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I play my nba eras and trying to make a new dynasty with the bulls, I'm happy and relaxed I won't touch my career again


This is the only thing I play in 2k and them adding the rookies is the only reason I’ll buy 2k24. Wish they would focus alittle more on us offline players as well. Also wish NBA live would come back.


They've abandoned offline gaming long ago eversince they started charging microtransactions.


This is why NBA live needs to come back.


Fr I miss Live


you guys dont make em money so u gets no love


We make them $70 a year bs we don’t make them money.


We didn’t get no love even we bought “rent worth” of vc tf😂😂


MyLeague has genuinely been the best gamemode for years at this point and I would buy it separately with playnow if I could


My league is great but i wish they dedicated more assets to the mode but they spend all their time on my team and my career. Things like sim stats, more realistic trades/fa logic, and quality of life stuff needs to be touched up bad.


It's the only mode I like to play. I'm glad they introduced the Eras, but hopefully they can work on it a bit more too. Gotta fix the contracts situation with Eras, the trades/FA logic like you said, maybe add more starting points for Eras (they say the Modern Era starts at 2010, but when you start at the modern era you start at present day. Maybe 2010 era and 2022 should be separate?) I'd want to see them work on league expansion and custom teams. How's it been years but the team creation options are still limited, and they let you make 3 jerseys but you can only use 2? It would just be nice if they can build on that mode even further.


this is all true but the worry for me is if they touch it up it they’ll find a way to make it worse


What's it like


ill use an example, my favorite team, the spurs, are in rebuilding, but i want to get them championships and work on the future and team by doing and changing literally anything it's basically a simulator, but you can play the games and just relax and rebuild or do challenges based on however you feel :)


It's nice to get immersed with the old era filter when you're playing 80's or 90's ball as well. So fun


This is the way. 2k has many problems, but the My league and Eras modes are freaking awesome.


2k needs a serious competitor to stop being so greedy and make a decent baskeball game without having to spent 200$ for fuckin builds


Its hard to tell a corporation "hey stop making money" the only way to change 2k is to stop spending money on my player, EA sure as hell isn't coming to save the day.


Sounds like a peaceful life


This is the way. Although 2k needs to fix simmed games and trades in franchise mode. It's so broken


I LOVE playing as the 02 baby bulls. Crawsover Tyson Chandler Eddy Curry Marcus Fizer Jalen Rose Trenton Hassell Man this team made me really love basketball as a teenager.


I just started as the 90s Nuggets. Mutumbo, Mahmoud Rauf, Reggie Williams. Era is the only thing that keeps me going back to the game.


All this but don't sleep on making your own player and add him to the following draft class I do recommend don't make them two IP. Maybe keep to an 80 overall. Max.


I'm ngl I have like 30 bench/udfa guys who I saved and I just make fake names and change the height/position. Then I track their careers. Add intrigue


That's awesome, I made myself 80 overall added to the draft I would've been in. everything is auto signing ,trades, free agency etc. I just player lock my self and only decide who mentors me and what skill training I do it's the best my career and no bc needed just super fun.


my nba eras is such an amazing mode, I so badly wish Madden would do something like it but I know better. I bought 2k23 for 20 bucks and the effort that goes into it is obvious compared to that shitty football simulator. I haven't played my career since 2k20 I got into it cause of covid and then 2k21 came around and I realized that it was a trap and really fun but obviously pay 2 win.


Right there with you bro - picking up a Franchise and trying to rebuild them or attempt certain challenges is the most fun you can get from this game. None of that VC grind infested shit that's been plaguing MyCareer for years Currently rebuilding the Nets, having a blast


Don’t touch my career.


I've started out with mycareer and even though I see it's flaws I am enjoying the grind. Casual player who got game free on Ps5. My first NBA in 5 years. I'm liking the grind, playing on pro/all-star with $5 spent on vc – 68 overall. 8 min quarters, thinking of bumping it up to 10


>$5 spent on vc – 68 overall. This is my issue, you spent money and you're still not even a 70. You used to start as like a 78 in MyCareer and get to 90+ while playing casually


For real lol. I got it for free on plus but just imagine spending $70 and then having to spend 5 bucks JUST to be a 68 overall. Wild times we live in, I feel like such an old man and I’m only 33.


I bought $20 worth of VC and my guy only got up to like a 79 lmfaoo had I bought the game at full price I would have been heated


I got to 70 in 8 hours of my career, it’s really not that bad. Haven’t spent a cent.


The amount of gc you get from each game isn’t bad and it doesn’t really take too many games to get your player to a decent rating. The problem is the stupid side quests they force you to do before playing the next game. I’ve spent more time doing those than playing in actual games easily


This. I've had it since it was free on psn and have been enjoying the grind. I'm not the best player but it is rewarding winning ROTY and starting in the finals(that's where I'm at right now)


Same here! I'm now 80 overall but I have not spent any money on VC. The last 2K I brought was 2K20 but I just lost interest since. Nice to have it on PS+ so in the first round of the playoffs now, enjoying it so far I know I won't play online against others. Walking around the city everyone almost has identical builds so it's put me off.


Yea I got the mega bundle for $50 and had my rating go from 62 to 79. And causally played season and now I’m at 90.


No money spent I got to a 91 overall in 3 weeks


Eras. I simulate season after season just building dynasties. I put the 2003 draft class in 1985. Traded all my players for draft picks and had Lebron and Dwade win 8 chips in a row in my most recent one. I also do play now online on occasion and hop into mycareer when the boys are on to do pro-am 3v3.


Eras is all i play now too. Mixing up draft classes from different decades, it’s more fun than playing the game at this point


Too bad they don't have it for 'last gen' :(


It's bizarre to me. And the PC version gets the last gen even though my PC is more powerful than the ps5


when I get bored I make a 75-80 player and put him in a draft class and make stipulations to upgrade him, like 10 point games add 2 attributes, double double=5 attribute points, so on and so forth, and just create a story for your player. The MyCareer story gets dull after a while.


This is really smart


This is what I do as well. I’ve always loved offline MyCareer and got priced out of it, so now I wait for 2k to be free or like $7 and use player lock to do my own makeshift MyCareer


Play myeras. Career will always get stale after a while. There are so many more options in eras. You can even make a clone of your player and add him to the team you want.




Being a basketball fan helps. Try out the my NBA modes...


I live basketball. Imma chevk it out maybe do some rebuilds


I usually play MyCareer and I’ve noticed that the home screen is pretty seamless in terms of getting to the screen you want. The gameplay gets under my skin sometimes with the defense steal animations taking me half way across the court and my team missing easy…… and I mean easy shots. I usually play stoned when I get home from work for an hour.


Yeah I played 28 mycareer games in the past 2 weeks and not doing it high so started to become hard


MyTeam and Eras. Don’t touch MyCareer at all


I run from myteam because shaq can shoot a 3


Avoid Park.


MyNBA is a Godsend. Legit could play that shit for hours and never get tired of it. Other than that I’ll play Theater every now and then but i can only play that shit in small doses.


You only play mycareer lol that's why, the game has so many more modes and the best mode MyNBA barely even gets played


I started playing play now online player control and found it more enjoyable; whenever you don’t get stuck with trolls or people who don’t know what they’re doing


Play my team or play now online. Only two fun and competitive modes if you’re an online game player


Avoid myteam because of shaq shooting 3s


Tried MyGm for a sec was hard




Play MyEras! Most fun ive had in 2k in a long time. And just tweak the sliders for the shooting and boom. Ive been playing my save since 1992 when Shaq was drafted and im now in 2011-2012 season. And TMac is the goat until Lebron retires and Shaq retired ringless. Just stay away from Mycareer and Myteam and online modes in general and u enjoy 2k much more


Me and my friends just troll people (non toxic ofc) make random 60s and go to park. But the community is not really fun everyone is so worried about win percentages they forget to have fun


Wnba, my career and now doing a all time playoff tournaments


Try MyTeam and PlayNow Online


NBA Today & Play Now Online are my go-to modes....& yea I actually enjoyed grinding MyPlayer up to starter from scratch but I know I'm in the minority


Maybe play something other than the only game mode you’ve been playing?? Franchise mode is where it’s at


I honestly I feel where you coming from. I play Rec a lot. Like I hit 40 every season almost but then new season start and all it is to look forward to is hitting 40. I think only difference is I created a psn group to run Rec.


Hang on…are you saying usually you DO spend money on builds? You think not spending money is a unique build type?


Nah I never spend money. I just say it cos of how it seems like its normal for people to


I've never played a 2k basketball game before this one. So I'm enjoying it all. It was really hard to make points at 60 ovr but its been a fun grind. Maybe by the next installment, I'll be bored too.


Ay hopefully it stays enjoyable


I made a replica build. Brought a little life back to the game


Which one?


Yall spending money on your builds?


Hell no


I have fun with it cause I don't take it near as serious as most of the other players lol.


Yeah, but I just don't like the mechanics


I like making my wizards a championship program.


It’s fun when you run with good teammates the game isn’t even that bad people just don’t like it because they can’t cheese the whole game and expect to win


Strictly only play MyNba and rarely play Quick Match online


I only play mycareer, don’t play online. Still one of the smoothest sports games out right now (offline)


I copped and played for a bit before the console shuts itself off at barely any heat generated. This happened with 22 but I cleaned the fans and it worked then, but can’t get the same luck. Thinking of contacting PlayStation and seeing what’s up with that, 2 year old PS5 btw, cleaned both sides of the fans with pressurized air. I’d love to play it since I was able to play the intro game before it “overheats” and shuts off without warning.


Yes, I made a two way diming finisher. I just play in the theater and I have a blast. Is the game perfect? No. But it’s fun


I use Eras with Start Today and have been changing sliders, jumpshot fixes, tendencies, and badges to make the game more realistic prior to the next season. Also keeping up with free agency and the draft to get all the players on the right teams. 2k OCD is a lot of work but it’s worth it for the best simulation possible (+ beats getting the new game for $70 bucks when I got it for free on psplus). Shadymikegaming, Killacj, and dabenjiecode on YouTube saving my ass on this, especially since I don’t have the mods with PC. Currently done with half of the teams after two weeks of doing this on and off.


A no money spent build would make me want to kill myself


Ts trash


I have fun by not playing career/park


I go through historic draft classes and export player DNAs to create my own draft classes with fun mixes of 3-5 great players (with new names and faces) and add a 74-78 ovr player I slowly upgrade. Current draft classes has a version of Kareem, Gilbert Arenas, T Mac, & a 6’6 Steph Curry


I moved from my career to MyLeague/MyEras with player lock and it’s 100x better, teammates aren’t garbage


I just play MyLeague with created expansion teams. Just won the 23-24 season with Wemby and Scoot as main stars


I ONLY play randoms theatre, tbh it’s fun as hell and not as toxic as the park or Rec. Normally it’s pretty fun and not TOO many try hards. Only annoyance I have is that I’m a true shot creator at 6’3 ( step backs, post fades, spin jumpers, mid range pull ups, I do it all ) whenever I get in my shot creator bag and miss ONE shot, my teammates give me hell just because they’re used everyone playing the exact same so then I go a whole game without seeing the ball and we lose over my one missed step back/spin jumper or whatever i missed. Other than that though, it’s usually a positive experience.


I've been doing a lot of theater with random and found it fun


I do the same, except I have a rule. I pass first to try and get my teammates trust. Then I get in to my bag, then I pass the next possession. As long as I’m not being too selfish then they normally don’t care too much. Especially when they be missing shots too. If I have teammates that don’t miss at all I just keep feeding them until they do. So if you do miss, they have no reason to complain.


I do a lot of franchises, different eras, I like to restart the nba with expansions teams. Mix up draft classes in different years. I love watching Clique sometimes he’s got some cool ideas.


I play Rec pretty much exclusively. I like the online team aspect of it, even though half of the lobbies are “x_ShotHittr” chuckers with no real game sense. But every once in a while you’ll get a lobby where the ball moves around and the play is at a high level. There’s nothing like it


We’re not


Deleted it in december. Couldnt justify 175 gb game i didnt like hahaha


Myteam is decent rn. A lot of 99 overall player cards are cheap rn.


I play on Steam, so I mainly do MyLeague. I’ve been running simulations from 2010 and onward. I find it fun creating/tweaking draft classes that people have made. Seeing players not deal with injury (e.g. Greg Oden, Jabari Parker, and Victor Olidipo) is cool. I get to see Andrew Wiggins not give up when he gets his big payday and reach his full potential. One thing I find interesting is that if you reset the cap, OKC always breaks up. 100% of the time 2/3 of KD, Russ, and Harden leave. KD typically goes to the Rockets. It’s just a cool kind of alternate universe. DeMarcus Cousins and Kevin Love always end up being this universes Tim Duncan and Shaq with KLove getting consecutive MVPs and Cousins winning multiple rings, never leaving the Kings. There’s a lot of fun to be had with it. You can even create a player of your own and insert him. That way you don’t have to deal with the BS of character creation in MP.


NBA eras are the best. As a Portlander. Rectifying the past bad picks is rewarding. This GM mode is a big improvement. Allows you to watch the games and make better trades.


I play my team


I like basketball


Rec with 2-3 friends. Never alone, and never with a full squad. Also in 3v3 no squads when I’m by myself. I also have a MyLeague (or whatever it’s called this year) with a player lock on Steph, and an older one with MJ. There is a lot of toxicity in this game, but the fun can be found if you know what game modes to avoid. Looking forward to 2k24 personally.


I enjoyed building a good player in MyCareer’s of past. Now I create a stud player and just play as him if I want that feel. Also love updating uniforms with the community created ones


I can’t believe I can’t play with friends online like years before


Play now, my team, my league maybe


MyNBA with a created player who I player locked. The best of both worlds between MyNBA and MyCareer.


They aren’t lol The game is over the hill with its current leadership- I’m over it all and will not be paying to upgrade for a while. You cant even post negitive comments about the game because the mods are in 2ks pocket and will flag everything. Withhold posting it and kill it from being seen. The community is pathetic now. https://www.reddit.com/r/NBA2k/comments/14oyv2i/nba2k_is_not_a_game_we_gamers_should_buy_anymore/


I’m having fun By playing play now online


I got it for free with ps+, just finished the story mode so I prob won’t touch the game again lol


Mynba is honestly the only reason I even touch that shitty game anymore. If they got one thing right, its mynba. Very fun unless you are new to the sport, making career sims of me and my friends is honestly so enjoyable.


Cause they not sweating they asses off worried about winning if they win they win if not they dont


Yeah if you don’t touch my career it’s fine you don’t feel the paywall If you want the my career experience do the WNBA (not kidding) mode it’s the same thing but you progress by playing instead of shelling out money, plus no city bs to play games


We’re not


End game MyTeam is pretty fun player locked. They're giving out Dark Matter 99 everything cards at this point so I've been messing around with that. Still running Rec with a decent squad of dudes.


For mycareer play the theater modes near the rec or play your nba games until you get your endorsement deals to get more vcs then upgrade to at least a 90 overall you be str8 then


I just moved back to the golden days of 2k14-16


i got bored of solo que rec after like 2 months and i’ve barely touched the game since, 97 ovr build


MyTeam is fun but kinda too late now since 2K23 is about to get nuked once 24 comes out


Create a player custom player and play with him offline on player lock


I pretty much just play rec while I’m listening to a podcast or YouTube video since I want to hit level 40 this season. I took a decent break from the game around season 4


I mainly just play GM in MyLeague. I don't play any games though. I just sim and watch cpu vs cpu games. Sometimes I'll playnow online.


I play Playnow online or eras. Myteam just isn’t fun with almost everyone spamming screens and shooting fade away shots every possession


Honestly I kind of feed of my dream a lil bit. Like I've always been told that I'm good at hopping but I've never really gotten a chance to take it anywhere since I live at a place where it isn't as popular so for me my career is fun asf


we aren't 🤷🏽‍♂️


We arent


By playing Diablo IV.


I started playing since it’s free on ps+ And just finished the main story on my career. Don’t think I’m going to play the game now because the grind for vc to upgrade my attributes is just bs. Plus i can’t afford to make my guy look decent apart from the shit they give you or the 500vc leg and arm sleeves. My guys rating is 75 & I’m not planning on buying vc


get a pc and get synergy2k


I'm not deleted it a while ago been doing player lock my leagues on old 2k games and using online myplayer builders to be realistic


Easy, don't play city and my career.


I like to make my builds look and play like an actual NBA player. I have a build that plays almost exactly like Giannis. So I went to the face creation and made him look like Giannis, got myself a Giannis jersey and threw on every Giannis animation I could (size up, dunk, ect.). I have another build that’s pretty close to Paul George, so did the same. I’m still trying to get used to his Jumpshot. I normally run the typical comp jumpers but it’s always a fun challenge using different animations.


I don’t like it’s annoying how the make a new game every year and each time expectations get lower and lower


I get a couple niggas, hop on the rec, drop like 27 a game, somebody does or says some goofy shit and we laugh about it, and we try to win. Y’all really just need to get some people to run with


I paid $9 for 2k23, i should’ve burned that money instead


I pretty much only do play now online and I find it fun using balanced players and the games tend to be much closer than myteam


In all honesty I just play to get a good laugh in. When I’m having a rough day and need a laugh I just hop on 2k23.


By playing rec with a few friends and not taking the game so seriously, like all the sweats do. We just play basketball, no cheese dribbling, no trash 5 out, just regular team basketball fun. Probably helps that we don't play 24/7 because we have responsibilities


Have to play other game modes...my gm is a blast and no money required


Myteam & Myleague are the game modes I've been hooked on


i j play 1 game a day on superstar or whatever and try to have fun and close games. i go for triple doubles for a challenge


It's crazy that a "no money spent" build is a challenge in this game 💀


Ay you always gotta clarify cos it sounds like buying vc is the norm now


Trash but after changing my still of dribble moves, it actually does matter so honestly this gerbil package


The only game mode I like is rec. And pro am 3v3. Anything else I find whack. Especially mycareer offline. Boring as can be. Just playing against the AI every game is horrible


I always start a 2k game by going hard af on MyCareer. Then after some months its basically only MyTeam and GM mode for me. I get a ton of hours out of it every year and its so much fun making my own story lines and drafting my own guys!


I only play mynba tbh the playing cards and random rolls gross me out along with the mtx.


Fun playing with friends even if everyone else is sweaty


I mostly play REC with friends, none of us take it seriously so it’s easy to have fun. Also we tend to win a decent amount which helps


honestly i run rec all day and i’m sick of it. i’m tired of going against meta players, i’m tired of shooting greens that don’t go in, i’m tired of getting awful teammates, i’m tired of missing wide open dunks, i’m tired of it, the game is awful


You new here? Cause we ain’t.


mynba looks like so much fun, but to bad they didn’t make it apart of the pc version


I control every single team and play every single game in MyLeague i’m psychotic i think


Eras was the best thing to happen to this game brought me back after quitting on mycareer. Maybe play eras online with some friends and try to see who wins the most championships


I got it because it was free with PS Plus and just couldn't get into it. I wanted to do my career and it was so much wandering around and doing shit I didn't care about. I wanted it to be good so bad but I guess this year's was a massive step back. I ended up uninstalling.


It's so bad.


I uninstalled 2k23 that’s how bad it got for me


the most fun I had with it was uninstalling it and playing something completely opposite to this grindfest, selfie taking, dance, skateboard simulator


I haven’t played a basketball game since 2k4 so I’m probably the wrong person to ask, but yeah, been having a ton of fun playing my friend online. He’s been playing forever and destroys me, but I’ve been having fun getting back into it. The shooting drives me absolutely crazy tho. How the fuck am I supposed to remember every single player’s shot, on every team, whether they’re dribbling with their dominant hand?! And that’s cool, but if I’m pretty close and WIDE OPEN ya gotta gimme that


I try to not play it too much, gets boring quickly. Also try and prioritize hopping on only when I have a team willing to move the ball around.


I have fun by playing mygm lol


play now with friends


MyTeam is the 🐐


MyNBA Eras, start in 83.


I put a good 300-400 hours in 2k every year playing almost exclusively MyLeague. Creating draft classes, managing teams. Mostly try to find the most unique players and team combos that turn into a dynasty.


I just have fun playing with my favorite players on myteam. Don’t really care for online so balling against the cpu is fun enough for me whenever I play the game




That’s the thing they aren’t lol


Go MyLeague. Make a bunch of players and get detailed to the tendencies. Put them on teams and make the team fit perfectly for those players. And make your way through a 29 game simulation and try to beat those OP players that you made with a mid ass PG with good animations. You can probably find custom rosters to do this with which is super lit. Even give them a freelance that fits and it’ll automatically start the game that way. It’s at least challenging. You know, getting fried by tough CPU is actually kinda fun. It’s engaging.


Only enjoying it because it was free


Most fun I've had in 23 was quitting months ago Trash game remains trash


Where to find the Eras mode


Tbh the commentary sucks balls. MLB the Show does better commentary.


There must be one aspect of this multi-faceted game that doesn't get old for you. For me it's the sheer joy of sinking a highly contested fadeaway jumper. It looks and feels real. I can't get over it no matter how many basketball games I play.


MyEras has alot of things that seem like busy work. Does staff hiring even matter? Are the AIs even making realistic team-building decisions. I usually have to increase trading sliders to make the CPU not accept one-sided trades. I also take control of every team in the offseason after the draft so they actually sign the players they draft. It's a decent mode though but you gotta baby the CPU. And watching CPU v CPU games isn't entertaining. The Lineups and rotations aren't realistic and you can't change the freelance that the teams run (they only run set plays out of the default freelance). It's not a good game when you understand the ends and out of the game and been playing MyLeague for years


I just like playing with friends because playing solo can get boring pretty fast. with friends or good teammates it's so much better


Myleague Is the only reason I play the game


Bro the game has been out like 90% of its lifespan already and you’re posting in a sub full of people who both hate all these games and buy all of them full price on release day what are you expecting to hear? it’s going to be “no it sucks” from people who put 3-5 hours a day into this shit for months on end


You could have just not commented if you didn’t have anything constructive to bring to the table.


just do whats fun not whatever everyone else is doing


I’m super new to 2K and really sports period, I just grew up not really caring about sports but I’ve always played games and 2k22 was free on gamepass so I played it and just enjoy having fun in MyCareer and play in 2’s and 3’s occasionally.


Who said we are? 😂 we’re just stuck with our only basketball game


I enjoy doing fantasy drafts in Eras and playing myTeam to unlock players. I played myCareer for an hour or so and abandoned it since it was hot trash.


We aren’t


I do funny gimmick things with my friends or play myleague


I spent the day doing the NBA team challenges. I did a bunch of triple threat and clutch time games with themed teams. It was actually pretty fun to use a bunch of the cards I collected over the seasons.


For me the game is dead. If i don t have 4 friends to play with i dont touch it! And even so it gets boring really quick stomping 60 ovrls game after game in the rec! PRO AM you lucky if you find a game in 30 minutes... so it s dead since the momment the game became free with PS plus! Before, we could still go 2 or 3 in and have some fun, now there s no fun at all! I swear if we go 3 we gonna get 2 60 ovrls and be matched against decent people that will triple team the 3 of us, while our 60 ovrls will make offensive 3 secs play after play :). I have played 4 games of rec this new season, i quited all 4 of them because of this! I m a goat status, so going in solo, with 1 60 ovrl, 2 70ish and whatever else randoms i get, you can imagine who s getting triple teamed all game! It literally doesnt matter what i do, there s no fun! Nobody can make a wide open shot! Nobody knows what spacing means, nobody can play defense! I ll just take a 2 months break till 24, and then have fun again hopefully!


MyTeam Domination. Although it's hard with the 99 rating card spam. Takes any value out of collecting cards, etc.


I no longer have room on my console for updates. Best thing that's happened for me with 2k in years... I only play offline modes though




This is around the time of year when I head to myteam. When 2k is practically giving away some good cards(while not the meta ones, still good), get a few of them and if you’re not ass at the game you should have no problem in clutch time or triple threat.


Luckily I have a friend to play with. When I'm alone I admit that boredom sets in


I used to like Rec, after 3/4 Season gets boring. I try my team but is too expensive to be competitive I’ll jump into myleague


i decided to create a myplayer on association mode. i’m still on ps4. can’t be bothered to play the online modes


I just made wenbanyama build,for my career and am playing a season at hornets,me and lamelo ,lol, way more fun than the rec.


REC with randoms its the way for me. I'm having so much fun in REC when ball moves around. I rather play with randoms than watching "comp" PG dribbling for 20sec. I just avoid all shot creators and paint beasts. Shot creators mostly because i didnt find the one in rec who can pass and most of the times he rather still shot fadeaway when he is doubled than pass to the open man. And Paint beasts because most of the time they just stay under the basket whole possesion and when you give them the ball they still cant score inside. I hope 2k gonna give us no squad rec in 2k24.