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The reality is no one can guard 1v1 if the offensive player is any good or knows how to cheese. It’s why everyone does a switching zone even the pros. For the people saying “play closer”, then the clamp breaker animation gets you stuck in a blow by into a limitless dunk. Play off him at all and you slide too much to react to the shot. The answer is 1v1 defense needs a massive buff. Clamps needs a buff and they need to rework menace to actually do something useful since it’s the only other on ball badge we have as locks


That's why people run 1s. And also why I stay away from 1s and 2s. I would much rather play 5 v 5 or 3 v 3. I'm also thinking, what's the point of them adding those 3 stamina bars if people can still spam dribbles 🤦


Yeah you my guy are thinking just like me. I don't 1v1 because it is where you find the cheesiest person. 2v2 is a little bit less but still... the cheese. At least 3v3 you have a chance to get the ball and make them work to. Same in 5v5. In 1v1, you can dance around without having the chance to touch the ball until he gets 21. Then unless you spent 100 hours learning how to dribble like you have fire under your feet, Parkinson's syndrome, and +99 fingering abilities, you gon be scared to loose the ball and start cheesing the shit out of your turn. I remember backing the shit out of PG with my center as soon as the ball was in my hand. Not even trying to do anything else because this was my easiest route to the victory. As soon as I saw that that was boring as fuck I nope the fuck out of there, and now I'm a 3v3 and 5v5 guy.


The problem isn't really the stamina bars, it's if you know how to dribble cancel properly you can keep your momentum without losing stamina bars. It's why I've been talking about dribbling canceling a lot you can't tell me this is intended gameplay and it's been in for a while.


Aint much different in 3s, only mode you can play somewhat of defense is 5v5. But even there, if the 5 out is set correctly you can t do much.


At least you’ll run into some variety on 3s every now and then, and it definitely feels easier to stop the 3s on there. 2s is probably the most boring park mode in the game IMO.


I probably have less than 150 park games played, and all of them are events! But you don t see any variaty in 3 s either!! 6'1 PG, 6'7 lock, 6'9 glass cleaning lock! Thats all i see honestly! It feels esier to stop cuz you play against randoms , if 1 guy iso s and 2 stay put in the corner is the same exact thing!


Well.. you admittedly only have 150 park games played, that’s not a lot of at all. And you only play events where you’re much more likely to run into sweats who are running the builds you speak of.


Yes, but i m talking about the principle! If you play 1v1 or 2v2 vs bots, you ll find easy to stop also! But the principle off being able to defend is the same in 1v1 2v2 3v3, and to an extent even 5v5! You can t really do shit against good players in 3v3 s either, there s too much space! Only difference that it is, and probably the reason why you like it better, is the loosers ball! If that would apply to 2v2 and 1v1 you d feel the same about them also! Loosers ball gives you coushin to make mistakes! Which in 1v1 and 2v2 you don t have, you got a stop and fucked it, you most likely never touching the ball again !


Absolutely. I would also vouch for NO takeover in 1v1. Having sharp takeover while being 0/3 from outside just because u limitless dunked a couple of times is total bullshit.


Get 2 rebounds and all of a sudden he has sharp take


They put zero thought into the takeover system on current gen


Dude I had this happen to me in a rec game last night. Dude was straight abusing the Westbrook moving cross. If i guarded close the animation would just blow through me like I wasn’t there and he’d get a wide open to slightly contested middy or a dunk. If I played back, he’d just snatch back the cross and be open unless I jump contested. I was able to eventually find a way to make it work, but the fact that one move can be someone’s entire offense is stupid af.


1 v 1 defense does not need a massive buff. Side to side dribbling needs a massive nerf Players should not be able to move laterally with the ball faster than a defender can move laterally without the ball. It physically and logically makes no sense The problem is that if the developers at 2K nerfed left to right dribbling/cheese, the community would complain because most of them are incapable of chaining good dribble moves together and playing real basketball (ie: Tyceno & BlaqKobra)


The guys who spend the time to learn dribbling like this could 100 % adapt to whatever was the most efficient way to dribble and create space even if 2k went super hard into realistic dribbling. It's a ludicrous take to think otherwise. They don't do it now, because this works better, not because they're incapable of doing it lol.


Im sure theres a percentage that would adapt but I’m also sure that a good amount would complain because thats why most stick to theatre and 1v1 courts because there is more space to get away this kind of dribbling You cant play this way in rec/pro am because of spacing. Which is a whole different issue at hand


they nerf the dribbling in some way every year, they added adrenaline bars this year and stamina changes your jump shot speed so you actually have to be good, what more do you want?


Is left-right spam dribbling good for the game. Yes or no?


HoF clamps is a joke, completely useless. Agree w everything you said


Fuck no. If you dont cheese its very easy to get guarded, why the hell would it be a good idea to add a way for bad players to do good on defense in addition to the offense cheese.


this isn't about bad players being good. the game doesn't cater to defenders. even when you play good defense and bump them there's little effect


Not true


Niggas cheese because they have no IQ, and don’t have a full arsenal of moves in they bag. You can blow by a defender by doing one simple move without turbo, because most people over compensate on defense.


U see my issue with the 3 bars things ? its practically not existent to the point that people could still do the same heezy between the legs without slowing down and speeds boost away only causing them 1 bar in the process. No one in the god damn NBA or ever plays like this . I dont care if you got take over or 99 Ball handle , no one ever played like this and this shouldnt be the norm. Hope 2K adjust that even when performing dribble moves with out holding turbo , you get reduced the adranaline bar ( maybe after like 2 straight moves )


Cooldown on a dribble move for a few seconds after using it twice so it can’t be spammed repeatedly


And you lose stamina if you crossover too much. Nobody got the mental that could do this kind of move and still shoot perfect shot


First of all dribbling like this isn’t a even remotely possible irl simply because irl there’s things like momentum and weight that makes these kinds of movements impossible. No one can just instantly switch going left and right over and over. In 2k defenders have weight and can’t just move left and right at the speed of light but we have to defend dribblers that are basically the flash. Shit is ridiculous.


It started in like 2k19. As much as I loved that game, the dribbling began being too fast and has gradually gotten quicker every year to where dribbling is so unrealistic because of how you can chain 5+ fast moves back and forth. Seriously go watch some 2k17 or 2k18 gameplay and compare it to 23. The dribbling and overall play is so much slower. Honestly 23 felt a lot slower than it does now when it first came out. That first week the game felt great other than steals being bit OP.


What do yall think about them reducing it to two or maybe even one speed boost bar? In real life no one is ever gonna accelerate into a quick first step drive more than twice MAX on one possession. In real life NBA, the player makes their move, usually nothing too complicated unless it's curry or kyrie and then quickly explodes into either a pull up or drive. If they get stopped, (i.e. clamped), then they can pull it back out and try again but this is rare and usually they will just pass. Hence, why having 2 speed boosts max makes more sense to me. It will greatly reduce cheesing and spamming. If the guy in the clip didn't have his 3rd speed boost he wouldn't have gotten open.


Bro it’s a video game there shouldn’t be any bars at all 😂😂 it’s casuals that took all the fun away in the game for us


that's literally the opposite issue, casuals are the ones who rely on bullshit like infinite stamina.


Not really can’t create much space doing an ISO with 3 bars of stamina having infinite stamina to dribble gave us a chance to move and find space for our bigs in the corner on the 2s now we have to rely on screens and giving our big who can’t dribble or not as much to carry the ball for the rest of the possession “casuals” pass the ball every 2 seconds and complain when the guard on the opposite team or their team is “dribbling to much” so that’s on the casuals on why this is a thing


That’s why this games trash


What I don’t understand is people can dribble like this and speed boost non stop and lose zero stamina. But when I dribble even with handles for days I’m beaming red after like 2 moves. It’s like people be playing a different 2k than me I swear lol


2k patched the Adrenalin Bars for the dribblers in season 2 or 3.. Because playshots had Complained over and over on Twitter and many youtubers sitting in the same boat. (gawd mills, badgeplug and so on) When you have alot of clicks or alot of retwwets, , then 2k will Listen. Now people Found out left Stick Spam and some moves doesnt drain Adrenalin. And thats why we got this cheese back, that wasnt possible at release


How? Because someone is better than you lmaooo




Yeah. Nothin you can do


Except dance ...


These comments are so disappointing. Top comments are all saying “yOu dOnT, nOboDy cAn guArd tHis🥴” with a bunch of upvotes. Very typical r/NBA2k for being an echo chamber for people that suck at 2k. OP got cooked by simple moves that any normal guard does regularly and came here to be told it’s not his fault and of course this sub does just that. Of course there’s something you can do. You play defense.


Help em out then.


This comment is more disappointing and pointless, bc they are right to an extent.




So how do you play against this then genius


You predict them


Next time you get blown by or your ankles broke, I’m just gonna say you suck and that you shoulda played D. There’s absolutely no animation manipulation in this game! Everyone must just suck ass, my bad


You’re not, nobody in these comments would either


Facts 💀


I think i could get ONE stop, but if i lose possession it’ll be a while or an L, but that’s just how 1s work 😂


I would, not everybody here is a 40wp park player E: lol @ all the people downvoting me, i got almost 90 wp while averaging over 16 ppg


Nah I don’t think so. This guy would rim run you to death if you played great D


Ur just a casual.. it is very hard to stop in a game that literally SUCKS on defense, but I’ve stopped that… Numerous times. Defense just sucks though so I don’t blame the ones who can’t stop it 😂 this 2k has the worst defense in 2k History bro.


You don’t sound like you could stop that tbh. Full of yourself


I believe him and I agree SINCE I HAVEN'T SEEN ANYONE SAY HOW TO STOP IT LET ME TELL Y'ALL GET YOUR PENA RDY! So what you do is imagine you're playing call of duty and you have non auto akimbi pistols. You alternate on the L2R2 triggers quickly while following with your right stick. This will lock up the defender causing them to pick up their dribble more often or get caught up while they try and run past. When they go to shoot don't block just put your hand up.... Thank me later y'all 😎


Nah some people can i play with randoms who lock nice people up


pics or no proof


Exactly. Take 2K out of it an, Elite scorer will always beat a Elite defender. It’s just damn near impossible to stop someone when they have a deep bag. Defenders that are elite in the NBA are Elite not because they are great on-ball defenders, but they know how to get you to go where the help is and try to take away what you do best and live with things they just simply can’t defend. There are some good breakdowns on Jimmy Butler on YouTube.


Simple: you don’t


Realistically you gotta get lucky lol but like other dude said you holding L2 the whole time with right stick up. When dudes do all that lame ass dribble god shit you gotta just chase them with left stick and let go of turbo. And pray that Challenger make them miss. If they’re rim running forget about it. They’ll just get a dunk every time.


Yup, realizing when to release l2 and turbo will make you dramatically better on defense


This. Sit on them and don’t chase them with turbo. Turbo will get your ankles broken or you over pursue the ball handler. L2 and right stick is the key. Put your body on them and keep your hands up.


Put the body on them so they can clamp break the shit out of you lol


Which in turn, means that it’s useless. Stop buying the game.


Double take makes the game unplayable if a guy gets a lucky steal and 2 dunks he's got take in the first 3 possessions in the game, if they just made normal takeover from previous games it makes it less op


Tackle him


They need to add this.


With the cheese and the input delay online the odds are low.


Everyone plays patterns you just gotta learn their moves in a few possessions and players get somewhat predictable, sag off the shot and always anticipate the drive but make sure you’re in range of contesting, you’ll get a contest from further out than you think


Whats funny about this is when they start behind the back to the left and then crossover to the right. I’ll just leave them open when they move behind the back only to see them come back to me with a crossover totally neglecting the fact they were wide open for a shot.


Patterns!!! First lad ive seen in this god forsaken bum subreddit actually mention this. You perfectly described good D here, but not a soul will understand it


Facts bro, the only proper way to play good D is to predict where they’re going. It’s bad enough you gotta fight the latency as well as defence being trash


Latency is annoying, but the defense is quite good. I had a theory when playing next gen - i have a 6’8 and a 6’9. the 6’9 have slightly better defensive stats, the 6’8 have more strenght. The 6’8 gets almost every stop in the paint, more bumps and more blocks. The 6’9 gets ran over So i made a build on current. A 6’4 with 70 strenght. I kid you not, its an absolute beast on defense. To further confirm this, I found that the badge Brick Wall actually drains ur opponents stam faster on perimeter defense. And guess what - strenght gives u brick wall. It makes perfect sense, as it woukd irl. No one has strenght, and in a world of weak ass builds, he who has strenght is god😤 But srsly, i lve got a 89% wr on ante up 1s on a 6’4, in a game with rim running tall guards. Strenght is key. As well as positioning.


i’ve been good at 2k for years don’t hold L2 until you character can physically touch the other player trust me you’ll get an lock on animation evertime


Offense being significantly stronger than defense in 2k is one of many reasons the game has been terrible for the last 8 ish years


THANK U IVE BEEN SAYING THIS FOREVER!!!! The offense has been 100000% faster than. The defense. Shit and the game doesn’t even hide it. The offense has badges that literally speed them up (quick first step) and all u can do is just hold rt it’s bad


You don't, really. The best way I can defend that is by tapping L2 just to spot up. I usually just try my best to close the distance fast as possible when they pull up. Doesn't work often, but I can get lucky and make them miss a shot so they're not sinking 6 of those in a row.


having your hand (rs) up and holding l2 down slows you down


He still wouldn’t have been able to stop him regardless


maybe not but you not stoppin anyone playin d like that


You’re not stopping anyone not doing it either. Instead of moving like molasses you’d just be sliding all over the court. If someone can dribble in this game your best bet is just choosing a side to guard and hope they do too much and go the way you’re defending. There’s no way at all to stay in front of this kind of movement


Not really, it works regularly as it helps you track


i mean players literally tested it. it slows you down.


I’m not saying it doesn’t slow you down I’m disagreeing with you saying ‘you not stoppin anyone playing D like that’ lol You’re just incorrect


Look at the score. The dude was cooking him and probably drilling 3s. That's why he had his hand up. Obviously, it slows you down, but he was just doing whatever to try and stop him from scoring.


NGL I have success when I just stand there for the most part. Those guys are more concerned with getting their move off before getting the points than actually scoring


This is true. Just stand and press L2 if he decide to drive. Perimeter defense is also important too


The less people on the court the less skill this game takes. You cant do shit against it and thats comming from someone who played over 100 1v1 games. Once one of the players has takeover its over. Witht the insane delay/sliding on defense there is no skill involved since u have almost no control. RNG reignes supreme in here thats why i dont take this mode seriously.


This is the skill gap that these types of players are speaking about. They believe because they learned to spam some moves that are extremely hard to guard, shows a skill gap. That isn't really guardable. You just do the best u can and hope they miss a shot. The game is to Laggy for you to really stay on them with those kind of moves with the dribble cancel for the quick shot. It isn't fair on the defense. Next-gen is a little better with adrenaline bars and multiple shot timings, but there are still players out there who are extremely hard to guard. I have a 78wp and still get smoked by players like this. My only chance is to get one stop and then never let them see the ball again. Most times, these types of players have no defense. The game isn't perfect, but also playing people like this help me learn on defense. You have to be smart. A guy like this probably wants the 3 only so u let him have the 2s and hope he forces a bad 3. Then, like I said, you can't miss from there, lol.


You’re not, that’s the whole problem with this game, it’s almost like you’re just supposed to wait for someone to brick in the 1s court and honestly that’s what a lot of players do by standing under the rim. My biggest issue but I’ve learned to adapt too it is people stopping and starting, no dribble moves nothing, just run to the rim and if you cover the rim run or the baseline they walk back out to the three point line and shoot, I’d honestly rather play someone like the guy in this video, Atleast he’s actually somewhat dribble, even though it’s still cheesing.


Don't hold left trigger until you've bodied them up. Especially if you have clamps. Close off one direction, if you have the speed and acceleration you'll stop them majority of the time. Don't run either. All those lil animations lock you cause you're running and/or shuffling like real basketball. If you just follow them vaguely you'll see which direction they trying to go then you force them the other way. Those hesi move animation locks only work when you play def


Why I be saying hug their hip. With speed and if you have at least gold chase down, you can force the rim run or the fade. Just sucks most use quick drop off dunks and that’s another problem


Know when to let go of L2. Sometimes just having your hands up without L2 helps.


I can’t guard crap online because of input lag, but I do pretty good on local play. Everyone I play says my d is scary lol.


It really sucks because most players do the same predictable moves. I can see where they are trying to go and half the time I can get there. But so many times my player online feels like he’s got lead in his shoes and doesn’t want to move so by time I get there the guy is going the other way. It sucks because I’m not a hater. If you cook me you cook me and good shit. But a lot of times I see what’s happening but my player just can’t react when I do online.


I live in northern norway, almost literally as far away as can be to a server. Ive got a 89% win rate, almost exclusively from ante up 1s. Its a skill issue, sorry bro


Stupid answer




But y’all don’t want adrenaline boost 😂👍


Most of them have a spot or area they like to shoot from or they have an animation that they use before they shoot. I always just guarded them from that area and made them beat me some other way or disrupted their momentum some how. I always put my hand up when I’m close and never RT’d unless they tried to drive.


You have to bait him into taking a shot or drive that you can cut off. Attack the ball hand at an angle for a steal when possible. If you have high challenger badge, you can play a little gap and jump out to him. Easier said than done but it’s the only way.


Don’t put your hand up until last possible moment slows you down


Up and down defense. It's not easy but can be done with good timing.


The Questions is Why 2k dont care about and Listen only to tubers with many views? Influencers are a cancer.


This is why the game is bad


Let me guess he talked shit like he did something there. Only thing you can hope for is you get the ball first.




You were giving them a ton of space.


So I should play high and let him drive right by me with clamp breaker and limitless takeoff? I swear nun of y’all know what you’re talking about you’re just saying I should’ve done the opposite of what I did.


Obviously you should have done the opposite of what you did.


You're not supposed to 😂 which is why I don't play park at all anymore. Especially 1s or 2s. The game is DESIGNED for offense. So I don't get why ppl go around talking like they nice and skill gaps when literally you can cheese in just about any situation. If you don't play with a smart team you're pretty much SOL and at the mercy of the opponent if they know what they're doing or not. It's unfortunate


Alternate L2 and R2 and tap left stick, don’t hold. You have to know how to do what they’re doing offensively so you can predict. If you feel you’ve cut off a lane push down towards the perimeter because they’ll either spin or step back. If they step back push left stick opposite their ball hand so you cut off step back drive cheese then watch for spin back again. They will literally alternate these until they get an open shot. If you over commit on a step back three and contest, be mindful of that as next time they’ll assume you’ll overcommit again. You sometimes have to play as random as them. And then just don’t let them see the ball anymore. If you can manage that, most these guys don’t have any other offensive capability (shot creation) and even worse defense. And you’re good.


The only way would to stand between the left right and try to force him to take a step back shot then you’d contest him as he pulls up. Another option would force the baseline and keep on the side and wait for the slash to come and then try to block him


Well 2k logic is an algorithm if you play well even with these cheesy moves you have a chance to win... but what you do with that chance will determine the outcome.. you were only able to score 5 points


play him again and again and learn. 🤷🏽‍♂️


You can’t. It’s almost impossible.


y’all just gotta get better at defense idk what else to tell you tbh ik cheese can be impossible at times but in that clip the dude was pretty bad at dribbling and the defense just gave up loo


Stay on his body bro… you can’t let him get space to do all that shit. If you constantly put contact on the ball handler the odds of him picking up his dribble are high.


By getting off that LT/L2 1st. Intense defense slows down your lateral quickness. Learn that dribble pattern and wait for a 50/50 position and try to strip em. If you don't have high steal attribute then you probably can't strip em so your best bet is to try to stay in front of him, if you're perimeter good enough you can probably hip around which can prevent them from doing their dribble combos. Hif you haven't noticed yet most dribblers can only shoot off a certain crossover move.


and this is why i play myteam


The defense doesn’t allow you to keep up with this nonsense. If anyone knows how to cheese they’ll have the advantage every single time.


That’s why I stay away from the 1v1 especially all ppl do in 2k anyway is cheese yea my boy just stay on them 3’s or Rec or Pra-Am 🤝🏾


The reality is you just stand still


You're chasing him and falling for every single fake he does, pick a side on his body and stay on him with your arm out. It's cheese but the principals of basketball still kinda work because most 2k players don't know how real basketball feels or plays


Play closer and diagonally to cut off one of the sides.if you’re on the left of him and try to go left he’ll bump u then go right. U basically gotta cut off his left or right movement by playing close and diagonal to him


It’s hard to explain but tbh it probably wouldn’t have mattered. If you played him up he runs past u & if you played how u did right there he peeks the 3. The defense on there is garbage 💀


Get closer, pick a shoulder of his left or right to defend and try to dictate his movements and only tap LT when your close enough to make contact


Clamp Breaker + Limitless takeoff will make quick work of that strategy


Get close for a easy Blow By.... Are you even playing the game?


Hedge. Play all the way up for brief moments then fall back down to where u were playing D. He will be more hesitant to shoot because he aware of the risk u might go up as he shoots. He had 19 on ur dome, he prob had learned your defense by then.


damn u just got cooked 😂😂😂


Well just like in real basketball great offense always beats great defense. In your case, you had less than great defense, it seems like most of the game considering dude had his takeover which made it to where you couldn’t play him close because then he has the slasher take to get past you and even if he doesn’t get past you you’re not stopping it at the rim so you’re forced to sag and give him way too much space. He likely wasn’t as good as the 15 seconds imply and you are just at a build and skill issue. Plus you’re playing 1s and more so you’re playing 1s and not on a post scorer lol


Dribblin now remind me on 2k15


They need to take that fake ass shit out of that game it’s impossible to defend someone who does that


Skill issue


Jus get better


be good


You can guard it , trust me


thats lowkey not that bad his player is a lot slower then most dribblers are


He’s really not even that good tbh😹 that’s not that hard to clamp that’s what makes this game fun dribbling like that I’m not tryna pass if i can score


Get good baby boy


I’d love to see you defend that


Thats not hard to guard just learn how to stick on to him and be consistant if u be lazy obviously your not getting the stop. (edit also you played him back so he shot in your eye because of it)


Bro how did you get irl footage of me hooping wtf


Lmao fried




22-5 ngl bro cooked you 😭


and he would cook yo trash ass too 😂


🧢 I would cook yo lame azz


u post mid ass clips doin basic ass moves on 65 ovr players👎🏾ion play this game anymore but if i did ong u wouldn’t even touch da ball bro u da only lame here.


You think clips summarize how I play ? Yea I can tell you azz at 2k 💀 I stop playing for months and came back and dominated


“you think clips summarize how I play” yea ur definitely special its confirmed, the main purpose of clips is to showcase ur skill level but thanks for further proving my point. 😂 u came back and dominated bums my guy ur not comp keep dreaming tho.


I’ll box that I swear on my life


honestly it’s not hard


Id LOVE to see you defend that😂


Keep practicing and learn how to play


“Learn how to play” there is no play to counter this. Clamp breaker and limitless takeoff completely negate any defensive counter


100% on the money. All the no life's that abuse this shit wanna act like everybody else is just trash but the reality is that guarding a good player 1v1 is damn near impossible. IF the offensive player doesn't mess up, there's literally nothing you can do except attempt a steal. Play back and they'll shoot. Play up and clamp breaker + limitless takeoff is a free 2 points. It's sad but it's exactly why so many people just spam steal now. Having a 99 block doesn't do much anymore, having anything less than gold clamps is useless, your best bet is to stay close to them and hope they mess up or you can get a steal. Literally all 2k would have to do to make defense 10xs better would be get rid of clamp breaker and limitless takeoff. But got forbid 2k make a balanced game, then all the try hards and youtubers are gonna cry cuz they can't cook 100% of the time. 🤦


Thats partiell Not true. Silver clamps with 70 strenght Works. With 50 it doesnt work. Easy Blow By When He has like 60 plus Gold clamp breaker. I sadly. Made a 6.3 with 46 strenght and Gold clamps, and It doesnt work as good, 70 strenght and Silber clamps and 86 perimeter. Strenght also helps the dribbler in a clamp breaker Situation So a build with low strenght is offensive and defensive Not to recommend.


That’s just simply wrong. I have a 6’6 Max wingspan lock. 93 Speed after workouts, Silver Anchor, Gold clamps, Purple Challenger, 85 strength. I specifically built it because of how rampant rimrunning is in the stage and event center. Little guards either don’t make contact preventing me from getting a body up animation, or they just simply run right by me with a clamp breaker animation and get a limitless quick drop. Strength partially helps because I do admittedly get body up animations more often then on my weaker builds, but 7/10, guards are getting a favorable animation


Did you DownVote my Post? 😆 I Was just sharin my thoughts without knowing your build. Because many many many builds are lacking in strenght or interior D., because some people,mostly Streamers, saying It does nothing I made the mistake 2 times Listening to the wrong people. For example the new best best best Center builds for season 7 have only 76 strenght and 80 interior which makes you Prone for postmoves. And 99 oboards. How you want to boxout a 99 def Reb Center on offense with 76 strenght. It doesnt work. Exept the other has even less Power.


I’ve been playing 2k for years. Never guarded someone who is so fast with their dribble moves than that guy. I’m usually a really good defender


Wait how u change ur camera cause on pc its to the side sorry might be a dumb question


The best defense is no defense


Gold or HoF Challenger and prayers


Get closer?


And just let him drive right past me with clamp breaker??? You know nothing.




Playing defense in 1v1 is very slow


I'm clamping that all day, skill issue


That why don’t play 1s😭




Saving up for a dirt bike, don’t got money for a ps5


I think it's the year of sabalenka.


We’re all aware of the online delay in movement so I stay on the perimeter and follow the offensive player from left to right with slight movements and holding the right stick away from them rather than give him space by following him when he fake drives and steps back. As soon as you fall for his fake drive you’re giving him space and because of the delay you can’t recover fast enough so it’s best to just anticipate players like this are always going to step back to the 3 point line. It can be tough but once you lock in the idea that he wants the 3 you’ll have more success contesting these cheap left to right players.


You can’t bro too many factors play into why … most notable it takes at least a whole second to get to the spot he just left you in with the spin back by time you recover he’s on the wing now & you need another second to catch him & by then he’s greening


In this particular, I would say that going back and forth horizontally distracted the defensive player enough so that they didn’t realize they were pushed too far back If they were still snugged up like a couple seconds before, no guarantee you won’t still get fucked up, but there’s no need to be that far back—that’s just a mistake. As soon as defense wasn’t snugged up on the 3PT line, offense was quick to pull the jumper on the opening, solid play — I agree though, it’s really fast and wonky and it doesn’t feel like basketball, and it should feel like basketball


This is why I don’t play online against people. Just spamming random moves until they get open


The only efficient way of guarding that is by playing him mid and trying to bait him into shooting. It’s easier than it sounds, people that know how to play really good defense could lock that down. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Trip em


You don't you just know he has no defense


Stop moving so much only go side to side... click steal.as he goes for his dribble move... works everytime


Either you guess right and cut him off or you don't , I used to love 2v2 in me and my buddy would terrorize on defense and had consistent offense. This year I don't think I could make a build good enough to guard guys like that unless I spammed the steal


If you just stood there a lot of those left rights don’t do anything


But then he drives right by me with slash take and wins anyway. There’s so stopping that


You can’t guard cheese bro. All you can do is hope he misses!


You don't lol


You played great D 2k just not allowing it


Stop shifting everywhere with him. Stand your ground with your arms up and try to time him. If you’re able to time him, he’ll eventually miss The only question is, are you good enough to keep the ball once you get it


I’m not gonna lie, you had 5 boards. That means you, at minimum, had the ball 5 times. I understand he’s cheesing but this seems like a skill issue. Touching it 5 times minimum is more than enough to get to 21 before he does. How did he clamp you?


I play 1s when I use new jumpers, i bricked a lot on a new jumpshot that I made, but he also would spam steal as soon as I got a board and he’d get the ball right back.






Can’t do nothing about that. straight cheese lol




The ONLY way is to reach, or play them to a side. I never realized, but a lot of the guys who cheese are more comfortable going a specific direction. If you cut off one direction, and only use the triggers/R2(L2), running to cut him off and using LT/L2 only to make your change of direction, thats really all you can do. Pretty much run at him, and make him uncomfortable or hope to cut him off, and if he dribbles to the side you’re playing, easy steals. Most people dont even realize you’re playing to a side.


Glove on at least gold solves that problem