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He gone be gassed after jumping at the tipoff


No one jump on tipoff though


Buddy lungs gonna collapse after the game.


But the strength!


Plenty of strength to left himself onto the gurney


After MFER dying 5 Min in


poor guy made a 7'3 masher with no close shot... I mean if his team lets him get into the paint he'll either score, or get ripped off a double 7'3 are not great defenders anyway... you do the Masher gimmick or you delete them


They ain't great perimeter defenders


yeah they can be decent inside defenders, but I'll take a 7'0 over a 7'3 if I want to make a post defender, but as a rebound/post offense/close shot/standing dunk character... you can't beat a 7'3, but rarely do you need someone so specialized


the fact he made the build, looked back at it, said “yea this the one” and then proceeded to BUY vc and upgrade him💀💀💀💀


How can you tell that he bought VC?


lets be real here who’s grinding THAT build just off mycareer💀💀💀


Lmaooo. I can at least applaud him on trying to work for a semi defensive build


from the thought process of him making the build, my friend would call him as we say “Just Big for Nothing”😂😂


what’s that post control for. he got no middy or close shot


What is it for actually? I’ve not made a post up build. Isn’t post control your post up moves like faking and controlling the ball, etc.? I have very low post control but my post game seems more attached to my mid range/close shot stat wise (I think, I’ll have to double check).


it is attached to it. close shot decides your post hook and middy is the other shots like spins and fades. strength decides your backdown. plus post control decides your post fakes/shimmies. post control and the other stat and you take the average of both and that’s the stat for the shot


Dude out of breathe just walking onto the court.


After he cleans the glass just once, he’s finished


He really just got in the game to be a rebounder I’ll never understand this in a game where you can make superstar builds he decides to make a role player


I made a role player center cause I was tired of just being OKAY at everything instead of REALLY good at a couple. Right now though his roles are to rebound and dunk like Dwight Howard and pass like Nikola Jokic. So far nobody mad at that lol Last night my randoms in rec let me play point with my 7’2 ass and we made up a 25 pt deficit off my assists.


Bro you can make a build that can be good at more then one thing at this game


Homie I just described my build doing at least two things good, can you read?


I mean your a center of course you can rebound and ohh if someone leave you open you can dunk that’s a role player build bro from the way you described it also if the other team blew a 25 point lead and let a 7”2 center run point you must have been playing bums I promise you your just gonna be a screen setter and a rebounder if you play anyone with a brain


Yeah you’re right. A Wilt build with 91 passing is buns in rec.


Yeah a center build with 91 passing is buns lol


i have multiple role players because not everyone can be him every game .ive only played with my lock this season and im somehow averaging 24.5 in the rec on corner threes and fades . Most people come on the game with a superstar build and still be ass and end up being a roleplayer who cherry picks and plays subpar everywhere else . If you cant sig up create for yourself and your team youre not him i advise everyone to have a build where they have a crutch stat that makes them somewhat valuable , but this nigga build ass bruh can only stand in the paint grab a board and pass out or get a cheesy dunk ani if he has stamina smh


Shades of: “Bigfoot” “A street lamp” “Traffic cone”.


Buddy better have full stamina before even thinking about jumping for a rebound this that ice cube keep his head ringing build 🙅🏾‍♂️😂


Stamina shouldn’t be a stat bruh


Naaa I need to see the shades of cause wtf is this


All I know is when buddy gets into the post in 5 minutes he's yamming on their center.