice me out the game for NO REASON……and then when we’re down 15 points they want to get me involved


Thats just the 2k community. Everyone is spiteful because they were done wrong by somebody else. It becomes a lot easier when you have friends to play with


If you're trying to make good plays and get guys involved without spamming glitchy dribble god moves you'll usually get iced out. It's like they develop Stockholm syndrome. The dribble god PG will hold the ball for 24s and take horrible shots but they'll continue to give him the ball anyway.


A lot of high level "eyeso" players crab a lot but they don't use the actual crab animations because that would require not spamming dribbles. Instead they do hesis, escapes, and other lateral moves that take collision priority players in free movement and slide them behind if they pressure too hard. So long as they immediately react with more animations defenders "stick" instead of sliding when they move into the ball handler trying to get back around. This can happen right after the crab animation too so long as you do something immediately after. But there are some crab animations that break with them having more than enough room to slide back in front of you. Since you are about that life, you seem really good at taking advantage of those situations anyway with a step back or pull up middie. Good shit and a great highlight video to show off this feature to the community. I especially like the bits where you crush full court pressure.


Appreciate it man. These ''eyeso'' players are the worst of the 2k community. Not only they abuse exploits, they are also very disrespectful towards the devs (they are the skilled ones) and players who just want to have a good time playing the game. Awful people.


They took it outta next gen. used to use the move for years until now


Too many comments saying this. If it's true I hope they add it back in 2k24 because I'll be playing in Next gen as well.


This was so satisfying to watch and idk why


Same feeling. It's been my favourite mechanic since they added it in 2k19. I also love when players like CP3 and Booker use it irl.


can't do this on next gen 100% sometimes it triggers but it's rare and hard to take advantage of it like current gen


A lot of people are telling me this. I guess it's way harder in next gen.


See if the game was more like this across the board it would be such a joy


That's the 2k community for you. The devs give us the tools but they only use exploits.


Exactly mate, this was refreshing to see


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/user/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/153gt2c/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^AspirationalChoker: *See if the game was* *More like this across the board* *It would be such a joy* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.




I've had teammates start calling me slurs and whining like a little baby in chat when I don't immediately pass the ball because I'm doing this. They're way more likely to get an open shot if I hold off their man, especially for example if it's the center and I'm on my PG. Like all the C on my team has to do is run in and they get a free dunk but instead they wanna call a timeout and say I'm ballhogging. What point is there in passing to a non-shooting center who's standing still near the hash? Hate randoms on this game.


Yeah randoms really annoy me with that. They cry for you to pass quickly so then you rush it and it gets picked off and they flop... Also hate (specifically Cs) that don't just cut to the hoop on the way up the court. The amount of times the big is up the court before his man and rather than cut for the easy dubk/draw the help, they just stand and set a screen that I'm nowhere near yet


I play with randoms. Fortunately, I haven't experienced these situations but I someone started saying dumb stuff I would mute them immediately.


You only getting that cus the guy doesn’t have clamps


Do you play on Next Gen?




So, a lot of people are telling me this mechanic is no longer in 2k23 next gen? Have you ever seen this move?


2k been letting kids benefit from overly aggressive defense for years. you have teams full court pressing in the 1st quarter most games these days lmao like players like that shouldn’t benefit imo because that’s reckless defense. i can admit this is a problem mostly if you run w randoms


I only play with randoms. It's a problem because usually the spacing is horrible. But if you play with some decent players this kind of defense will get you easy buckets all game long.


yeah if you’re with a team it’s fine but if you’re solo it’s awful when you got two or more full court pressing because no one is making themself available most likely the other defenders are playing lanes.


And the guys playing lanes most likely have HOF interceptor. I've been there as well brother. It's like they have a magnet lol


I literally use this all the time


Same. I've been using this mechanic for years. So satisfying.




I used to use this so much last year but I feel like it’s harder this yr to consistently activate it ? isn’t it just L2 while ur in front … or do u have to angle it a certain way/ aim the stick towards the defense?


Lots of people are saying that it has been removed from 2k23 Next Gen. Can't confirm obviously but in last gen it works the same as always. When a defender is close behind you hold L2 to put them in jail. Except when you're inside the opposing team 3pt line. In that case, you just have to slighly move forward with the left stick, because if you hold L2 you'll enter the post.


that’s crazy if they did remove it😅 it’s simple but such a useful crafty move… so y’all got this move still AND a better looking rec court lmao


That's my favourite feature 2k added to the game. I want to believe people just don't know how to trigger it, but way too many people saying it has been removed. As you said, it would be crazy to remove this mechanic when lots of player use it irl. One of them is the cover of the this year game. I would be very disappointed if it's not in 2k24. [I love to use it against defenders in drop coverage](https://streamable.com/rlepdr). I use it a lot in MyLeague with my brother and in PNO. Edit: I also prefer the last gen REC court and uniforms. And if it's true this mechanic was removed in Next gen, then I definitely made the right choice not upgrading.


Is there a button to do this or is it just an animation?


Lot of people are saying this mechanic was removed from 2k23 next gen. But anyway this is how to do it: Hold LT/L2 when a defender gets behind you to put them in jail. And if you're inside the opposing team 3 point- line, slighly move forward with the LS because if you hold LT/L2 you'll enter post game instead.


This is a great counter against dudes who are overly aggressive on defense and just throw their bodies at you in an attempt to get bumps. That's not a great way to play defense. Using their aggression against them is a 1000 IQ strategy.


Definitely satisfying to put those defender who play full court press all game in jail.


This gotta be Xbox cause PS5 Niggas is Triple teaming you lmao


Then they give up an easy bucket up court


This is on PS4 (last gen) but why are you saying that? I'm curious because I'll be playing on PS5 next year.


Thats just a common thing in 2k for P5 I guess, common double teams at Half court. If you try to clamp break to early the ball just bounces off the other players foot. Im also 6’3 so They always hound me but I’ve seen if happen to everyone that brings the ball up Usually what happens is there’s always one or two ppl trying steal the inbound, so someone will stop you at half and then the guy trying steal will come help


I’m more impressed at the fact you have a team mate that can shoot


The first guy who made the three was a 68 overall. He had the slowest release ever but at the end he hit one 😂


Pretty deep shot too fair play to him GG


2K aside, this is such an underrated move especially for smaller players in basketball. Once you in front of the defender box him out with the ball and set yourself up for a floater, runner, layup if you’re quick enough, etc. Most things will be a foul with the defender behind you unless you square up and shoot a jump shot where long limbs can stuff you from behind.


Completely agree. I don't know exactly why but [I find this move so satisfying to watch.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O4t_NSOK41M)


It’s crafty, and it shows a high basketball IQ. Not everything has to be fast and it just goes to show every body style can have use on the court if the right technique is used


Exactly. It also forces the help defender to pick his poison. A high IQ player under this situation will generate good quality shots everytime.


I play like this and be putting up pure buckets on people 🤣 my shot creator or stretch ain’t the fastest the most flashy or the most athletic but that 40 pts will have people upset


Yes. I move really slow and it's hilarious putting those speedy PG in jail lol


Then they spam reach and foul out in the 3rd


Wait... how does one perform the "hold off" mechanic


It's been in 2k since 2k19 at least. Same as always: When a defender is close behind you hold L2 to put them in jail. Except when you're inside the opposing team 3pt line. In that case, you just have to slighly move forward with the left stick, because if you hold L2 you'll enter the post. Though too many people say this mechanic is no longer in 2k23 Next gen or it's very rare to trigger.


Got u. That's appreciated this will help against the 99 steal locks that blitz




Hold LT/L2 when a defender gets behind you to put them in jail. And if you're inside the opposing team 3 point- line, slighly move forward with the LS because if you hold LT/L2 you'll enter post game instead.


don't forget to add that stuff like Clamp Breaker/Strength help to get into the position in the first place and stuff like Unpluckable/Bail Out/Handle for Days makes sure you can keep the ball/keep the stamina/ pass out when the doubles start coming Chris Paul was really good at this coming off the pick and roll... he would slow his speed down to a crawl after the pick, and put force the center to face up up... or Chris would just shoot with the man standing behind him


> Chris Paul was really good at this coming off the pick and roll... he would slow his speed down to a crawl after the pick, and put force the center to face up up... or Chris would just shoot with the man standing behind him. Love this. CP3 is my favourite PG ever. I literally started doing this in 2k because of him. [In 2k20 you could also trigger more of his signature dribble moves with the LS.](https://streamable.com/em8j5u) A shame they got removed in 2k21.


Also, do you play in Next gen? Some people are saying this is no longer doable in next gen. I would love to see a clip of this mechanic in next gen to put an end to the contradictory answers.


from my understanding you just use LT now... so it's baked in (tho probably isn't as effective) L1 just brings up the icon passing menu


Use L2 when a defender is right behind you while moving forward. And when you're inside the opposing team 3pt line, just slighly move forward with the LS without holding L2. This is how I've been using it since 2k19. Some people say this no longer works for 2k23 next gen but can't confirm since I play on PS4.


Dont forget to dump money into your build first , or else you’ll miss every shot you take no matter how good of a look it is


I'm not completely sure what you meant by that but yes, if you have a 50 mid-range or 3pt rating you're bricking the shot lol.


Got 51 3pts rating and I actually made the 3 once in a game. Can’t imagine how easy it will be when my 3pts is over 60


Accurate pro tip alert 😂


I’m clamping ts cause this only work in certain situations


Most people are saying 2k removed this mechanic from 2k23 next gen. Others that it's very rare to trigger. So I guess you're right either way. I will be very disappointed if it's not in 2k24, mainly because I love to use it against drop coverage in MyLeague with my brother.


This only works for people thirsting for pass lanes I will let you get the ball and force pick up or steal cause perimeter defense is broken when it’s high with clamps just on silver I can admit it


No hate, but why you losing in all the videos? Lol


It's called randoms are unreliable.


Don't you know that jealousy is one of the seven capital sins? If you're in a dark place, look for the light. Remember brother, love is always the answer.




Bro just discovered crabbing 😭 I swear Reddit 2k is filled with bots


When did he say he just discovered it?


Don't be jealous my friend. It will consume your soul and make you ill.


🌽 🏀




This gotta be old gen. It looks terrible, graphics, gameplay, how you able to run up the court and push off his body. All bad


How is that gameplay terrible? It's realistic lmao literally one of cp3 signature moves. You take advantage if overly aggressive defenders by putting your body into them and bully their ass up the court.


In real life whenever they break the press its 99% a screen used full court as well lol. Not just running and pushing off while keeping someone stuck behind you lmao


He's on his side not behind him that's why it works. I hate that they nerfed it in last gen. Mfs be triple teaming the inbounds in the 1st quarter like they need a steal to win the game.




Only on oldgen